Thursday, March 28, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Emmy Rossum gets her workout on.
Halle Berry in Hawaii.
Heather Graham on vacation in Mexico.
Ireland Baldwin shows off her new look.
This is Justin Bieber's party van outside Selena Gomez's house.
The amazing Joseph Gordon Levitt.
Jessica Simpson shows off the baby bump.
Kirsten Dunst has four hands.


  1. That's a cool pic of Kirsten Dunst minus the crazy hands.

    Why does Justin Bieber have a party van? What a turd.

    Heather Graham looks great.

    Olivier Martinez looks like the walking dead.

  2. Ah Joseph is pretty amazing, isn't he?
    So, is Ireland getting ready for rehab?
    Ugh Selena.

    1. Agreed, he can do no wrong in my book. and haha for reals looks like a little too much addy or blow and is it me or is her room a closet? Alec get over the vmail and let the little "pig" have a real room.Wtf

  3. I'll go with Ireland for the rehab blind.

    JGL- call me, maybe?

  4. Levitt = leprechaun. Guy's okay in films, but ridiculously overrated. Limited, limited range.

    1. He looks just like a young GW Bush, in some pics. I'll bet you can't "under" it, once you do. Its all I see. Berry's crazy hasn't hurt her looks, one buy. Ugh. Must be nice!

  5. Kirsten is fugly fugly fugly. She couldn't pay Brad to kiss her ugly self now.

  6. Why exactly is Kirsten Dunst doing the "Blood" gang sing? That's weird.

  7. Poor Nahla. She doesn't ever look thrilled when she's with her Mom, does she? When she's with her Daddy, she looks over-the-moon thrilled. Sad.

    1. Meanie- i know!!!!! And it cant really be shes miserable all the time with her mom!! Mb its attitude of parent shes with toward the paparazzi?

  8. What the hell is wrong with that pic of Joseph GL? - No way is his head that big.

  9. JGL- I still ♡ you regardless of the size of your head :)

  10. I wish I had the celeb life, always flying away to the beach and frolicking in the waves and b*ing about people talking about my peen - oh, wait, nix that last one.

    Party van? PARTY VAN? Cue epic eyerolling.

    I will forever love JGL for his role in 10 Things I Hate About You.

    Jessica, dear, those are *inside* maternity pants.

    Kirsten is doing an avant-garde photo shoot. Should be interesting.

  11. scratch Heather off the list for all the druggie blinds. She's the picture of health. No re-touching in that photo, just lots of va va voom!

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    No snarky, but Heather G's LIFE is a vacation.

  13. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Yeah I want Heather's life and body.

    Does anyone remember that Lainey blind about JGL and Michael Pitt? Didn't she confirm it was them? Everytime I see him I think of that blind (and 3rd rock from the sun!)
    Ireland's fish face is very annoying.
    Agree that Nahla always looks happier with Aubrey. Oliver looks like shit, he used to be hot.

  14. Katydid - I don't know what the blind was my my imagination is now doing some very sexy things.

    JGL *is* amazing, Enty. I'm glad you agree.

    Speaking of amazing, helloooooooo Heather Graham!!! She looks fabulous.

  15. Thirded about Nahlia. Scowling with Mom, ecstatic with Dad.

    What Lainey blind? Michael Pitt is such a good actor, but such an asshole he got killed off in Boardwalk and I don't think he's got anything coming up. Good. Maybe he'll learn...

  16. @katydid, which blind? I loved Michael on Boardwalk Empire.

    Heather Graham looks great. Wow.

  17. JGL's proportions look way off in that pic. Bad angle, hopefully!

  18. the lainey blind was called dimples and something, jgl was dimples

  19. What happened to Olivier Martinez?? He used to be hot. He looks worst every time I see him and ITA about Nahla looking much happier with her dad.

    Ireland is so pretty, I hope she's not the teen hooked on coke.

    Heather looks amazing, hope I look like that in my 40s

    JGL is looking good there! Yumm

    Don't like Kirsten Dunst but I wouldn't call her fugly...

  20. Heather Graham isn't much of an actress but she always comes across as so sweet. Even in Bowfinger where she's playing the sleeping her way to the top actress (based on Anne Heche & her romance with Steve Martin) she still seemed like such a sweet girl. She was born to play the hooker with the heart of gold in the Hangover movies.

  21. Always knew Kirsten was GANGSTA...

    I bet Jessica Simpson is SO HAPPY that Kim K. is pregnant. Everyone's so busy ripping on KK that they have no time to make fun of JS!

  22. I don't know whether Halle is a good or a bad parent, but isn't she the primary custodial parent, who has to make and enforce all the life rules, while the other guy is the good-time parent?

  23. Selena, girl please. WHY would you want to be with a guy who always looks like he dropped a pant load and who spits on his neighbors (then denies it, naturally)?

    Heather G looks amazing!

    Ireland Baldwin is a beautiful girl. But her twitter is cray. Girl that young shouldn't be posting pics of her and her boyfriend in bed.

  24. @katydid- I'm curious about that blind also. I love JGL in Third Rock from the Sun.

  25. JGL is awesome! You can tell he just loves performing and that's something you don't see too often.

  26. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Re: the Lainey JGL blind I'll research it when I get home so I don't misspeak.
    But yes it involed what your dirty mind is imagining @Disco.

  27. Funniest tweet I've seen in ages:

    "Looper?? More like SOOPER! I Joseph Gordon-LOVED it!"

  28. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Found it! This is supposed to be JGL and Michael Pitt

    Both are acclaimed actors. One’s an actor you find super cute. He’s popular and adorable, like dimples and old fashioned dresses. The other’s an actor I find super gross. And dramatic. And full of his own sh-t. He fronts like he’s dark. He’s difficult. The work is often beneath him. The work is often taken away from him because the attitude that it is beneath him is so often intolerable The two had a torrid affair. Which is nothing unusual, of course not. Except that dimples broke up with drama and drama practically had a psychotic break. There was a month-long spiral. A couple of times he came close to really hurting himself. He also threatened to expose them both, though no one is taking that seriously. As a result, his heartbreaker is trying, ignorantly, to go back to the other side of his bisexuality.

  29. Oh no!! And I thought for sure it wasn't Ireland..See I suck at those!

    Not like there's anything wrong with it just curious, but is JGL gay? He's such a cutie patootie! Gawd I loved in on Third Rock but that whole team was wonderful.

    Ugh, Chestica's pants look awful.

    I'll repeat it, Nalya never smiles with Halle but does with Gabrielle. Still she's a gorgeous chile and so is Halle (even if she's cray cray)

  30. @Izzie, YES!! Love that movie and every single actor/actress in it, lol!

  31. Also, god damn it Selena! I though we where over this??!

  32. It took me a moment to realize that wasn't some random bodyguard with Halle. Her bf is looking old and rough. He looks like a grumpy guy. And her child looks scared.

  33. Why is Kirsten making the gang sign for the Bloods?

  34. Sad that I know this, but that is an several-weeks old (at least) photo of Ireland. I think she's the answer to our blind.

  35. Curious that when Halle Berry's daughter is with her, she looks nervous and clingy. When she is with her dad she is smiling and looks much happier.

  36. Damn dude aged bad

    Selena, dont go into the light

  37. Martinez looks a little more sober these days but still like shit.
    Nahla is a gorgeous little girl.

  38. When I read the druggie blind all I could think was Heather Graham. She dated plenty of actors (and remember Matthew Perry almost lost his Friends gig because he had to go to rehab, though I think the official excuse was prescription pills) and Adam Ant (he even wrote the song "Wonderful" about her) Apparently she's quite a draw with whomever she's dating. C list talent fits, too.

  39. Selena, there's only so many times people will feel bad for you if you keep going back to Bieber...
    And Kirsten, just because you CAN make the "blood" gang sign with your hands doesn't mean you should... I used to live near Newark, I know the shit that can happen if you try to "look cool" doing that shit and end up doing it in front of the wrong company.
