Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Did you know Gwendoline Christie is 6'3"? She looks great here.
Also looking good as usual is Gisele Bundchen with her daughter.
Gwen Stefani gets her kids ready for Halloween 7 months early.
Hilary Duff heads for yet another workout.
Angelina Jolie still in Rwanda.
Jessie J shows off her newly shaved head which she has dyed blonde.
Also showing off her new hairstyle is Jamie Lynn Spears.
Krysten Ritter has bounced back from the cancellation of her last series and is filming a pilot for a new one.
Daniel Craig sells some Range Rovers. Glad to take you for a test drive.Show off their stick shifts.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Jamie looks more like Brit Brit as she ages. I like Jessie J better bald.

  2. I live for your new do Jessie J!!!

  3. Omg Gwen looks so thin! Hope all is well. Kids like to wear costumes all year round. Lots of them.

  4. I hope that Gisele put sunscreen on that baby!!

    Love Spears' hair :)

  5. Hilary Duff has pretty much worked off any curves she once had.

  6. I adore Gwen. She rocks.

    Who is Gwendoline Christie?

    Mmmm Daniel Craig.

    I like Jamie Lynn's new do.

    Hilary Duff looks great.

    Gisele has a man face, but I'm hoping to have her body in my next life.

  7. I don't know who Gwyndoline Christie is, so no, I did not know she was 6'3".

    LOL! at Gwen's son. My daughter was running around the backyard dressed as Dyna Mite (the Lalaloopsy) last week and last night I had three of them running around in capes and waving swords (Grace was also wearing a chef's hat and apron with her cape.) I have a full on Maleficent costume hanging in my closet. I mostly only wear it at Halloween. Mostly.

    1. @Gayeld dress up is totally the BEST childhood game evah! Your wee ones are lucky to have someone who understands that. When are you not in costume as a child pretend or otherwise. Rock them costumes sweetie!

    2. Gwendoline plays Brienne
      of Tarth in Game of Thrones.

  8. Sorry but Daniel Craig couldn't convince me he was Bond, as a shill his dishwater appeal is Less. To me he is just a Blonde BondShell :D

  9. @ gayeld and greenmountain, Christie plays a warrior named Brienne on Game of Thrones..

    1. @Steampunk. Thanks (again.) I'm seen exactly one episode of Game of Thrones, which was interrupted by a three-year old wanting to know what they were doing and then two eight-year olds.... Apparently if I ever want to watch it (or several other shows) I'm going to have to start getting up at 2am.

    2. You and me both! Hubby and I get one hour a week to watch a R rated show while the other entertains the little one (or makes sure he stays in his bed)..I get The Walking Dead and DH gets Spartacus (sp?)...I'm never going to get to see Game of Thrones...maybe I'll buy the season and watch it on my hour when the season finale of Walking Dead is over :D

  10. Ohohohohhhhh!!! I am fighting the urge to buzz off my hair and the pic of Jessie J. is not helping!! Of course, I'm not 20-something, but damn, do I love me a short 'do! Keep in mind, people, that my hair is about 2.5" long right now. ;)

    1. Really? Would you be attracted to a man who looked like and acted like a woman? If not, why would a man be attracted to a woman who looks like and acts like a man? Today's women don't get this, hence all their f*cked up behavior.

    2. Really? How is having a shaved head looking/acting like a man @Wendy Davies? My mum has very short hair & she doesn't look like a man. My aunt just shaved her head to raise $$$ for cancer research & OMG she still wears dresses & looks like a female. Men can have long hair & still look masculine.
      I say if you want to shave your head @Meanie Reese, do it!!

    3. @Wendy-Ok so short hair automatically makes you act masculine if you are female, & long hair makes you act feminine if you are male? Thanks for clearing that up, I'll write it down.

    4. @Reese (my daughter's name, so I love it) I hate short hair, ON ME. I'm convinced I look like a boy (I'm not sure how that's possible since I'm a G cup, but still, I feel it,) so it's only ever shorter than ponytail length when I'm donating it to Locks of Love. But that's my hang-up. My mother has weird curly hair (different size/direction curl) she whacks it off all the time.

      It's your hair, screw anyone that wants to tell you how you should wear it.

      @Sarah. '80s David Lee Roth.

    5. I'm a man. I LOVE short hair on women. I blame Mary Stewart Masterson in Some Kind of Wonderful.

    6. As soon as I cut my hair the other day, I threw away all my heels, skirts, dresses, blouses and bought a bunch of Dockers and golf shirts along with a pair of birkentsocks. Yep... Now I even grew an adams-apple! d'oh!

    7. @portlandjewel (& dia & I think Alicia), omg, we have SUNSHINE! GLORIOUS SUNSHINE!!

  11. Not sure why, but to me this looks like a wax version of Daniel Craig.
    Gisele has a nice body, but I never understood why she was so popular.
    My son had that same Boba Fett costume.

  12. KR has old lady hands.

  13. Gwendoline is awesome! I know she is supposed to be the ugly chick of GoT (as implied by people's reaction to her on the show/in the books) but i have the biggest girl crush on her. No idea why, i just find her mighty sexy and fascinating, and yes even hotter than the almighty Khaleesi.

    *yes u can laugh now*

    1. Oh no @Shit you can't buy!!! Those are fighting words! Everyone knows Khaleesi is the hottest girl in GoT! She's my girl crush :P

    2. @Shit You Can't Buy - I have a big ol' crush on her as well. Tall, curvy and has that quiet, powerful thing going? Yes please.

  14. I read in newspaper caption under pic of angie " saint angie." It annoyed me greatly. Whatever u may think of her, shes at least trying to world better place.i dont think whoever wrote that was very nice.

  15. @Wendy: who looks and acts like a man? Sounds like you have antiquated views on how a woman *should* look. Come into the 21st's not that scary. ;)

  16. LOL Meanie! Or should that be Nelly? *snort*

  17. :D And, my man friend just told me to go for it!!!

    1. @Reese I remember your short hair pic & I think you look beautiful!

    2. @Meanie Reese- I remember too! You rock a great short 'do :D

    3. @MReese I am a hairdresser and I love the new trend of clipper cuts on women just took my friends hair off with a #2 finished it with a tight blended fringe to play in with hair products she looks awesome so you already know I say do it!!!

  18. Wow that is tall for an actress. I'll bet she has issues with getting cast which is too bad.

    Oh Gayeld, it sounds like you have fun at your house. How wonderful.

    Wendy I don't think short hair implies you're acting manly anymore than a man having long hair (my husband) means you're acting feminine. Everyone has different tastes and some guys prefer women who are outdoorsy and tough and others like girly girls. Your statement just makes no sense to me. Not to be bitchy.

    1. @Sherry. We try! And anything that gets them (and me) away from computers and video games and outside is a good thing. Of course, that giant play structure that Grandma put in the backyard doesn't hurt with that. Currently the twins are digging a giant hole in the backyard to use as a fort (yesterday, I was out there digging steps when they weren't around.)

      I can't wait for the rest of the boys costumes I got from Zulily to arrive. *g* Girl's stuff is easy to find, but beyond cheap Halloween costumes the boys stuff you gotta work for.

  19. @Wendy Davis, Jessie J is at least bi, but reportedly gay, so maybe she doesn't care that much if men find her attractive? I think that look really suits her

    1. Ack!! That came out all wrong. I meant that maybe she doesn't care that some men that prefer a more traditional look. Not that short-haired women AND long-haired men aren't attractive. See, I talk too much

  20. Hilary Duff looks DAMN GOOD - she has put in lots of effort to lose that baby weight and I gotta give her mad props. That's hard work.

  21. @Wendy, ? Have you posted on the right thread? buzzed hair? Warrior woman? Daniel Craig? Who? What? Where?

  22. Yes I did know that Christie was so tall, I saw
    pics of her all dolled up at some event a few weeks ago, magnificent. She said she actually is very girly.

    I guess all women should have long hair. God I'd be so butt0ugly if I shaved my head. I'm jealous of women who look great that way.

    My son walked around in his Superman costume, adorable.

  23. I'm not trying to be mean. I am just trying to remind everyone how biology works.

    1. wendy youre trying alright. one of the most trying fucking people on here i bet your exterior matches your ugly personality

  24. I disagree Wendy. When I have short hair (it's only shoulder length not buzz cut - do not have the face or confidence) I find I receive more male attention than when I have long locks in "romantic" curls. I think biology takes it's cues from more than hair too. A woman with short hair and confidence will attract more men than a shrinking wallflower with flowing locks.

    My work colleagues nicknamed me Jessie J so I have a soft spot for her!

  25. OK @Wendy, school me on biology, thought I'm pretty sure it doesn't apply here. Maybe you meant sociology? Hell I'm down for whatever.

  26. Um biology has nothing to do with hair, since we all grow it. Only a few hundred years ago men had long hair.

  27. Jessie J had her hair shaved off last week for Comic Relief. Good on her!

  28. Well all I know is my husband has long hair and looks hot as hell, and my girlfriends can back me up!

    My friend Michelle lost all her hair due to chemo for breast cancer but everyone knew she was a woman. Whatever Biology you speak of doesn't seem to apply in some cases so we should probably just cut our losses here.

  29. @Wendy, if Biology were the basic drive that overruled choice, I would find Daniel Craig attractive and have his pups but I would rather have that "Where's Waldo" Brad Goreski (such an odd with a bod :)) as my baby daddy any day. The world is screwed up for many many reasons, picking attraction and gender identification as cause? not smart.

  30. Oh Gayeld..What a novel approach. making your children use their imagination and play and exercise. Wow you should write a book! I think it's pretty grand that you don't depend upon the electronic babysitter although no doubt that still exists but everything in balance. My SIL makes great costumes and now the nieces are into making their own and got their grandma's old idle sewing machine. I bought a coat with a detachable faux fur collar and gave it to them to use for something. I'm sure it'll be interesting!

    1. @Sherry. LMAO! We named the Wii U "The Babysitter" for just that reason and Grandma has instituted computer/game system free Sundays at our house (I still haven't figured out why it applies to me, since I'm an adult and it's my house. But this the same women who told me that I had two choices in life, go to college or die. So, yeah, computer free Sunday - after she gets up. *g*)

      Those costumes sounds awesome. I can't sew to save my life, but I rock the internet and have flea markets in my blood.

  31. Angelina eat a sandwich. Baggy clothes dont work when the wind blows them. I see those pencil legs.

  32. Damn.
    That Jessie J WAS hot when the Olimpics Queen imitation. Now she is like someone out from "alien nation".
    I hope lesbos like her, not most males I know, including me.

  33. Obviously, there are females who are hot in short hair (Spaniard Noelia Atance, for instance), but this GIJane hairdo is antierotic.

  34. Christie is stunning, on show and off. One of my dearest friends is a 6'1" Nordic blonde who thinks everyone is looking at her because she's a freak when it's really because she's freaking gorgeous, you can't help it. I look like a hobbit standing next to her (5'3"). @Wendy, "biology" doesn't work that way. If you're talking about attraction - some guys (and gals) like tall women, some like short women, some like long hair, some like short - what clicks, clicks. There's a cerebral aspect to love and attraction, not just what we see in magazines and on tv.

    Oh, Gisele, you stole all of my "lose the babyweight in a month" genes, and for that, there is no forgiveness.

    Can't wait to see what Suri has to say about Gwen's costume choice. That blog cracks me up.

    So, is this is supposed to be Angie for the couple separated from each BI? I kind of thought so, too, but I'm her biggest fan, so kept my shut out of "wish it weren't" vibes. Crap on her all you want, she's helping people while Kim K flashes $15k Cartier bracelets on Twitter.

    I don't know who Jessie J is, but she looks great!

    Krysten Ritter looks good. I'm p*ed that they cancelled Don't Trust the B* right as I was getting into it. James van der Beek was quite funny, I wish he actually HAD done DWTS, I would have watched that.

  35. What I wouldn't GIVE to have a face that looks fabulous with a short buzz cut! I'd do it in a second. I have a very misshapen head unfortunately, and what I call a "flat top." It's not nice and round like Jordan (he really has the most beautifully shaped head). Sadly a buzz would look just ridic on me.

    My husband told me the other day that Charlize Theron looks even hotter with a buzz. And I find men with long hair insanely hot (there was a good two year period when I was 22 or 23 where I only dated men with long hair. Couldn't get enough of them!).

  36. God I miss Don't Trust the B!

  37. Can't wait til GoT comes on Sunday night! I hope eventually Brienne teaches Arya a few tricks. Arya is my girl.

    I don't know who Jessie J is, but she's pretty and I like her hair.

    Jamie Lynn's looks good too. I'm tired of the long/extension look.

  38. This is TOO funny. Is It not what we were just discussing?

  39. @All about Eve: hahahaa the Khaleesi of course is beautiful (the eyes, love them!) but Brienne has a special place in my heart hahahaah, I'm sorry xD However, Khal and Khaleesi will always be the hottest GoT couple for me, I have to admit I cried so hard when he died :( I was embarrased at how upset I was by that turn in the show hihi

    @Lucas: u know what I am talking about! That must be it then, the powerful thing..
    Funny thing is I usually find very feminine women pretty, but Brienne/Gwen gets my love forever.. (Ok, Charlize Theron too, with or without long hair).

    1. @Shit you can't buy, I was so upset about Khal dying too, I liked them together. I actually love Brienne too, she can kick ass and she's so loyal. Can't wait for Sunday!

  40. Don't feed the troll!!!

    Gwen's son's outfit is AWESOME.

    I didn't even know that Gwendoline Christie existed until just now.

    Dear Angelina: When your thigh could cut someone, it's time to start eating.

  41. @Gayeld: But it's a Wii which actually promotes movement correct? That's still awesome for the kids. They say that moving with doing something creative actually makes one more creative. And the SIL's do the resale stores for not just costume ideas, but clothes in general. They have amazing taste and find the best stuff. And since the girls are always growing it saves money. Not like those two need to save money. Both mommies are Dr.s!

    1. @Sherry. Yes. There are more sit on your butt games now with the Wii than there used to be, but I loved the fact that you had to move to use it (I'll buy pretty much any game for the balance board.) I bought my oldest nephew an Eye Game way back when and then told him I'd buy him any games he wanted for it (I'm also the world's softest touch when it comes to books.)

  42. Blake Shelton is in the photos. Can he be the answer to the blind?

  43. Am I the only one who thinks Jamie Lynn Spears looks awful? That's quite some chiseling on her snout!

    AJ must be on Heroin Tour 2013. She's not fooling anyone. At least she seems to be helping folks.

  44. @Mooshkie - Christie plays Brienne of Tarth (kind of a "warrior princess" if you will, though her father is only a lord) on Game of Thrones. George RR Martin wrote her as ugly (crooked teeth, swollen mouth, flat-chested, etc.) but they did a miracle with the casting. She plays the "ugly woman" the way Charlize Theron does. Here's a photo of her in her Brienne costume.

    {geek out}

  45. Who's jessie j? Pretty.

    I wonder why most celebrities bother having so many kids when they can only handle going outside with one at a time? Maybe the other kids got cropped out but they are most likely with a nanny half a block away or at home. Very strange.

  46. I'd sell my house for a test drive of that Range Rover....stick and all...Thanks Enty!!!

  47. Jessie J is an amazing singer out of the UK. She & Adele went to the same performing arts school. She buzzed off her hair to get money for Comic Relief. They buy vaccines & help children in Africa go to school. I have a lot of respect for that girls.

    @Meanie Reese You can always buzz it off for charity. I have a friend who recently buzzed her hair off to get money for cancer research.

    LOVE me some Game of Thrones. They're adding in Ramsay Snow this season. He's going to be played by Iwan Rheon. I hope they give Ramsay the same treatment they gave Brianne. Iwan is a very handsome Welsh actor. I have no idea how they're going to make him ugly. Can't wait for Sunday! Walking Dead & Game of Thrones? Oh yes I'm coming home early from Easter dinner.

  48. Is that a wax figure of Daniel Craig? Somehow he doesn't look real.

  49. Hey Izzie! Today was ultra fabulous. I can't believe this SUN!

    Just got back from getting my hair cut really short! Spring time = short hair for me!

    @Meanie - I say go for it! Hair will always grow back. Always! it lightens the load and you can donate to Locks of Love and changes someone's life. Hugs :)

  50. Yawn. Typical answers from delusional women. If your husband/boyfriend prefers butch looking women maybe he is a chloset gay.

  51. Yawn. Typical trolling. Snooooooze.

    1. I know Yodelay. I totally fell for it too. And I am the first one to say don't feed the trolls. Damn. I feel such a fool.

  52. Brienne! I'm sooooo excited for the new season of GoT. We finished rewatching the second season yesterday. I would have never guessed that Christie plays Brienne. She is truly stunning when not on character.

  53. Winter is coming yeah!!!

  54. Ritter is Awful!!!!

  55. OMG that is Brienne??? She's gorgeous!!

    And for those of you who think men with long hair = feminine, may I point you toward Chris Hemsworth & (my love) Clay Matthews?

  56. Can anybody tell me Khal Drogo isn't masculine? Nah didn't think so...

  57. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I think Jessie J looks fantastic. A little AmberwhatshernameexofKanye?, but it suits her.

  58. Jamie Lynn = 40 year old soccer Mom?

  59. I heart you guys!!! <3 Oh, and add me to the 'love a man with long hair' group! =)

  60. Love the short hair (or NO hair) on women. Love the long hair (or NO hair) on men.

    Really sad about "Don't Trust the B----..." being cancelled. Am I alone? I think "Whitney" got cancelled, too, and that also makes me sad. I guess I say "quirky" when others say "crappy," maybe? I dunno. Now I shall just try to look forward to "Mad Men" and "RHONJ." Hopefully they will help me pick up the pieces and get through the summer.

  61. Yeahhhh love that there are so many GoT-fans here! So anxious for Sunday, totally awesome:D
