Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

How long before she washes it off? OR Gerard Butler offered to sign her breasts later.
Alyson Hannigam rushes to catch up with her daughter.
Yoko Lennon Tweeted this photo of John Lennon's glasses today on what would have been their 44th anniversary.
Kristin Chenoweth goes yellow for The Bible event.
I love the look on Katie Holmes' face in this.
Kate Middleton with a great smile directed at the Queen.
Krysten Ritter does some shopping.
Lea Michele and Cory Monteith at the Vancouver airport.


  1. Alison Hanningan and her daughter are so stinkin' cute.

  2. Love Alyson and I doubt she's not the answer for the blind about the cheater. She & Alex are devoted to each other and NPH would not be down w/that.

    Yoko Ono should change her last name to just No.

    Cory Monteith is so boring. I see why Lea hooked up with him, he's like vanilla pudding to her SUPERSTAR PISTACHIO!

  3. Katie Holmes always looks defeated

  4. *I doubt she's the answer for the blind

    Yikes today!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow...the blood is still on John Lennon's glasses after all these years.

  7. Were those the actual glasses John wore when he was killed? That is one creepy photo.

  8. That blood was shocking! Can't decide if that's creepy or not that she has them still unwashed...

  9. An awful lot of Alyson Hannigan pap shots now that enty mentioned it in that blind. Le sigh.

    I thought Krysten Ritter was AnnE.

    The blood... Oh dear.

  10. I'm getting the feeling that enty is not the one writing todays captions. Something seems off about them.

  11. Guess this is Yoko's idea of art.

  12. Damn Yoko. Just damn.

  13. I actually wanted to cry at the blood still on his glasses.

  14. I thought it was a reflection in the glasses but I am on my phone. Lord please let it just be a reflection.

    @Lotta what was the blind about Alyson? I forget it.

  15. I think John Lennon's glasses are just morbid.

  16. Why wouldn't she want to keep her husband's glasses? And the blood? It's the result of another man's insanity and selfishness, and I for one am glad she's reminding the world of it. She's supposed to censor her history because it makes other people squeamish?

  17. Wow John's glasses, just wow

  18. Is Gerard giving that lady some eyebrows?

  19. I'd keep the glasses just like that, too. It's a part of her husband she still has to hold on to, and it's just plain truth about how he died. I'd keep them put away, and probably very rarely if ever look at them, but I'd leave them exactly as they were when he passed.

    It's definitely the old hippie chick in me, but I still can't believe John was murdered.

  20. For as much advice as we give each other to mourn in our own way, I'm not going to say that Yoko's actions of mourning are invalid. She was by her deeply beloved husband's side the day his life was taken in a violent and selfish manner. This is not a recent picture of the glasses today. This picture was cropped from the cover for her 1980 album "Season of Glass."

  21. I think that is an old photo of the glasses from a few months after he passed. She used that photo before. Its creepy, but it's a reminder. I would keep them too.

  22. The photo of Lennon's glasses diminished the rest of this site into nothingness, and I felt ashamed for wasting so much time here. Imagine.

  23. I like Katie's jacket

  24. Since they're letting John's killer out among us, and have been for years, I think it's only right that someone remind us. How does this guy get out of jail ever? He should have been put out of our misery decades ago. Another waste of oxygen. Yoko does good things, check out her Facebook. She's been very vocal about fracking and it seems NY government is listening. Protecting clean water is a good thing.

  25. You are confusing Reagan's failed assassin with Lennon's killer.

  26. What I think is morbid is other people telling us how we should or shouldn't process our own grief.

  27. I can understand Yoko keeping the glasses. It is a shock to see them, but everyone handles grief differently.

  28. I can't, with those glasses... can't. Filled me with infinite sadness. Thank you @disco for the explanation.

    Surprised at how sad they made me, but I'm having kind of a sad day. I didn't know about @Robot till this morning. She has the most beautiful eyes and all I can think about is how now they must be filled with pain. And then I see bloody, shattered glasses... ugh.

  29. @discoflux: Thanks for pointing that out; I was going to mention it if no one else did. That photo reminds me an awful lot of a story re: JFK's assassination: At some point after his death--it may have been on Air Force One during the trip back to DC--someone suggested to Jackie that perhaps it would be best to change out of her bloody pink suit. "No," she said. "Let them see what they've done."

  30. I think the glasses are kind of like what Jackie said JFK was murdered in front of her--basically let people see the truth if what was done. Jackie never washed her dress either. Yoko is huge on gun control. I'm not a yoko or Lennon fan but I get it.

  31. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I usually hate Lea Michelle but her outfit is very airport cute.
    Yoko can do what she wants John loved her.

  32. You know how so many people say " I remember where I was when I heard JFK was killed'? For me that is John Lennon's death. I can still hear the radio announcer and me saying no, no, no, standing in our kitchen...

    1. @ellehpee. Howard Cosell on Monday Night Football. It was until a few days later, when the radio was wall-to-wall Beatles and Lennon songs that I really realized the impact of it. To this day, I get paranoid any time I here a signer/groups songs played back-to-back.

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  35. Anonymous9:18 PM


  36. Holy shit @katydid- I thought I was imagining it.

  37. What just happened??

  38. Is Jiali in the wrong website or on drugs? None of that made any sense

  39. I need everything Alyson's daughter is wearing in size 3T, okay?

  40. Yoko's photograph is a great piece of art.

  41. Quick someone steal them and have him cloned!

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  43. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I like Yoko's photo, and don't begrudge her her grief and grieving. That's a beautiful photo, I'm sure he's still with her. Love Kristen's coat, a little too buttony, but still good.
