Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Eddie Murphy grabbing coffee with his girlfriend.
Gerard Butler and Ashley Judd at the premiere of their new movie where
Ashley showed her love for Morgan Freeman. How many movies have they made together? It seems like a ton.
Some of the cast of Game Of Thrones at their season premiere party.
Peter Dinklage and his wife were there.
Amanda Peet showed up.
Ditto Stana Katic.
Yes, here is Jason Momoa in full color for you with his on screen wife.
Jennifer Connelly looks like she is freezing with her much taller son.


  1. Hellooooo Jason! Hurry up and get here March 31st!

  2. What the heck did ashley judd do to her face

    1. She tries to say she's done nothing, but I've got some million carat diamonds to sell you, cheap, if you believe it. Lol. When Ashley hit on the scene in Sisters, I lovvvved her. Then, I ended up in a charity dealing w/celeb endorsements, and worked with her. She is a wretched human, who treats her family and employees like crap, depending on her epic meltdown fit level. She's like the wife beater who brings you roses after the black eye. I got a $400 purse.

  3. Eddie's "lady" looks like Fergie.

  4. Emilia Clarke and Amanda Peet could be twins.

  5. Don't get pregnant, eddie murphy's girlfriend, he can be a total ass about it.

    Ashley judd was so beautiful.

  6. Jason Momoa is pretty. He and Thor are on my "people I'd switch teams for" list.

    1. @Lucas- I always enjoy your "lists" lol.

    2. I like Lucas' lists too! :)

    3. @Lucas... Thor is MINE! :)

    4. Awwww, you guys are sweet.

      @EmEyeKay - share? I'll take seconds ;)

    5. Hahaha emeyekay your avi !!!!

  7. I am LOVING GoT! Jon Snow, dear me, that is one handsome man. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't yet seen the show but I'm only halfway through season 1 and I knew from the first episode that I would adore a certain character and lose that character soon. Grrr.

    There is some wrong with that pic of Ashley and Gerard. Some weird angle or something.

    Khaleesi! Odd to see her as a brunette.

    Heh, Jennifer, I feel your pain. My 14yo son towers over me, it's an odd feeling sometimes.

  8. Ha, Izzie! I also have a 14 year old son who is much taller than I am. I dropped him off at the airport yesterday, and he was disgusted when I kissed him goodbye that I accidentially kissed his ear - I was going for the top of the head, but couldn't reach!! My boys permit hugs, but only allow kisses on the top of the head, since they were maybe five or so. Giving lots of baby kisses is maybe ALL I miss about having toddlers around :-).

  9. Ah, winter is coming..

  10. Once Eddie Murphy finds a look he likes, he latches onto it, huh? Those leather suits from his stand up days have morphed quite nicely into track suits. Pants and jacket on the same hangar, so there's no fuss, no muss picking out an outfit in the morning!

  11. cannot WAIT for game of thrones!

    enty, amanda peet was there because her husband is one of the creators :)

  12. Peter's wife is so cool. I believe she's a well respected theater director. They are so well matched it makes me smile.

  13. Ashley actually looks better than she has in a long time. She still looks a little puffy, but not as bad as before.

    So excited for Game of Thrones.

    Jennifer Connolly is so gorgeous. She also seems too young to have a son that old...and tall.

  14. Hello Jason!!!!! Can't wait for GoT!

  15. oh Jason Mamoa. my gawd what a handsome man!

  16. crila, I thought Ashley looked good, too, or at least better than she has lately.

    And yes, young women can and do have 14 year old sons :-).

  17. I CANNOT wait for GOT. My husband and I rewatched the first two seasons over the Christmas holiday. Right now we are winding up Spartacus and I am dearly sad about it.

  18. My daughter's been taller than I am since she was 11, she was so snarky about it too. I had to remind her that, I'm the one that grew those legs in the first place. ;-)
    Jason Momoa is a very sexy man. Mmm.

    1. If you are ever in the mood to put your bratty daughter in her place when she gets snarky on you just tell her that she must have more testosterone than estrogen in her system and that soon everyone will make fun of her because she looks like a tranny.

  19. GOT!!!

    For those who haven't read the books - prepare yourself .. This season is going to be INTENSE. As far as the books go, book 3 ( A Storm of Swords ) was the most shocking and action packed of the series ( thus far ).

    I have goosebumps as I type this hahaha

    Ashley Judd looks - less wonky

    Lisa Bonet is a lucky lass

    1. Oops - I hate it when I accidentally comment under one of my other accounts - I'm too lazy to retype all of this and my phone won't let me copy/paste so I can delete it and re-publish. Anyhoo - season 3 is going to be epic - did anyone hear they are splitting book 3 in to two seasons ? That would work better. IMO they kinda botched season 2 by trying to stuff all of book 2 in to one season.

  20. Ditto @skimpymist there's not way she hasn't had something done. I don't care what she says.

    I'm sure I'm alone on this but I love Amanda Peet's dress.

  21. Stana Katic is absolutely stunning

  22. Enty is friends with Amanda Peet isn't he?

    GOT!!! Cannot wait. Mmm Jon Snow..you know nothing

  23. Jason is so effin fly!!!!

  24. Jason is so effin fly!!!!

  25. I'm excited about Game of Thrones because I have never seen it and I just started reading it. This way after I read a couple of books, I can then watch a couple of seasons. I'm totally hooked into the book so far.

  26. Mmm-hmm..Stana Katic is gorgeous. There is something in this batch for both genders. Sorry, Lucas - I don't have a "people I'd switch teams for," I Just couldn't give up the ladies in their leather leggings and boots.

    1. @Jason - it's all good, brother. I could never give up ladies (mmmmm, boobs), but I'm open to giving the other team a shot (in a very narrow and improbable set of circumstances, i.e. the otherwise heterosexual Jason Momoa and Chris Hemsworth suddenly decide they really want to know what it's like to get down bear-style).

  27. Ick at Morgan Freeman
    Jason Momoa is gross
    Eddie's Jogging Suit is Smedium on him
    Diane Lane looks superb standing next to NORTON

    1. @Tippie Toes - laughing my ass off at smedium - I had to look it up on Urban Dictionary, but still laughing my ass off!

  28. Why does Ashley Judd look like the Lady in the Radiator...so creepy. Jason's so hot but I miss his long hair. Cannot wait, two weeks til GOT!

  29. That picture of Ashley & Morgan makes me uneasy. She was sexually assaulted as a child. He has been sleeping with his step-granddaughter for years (helped raise her with his wife, the grandmother) - step-granddaughter is barely out of her teens. YUCK.

  30. OK, who doubled up on fake lashes for Ashley Judd's right eye?

    I would switch teams for a couple a chicks (what's up Charlize?) & the GOT chick is one of them, blonde or brunette. (what's up Charlize?)

    1. @ethorne I know someone who will throw in a new car :)

    2. @VIP- Shit, I would take a car from anyone, even Rosie.

  31. LOL @ Onyx - "The lady in the radiator."

    "In heaven...everything is fine...In Heaven."

    1. Lol @jason was hoping someone got the reference. She does tho!!! It's so creepy. And now that song will be in my head all day haha.

  32. It's weird when you suddenly have a child taller than you - my 12 year old son is 5'8. No one ever believes us when we say he's only 12.

    Ashley Judd...wow. Someone should make a webpage called 'Reasons To Say No to Plastic Surgery: A Visual Argument' - Ashley and Priscilla Presley should be in the top 5.

  33. I love the colour of Ashley's dress. She's still a nutjob though

  34. Anonymous1:48 PM

    how big is peters weiner?
    i mean does she actually feel anything
    and they have a child right, i saw pics last week
    Can you really be in a relationship with someone and its not abt the penis ?



  35. Anonymous1:50 PM

    i have a 15 yr
    hes a tall, lanky and a dumb jock lol
    everyone thinks thats my brother
    and some of his friends thought i was a cougar he snatched up
    once a girl got all stank with him "Who was that you was with" ITS. HILARIOUS

    that will forever be my lil stink i dont care how tall he is

    1. Lol @Nudibelle- Though I look younger than my 30 years, I don't look 22. So when I go places with my younger brother I get the same stank looks from his classy acquaintances.

  36. Morgan Freeman is the only person in Hollywood who likes Ashley Judd.

  37. Love Jason Momoa! He's delicious, specially in his Khal Drogo get up.

    I can't wait for GOT! Jon Snow is one of my favorite characters and Khaleesi and Tyrion too.

  38. I thought Ashley Judd looked better
    Yeah for Game of Thrones
    Jennifer Connelly's son is all grown up...and hot

  39. My day is made with the Jason Momoa pics.

    And, Lucas, is it wrong I got a little turned on by your last post?? ;-P

    1. @chopchop - nope, nothing wrong with that at all.

  40. OMG can't believe someone called Ashley Judd the Lady in the Radiator... dead on... in heaven..

    GoT get here sooner! Winter is coming! Ready for some Jon Snow/Ygritte action and the eventual takeover of all kingdoms everywhere by the Khaleesi! (this is not a spoiler just my wishful thinking)-- also, the ladies of GoT are good dressers (the actresses I mean I can't love AP's dress). But now I'm wondering is that chick Stana on the next season? Why was she there?

  41. Stana Katic (Castle) is a fan of Games of Thrones, she's not going to be on the next season, she was just a guest like many other celebrities walking the red carpet

  42. I would like to be in the middle of a Jason Momoa/Josh Holloway sandwich.

  43. I fucking love Game of Thrones. However, I still haven't seen season 2!

    Stana Katic is gorgeous.

  44. Pete's spicy. I like him a lot.

    Momoa is also spicy but hunky enough to turn me off. It weirds me out when a babe is too much of a calendar hunk and knows he's gorgeous.

  45. My Khlaeesi! Catching up on season 2 tonight again, to prepare for the season 3 premiere!

  46. Stana has odd legs. She has very slight cankles which, combined with her thin thighs make her legs the same size from the ankles up.

    Having said that, she's gorgeous.

  47. Jennifer is here shooting a movie, and since today is the first day of spring it is 35- c cold as a mother-in-law's kiss..no wonder she looks frozen.
