Monday, March 18, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

David Schwimmer out with his wife this weekend.
Josh Duhamel and a very good at hiding the baby bump Fergie.
With that mustache, it looks like George Clooney's next role is as a 70's gay porn star. Here he is with Stacy Keibler.
Anne Hathaway and her dog. How many times do you think he heard her acceptance speeches?
Hilary Duff wears her matching pacifier around her neck.
That is Heidi Klum on the back of that motorcycle.
You can see the chair marks on Kelly Bensimon's stomach.
Getting really close to birth is Kristen Bell.
Kelly Osbourne is seen in public for the first time since her seizure. Probably not sizzurp related.


  1. George looks like he's about to murder Stacy.

    What in the genie hell Hilary Duff?

    Kelly is gonna give me nightmares tonight, it looks like an alien is about to pop outta there.

  2. Donnt know who kelly bensimmon is but she has a wonky shape.

  3. Wtf is up with Kelly Bensimmon's torso?! Yikes!!

  4. All I can see in the Duff photo is extreme baby cuteness. But I really did think she had a paci around her neck, too, until I blew up the pic for a better look. No shame in that game, Momma - Baby Duff might panic if he looses his, and it's best to be prepared :-).

    I think Clooney looks cute with that mustache, but I'm biased. Mr. Frufra has had a mustache/goatee/some combo of the two on and off for 22 years. Plus, I think GC looks cute with his hair cut like that. He's just cute, OK??

  5. Dear Fergie, please call Amber Rose ASAP.

    Heh @Clooney's look. Classic off-frame.

    I saw the other pics of Anne on her walk. Not sure what's going on with the pants - the one leg has a drapey thing. Weird.

    I wish I'd've thought of having a matching pacifier necklace. NEVER lose the binky.

    Kristen looks great - almost time, hon!

  6. WTF is up with that girl Kelly's stomach? It's bazaar looking!

    I know women love him, but I am over Clooney and his bs dating contracts.

    I WILL have this baby before Kristen dammit!

  7. Another who wonders what KB is doing? Plus she's so straight up and down, she should wear a more flattering suit that would give her some curves.

    Hope that Kelly is ok!

  8. I love you AnnE! Ignore the haters.

    I am officially applying to be your future speech listener person. This will be done over many pink cocktails, but we will have fun ;)

    AnnE forever!!!

  9. I'll hang with you and AnnE, dia! Make mine blue cocktails, I think. ;-)

  10. Kelly does not have a very good shape, does she? Who is she anyway. Never heard of her.

    I like Anne too. I think people are being too hard on her. If people think that Anne is the only actor to every practice their acceptance speech over and over and over, knowing full well she was going to win...then you haven't met Gwyneth Paltrow.

  11. Anne is ok but what in the hell is she wearing?

  12. She must have bought this one on the same day as that horrid Oscar gown. Not a good day Anne.

  13. Kelly Benssimon has always had that mannish shape. She might want to try a one-piece suit. Crila, Kelly was let go from the New York housewives a couple seasons ago.

  14. Kelly is so skinny you can basically see her entrails...

  15. Hathaway's dog is her dog(not he),Esmeralda

  16. she must have been lying on her stomach one one of those pool/beach loungers with slats which is why the lines but her stomach looks odd, too many tummy tucks? even when she does not have chair slat imprints on it

  17. for a split second i thought hilary duff was britney. #needseyeschecked

  18. I totally forgot David Schwimmer was married. Okay, let's be honest, I totally forgot about David Schwimmer.

  19. The worst thing about Kelly's shape is the stupid-ass bolt ons. If you are going to be that thin, then do not implant melons in your chest because they will look fake.

    Still, her pic makes me feel good though, cuz I thought *I* had a straight waist, phew. Actually I think I'd take my chubby tummy over her emaciated one, believe it or not.

  20. Kelly B=put that shit away. No one wants to see your middle aged body. Anne find a plastic doc that can increase the size of your face so that your features are proportional to it (and ask him for a surgery that will allow you to fake cry better so you aren't wiping away tears that don't exist before your next film role).

  21. Oh and Kelly O looks pretty good here: she has managed to go from a 5 to a 6! Way to go dumb broad!!

  22. Kelly has east/west titties - they're trying to get into her armpits. Her whole form is just nasty.

    Love Kristen Bell!!

  23. Anonymous1:53 PM

    It's a MAN, baby! Kelly's body is not right. I understand you live in New York with the super rich, and you're getting older, so you feel the need to overcompensate and look perfect. But if a man wanted to be with the body of a man, he'd find a man. Nuff said. yeck. shivers.

  24. Keibler is allegedly pregnant. That explains why the split rumours have been denied.

  25. I like Anne H. also. I think she's very talented and not a bad looking young lady.

  26. Anonymous2:16 PM

    No way Keibler's preggo I think GC had it snipped years ago. I liked the beard on GC better than the mustache.

    Kelly B looks scary. Not attractive! I liked tone and muscles but that looks like a beef jerky torso. Yuck.

    Not sure why David S got the top spot, is he a blind answer?

  27. Clooney has Clark Gable's 'stache.

  28. What is the point in trying to hide the baby bump if you've made a public announcement, Fergie?

  29. Long time Anne fan here, but will call her on her stuff as needed - and those pants are a big no. What's up with the winter hat in sunny LA?

    Glad to see her doggie back in action. Was worried she might have been the subject of that blind about the actress with the misplaced dog.

  30. What the hell is stuffed inside AnnE's hat?

  31. Never mind, I figured it out - it's her Oscar, duh!

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  34. Kelly B has a refund gap. And they are wonky too. She is a good example if plastic surg gone bad.

  35. Did anyone else spot White Oprah behind Kristen Bell?

  36. Would someone explain to me why everyone seems to feel compelled to wear a bikini, no matter their age and/or shape? I see so many women who would look great in a nicely fitting, well-cut one-piece suit or tankini, but noooooo...they have to have the bikini, no matter how thin/fat/old/misshapen/whatever they are. It's enough to make me wonder if I should try to figure out how to make myself a '40s-style skirted suit and rock the vintage look--the really tricky part would be figuring out how to hold up my rack & keep it in place, but I'm sure it's feasible somehow...

  37. George looks like a porn star IN his 70's there.

  38. I really don't understand the point of celebs hiding the baby bump.

  39. Does Fergie really have a full set of chromosomes to give a child?!?!?!?! Really???

    Kelly needs to talk to Goop about getting a body. She looks hideous!

    I'm wearing a bikini until I'm at least 80! Especially after looking at Kelly.

  40. Kelly Bensimon is a former model who was on The Real Housewives of NYC for a season. She made for some really interesting TV and her contract wasn't renewed. I don't know what her diagnosis is, but she clearly had issues and needed to be medicated. She is divorced from fashion photographer Gilles Bensimon who was once married to Elle Macpherson.

    What was so bad about AnnE H's speeches was not that she practiced them, it was that they were so cloying and contrived. I felt embarrassed for her when she was on stage, blathering away. "Thank you very much for this lovely blunt object that I will forevermore use as a weapon against self doubt." Ugh. Who talks like that? At Oscar time some tv station showed Gwyneth's Oscar speech and she looked genuinely shell shocked and tearful and her speech was (it kills me to say) moving. When you make Gwyneth look good, you're pretty bad.

  41. Kelly Osbourne, so cute! Kelly Bensimon, so strange. Guess there's no plastic surgery that give someone a waistline. A couple of pounds on her bony hips would be some help.

  42. Kelly Ben... has one of the ugliest figures I have ever seen.
