Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Jennie Garth gets her hair put in.
Kirsten Dunst and Jim Sturgess at the premiere of their new movie.
Lana Del Rey out for some late night snacking. Looks like she might have done some late night drinking.
And Michael Buble takes a photo of under his wife's skirt? Texts while hugging?
Maggie Grace checks to see if she shaved.
Marisa Tomei probably should have checked a mirror. What is she wearing?
Molly Ringwald looks for the Donger.
Ron Swanson cartoons should replace all fortune cookies and be placed on all our currency.


  1. OT:Oh Yeah the Pope is Latino. Oh Yeah Represent.

  2. Maggie Grace...It's been done.

    Love my Kiki!!!

    1. @libby- lol someone is always stealing your move in the randoms

    2. libby, that was the first thing I thought of, lol.

  3. Oh just no. And how about a little make up girl?

    What's a "donger"?

    Layna does seem a little wo out there.

    1. Long duck dong from sixteen candles :)

  4. @Sherry. It's the name of a character in Sixteen Candles.

  5. Good lord, Jennie looks like my mother!

    I love Lana del Ray's first album. Love it. Go ahead and judge. I'm playing video gaaaames.

    Maggie pulling a Libby!

    That's Marisa Tomei? Wow, she looks like a teenager.

    Ron Swanson!! I love him so much, he's like an awesomer version of my nutjob uncle whom I adore. (Said uncle saw YouTube clips and asked why I thought this guy was funny. "Sounds good to me." Hahahaha!)

  6. LOL I thought Lana del Rey was Janice Dickinson.

  7. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Looking at Kirsten Drunkst, I get the same exact flush pattern on my face if I even have so much as a glass of wine, it puts a real damper on drinking and socializing when people keep asking me if I have a sunburn!
    :( Nope, I'm just drunk!

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Lana Del Ray needs to stop with the face carving, her nose keeps changing shape!

  9. LOLed at the Molly Ringwald comment!

    And I still maintain that Lana Del Rey looks like the older, muscle-relaxant-swilling sister in Sixteen Candles. It's UNCANNY.

  10. @Snapdragon - she does!

  11. Agent---I always think of me first too, i feel ya. J/k. Dumb joke.

    Toilet Flush to ANY negative comments about MY KIKI!!!!!!**

    **I just realized all my main girl-crushes are blondes. I have a serious thing for blond men IRL. Don't know how I never put it together.
    So if Charlize, Uma, Kiki, Christina Applegate, Portia, Amanda Seyfried, Heather Graham, and ESPECIALLY Gwynnie are reading---Call me!!! I have run trough all the natural blond men in my immediate area.

  12. *through* NOT 'trough'. LMFAO, fo' real!

  13. Marisa: The 80's called: it wants its blouse back!

    1. They say if you wore it once you can't wear it twice; meaning if you are old enough to wear a trend when you were young you can't wear it when it becomes hip again without looking ridiculous. There is no such thing as a cool middle-aged person. Harsh but true.

  14. Pogue---I was going to mention that Marisa forgot the 'rule' about retro--If you wore it the first time it was in style, you probably shouldn't the next time.

    1. Ditto. Should have read all the comments before adding my own (above).

  15. Kiki looks fabulous. Perfect hair and makeup. And that clutch is divine.

  16. Oh, Marisa, girl. Hell no! Omg, that outfit is giving me '80s flashbacks and not in a good way.

    Lana del Ray does look exactly like the older sis in Sixteen Candles! How strange. LOL

  17. Anonymous2:02 PM

    test test

  18. "You make someone your bridesmaid and they shit all over you". favorite movie of all time!

  19. Marisa's blouse brings to mind a certain Gordon Gartrell knock-off...

  20. Marissa's top reminds me of the Gordon Gartrell Denise made Theo on the Cosby Show.

  21. Anonymous3:49 PM


  22. I get a very 80's vibe off what Marissa is wearing. I don't know why. I think it's the skinny pants and the ugly shirt together.

  23. I wanna thank you for loaning me the Donger...he's really bitchin'.

  24. It must be so wonderful to get your hair done when youre rich. Not have to worry about f'ing "beauticians" giving you attitude about "your eyes slant up, didnt you ever notice that?" "your hair has no body" and "I cant do anything with your hair, ew, maybe you should go somewhere else" And thats just the kinder remarks hair stylists say to me. My hair is baby fine and no one can do anything with it and they always blame me for it. The last time I tried to get my hair done the beauticians treated me so horribly I ran out of there literally in tears. :'( I still cry when I remember it. Women like Jennie Garth who get the priviledge of being treated nicely and with respecf by hair stylists have no idea how lucky they are. Of course, I suspect that if I had money flying out my butt and was the perfect blonde haired blue eyed Twiggy type then Id be treated much better. But then, I'll never know.

  25. libby sniffed pits before sniffing pits was cool.

    And she was better at it, too!

  26. I just caught Maggie Grace on Californication and it was the first time I realized how beautiful she is! Wowza

  27. If someone drew Ron Swanson on my receipt I'd tip them extra for sure.
