Monday, March 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Eva Mendes is so happy because she got to do some press with Ryan Gosling even though they arrived and departed separately.

Ginnifer Goodwin goes for the very formal look to read books to kids while
Don Cheadle goes for a more casual look. Love him.
I also love Adam Scott but not in the same, I will see whatever he is in no matter what kind of way.
Heidi Klum latches on to her bodyguard/boyfriend.
Katy Perry at a hockey game. Just saw John Mayer on the kiss cam with someone.
Matthew M still has not got back to his pre-movie weight. Makes him look older.
Michelle Rodriguez and her e-cigarette.
Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart and family out grocery shopping.


Della said...

The bodyguard is hot. Just saying...

Matt & Jess said...

Eva Mendes is looking scary.

Izzie said...

Not a good look for Eva. Is that Minnie Mouse's dress?

Ginnifer Goodwin looks like my little brother!

Don Cheadle - I've heard he's awesome in person, too. LOVED him in the Oceans movies.

Adam Scott - you love Leslie Knope, I love you.

I know he's supposed to be a d*bag, but I still McSteamy's character on Grey's. He was the right mixture of funny, hot, smooth alpha male.

Izzie said...

*still love

Sugar said...

eva mendes looks ridiculous in this pic. That is all.

Lucas said...

I really like Adam Scott. He was great in Friends with Kids, and also Tell Me You Love Me. And, in a little six degrees of Enty - was in Girl with Enty's pal Dominique Swain.

CJ said...

I adore Don Cheadle. ADORE HIM.

The Real Dragon said...

Michelle <3

Anonymous said...

SOOOOOOoooo eva an ryan are kaputs?
she has GREAT hair.. that is all

DAMN that pic makes gennifer have a BIG ass head

i liked adam in that show HBO had abt therapy

nevermindthat said...

Love Don Cheadle

ethorne said...

Damn Eva has Joker face going on.

Ginnifer looks like Liza.

VargasGirl said...

Adam Scott is amazing in the vicious kind, one of my favorite movies of all time!

libby said...

I JUST suggested the movie "Boogie Nights" to a commenter on HuffPo, who was marveling at this 'Don Cheadle' he'd JUST heard of.

I was like, uh, holy shit! Boogie Nights! Hotel Rwanda! Screw it, just search his name on Netflix.
Cheadle is ever-flawless.

Hazeldazel said...

I really like Don Cheadle. a LOT. I want him to get a lot of really good roles, so I can watch him more. Be good, Hollywood.

LottaColada said...

Eva Mendes is just doing her best Jack Nicholson impersonation, Leo started a trend y'all.

chopchop said...

Eva's teeth are weird. Just Say No to veneers, people. They never ever look good.

LottaColada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LottaColada said...

Leo's impersonation for those who missed it

Gabby said...

LOVE Adam Scott! Eva Mendes looks weird here!

Anonymous said...

Eva's teeth are HUGE! Her teeth were big to begin with, and with the veneers, they're scary. It's like those wind up chomping teeth you get at dentists offices as a kid.

Anonymous said...

Cheadle is so classy. His British accent needs work though, he was in something and it was cringeworthy, the Italian Job?

Anonymous said...

just read she turned 39
damn she looks good

Lisa said...

Love Don Cheadle!

Hope the movie is worth it for Matthew. Will be glad when gains the weight back as he is nice eye candy lol.

I liked Eric Dane on GA. Is good to see that him and his wife are hands on parents.

GladysKravitz said...

Love Don Cheadle. We watch House of Lies every week--one of our favorites. He's amazing in it.

lazyday603 said...

Cheadle was great in Boogie Nights. His character was so sweet & so stupid. He was the pornstar Forrest Gump.

Sherry said...

I do not remember Cheadle from Boogie Nights but he was sooooooo amazing in Hotel Rwanda. I hope he has a long life in cinema.

Gennifer Godwin DOES look like a 14 yr old boy there and Eva looks all kinds of crazy.

Popnursing said...

Rebecca - throw away those pants STAT!

Hammer_Girl said...

Gennifer Goodwin, please put the eyebrow pencil down.

Can someone please tell me what is the big deal about an E-cig? They remind me of when I was in high school and we carried a sneak-a-toke in a pack of cigarettes. We thought we were so smart smoking out of it driving down the road instead of the obvious.

libby said...

Sherry---the donut shop scene. Cheadle played 'Buck', the frustrated stereo salesman who moonlit as a porn actor. Remember, he wore cowboy outfits in the beginning?

Cousin Eddy said...

I want to like Ginnifer Goodwin (ok, the first name spelled with a "G" is troublesome), but there is something about her appearance that reeks of aloofness. I predict she'll become AnnE Hathaway 2.0.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

@Sherry: What libby said; IIRC his character married the not-terribly-bright but very sweet blonde porn actress. Wasn't she pregnant & waiting in the car when he went into the donut shop where all hell broke loose?


I was just relieved that Don made it out alive, and presumably the two of them were OK in the end, since they seemed like such a good couple together. (And who else worried that Philip Seymour Hoffman's character was going to kill himself after Dirk rejected his advances? There were a lot of damn good actors in that movie...)

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Matthew M. told Elle magazine this month that he got down to 137 lbs. for this character; hopefully he didn't totally wreck his metabolism in the process. If he's smart, he'll eat plenty of good, healthy food to regain the necessary weight, instead of just stuffing his face w/crap. Still, he looks better now than he did at his lowest weight, eh?

Steampunk Jazz said...

Ginnifer Goodwin in this looks like Dianne Weist. Not good Goodwin, she's 25 yrs older than you.

Frufra said...

@bobbi - OMG, I just enlarged GG's picture - heaven help us, what was she thinking?? I wonder if one of the kids raised his hand and asked the nice lady who read them a story, "what happened to your eyebrows?" Kids notice that shit, and have no idea they shouldn't ask about it (at least kids under 7 or so).

Anonymous said...

I've got a couple of veneers and they look GREAT, so there!

I kid, I realize some veneers can be too big. But my dentist did a good job, if I say so myself.

I like Eva's polka dot dress. But I have a thing for polka dots. Don't wear them, but I like them.

Brady88 said...

Poor eva. The internet doesn't like her teeth or dress. Hopefully getting railed by Gosling will make her feel better.

chopchop said...

Sorry, Layna Day ... I have a cap myself. :-)

I wasn't really referring to people who need like one or two because their teeth underneath are jacked or something (I had a little tiny tooth and I hated it and that's why I have the cap) ... I was referring to celebs whose teeth are otherwise completely fine to begin with and then they get these ridiculously large, too-white teeth that are too big for their mouth. Hilary Duff comes to mind.

Izzie said...

Which actor is the one everyone calls chicklet teeth? That cracks me up every single time.

@bobbi - e-cigs give you the nicotine without the smoke. They used to be OK on airplanes, in restaurants, etc., but not so much anymore. It's like the patch but you still get the pleasure of the inhale.

After that article last year about the e-cig that blew up in the guy's face, I'd run like Lilo's bail bondsman before trying it out, though. TEHO.

Anonymous said...

No worries, chopchop! I had to get mine because my teeth were in such bad shape, one I had broken as a child and needed to be redone, the others were just jacked up. I need to get another. My teeth are just awful. I should just go with false teeth and be done with it. :-(

Anonymous said...

Ginnifer Goodwin looks like Ed Grimley. Sorry.

Desiree said...

Again, can someone tell me what is going on with Ginnifer's eye brows? WTF?

Also, I've been using an e-cig now for a couple of years. They are completely safe. Not sure what happened with the dude who's blew up in his face, but that's not the norm.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@libby - I can't believe they weren't aware of Don Cheadle?? Such a good actor and in interviews at least, he seems like such a nice, down to earth guy.

I especially liked him as Frederick Douglass. ;-P

Unknown said...

Mindless Hollywood female sheep thoughts: "Polka dots are the new horizontal stripes so I must wear them no matter how ugly and stupid I look." And to top it off: "I must wear bangs straight across my face even though they make my nose look huge and I can't see anything."


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