Monday, March 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - Kid's Choice Awards Part One

Kristen Stewart gives Katy Perry a lap dance while Selena Gomez watches.
Kristen then gets slimed with Sandra Bullock and Neil Patrick Harris.
Johnny Depp won an award just so he would show up.
Fergie showed off her baby bump. Let everyone rub it for good luck. Well she is a black eyed pea.
Pit bull and Christina Aguilera
The Rock.
Adam Sandler won an award not called a Razzie.
Jessica Alba and Kevin Hart.
Miranda Cosgrove, her mustache and Jaden Smith.


  1. Fergie's dress is so pretty, and she looks lovely! Pregnancy suits her!

  2. The Smith kids never look happy, plastered smiles that don't meet their eyes.

  3. Xtina looks really good there. The lack of clown makeup really suits her. About time.

  4. Fergie's aquarium dress is every kitty's dream come true

  5. What the hell is Jaden wearing? Is the Mothership finally coming for the remaining Co$ers?

    Jaden, where's Shelley?

    1. I must have a T-shirt that says "Where's Shelly?" With Co$ on the back!

  6. Xtina looks lumpy in that outfit. I know black is supposed to be slimming but in this case...Not so much.

    Hey look Jaden isn't making that stupid face and Jessica Alba is actually working. And Kristen Stewart is actually smiling!

    1. You know Sherry, Joan Rivers famously said "black is slimming, it's not magical. HA! BTW I <3 your posts.

    2. Seahorse: LOL for Joan! Thanks for enjoying my posts. I really appreciate that.

  7. ONE PIC where Jaden doesn't have that screaming douchenozzle look on his face. Wow, thought I'd never see one of these.


  9. That's Kristen's O face right there.

    The Rock, yummy.

    This is what Prince & Princess Smith were looking like. I love Will Smith as an actor, but apparently neither of them got that gene.

  10. I thought K.Stew looked happy and cute at this event. A good look for her. I don't know why I am still rooting for her to turn into a real person, but I am.

    Every other pic I saw of Jaden had his trademark douche-face. He really does look a heck of a lot better without it.

  11. @Izzie. Seriously, what the hell is Jaden wearing? He looks like an extra on Deep Space Nine.

  12. Kstew always looks like a dirty crackwhore. Johnny depp needs a bath and some oral hygene. Cant stand nick cannon- wth is his talent anyway? Fergies being a good sport because when i was pregnant it was enough already with strangers feeling free to touch my belly. Id be all btfo!!!!

  13. I realize that when presenters get slimed, they must be aware that it is coming. But do they wear their own clothes for that, or does the show provide them with attire?

    NPH and Sandra are good sports about it though. But I can't help wondering is Sandra could have taken Sunny to the event. Yes, I know Sunny was flower girl at dad's wedding, but I feel bad for the kid not spending time with Sandra.

  14. Christina looks good. She has lost a lot of weight.

    Looks like toddlers and tiaras attacked Scott baios daughters feet.

  15. There's too many old people showing up for this. It's totally in "Jump the Shark" mode.

  16. Kristen Stewart- please do something with your hair. I am so sick of seeing that mess.

  17. Fergie was just proving to all that this is one pregnancy without a collapsible belly! ;)

  18. Jaden looks like he got his mother's height. Come to itching of it, both those kids look like they got the worst of both gene pools. I am sorry- I usually spare kids. But those two are pompous, smug, twats, who are shining examples of only nepotism at its worst.

  19. I love Johnny from the time I saw him on 21 Jump Street lol.

    Fergie is looking happy and healthy. It really didn't bother me when people touched my belly when I was pregnant.

    I think Christina looks really great in this picture.

    Oh mercy what I would do to The Rock if given half the chance.

  20. I think Selena's going to give Kristen lap dance pointers.

  21. Awww, I'm very happy for Fergie and Josh.
    So I'll say it anyway- Katy, Kristen, and Selena look adorable, happy and pretty there!

  22. I love you, Johnny Depp....but, it does look like you need a shower!

  23. So Katy is the one with the flask, right? She looks hammered.

  24. I'm also rooting for Kristen Stewart, and I like her because she doesn't try to hard to be likable.

    Fergie looks great and Xtina is losing some of the extra weight.

  25. I wouldn't let Kristen Stewart's crotch anywhere near me. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't let Katy Perry or Selena's near me either. They've all been with some yuck guys.

  26. What happened to the real surf boards the winners used to get? Those small ones are lame.
