Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Look at Abigail Breslin all grown up. Well 16 which is like 40 in Hollywood. That must make Halle Berry 86.
Bradley Cooper and Zach G play a game of duck duck goose with the loser
actually goosed.
Ed Helms can't wait for his turn.
Beyonce goes blonde for her new tour.
Christina Hendricks looking amazing.
Jessica Alba forgot her pants.
Hello Naomi Watts.
Alyson Hannigan takes her daughter flower shopping.


  1. I wouldn't say Christina Hendricks looks amazing. That outfit just makes her look plump and dowdy.

    1. I love her to bits, but you're totally right!

  2. Abigail will always be little miss sunshine to me.

    Mrs. Carter needs to GTFO with that Nicki Minaj wig. Please go back to brunette, you're not fooling anyone.

  3. Ok, that Mrs. Carter thing decides it for me -- I'm keeping my maiden name when I marry. Something about the Mrs Carter thing really burns my feminist side

    1. As a women's college graduate, I agree with you!

    2. Don't do it Seachica! That's your name why change it? Gone are the days of wife as property. Keep your name!

    3. Seachica
      I totally agree with and understand what you mean, but if you guys are planning to have kids consider doing what I did: I changed my middle name (which personally I didn't care for) to my maiden name. I know it sounds stupid but I like our whole family having the same last name, and keeping my maiden name makes me still feel connected to my life and my original famiglia. Either way, rock on

    4. I changed my name when I got marrued but it burns my chaps whenever I get a letter addressed to Mrs. Husband's first and last name.
      I AM NOT MRS. HUSBAND'S FIRST AND LAST NAME! I am Mrs. Sugar. Thank you.

    5. Seachica you rock! @ Sunny: we couldn't agree, so we made up a family name and everyone uses it.

    6. I am a feminist and was always very opposed to the idea of changing my name if I got married. then, at 47, I really fell in love for the first time. we married 2 months later and to the utter amazement of all my friends and family-- and especially myself-- I found myself really wanting to take my husband's name! maybe because we been friends when we were little kids. or maybe because by that age I was so secure in my identity I had already achieved so much that it didn't bother me at all... on the contrary,I wanted very much to take his name.

      But yes I've takes a lot of shit for it, and rightfully so, after changing my mind on something I've been so adamant about before. Ah well. At least this experience has made me less judgemental of others.

    7. I am a feminist and was always very opposed to the idea of changing my name if I got married. then, at 47, I really fell in love for the first time. we married 2 months later and to the utter amazement of all my friends and family-- and especially myself-- I found myself really wanting to take my husband's name! maybe because we been friends when we were little kids. or maybe because by that age I was so secure in my identity I had already achieved so much that it didn't bother me at all... on the contrary,I wanted very much to take his name.

      But yes I've takes a lot of shit for it, and rightfully so, after changing my mind on something I've been so adamant about before. Ah well. At least this experience has made me less judgemental of others.

  4. Annoyed with you BeyoncE.

    I'm kind of excited for Hangover 3. I hated the second one but since its on HBO constantly,I kind of dig it. I saw Silver Linings Playbook last night and Cooper was amazing in it, I was surprised.

    1. Are you annoyed with her because she's rocking Rita Ora's look? That's what's bugging ME!

  5. Ugh. Christina Hendricks' feet in those shoes.

    1. @discoflux- ouch! That looks painful!

  6. Well there's the reveal for the cheater who could only stop for 4 months. Poor Naomi.

    And NO on that color for a redhead with pale skin..Ugh!

  7. Sherry I couldn't agree more. A redhead can pull off so many colors...blues, greens, gold, RED.
    I have yet to see a pale chick wear the correct shade of nude. It's just a DON'T.
    Pale Chick

  8. I love Christina, but yeah, that outfit does NOTHING for her.

    As soon as I seen that pic of Bey, I thought 'Wasnt there a rumour about Jay Z and Rita Ora?' Hmmm

  9. OMG is Christina Hendrick boob trying to compete with my Ket Dennings

  10. Beyonce looks even more like a tranny with the blonde hair.

    I do like Abigail Breslin as a blonde, however.

    I love Christina Hendricks, but I'm not feeling that dress on her.

    Jessica Alba looks gorgeous.

  11. And naomi wayyyy too thin. Halle looks awesome, as always. Im just gonna put it out there- chrustina hendricks i think would look better with breast reduction surgery. I feel terribble sayingvthat but it seems so. Nothing fits her well or flatters. This is the problem kim k is having.

  12. Co-sign,

    Redhead Pale Chick

  13. I can't help but think of that reveal about Alyson and the pap and her kids. Ugh.

    1. Same here. I can never look at her the same. Her kids are cute but geez!

    2. I missed that one. ????

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      I think it was new years revealed. Allison sets up pap shots and makes her kids "act" for the camera even if they don't want to and cry. Luckily it was followed up by a kindness one involving her but left us all a little confused as to her motives.....

  14. I love Christina. can't wait for Mad Men.

    Naomi Watts looks gorgeous.

  15. Pepsi makes the best music. If an 'artist' doesn't sell out to Pepsi, I won't listen to them.

  16. Is anybody else thinking of how slow alyson hannigan must be walking so the paps get as many pictures of her as possible. Everytime I see a picture of her now all I can think of was enty's reveal.

    1. You beat me to it!! I was just about to say the same thing!!! Hilarious!!!! :-D

  17. OMG--I just realized that Naomi is pulling off a pale color on her pale skin. But i think the key is that the beige (?) is LIGHTER than her skin, and she is blonde.

    But most nude colors just remind me of support hose colors. Old-school 'pantyhose nude'.

  18. Abigail is such a cutie! The hair is a bit much though. I think she would look better as a brunette.

    Beyonce's hair looks ridiculous... I still love her though and I'm so excited that the hubby surprised me with tickets to her show :-)

    Christina Hendricks has an AMAZING body. Love her look!

    I'm very of seeing Jessica Alba in the photos every day.. I have no clue why she's constantly photographed.

  19. 1. What is MRS. CARTER trying to prove?
    2. How do these super skinny women carry/look after their children?! They look like they are going to snap!

  20. Said it before & I'll say it again - Halle may have some bats fluttering around that belfry, but she is gorgeous.

    I'm kind of snickering - yesterday I said it would be fun to sit down with Zach G & a beer and riff ala "You know how I know you're gay?" from 40yo Virgin - and then this. Now I'm full on laughing. :D

    Oh good grief, FOUR Beyonces? The world will implode.

    I really like Christina H, but I think she's had work done on the girls. She played Saffron in Firefly and her breasts were more proportionate with her size (she was probably about 3 sizes smaller then). I don't know, though - if I played a semi-nude scene with Nathan Fillion and then smooched Inara, my boobies would inflate on their own, too.

    WTH Jessica?

    Alyson Hannigan is my other celebrity BFF.

  21. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Men don't care or notice generally about clothes, they pay attention to pretty face/eye, and waist to hip ratio, are there voluptuous breasts, and voluptuous hips? That's what Enty's commenting on, her body and face look good to him. Women are the ones that notice clothing, because it indicates a man's financial position in life, and whether a man is v shaped, wide shoulders to narrower hips and waist. Scientifically/genetically speaking that is.

  22. @izzie - Alyson is my dream BFF too. I choose to ignore that reveal. It just can't be true. CAN'T

  23. Is Zach G funny in real life or angry man? I can't tell.

    I want him to be genuinely nice / funny but he looks a little too chummy with BPooP.

    1. I think B Poop is crushing hard on Zach! Goochie goochie goo!

  24. @Dragon - I am now picturing Kat Dennings and Christina Hendricks. Jello wrestling. No more work will get done today, kids. Thanks a lot :P

    1. @lucas I would say pay for that! Ur welcome! lol

  25. Anonymous2:14 PM

    yea im never changing my last namem, especially since im and only child and a female. My deceased daddys name dies with me...SO im NEVER changing it

    abigail looks so grown up , i feel old

    halle is bat shit cukoo but GORGEOUS

    i think christina is GORGEOUS but it seems like only madmen knows what to do with her, she always looks frumpy or stuffed

    im over the hangover movies

    i think jessic alooks young and fresh, shes so pretty

  26. Why is Jessica Alba papped all the time? Why?

    Christina looks great from the neck up. That dress is dreadful.

  27. I love having my new husband's last name. And I loved having my ex husband's name while my daughter was growing up cuz we all had the same name and it felt "family"-ish to me. Yes I know a name doesn't constitute a family but it did for us. When my new husband was married to his first wife they hyphenated their names, which I thought was weird. I'm old fashioned but to each...

  28. I feel kinda bad as I seem to be the only one who thinks Christina Hendricks is kinda phuqued up looking. :/

    Halle is gorgeous but that won't ever make up for batshit craziness.

    Bradley Cooper gives me the heebie-jeebies.

  29. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I think Naomi looks good in the paler color because there's more contrast between the color of her dress and her skin.

    Christina is also standing on a carpet that is the same color as the dress it washes her out even more. I would love to see Christina in more emerald green, deep purple and ox blood red. I don't know why the woman can't dress for her coloring/body type.

    Does anyone remember in the 80's those color books? You were either a Summer, Autumn, Spring or Fall depending on your hair, eye and skin coloring. It might of been an Australian thing. It was a brilliant book I still use the basic principals today. It's called Color me Beautiful, google it and take the test. I'm a spring!

    I never changed my name I'm not opposed to it but because of my Green Card situation it always seemed like a pain. If we have kids I'll change it. It is kind of annoying never remembering what name I put reservations under though. Regardless the Mrs Carter thing s annoying as is just about everything Beyonce does lately. Sit down, please.

  30. Kat Dennings - Hell Yeah. Christina Hendricks - meh.

    Halle's leather skirt is nice and all but I'm pretty sure it's a piece of wardrobe she saved from The Flintstones.

  31. Can't handle the Christina hate. But if a relatively fashion-clueless dude like me can say, yeah, that color is washed out on her, then I can only imagine what it looks like to those with more finely-honed fashion senses.

  32. Alyson's mini-me is adorable!

    Keeping your dad's name or taking your husband's, it's all still the patriarchy.

  33. - Is Alyson Hannigan pregnant?
    - I like the fact that Beyonce calls herself Mrs. Carter. I wish the term Mrs was back in vogue. I'm tired of the neutral Ms.
    - Christina Hendricks is really busty. That dress is not flattering her.It makes her look odd. Still like her though.
    - Halle never ages. Ever. She'll be 86 and look exactly the same.

  34. I think there's a big difference, actually. My last name started out as my dad's, but it's been MINE now for forty years.

    People should do what makes them happiest.

    I'm never more certain that Enty's a guy than I am when he's proclaiming who looks amazing.

  35. My married name rhymes exactly with my MIL, a woman who let it be known that she thought I tricked her son into marriage, and "everyone knows it won't last", on my wedding video. So I went with the hyphenated version, since I loved my maiden name and it worked out just fine, even became my nickname, EGB.
    I have put off seeing silver linings because of the B Cooper stories, but I keep hearing how good it is!

    1. Ugh. MILs are the worst.

    2. Agreed. MILs are the very worst. Mine wins in the worstness category, I think. We should have a contest, haha. Can't believe she gave birth to my sweetheart husband.

  36. Count me among the old fashioned who likes the name change. Although I had a friend who should have said no. She became Jackie Jackson upon marriage :p not cute, lol

  37. Oh God, Beyonce. *eye roll* As someone else said, what's she trying to prove?!

    Halle Berry is so gorgeous.

    I'll never understand the appeal of Christina Hendricks. Her body always looks so lumpy :(

    The Bradley/Zach pictures made me giggle though. I'm actually really excited for H3...

  38. Anonymous5:28 PM

    E Gee Bee your MIL sounds like a lovely woman!

  39. Re: changing name. I think everyone needs to do what makes them happy, I've just never understood the idea that you *need* to change your name when you have kids. And by need, I mean I've known women who didn't want to change their name but felt they had to when they had kids.

    Since childhood, I've had a different last name from my mom, and when I married, I kept my name and hence have a different name from my kid. It *never* comes up, not when I was kid, not with my kid now, not with schools or anything else. I barely think about it and it certainly has no bearing on whether we are a family or not. Plus, my kid thinks the different names are cool.

  40. Abigail Breslin looks adorable.

    Oh, to be a fly on Beyonce's wall.

    Christina Hendricks is a beige, creased mess from the neck down.

    Does Jessica Alba even act anymore? (I mean try to act. Let's face it, she's terrible!)

    Naomi looks lovely. If Liev is really as horrible as rumored, I wished she'd leave him!!

    OT: Just heard on the news that Kate Middleton let it slip that she's carrying a girl. Long live the queen!

  41. @katydid, she's a real charmer! I've got stories....

  42. Has anyone changed *back* to their maiden name after a divorce? Am thinking about it

  43. @What a Pissa
    My relationship history reads like a telenovela, but the short answer is yes. Yes, yes I have changed it back to my maiden name after a divorce (*cough* divorces).

  44. I wanted to change my name back to my maiden name after my divorce so bad. My peeps talked me out of it. They said the paperwork would be awful and I was going to get remarried soon anyway. So, go for it! I would've if I stayed single for sure. (had a whirlwind relay).

    1. I didn't change my name back to my maiden name after divorce because I felt after 21 years without it, I was no longer that person.

  45. I like Alyson Hannigan and find it both appropriate and adorable that she's flower shop.

  46. Being addressed as Mrs. Susan Smith instead of Mrs. John Smith implies that you're widowed.

    It's a vestige of more formal times.

  47. OMG Bradley Cooper wash your hair!!!

  48. Don't forget Alyson Hannigan was also revealed for a Kindness blind

    The positive item clearly trumps the negative item.

  49. What's the Alyson Hannigan negative BI? I will cut a b for implying my redheaded stepsister is anything but awesome.

    Re maiden names - my middle name is boring, so I changed it to my maiden name. Personally, I go by first-maiden-married, just because it's easier for paperwork with medical and kid stuff, but professionally, I go by my maiden name. A colleague of mine changed her name when she got married and when they divorced some years later, the paperwork was a b* and changing your name on articles and journal work is nigh impossible.

    I had to renew my driver's license this year and they now require a woman who has changed her name to provide original birth certificate, social security card, and marriage license. Gov't totally has their act together. {eye roll}

  50. @E Gee Be, wow. Your MIL sounds like a treat - damn!

  51. Everyone in my family did something different.

    My oldest sister took her husband's name, and the kids have his name too. Very traditional.
    My brother kept his name but his wife hyphenated hers, and their kids have her maiden name as their middle name. (She regularly goes by his last name, but is legally hyphened.) In the 80s, that seemed progressive.
    My younger sister changed her never-liked middle name to her maiden name, and then took her husband's last name. All their children have his last name, but one son has her maiden last name as his first name (another has her husband's mother's maiden last name as his first name). (Think along the lines of "Nelson" or "Davis"--they work as first names without sounding too odd.)
    I kept my last name and my husband kept his, and we have no children so there is no issue there (although the cats have my last name....but I also had them before we were married, so, yeah). My mom informed me I "must not want to be married" if I didn't take his name, but I figured I had been ME into my late thirties, so why suddenly be someone else?
    I have friends who have both changed names, to a hyphenation or a run-on combined name. That is my personal favorite, but not every last name pairing flows well. Also, it could get unwieldy when one hyphenate marries another hyphenate; what names do you keep then?
    I know one old man whose father took his mother's name because the little town they lived in had so many of his last names and so few of hers, and he wanted to stand out from all his cousins and brothers. I think that's awesome.

    PS I love it when we go off topic. Sorry.

  52. I think calling herself "Mrs. Carter" is sweet. I consider myself a feminist, and I would still REALLY like to be "Mrs. Somebody." I used to want to hyphenate my maiden and married names -- I'm an Anglophile, so I could pretend that it's a British double-barrelled name, ha ha -- but now I wonder if it isn't a bit pretentious. No offense to those here who have done it; it's just my thoughts on doing it for myself. And, anyway, to each her own.

    I don't think Christina looks amazing here, either. I'm ALL for being curvy -- I am myself -- but I always think that CH looks like she needs to tone up a bit more or something. Her look just seems...I don't know...too much to me, or too..."lush," perhaps? Or like Autumn said, "lumpy." Maybe that's it. (And no, I am NOT fat-shaming. Like I said, I'm a curvy girl myself. And I'm sure CH doesn't give a fig what anyone thinks, ha ha.)

    katydid, I STILL swear by seasonal coloring. I'm a total Winter...dark hair, dark eyes, vampiric skin.

  53. @figgy, that is what I think all the time! She did raise a wonderful husband, so I try to remember that when she is being especially delightful.

  54. @skimpymist, Yes! I was thinking the same thing.. That reveal is the first thing that pops into my mind whenever I see her, really altered my opinion of her. I would've never guessed she was that shallow..

  55. Bradley cooper reminds me of teen wolf...and not in a good way

  56. @Izzie, I think it was that she was not sympathetic when her daughter complained about being made to walk back and forth slowly so the paps could get lots of photos.

    BUT @skimpymist, @faux101, others: look at Alyson's Kindness reveal and see if that seems shallow!

    If both items are true, the explanation might be that she sees the photos as part of her job -- a gift to her fans and part of the success which allows her to be so generous and thoughtful to others. And given how aware she is of the extent of suffering in the world, she might have felt her daughter should learn a bit of boredom is a small price to pay for their good fortune.

    So think about the Kindness BI when you see her pictures!
