Thursday, March 28, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

And once again, Alec Baldwin gets dog walking duty.
Blake Lively has eyes on her breasts and what looks like one of the Seven Dwarfs a little lower at the opening of Target Canada.
Considering that I am pretty sure Sarah Jessica Parker has never been to Target, I am shocked they are paying her to display homecoming corsages.
Also there was Elisha Cuthbert. heard there would be hockey players.
Chris Rock shows Howard Stern the crazy face while
Padma makes one of her own.
Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson at a Host screening in NYC.
Long time no see Dita von Teese.
Elsa Pataky goes for the same clothes three days in a row while her
baby daddy Chris Hemsworth goes for a drive.


  1. Alec looks like a grumpy old grandpa!

    HAHAHA, Enty - great caption on Blake's photo! Perfect!

    Dita vants to dreenk de blud frum your neeck!

    Thor. {sigh} {drool} {sigh}

  2. I love Dita.

    I always thought Elisha Cuthbert was gorgeous.

    I think Chris Rock is hilarious.

    I don't get the Joshua Jackson is hot thing. To me, he looks like an extra from Deliverance.

  3. Target had red carpet events now?

    With that outfit, Josh Jackson should've been the lead role in Oz!

  4. Thor and his wife are one hot couple. I'd like to watch them do it.

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Alec looked so cute when he had the chestnut rinse in his hair.

    SJP is looking good.

    I really appreciate Dita's drama.

  6. I dunno, Chris Hemsworth's flarey nostrils make his face a meh for me. But with the hair down and in some low hanging, tight jeans, I don't need to look at his nose.

  7. Aw too bad Elsa looks like a man & Thor looks like a girl, no one likes that!


    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Heeehee, bad biology.

    2. Errr, what? Short hair=manly, long hair=womanly? No.

    3. @di Butler check out yesterday's random pics 2

  8. The first unflattering photo I have ever seen of Chris H. His neck looks wider than his face.

    I hated the fake corsage trend from SJP the first time. Shouldn't another 20 years have to pass before it's resurrected?

  9. Dita von teese will always be the chick who had sex with a popsicle. Classy.

  10. That dress is not doing Blake Not so Lively any favors

    SJP looks nice

    Thor...meh, he's got a nice body but unless he's wearing his Thor outfit he doesn't do it for me.

  11. Thank god there's no one keeping track of how many times I wear the same outfit.

    ethorne - lol!

  12. There's your daily Thor, Em!

    Does anyone else think Dita does "resurfacing" when she drops out of sight for a while? Like a chemical peel or something?

    Joshua, you know I adore. I just can't with that suit, though. Don't ever do that again.

  13. I prefer The Huntsman to Thor but either way its Chris and he would have no clothes on anyway so it really makes no difference. Yum.

    1. I suppose I should add that myself and my hubs have separated for a while so I am getting all hyper about my little crushes.
      Still best friends, speak every day but we just have so many pressures.

    2. Its Just U, Sorry to hear that. I hope you can both work things out. The fact that you still talk and love each other is great. There are ups and downs in any meaningful relationship. Be strong.

      Been single for two years and when i see colin farrell i still hyperventilate. Lol

  14. Blake Lively has always had eyes on her breasts.

  15. I think Joshua is more charming than "hot"

  16. @Alma : Elsa Pataky is a Spanish (bad) actress who was normal looking when she started in a high school tv series (al salir de clase), then she had some plastic surgery and became a sex symbol (kinda). Then, she married Thor (the actor), had a son with him, cut her hair, got some old (unflattering pic, this one) and is a cute actress now.

    She was in that masterpiece called "snakes on a plane". She deserves respect.

    1. Ahaha. I see. The Oscars probably were not worthy of the cinematic wonder that was....."there are Snakes on my motha$%&ing plane!!" Love it.

    2. @YoMismo. Had a DAUGHTER with him.

  17. THOR THOR THOR THOR... you know the rest ;)

    Does Elisha C. fit the blind from earlier about boyfriends who hit her? Maybe I'm reading too much in to the hockey player comment..

    1. Em, but you already have a real life THOR. Why you have to be a hogger? Don't hog the THOR!

      Share him!!! Share him with all the ladies!!! Share him with ME!


  18. The hockey comment was because there was a huge scandal when one NHL player she used to date said about another hockey player she was then dating that the new boyfriend was settling for his sloppy seconds. Said it in a press conference. Not smart. But NHL players aren't Rhodes Scholars.

  19. Aww I love Josh Jackson! He's super cute. Watch Fringe and you'll be sold :)

  20. Aww I love Josh Jackson! He's super cute. Watch Fringe and you'll be sold :)

  21. So who got the haircut first? Elsa or Miley?

    1. Keep trying to tell everyone, Liam was behind the short blonde Miley cut, and after they started hanging out all 4, and went to Aus together, Tacky got the cut, color, ditched the bras, and got lots of Miley's "looks," and accessories. Read into that, what you will, but the bros 100% have a type. Trust.

  22. Cuthbert as the actress with the secret video of her banging hockeyplayers? Remember an old blind about that,with Hayden P. as the most popular guess. Elisa fits though: also on a previous hit show (24), now mostly movies.

  23. Thanks @lazyday.

    @Amber, if you're still here, I answered you on the Faye thread.

  24. Padma's feet look longer than Paris Hilton's if that is humanly possible, that is. Must be about a size 15!

  25. Even though I love her style, I've always got the vibe from Dita that she is doing what Lindsay is doing, only discreetly.

  26. I thought Thor & Elsa had a daughter?

    The pic of Joshua Jackson and Diane Kreuger remind me of the Tom Cruise/Katy Holmes "presentation." Remember when Tom always did that to Katy at red carpet events?

  27. I love me some SJPeePee

  28. @Alma Thanks. I appreciate that so much.
    It is hard but it's not forever. That might sound naive to some but it's how we are. We have had such a hard couple of years that it's taking a toll. Both our dad's have cancer, but his dad is terminal. It's hard for him and he's not dealing with it very well. He needs head space. It doesn't help that work is scarce and money is tight.
    I am just trying to relieve some pressure from him. He knows he can come home whenever he is ready.

  29. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Maybe it's Elsa's shirt, but her boobies look, well, wonky.

    1. @ Looziana, I thought that too!

  30. It's Just You, hang in there, thinking of you & your husband.

  31. Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard best birth announcement ever:

    “Lincoln Bell Shepard is here. She has mom’s beauty and dad’s obsession with breasts. Hooray!!!”

    “My new roommate poops her pants and doesn’t pay rent…basically Dax pre-sobriety. Welcome baby Lincoln.”

  32. Howard Stern's wig has gotten increasingly ridiculous over the years. He really needs to I brace his inner Larry David and stop the charade.

  33. I see what you did there ethorne! hahahaha...

    Shoes I love: Padma's, Blakes. That is all.

    What is going on with Elsa's bewbs? They look totally wonky there. Oops see I echoed Looziana's comment.

    Alec looks grumpy. I'm sure they're sweet but he needs a more "manly" dog. Like a German Shepard or something..Maybe a lab..Yeah I can see him with a lab.

  34. She's not the greatest actress, but Elisha Cuthbert is so hot.

    I loved Diane Kruger in Inglourious Basterds.

  35. @It's Just U, hang in there, I'm thinking good thoughts for you!

  36. She was in that masterpiece called "snakes on a plane". She deserves respect.

    YoMismo, too funny.

    Joshua Jacson was wonderful on Fringe, a show I truly adored. But, I also don't find him that attractive. Just there. Peter was sweet, though.

  37. How on earth did Diane Kruger let Pacey leave the house in that horrible suit?!

    ethorne, I literally LOL-ed.

    'Lincoln?' I expected better from you two.

  38. Screw Pacey! Joshua Jackson got me hook, line, and sinker as Peter Bishop. For some reason I really love Kruger and Jackson as a couple.

  39. @It's Just U: Sorry to hear you've both been having such a tough time of it; hopefully having a little time & space will help him clear his head. *hugs*

    Love the Bell/Shepherd birth announcement! It reminds me of a hilarious bit I saw Billy Bragg do back in 1989 the night the Berlin Wall came down (first show of his I ever saw); he was describing how his keyboard player Cara had brought her baby on the road with her, and that living and traveling in such close proximity to the little guy (I think he was around 6-9 mos. old or so) had given him a whole new perspective on the phrase "sleep like a baby". In his words: "I slept like a baby last night...I had the urge to suck on someone's tits all night, and I shat the bed!" (Really, if you've never seen the man live, you need to ASAP; he'll be stateside for a few dates next month. Just tell him Robin who bakes wonderful things sent you... ;-)

  40. Re SJP and Target: she had her own clothing line a few years ago, Bitten, that was sold pretty much through one chain like Target (sorry, don't remember which one), and a lot of people were sorry when it shut down. Everything was very reasonably priced (IIRC, I don't think anything was much over $25), stylish, and well-made; it was at least as good quality as what H&M sells, perhaps better. She said she wanted to make decent, inexpensive clothes available because her family didn't have any money when she was growing up, and she would have loved to have had that kind of option back in the day. (Damn, wish I could remember the store name; I know there was a fairly big basketball player for the Knicks, IIRC, who designed an athletic shoe that sold for around $25, for basically the same reasons SJP put out her line; he knew what it was like not to have any money, and thought kids should be able to get "cool" shoes without their parents going broke.)

  41. I'm not mad at Elsa for rocking the outfit over and over again, I am crazy for an off the shoulder sweater.
    And ItsJustYou, kudos for being so practical and reasonable about your separation. I'm rooting for you two!

  42. @Robin: the store was Steve and Barry's, seems they went bankrupt. :/

    I'd love to go to a red carpet event for Target, I spend enough $ there! ;)

    Duh moment-Stern wears a wig? Huh.

  43. And Robin, it Steve and Barry. We had one in SF for a minute, it was fabulous!

  44. @Feraltart @Renoblondee @Robin @EGB Thank you all. We have been friends for over 22 years. He was my 1st boyfriend back in school. We did go our separate ways back then but we always find our way back. We have so much history it's unreal, but first and foremost he is my best friend in the world. I know what he needs, even if he doesn't yet.

  45. Just you: Sometimes being besties means more than being lovers. Sounds like you'll each share your lives together whatever the outcome. All the best to you both figuring it out. Hugs and kisses.

  46. Sjp still with those freaking flowers.

    Thats a wig howard stern wears fml
    Thought he was a teaser

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I went to high school with Barry of Steve and Barry's. He still lives in our area. Very, very nice guy.

  49. Josh Jackson looks like Little Lord Fruitaroy in that fugly suit. I bet Diane made him wear it. I loved him on Fringe, but the cutie guy was Seth Gabel, who played Lincoln Lee , which is such a comic book character name now that I think about it.

  50. I love Elisha a bit because of her show Happy Endings. Who knew she would be good at comedy? One of the best shows. I hope it doesn't go away. :(

  51. Else Pataky (yum) goes bra-less, so does Liam Hemsworth (yuk).

  52. I saw SJP on an interview show years and years ago, I think it was Conan, and she said Target was her favorite store and that she loved to shop there.

  53. Hahaha, too many awesome comments to kudos specifically.

    @Its Just U, your trust in your relationship is a wonderful inspiration to me! It shows how strong you are as an individual. Best to you both.

  54. @Sherry @Deep Lurker. Thank you both so much. See, this is why I love this place.x

  55. @Robin

    I think the chain was Steve and Barry's Department Store but don't quote me on that. I remember a project runway challenge where the winner got to design for Bitten, but I think it was through the brand's online store.

  56. Elsa Pataky also was with Adrian Brody for a looong time before Thor.

    If someone could explain to me how you go from that lanky, unhealthy night owl to the living embodiment of good health, parental TLC with a body that would have put to shame Brad Pitt in Thelma & Louise ... I d like to connect the dots. She seems like she made an turnaroud of a smart move.
