Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Billy Idol gets the top spot for playing a tiny bar on St. Patrick's Day.
Bruno Mars and his girlfriend.
Christian Bale looks like he has put on some weight.
Channing Tatum in London.
Diane Lane looks amazing here with Edward Norton.
Demi Moore looks like the most well put together post workout person I have seen.
Elle Fanning at LAX.
Ethan Hawke plays basketball with his son in NYC.


  1. Oh Billy Idol. He was my very first crush. I still would.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Ditto! Love Billy, he's still got it!

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Ditto! Love Billy, he's still got it!

    3. She cried, "More! More! More!" I actually saw Billy in CBGB's in '78, across the bar. I couldn't ever fight through the throng of older, hotter chicks to get closer, but he was sexxxy.

  2. Bruno Mars. Girlfriend. Same sentence? Snort.

  3. Diane Lane looks gorgeous

  4. Good for Billy! i had heard he had eyesight problems.. so glad he is still going strong - seems like a good guy.

    From her looks, Demi is shopping and running errands.. where do we get the work out vibe from? bah

    Yay for Diane Lane - stay strong girlfriend!!

  5. Holy deal with the devil, Batman! I don't know what kind of agreement Lucifer and Billy Idol worked out, but he looks incredible! Does anyone know - can he still sing?

  6. @Its Just U, it's not just you. :)

    Bale put on weight for a movie he's shooting (with Jennifer Lawrence, Brad Cooper, Amy Adams, & Jeremy Renner).

    I don't get the appeal of Channing Tatum. At all.

    Oooh, Elle is going into Suri's Burn Book! Overall shorts do not cut it!

  7. @Izzie, I agree with you about Channing Tatum. His face is too small for his head.

    1. And his eyes are too small for his face, @Topper

    2. @Topper. But it's balanced out by the fact that his neck is too big for his head.

    3. @Topper, EmEyeKay, Gayeld - you are killing me here! I seriously thought I was the only one. More for Dragon, yes! :b

      @EmEyeKay, this is Mr's picture on my cell phone: Peace Thor

    4. @em ,topper ,Gayeld.Ya Leave my future baby daddy, husband , slash lover alone.

    5. @dragon. *raising eybrow* Slash lover? You do know what slash is, right? 'Cause I have some Starsky/Hutch or Jim/Blair I can direct you toward. Maybe slip a little Sam/Dean in there, just to be naughty.

    6. @Gayeld I know what means =p. I love Sam/Dean. we are talking about supernatural right?

    7. @Dragon. Starsky & Hutch (duh, I know,) The Sentinel and Supernatural. *g*

    8. @gayled Yeah I rather take Sam/dean than others mention lol

    9. Ooh I will take some Dean/Sam (Dean 1st bc he's hotter) if you're passing it around

    10. LOL! It's swim night for the kids, but give me a chance once I get home and I'll see what I can still find. *g*

    11. Sort of on this topic, Jensen and Daneel better have a girl so she can grow up and marry Thomas Padalecki.

    12. @gayeld. Wouldn't that be kinda weird tho. They probably be raise together like cousins. Im assuming considering here parents are best friends.
      I call my mother best friend aunt and she really isn't. I cant see myself hooking uo with her sons tho.We were raise together. Maybe thats just me

    13. Only in a movie-probably Lifetime

    14. @Topper - agree about Channing, though my girlfriend thinks he's super hot. He's not on my switch-teams list. Neither is Jared Padalecki or Jensen Ackles BUT if you could get Jensen's head on Jared's body it moves to a maybe.

    15. @lucas let me guess Ryan Gosling is in ur list?. See I dont find Ryan attractive. I don't call him ugly because he is not. he just not my type.

    16. @dragon & @ Lucas- can I know the top 5 guys list?

    17. @Dragon - No, no Gosling. Or Ryan Reynolds either.

      @Lotta - I don't think I can come up with 5. It was just Chris Hemsworth until I watched GoT and had to add Jason Momoa. My original team-switcher was Matthew McConaughey (I'm sure I fucked that up) but that was years ago. Not so much anymore.

    18. @Lotta My Top fav?

      1.Channing tatum-Not the most attractive in my list but he is nice,funny and goofy jock. I know people who work for him all say nice things.

      2.Idris Alba- Nice Chocolate man with mighty fione accents.

      3.Chris Hemsworth- Hey I just met you and this is crazy I see ur hammer now Thor baby.

      4.Tom Welling. Always my Smallville crush since i was 10. I grew up watching him.

      5.Paul Walker. Those blue eyes gets me.

      Honorable mention: Denzel Washington

      I can give you my top twenty but I'll be here all day. they change from time to time.

    19. @dragon &Lucas- I ♥ you guys!

      My top 5: Ryan Gosling, Jesse Williams, Charlie Hunnam, RDJ, & Diego Sanchez (ufc)

      Honorable mention: Matt Bomer but he swings the other way. Hey a girl can dream.

    20. Forgot to mention that Channing & Thor do absolutely nothing for me. *shrugs* Know idea why!

    21. @Lotta. were even I feel the same way with Ryan Gosling.

      I just google Diego Sanchez. Cliente! Good Pick and he wrestles. *Thumbs up*

    22. @dragon you slay me.

      @Lotta- we can flip for Charlie & work together on the Boner!

    23. @dragon- the wrestling is such a turn on!

      @ethorne- I will totally share Charlie if the Boner comes to play! LOL

  8. Oh. My. God. The things I would do to Billy Idol.

  9. Christian Bale got big.

    @izzie thats okay More Tatum for me.

    Billy idol looks like Marc I forgot his name. That dude from Suger Ray Band

  10. Billy Idol...yeahhhhh!!!

  11. Sweet, young dragon. You mean Mark McGrath looks like Billy Idol :-). Billy is the original.

    1. @Frufra. Yeah thats who I meant lol. It was at the tip of my tongue but I couldn't remember.

  12. It's cool to see Billy Idol again. "Eyes Without A Face" is still one of my fave. songs.

  13. No one could out-sneer Billy Idol in his prime.

    I remember the year he performed at the Grammys - he was so out of it his eyes were teeny tiny slits.

    Please don't ask me what year - just for today, let me feel young again. ;)

  14. Frufra - I saw him play about 10 years ago and he still sounds freaking GREAT. Some friends saw him perform am some something or other more recently than that and they enjoyed it too. He's still got it and I still would. More, more, more, please.

  15. Thanks, disco. Yeah I would! It's Billy fucking Idol!

  16. OK, ladies, I went to the google, and it tells me that our Billy is 57 years young - yowza!

    I also totally forgot about Generation X!

  17. Anonymous1:53 PM

    bruno girlfriend?!!! TUH!

  18. Anonymous1:53 PM

    gay, he is *in my yoda voice*

  19. omg Elle fanning please tell me overalls are coming back!!

  20. I find Channing Tatum to be fug. Do not see the hot at all, but he seems like a super nice guy.

    1. Ditto Paris. Totally not seeing the hot of Channing. Nice body butter face.

  21. I did not think that Bruno was into the ladies. In fact, I still don't. Wonder if he actively tries to stay closeted or if this is one of those "celeb in close proximity to a person of the opposite sex = they're totally boning".

    Hey, whatever, he seems decent enough no matter what. Although he does need to stay off the blow.

  22. Totally OT, but did anyone else see Beyonce is on the cover of Shape ... which is published by same company as Star and Enquirer? Remember that icky blind about the star agreeing to be on the cover in order to hide the disgusting thing they were going to run about what her employee did...

  23. Oh snap, January - do you have a link? I do remember that, but can't recall the deets.

  24. Oh yeah January Girl. Someone else brought that up as well.

    And Diane Lane is all kinds of perfect!

  25. @Sherry -- sorry didn't read all the stories! Glad someone else picked it up. :)


  26. Bruno's been dating Vanessa Carlton (Of Fall Into the Sky fame) for ever.

    Given that every song on every album of Bruno's is sucking up, I have to assume he's got her for life.

  27. Did Bruno Mars' girlfriend get tired of dating Jake Gyllenhall?

    (love the man with the hair pouf, but no, not buying it)

  28. Wait, the singer Vanessa Carlton? Makes sense...

  29. Bruno Mars is dating Vanessa Carlton? As in Stephan Jenkins from Third Eye Blind's ex? Huh. I thought Bruno was gay.

  30. Demi Moore is on my most despised list. I loathe everything she represents. I understand she had crap parents and grew up in a trailer park, but it seems utterly lost on her that she has turned into a crap parent who just has a prettier trailer. She is no richer than she ever was, she just has more stuff and more designer drugs. She is still a loser in lif: hateful, bitter, lonely, irresponsible, unlikable and miserable. I feel sorry for her children.

  31. Re: Bruno Mars

    That is NOT Vanessa Carlton and IDK if he ever dated her or not but the DM credits this Jessica girl in these photos as his girlfriend.

  32. Why does everyone assume Bruno is gay?

  33. It's amazing how much better getting rid of 200 pounds of asshole makes Diane Lane look!

  34. Same question as Renoblondee. This is the first time I've seen so many people think he's gay. He's been with Jessica for a while now and they seem happy. What did I miss?

  35. Ok, so I checked the Bruno Mars gay thing and all I have is the supposed "small radio station" interview. If the interview's real, where's the audio? It's a bloody radio station, that sound bite would be out there somewhere. Also, why isn't the name of the mysterious station even mentioned?

    So maybe someone has more info on this than that?

  36. I'll play.

    Keeping in mind that I'm single and therefore don't need freebies...

    In no particular order:

    Chris Hemsworth
    Russell Brand
    Taylor Lautner (Hey! He's legal now-- and I'm not auditioning actors)
    Matt Damon
    David Tennant

    But occasionally switch in:
    Jeremy Renner
    Richard Ayoade (I love funny!)

    Yeah, Ryan Gosling (and Channing Tatum) does nothing for me either. He's okay and everything...

    1. @lola Might damon is not even in my top 20 list maybe 30.

      I like ur list tho.

  37. ATTENTION!!!

    Introducing, Lindsay Lohan's newest mugshot!

    Hire a makeup artist for the occasion perhaps?

    1. @lotta That's ugly pic what was she thinking.

      It will never be this flaws mug shot of hers http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuXG9-buEyRZ10qyh8Rm-IMKrbY7l1e5SFYJPqM1V7giWMEM-1ow

    2. This is probably her first sober mugshot. Maybe even her first sober photo period.

    3. I've noticed it's only the 2nd time she managed to keep her mouth closed. Is she a mouth breather or something?

    4. Oh shit, that glamour shot is going in the scrapbook.

  38. Lucas, your lists have kept me entertained today. :)

    Channing does nothing for me, but does seem like a nice guy.

    I'd like to hold down Demi and cut her hair. It used to be so pretty, but it looks awful in this pic.

    Diane Lane is stunning and congrats to Ed Norton on his baby on the way.

  39. Thanks Lotta, sadly I think it's her best one so far? At least her hair is a decent color.

  40. I like it that Elle Fanning actually looks like a kid. I hate seeing teenagers (or anyone, really!) dressing like bookers, in Hollywood and beyond.

    1. Er, hookers, NOT bookers! Freaking auto correct strikes again!!

  41. Thanks for the laugh Lotta (ATTENTION!!!)!

  42. I thought Bruno Mars was a woman at first in that picture....

  43. If Channing T would ease up on the steroids he would bump his rating up by 2 points. He can't act for crap still though. Oh and Ethan H has looked like a meth head for almost a decade now. Even sl*tty old Angie J rejected him.

  44. Bruno ain't gay... he's just part-Filipino from Hawaii.

    I get the gay thing a lot when I go to the mainland. It's just the mixture of being really effusive and emotional and liking more colorful and stylish clothes than most mainland straight men would go for. He's straight, trust me. Gays from Hawaii flame with the fire of a thousand suns.

  45. I don't get Channing Tatum's appeal, either. A coworker is obsessed with him. I don't want to hurt her feelings and tell him just how vanilla-pudding bland I find him. Blech.

    I loved Billy's turn in THE WEDDING SINGER. Very cool of him.

    Is Diane Lane with Ed Norton now? Now, HE is on my List. (My List is all kinds of ridiculous...three different categories and about two dozen men.) Didn't someone say he was kind of douchey, though? I hope that's not true.
