Monday, March 18, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Anderson Cooper makes out with Madonna dressed like a Boy Scout.
Ben Affleck hangs out with his daughter.
Britney Spears plays soccer mom to
her two kids over the weekend.
Chris Martin strolls slowly behind Faith Hill.
Carrie Underwood performs in London.
David Arquette looks ridiculous, but I think he is ok with that.
David Beckham looks like he has lost some weight.
Daniel Craig walks the streets without yelling at a fan.


  1. Hmmm...isn't Faith Hill married (and not to Chris Martin!)?

  2. Weren't Faith and Goop friends when she was in Nashville filming? Or is Enty hinting at a little something something??

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are in London with their three grown daughters. They've been friends with Gweneth and Chris for a long time. Tim and Gweneth did that movie Country Strong together a few years back.

    1. "Grown?" 15, 14, & 11 aren't grown in my world. Apple Martin is almost 9. There were rumors of Martin and Faith being cozy friends. Can't say I blame him, if so. Faith is more slush than ice queen Goopster.

  4. Um, is the universe truly that random ?

  5. Britney looks pretty good and seraphina and violet afffleck are my favorite celeb kids.

  6. I think Britney looks pretty good here.

  7. I've come to the conclusion that Daniel Craig is only hot as Bond or in a tux. I can't explain it. Sort of like Viggo Mortenson as Aragorn. Hot but not much elsewhere.

    1. I agree he comes off as the grumpy old man that he is otherwise.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      I was thinking Daniel Craig looks like Grumpy Cat

    3. Oh, I LOVE grumpy cat!!!!

  8. I'm super-proud of Brit for doing her hair AND putting on a bra before she went to the boys' game. You go, girl!

  9. There is absolutely no way in HELL that Faith Hill would ever cheat on Tim McGraw. No way. I think they're all just good friends. Maybe I'm naive, but I will never believe that she will cheat. She loves her family way too much.

  10. I wonder what she is talking to her son about....

    Faith and Chris---they are just walking! OMG aren't they married?! Oh yes. And they both walk. Sounds like funny business to me.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. @Ms Cool,
    I can't agree more. I was mesmorized by Viggo in the the LTR trilogy. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Then, I saw him outside that movie. Wow, what a difference. Not even close.

  13. Her son has heard her say "like" after every other word for his whole life. wOw

  14. Well, the Argo kids are cute. Finally saw the film. Not very impressed, apparently that's just me.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      **SPOILER ALERT**@Agent. I thought Argo was just okay. I. Couldn't understand why they spent all that money and resources on 6 people when there were 50 with guns to their heads still at the embassy. Maybe I missed something. It'd give it a B.

  15. Gee Madonna kissing yet another gay man, yawwwn. I see she is also wearing her bowler hat from the Open Your Heart video

    1. Whatever medication she is taking that makes her oblivious to the fact that she is a washed up, irrelevant hag I would like to take too.

    2. Wendy,
      I agree. I think you would benefit from taking such pills

    3. @ Sunny - +100, girl!

    4. I snorted coffee all over my desk!!!

    5. Chris Cruz - I did too! Dayum! Except mine was a pink cocktail ;)

  16. i wish i could like carrie underwears...she's got such great hair...shame the folicular awesomeness isn't enough to cover for her a-hole ways.

    1. Yep. Her hair and thin frame are the only things attractive about her.

    2. @Pookie - I call her Carrie underwear, too. That is all :-).

  17. Carrie underwood does have great legs. What are her a-hole ways?

  18. Does anyone think Brit is allowed to go online? I wonder if she is allowed internet access or if her handlers block it from her?

  19. @Fufra -- Couldn't have said it better!

  20. Anonymous1:48 PM

    So right Frufra and Ms. Cool, totally agree. Viggo Mortensen was MESMERIZING in LOTR, couldn't take my eyes off him, stole every scene, (Lego who?), then in everything else, who is THIS guy? Sometimes it's just the role, same with D. Craig, he should realise that his grumpiness isn't winning him any fans or hotness points. I'm proud of Britters here too, a bra, a reasonable outfit, washed combed hair, smiling calmly acting casual, not clutching a starbucks cup, how refreshing! I remember something saying that she wasn't allowed to go online at all, and/or was very supervised so that she couldn't read what people are saying about her, or her conservatorship. That's scary, that someone can legally be controlled like that, sadly for her I think it's a neccesity for her own safety, and her bank account's. No more surprise marriages.

  21. Anonymous1:50 PM

    How could I leave out Faith and Chris Martin? Whoa..... we know he and Goopy were separated, but her and McGraw are done? Wow! Good for her, she looked pretty strung out at their last appearance together on the red carpet. Like butter scraped over too much bread. (lotr reference alert)

  22. Agent: My friend said the very same thing about Argo. She wasn't impressed at all.

    And I think the shirt has a built in bra for Brit. It made me realize I needed to order some for myself.

  23. I love Viggio, and in the movie love love that movie!

  24. It's hard to find but look around for The Portrait of a Lady. Viggo was mesmerizing in it (although he's playing a total stalker-dolt, Caspar Goodwood). The cinematography, score, and Nicole are also worth the rental.

  25. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I think Viggo is pretty hot in most movies. Real life, depends, he's had a few good red carpet apprearances too.
    He's hot in the Indian Runner, an oldie but goodie directed by my favourite scumbag Sean Penn. Can't stand him (SP) but love most of his movies.

  26. I enjoy Viggo as an actor (and DC, too), I just only find him hot as Aragorn.

  27. Britney! I almost didn't recognize her with a bra. Way to go! Looking good.

  28. Im wondering why we see affleck/garner family pics everyday. I mean kids are great but its enough already.

  29. Viggo was amazing in The Road. I cried like I big ol baby the ENTIRE movie. So don't watch it if you get emotional :) even my bf by the end had a few tears. Great movie and true to how it would be if shit hit the fan so to say. He is one of my very favorite actors.

  30. Viggo in A History of Violence? Holy hot hell. I still say that's the hottest sex scene I've ever seen.

    I think that's the best weave I've ever seen on BritBrit.

  31. So am I the only one noticing some odd rectangular thing on Ben's left leg? .....

  32. YO Beyonce cover Shape Magazine. SHAPE MAGAZINE. Ya know what im thinking.

    1. @dragon- damn that blind item was disturbing, I hope her father isn't a big old perv like that.

    2. @lotta it was her dad? da fuq.

      I didnt have to click ur avi. I recognize Lindsey boobs in a quickness lol.

  33. i so rarely get the chance to ay this but wow, Britney looks great.

  34. Anonymous4:44 PM

    It is duly noted that Anderson Cooper will kiss Madonna with fervor but will not engage Kathy Griffin in a peck or two.

    SIDE EYE.....

  35. Viggo was also hot as the devil in The Phropecy, the five minutes he was on there. The rest was Christopher Walken calling humans talking monkeys. But oh, those five minutes.

    I remember Faith getting on stage and calling some heifer out for grabbing Tim's balls right before she came on..she was pissed! She's jealous of him,or was.

  36. Martin and Hill are walking with their kids. Above it is stated that Paltrow became buds with them during Country Strong. I really doubt they'd be so bold to bring their kids along while having an affair.

  37. Jenn: I don't blame Faith for getting pissed at all--WTF was that woman thinking, grabbing at Tim like that? Sure, lots of women think he's cute, but since when did it become socially acceptable to grab the nuts of some guy you don't even know? If I were married & someone got hold of my husband's package, I'd be pissed off, too; if I was mad enough, I might even take a swing at them. Sheesh...

  38. First time poster...

    Sorry...but dayum Viggo is HAWT in "Eastern Promises"!

  39. If you look at the full set of pics from the Faith Hill/Chris Martin walk, you can see Tim McGraw walking right behind Chris. That's his gray hat to the left of Chris in the pic above.

    Carrie Underwood and David Arquette both look like hot messes.

  40. Hard to think Faith or Tim could ever cheat? Why? Because they were in committed relationships when they started their affair on the Spontaneous Combustion tour....

  41. Britney looks great! And happy. Faith hill on the other hand..

  42. I got sucked into a project and missed photos part 3!

    @MsCool, et al, I am so with you on Viggo - he is smoking hot on-screen and off-screen, meh. Same with Daniel Craig.
    @Mooshki - the scene on the stairs? Holy s* snacks!

    I was a bit ambivalent about seeing The Road - H'wood screws up the best books, but they do Cormac McCarthy fairly just (No Country for Old Men was a surprise for me) and they did an excellent job with The Road. The beach scenes were filmed on our summer haunts on the Oregon coast.

    @Robin, RIGHT? What are you thinking? "Oh, I grabbed a famous guy's stuff!" Please.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought "Carrie Underwear" when seeing that photo.

  43. Agree with you @auntliddy - the 17th time in a month with pics of the Affleck kids is just too much.

  44. Fashion Police has a segment called, "Guess Me From Behind". It's a rear view photo of a celeb, and the folks on the show have to guess who it is. On Friday there was a photo of a slightly chunky blonde on what looked like a soccer field with a young boy. Her gauzy white sundress was rucked up in back showing her ass crack and that she wasn't wearing underwear.

    Who was it?

    Britney! At the soccer field with her son(s).

  45. Viggo is just a god, especially as Aragorn. I'm a gay female but my boy crush is Viggo. Amazing actor and seems like a really interesting and intelligent person. The stories about Viggo and the horse he rode in LOTR just won me over completely.

    Brit's brunette hair didn't last long. She is looking gorgeous and well-put-together so go Brit!
