Friday, March 15, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Bethenny Frankel taking classes to learn how to spell YMCA.
David Bowie and Iman. I would love to go to dinner with them.
Apparently Demi Lovato has stained her hands black for her new music video.
Emma Roberts and a cupcake she will never eat.
Gerard Butler headed into Letterman.
Unless Amber Heard was standing next to her car, I don't think I could recognize her. She is always changing her look.
Crochet pants are a big thing for Jessica Biel. Justin & Jessica were headed to a birthday party for Timbaland.
Jamie Foxx went and also
Chelsea Clinton. Talk about random.


  1. Is Jessica Biel just trolling us with her clothes?

  2. My good Iman is so freakin flawless! The woman does not age.

    LMFAO @ Biel's pants! What in the world were you thinking!? Poor girl is such a try-hard.

  3. I dont find bowie or iman particularly interesting,so i would pass on dinner.

  4. Chelsea Clinton - jeesh what happened? Once upon a time there was potential.

    1. @Alicia - Eh, I'd hit it. But she has the smart thing going, which I find super sexy.

    2. Haha I get it - the smart thing does it for me too .. Just insist she wears a teddy with a turtleneck!

  5. I hope Demi puts on some gloves before visiting the restroom.

    Unless Emma got an Office cupcake!

    Damnit, I still heart Gerry!

    Crochet pants and a Peter Pan collar. One fashion dare at a time, Jessica, before you turn into Minaj.

  6. Bethanny: stop abusing your assistants and go away and take your man jaw with you. Gerard Butler is only "in love" because studio execs finally realized that his "love 'em and leave 'em" lifestyle was turning off female audiences and possibly affecting his box office returns.

  7. Biel's dress reminds me of Streisand's '69 Oscar gown.

  8. Why was the Bethanny thing wearing heels?

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yoga in heels? Really? I guess you're supposed to break your ankles in Warrior 1, ouch!

    And what happens when something snags your crochet pants??

  10. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yoga in heels? Really? I guess you're supposed to break your ankles in Warrior 1, ouch!

    And what happens when something snags your crochet pants??

  11. I wonder how many people at timbaland's party asked jessica biel what the heck she was wearing.

  12. Iman once made a comment about curling up on the couch with David. They're such a cool couple. I hope they really do that.

    I can't imagine sustaining a conversation with Jessica Biel. She's like Ambien on heels. ZZZZzzzzz.

    For anyone who missed the link that Count J posted in RP3 yesterday: Porn stars before and after makeup. It was really kind of fascinating. And sad, too.

  13. Haha, jessica biel in those pants.

    I love David Bowie.

  14. Anonymous1:37 PM

    re: Mrs. Timberlake ( for now )those pants with the peter pan collar? does she have a light or a mirror in her closet? Good Lord. @ Mango, so true. I think just seeing her at a party would make me start feeling uncontrollably drowsy and yawning. Thanks for the porn star clicky!

  15. Gerry looked washed up on Letterman and his voice was off, too. I never really saw what others see in him. I usually like Scottish men, but he just doesn't do it for me.

    Why do Chelsea and her husband look so sweaty and nasty? He looks like he is going through withdrawal.

  16. Justin Timberlake seems like so much fun and is really funny. I find it hard to believe that she is that boring or he wouldn't have put a ring on it. my god though she can't dress.

  17. Was that Amber Heard comment aimed at the blind of the passed-out drunk?

  18. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Wow, the porn stars without makeup before and after thing was, wow. I feel so much better about looking so different pre and post make up myself! I would love to get to talk to Chelsea Clinton at a party.

  19. There is some type of virus on this site. I was just reading about one minute ago on my iPad,and all of a sudden the cdan site changed to a app site for porn called ibonk,or something like that. It was a porn app for sure. Has this happened to anyone else today?

    1. I had a virus blocked while on this site on my desktop today.

  20. Jessica Biel AND Chelsea Clinton? Oooo, I'll bet the conversation was just fraught with intense excitement with those two bland bitches! "My recycling bins got turned over again last nite!" "OMG, you poor thing! There's just so many crimes, nowadays, don't those little hoods know who you are, like, really?"

  21. Anonymous2:11 PM

    seriously those pants are horrible
    mayb justin tells her to wear it too laugh at her?! here she is thinkin shes DA SHIT..and he is cracking the fuck up inside
    is she a long ass SNL real life skit?
    i just dont see it

    jaime hard ass leather blazer aint easy on the eyes either. wtf is that

  22. All that JT $$$$$$ & THAT'S.what you're wearing Jessica?!?!?

    Money truly does not by taste.

  23. BREAKING NEWS: Lil Wayne is in a Coma due to his seizure. it's not looking good.

    Hope everything is okay

  24. Do they get any uglier than Chelsea Clinton? If she showed up at my party, I'd make her leave through a side door.

    1. I am pretty sure she has never considered herself beautiful. Only a social retard like yourself wouldn't understand her attempts to avoid the spotlight like she has for the past 20ish years.

  25. sarasmile4641, it's the ads. Install adblock and you won't have to worry about it any more.

  26. @loopymommy: I saw the Scaasi pantsuit that Babs wore to pick up her Oscar at an exhibit of what was basically his greatest hits at the Museum of Fine Art here in Boston, and after looking it all over very carefully, I can safely say that it was NOT transparent--it was fully lined, but with a nearly skin-tone fabric (an extremely fine mesh, IIRC). Everyone thought they were seeing a lot more than what they actually saw. It's the kind of outfit that seems a bit goofy now, but it was beautifully made, was very much of its time and place, and she wore it very well IMNSHO. They also had the dress she wore the following year to present at the Oscars, which was some kind of pink crepe with (I think) mirrors embroidered on and a very low neckline...I never realized before just how much of a rack she really had. ;-)

  27. Crocheted pants - I'd think they would bag at the knees and because of the weight, eventually stretch downward to pool on the ground.

    And they're ugly.

  28. They all have on heels in the Bethany pic, check the mirror. This is a dance class.

  29. Wendy - Bethanny doesn't have man jaw, she has bulimia jaw. Add in the yoga with heels on and I just can't with her. Ugh.

    1. Ok fair enough. How about we meet in the middle and agree that her bulimia has exposed her man like jaw feature?

  30. I don't know if anyone's still reading at this hour, but TMZ is reporting that Lil' Wayne is in the ICU due to seizures, and it's not looking good: <a href="></a>

    I don't care much for him, but I certainly don't wish him any harm, and I do hope he's able to pull through and get his act together for the sake of his loved ones and all those kids...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. BREAKING NEWS: Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough broke up.

  33. Lil wayne is in a coma yet tweeting he is ok. Gotta love reality.

  34. Someone's tweeting on his phone. Dude massively OD'd on purple drank

  35. What's with all the Chelsea hate? She seems nice and smart. Does she have to be traditionally pretty for people to like her?

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  37. Can't help it, I just love me some Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea. I'd been a bit judgmental of Chelsea, thinking that she wasn't doing enough with her life given her advantages, but that article that Lucas gave the link for (thanks Lucas!) says that she's doing way more than I realized. And getting a Phd in Oxford in International Relations. Very cool.

    Even my husband, a Republican, says he would vote for Hillary in 2016. :-)

  38. I like Chelsea the Clinton but not Chelsea the Handler.

  39. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I think that Bethenny is spelling the A in bulimia with her pose.

  40. Where is the Ryan Secrest/Juliana Hough breakup post? I have a bunch of beard jokes & need a forum to post them.

    It's great that he finally decided to shave off that beard. He looks so much better without it.

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