Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

A Happy Days mini reunion gets the top spot.
Ron Howard was being honored and Will Arnett did the presentation.
I'm not sure the Burt Wonderstone movie will be any good, but the cast sure does seem to get along.
Bindi Irwin is all grown up.
After spending the day in a bikini, Eva Longoria cleaned up nicely for an event in Rio.
I guess today is all about having fun, because the always great Emma Stone was all laughs with her co-star.
More laughs as Gerard Butler does actually remember Angela Bassett's name. Then tries to sleep with her. Just kidding. I kid.
Hilaria Thomas and Alec Baldwin at yet another event.
Jessica Alba is sporting a new look. She might also be pregnant.


  1. Mrs Cunningham!

    Eva Longoria annoys me for some reason. Can't put my finger on it.

    Emma's tights! I love textured tights with boots! And grinning kids!

    I miss 300 Gerry. Oh my but he was hot.

  2. It was all computer generated hotness.

    Hilaria has got the pose down for her ho stroll!

  3. Emma is a sweetheart. She and Andrew Garfield did a City Harvest event where my dad works (a middle school in Staten Island) last year before Spider-Man came out. My dad had nothing but nice things to say about her (he couldn't really remember Andrew lol), and that she was cute as a button. She even asked if she could make the announcements on the PA system! But my dad also said she is super duper skinny and could use a burger or two LOL

  4. Is this a blind reveal?

    Gerard Butler does actually remember Angela Bassett's name.

  5. Bindi has turned out to be such a gorgeous young lady. Steve would be extremely proud and impressed with how she has turned out. It always brings a tear to my eyes when I see her grown up! I watched Steve when she was just a tot on her moms back! I miss him and am sure he is looking down on his beautiful family!

  6. Eva reveal?She does look thicker around the middle.

    Why is there so much Jessica here? Enty must like her.

  7. Marion Ross looks absolutely wonderful! I loved watching Happy Days when I was growing up!

    Wow! Bindi Irwin is a beautiful young lady. It seems so weird seeing her grown up now.

  8. Little Marion Ross gossip: I worked for a vintage car part company about 15 yrs ago and the big story at the time was how M.R. ordered thousands of dollars worth of vintage parts & accessories, then never bothered to pay for them. They were in collections and I don't think the company ever got a dime from her.

  9. Angela Basset was on our local fox news this morning.

    She really didn't come off as very bright.

  10. I saw pictures of Eva, I think last week, and she's wearing sweats and sweatshirt. I was surprised because her ass looked huge (compared to how she normally looks). and today there are pictures of her in a bikini from yesterday or today, and seh has a belly. I don't know if she's pregnant. Maybe she's indulging a little because she has no acting gig.

  11. Dang, Marion looks better than Ron.

  12. @Nosey... there was an interview Gerard gave that was being talked about online yesterday. He revealed that he did in fact sleep with brandi glanville and that simply never knew who she was, that she was on tv, or her last name. He didn't think she would say anything so when he denied it he genuinely didn't know of her but he has since spoken with her and acknowledged the statement. Ha!

  13. Bindi has grown up to be such a pretty girl. It makes me sad that her father is missing out on seeing her grow up. :(

  14. Lol at Jim Carey getting the side eye from Steve Buscemi for feeling him up.


    1. @ethorne- Hiiilllaarriiiaa is always raising one eyebrow like she just smelled a fart. Every single red carpet!

    2. @Lotta-she's the Vivien Leigh of her time.

      Forget Obama, I want to see her birth certificate. No way she's 28

  15. For all of you who swear the BI's and reveals are true...

    From Fish on 2/24/2013:
    Here is the BI:

    Blind Items Revealed

    March 20, 2007

    So when people come out of rehab, aren't they supposed to be sober? This person was so obnoxious and so rude and so obviously wasted out of his mind.... (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) This television host was practically yelling, "notice me, oh please notice me." She needs to decide if she wants to be a host or a performer. If she needs that much attention then she needs to go on a reality show... (Paula Abdul) This person's hands are not all that's large anymore. When she sees the photos she is going to go NUTS.... (Paris Hilton) Imaginary conversation--"What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I'm a porn star." "Me too. Well not full time of course. We should do a porno together.".... (Jenna Jameson & person who shall not be named) This female reality star was so sweet. Don't believe all the stuff you read about her because I don't think most of it is true. (Stacy Keibler)

    Fish: "This was previously revealed last year (Sat Sept 8 2012).


    Then the 1st reveal was Brandon Davis, not Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

    What's up with that?"

    Yes, what IS up with that?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Bindi looks beautiful. That is all. :)

  18. @Nosey: No, it's a reference to Gerry's remarks on Howard Stern that he didn't know Brandi Glandville's name when she came on to him at a party, much less that she was famous.

    Did you see her reaction later? She so doesn't get it!

  19. So glad to see Bindi! That is just what I needed to warm my heart after reading the comments on the Michael Vick post. For a minute there, I felt dirty and just needed a hug... yowza!

  20. Jessica Alba's face looks different to me

  21. Bindi is gorgeous. Her Dad would be proud.

  22. At least Bindi Irwin's cute--unlike her late, idiot father.

  23. Ron Howard is someone who deserves to be honored. He is awesome.

    Love Angela Bassett....

  24. In the bikini pic with Eva she just has a little belly roll. Not pregnancy. A normal belly roll like most of us human beings. I love her even more for it. I think she's just gorgeous.

  25. Hey Enty check out Giada on Caesars Palace FB page. Going to the buffet my ass. Looks like she got caught doing the walk of shame. I wonder which rocker is in Vegas too?

  26. Kympossible- give it a rest already. Both JRM AND BD fit that blind. What a nonissue you arre making into a silly mission on a fun gossip site that comes with a disclaimer for goodness sake. Go for a run, get some air.

  27. @Izzie - 300 Gerry is in the same no man's land hanging out with Gladiator Russell Crowe.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Angela Basset is looking incredible!

  30. Aw, Bindi is beautiful. Her dad would be very proud of her.

  31. @Kym...

    I know you're outraged about the BI thing. I'm outraged too. I'm outraged that in a nation like ours, 1 in 4 children (17 million!)go to bed hungry every night. I'm outraged that people who have tons of time on their hands to get outraged about silly, superfluous things, don't ever seem to have time to be outraged about the important things.

    Perhaps your outrage might be better directed elsewhere.

  32. Thanks, but I'm having a pretty good time pissing YOU off enough to spend what must have been 30 minutes planning your hard-hitting response.

  33. Anonymous5:28 PM

    14 isn't "all grown up", Enty: better watch that stuff or you'll have the whole hen-house a'cluckin'...

  34. kympossible, no one cares. blah blah nyborg.

  35. I'm hardly pissed off at you, kym. You have been doing this schtick about once every 6 months for quite some time. Then, you swear that it is your LAST TIME EVER coming to this site...until you do.

    I am hoping to offer you something of substance to fill the void that makes you so terribly, terribly ragey.

    As I said, there are plenty of REAL things in this world to get angry about. You seem intently focused on a silly/outdated/minor issue.

  36. Thanks for caring enough to tell me you don't care. I don't care about you. I care about the Fraud Kool-Aid that 'Enty' is serving, that all of you so willingly chug down your gullets. All I'm doing is repeating back what this coward tells all of you, and suggesting that you might be a little bit smarter than to continue to bow down to this almighty, lying, shock value motivated, anonymous hack.

  37. Ugh!!! Eva Longoria is so disgustingly fat, I can't stand to look at her! Thank god she isn't going to get a new show!

    I'm sorry, kympossible; it sounds like you're really unhappy with your life. :(

  38. @Kympossible: OMG I followed the link and you are SO right. I am totally OUTRAGED! I can't believe the BIs are fake!! And after I sent in all that money to the radio show and even wrote Enty for advice on how get my twins in to show biz. This is horrible. I feel so, so...betrayed I guess you could say. IS THERE NO TRUTH IN THIS WORLD ANYMORE!? I mean I kind of had doubts after B.Profane posted all that stuff in August, but I just talked myself back into believing Entys LIES after hours of pointless googling Profane's clues crashed my computer. Thank you for opening my eyes to this devastating deception.

    Just kidding. You suck. Can't wait for the 10K reveals!!

    Ghostie Burrito Whores 4ever! Woot woot!!

  39. GBW's in da hizzouse!!!

  40. I expected so much more from you, Lola. That really hurt. I was hoping we could leave personal attacks out of this and stick to the subject. That subject being the daily round-up of lies about people that are published as fact, and the embarrassing pandering for money to do so (in case you forgot). Your most recent response indicates that you are a person of high intelligence and immeasurable creativity. I have complete confidence in your ability to make up a plethora of salacious allegations about people you've never met, and who wouldn't make eye contact with you if you were the only 2 sitting on the bus.

  41. @kympossible, you poor girl. I agree with Lola, there are so many things in this world to be sincerely outraged about that spending time and energy caring "about the Fraud Kool-Aid that "Enty" is serving" seems both petty and well, sad.

    Do any other longtime readers remember the chick that was so bent on "revealing" Enty that she created her own anti-cdan blog? I think this was around 2006-07 and then she disappeared. I'm too lazy to research it but Kym reminds me of her.

  42. Of course I'm her. I am the only person in the entire world that would dare to call attention to the untruths perpetrated by an anonymous blogger who spends his days drafting docs for the elderly and dreaming of being part of the 'In Crowd'.

  43. ^^^SERIOUSLY????!!!!^^^

    You are her?? Why don't you go back to your anti-cdan blog and post your lame vitriol there? You've been doing this same shit since 2006? And I thought you were pathetic before... Dayum.


    1. It has become evident that I've overestimated the intelligence of the jury, Your Honor. As such, I request that this comment be admitted into evidence and recorded as Exhibit A.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Randy: Because we would be amenable to that. Well? Why do you look so nonplussed?
    Archer: Because I wasn’t sure if you knew what “amenable” meant, until you followed it up with “nonplussed.”

  45. MLE...

    I think she's fucking with you. Kym's the one who went batshit insane (with Karrots) over the radio/autographed book thing. She shows up about once every six months or so and occasionally loses her shit and vows to NEVER return to CDAN...but she always does.

    It must be our charm.

  46. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I know I'm gonna get my head handed to me for saying this, but a lot of the blind items here really DO strike me as being bullshit. Also, I've said in the past that there are aspects of this blog that I really find disturbing. Foremost among my concerns is just how ready some of us are to believe the worst about others. Also in there is just how catty and vicious and gleeful a lot of people here are, when they "dog-pile onto" and "tear into" whichever actor/actress they hate, or some alleged wrongdoing trotted out in order for us to get all morally indignant about. It's like this site is here to give everyone someone to hate; someone to point a finger at and say "how shameful" about. Heck, I've only been reading this blog since last summer, and when I first got here I absolutely was totally "into" the site: I thought CDAN was the best thing since sliced bread. But fairly quickly I got the feeling that a lot of the more scandalous items revealed here weren't genuine. I also think that the number of freaking ADS on any given page is wildly disproportionate to the amount of info. It's absurd. So. I'm not siding with kympossible, or anyone else here: I've not read enough of the exchange above to have an opinion on who is right or wrong or crazy or not crazy. But...I honestly do think that any reasonable person reading this blog for any appreciable amount of time would sooner or later come to the conclusion that it (CDAN) isn't kosher, on multiple levels...

  47. D'oh! She got us with that one! You win, Kim. Enjoy your victory!

    Anonymous, it's gossip. Nobody ever said gossip was a virtuous pastime. Also, adblock is your friend.

  48. I commend you for straying from the herd, Anon. And, yes, you will be beheaded. You don't have to agree with me, but I agree with you, and the reckless defamation of anyone's character is never kosher.

  49. after getting off work, i come on here to blow off steam. for fun. for light hearted silly stuff. please don't be preachy, or condescending, or ugly. yes i can skip over it, but this is my happy place and i don't want to skip, i want to wallow.

  50. LOL...this is better than the posts.

  51. @kym...

    Unless it's enty?

    Anon, I actually don't disagree with some of your points. Having said that, we are all (presumably) old enough to decide for ourselves without being preached to about the error of our ways. Add to that the fact that this is a tired, repetitive refrain from someone who is butt hurt because she feels as though enty owes her something. She has been doing this, on and off for at least 2 years. She is entitled to her feeling and her opinion. She is not entitled to come in and throw her shit around because she can't get everyone to agree that we should abandon CDAN so that it eventually shuts down. I take that back...she is entitled to do that...but she should expect people to get nasty when someone comes and pisses in their pool.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Start paying your court ordered child support, 'Enty'. That's all I'm going to say. I would out you, but that would just make it harder for the Process Servers to track you down.

  54. Omg she and B.Profane really are two peas in a pod...
    I would out Enty but that would be TOO obvious...
    *eye roll*

    And for the record - the BI's are pretty stupid and fairly boring. It's the sharp comments from this community that keep me coming back. You guys are hilarious.

  55. I figured it out! It's Hez! (Complete fabrication of my own brain) she had a secret love child with enty and is a lover scorned!

  56. Hez is not a complete fabrication, the story is! Hez commented on Jezebel back in the day and was BANNED for life!!! She used to comment here but I guess what is happening to Kym right now happened to Hez.

  57. After things didn't work out, we agreed that I would have custody, with the verbal agreement that he would help financially support our child. I moved back home to help with my mother's medical issues. He kept telling me that as soon as the site took off he would help out. That never happened. There are other 'regulars' here who know about it. We communicate frequently. I have been patient, and have placated his grandiose perceptions of himself for far too long. I will say that he is physically pleasing, but that's where it ends. The rest is quite ugly.

  58. This is getting interesting! Keep it going! Ha!

  59. My father is well connected. When we first started dating, 'Enty' was my guest at lots of industry parties. We used to stay up late making up stories about the people we would get to meet. Now, he's just regurgitating all of those late night, inebriated conversations that we used to have, and adding on a lie, or 2, or 20, or I think you get it.

  60. Kym the vitriol thrown at you today has been uncalled for. :(

  61. What the What! I just got home from the most wack day ever and saw this craziness. I always miss the party.

    @smash - I love that you always find the best in others. You have a big heart! See you soon :)

  62. OHhh jeez dia! :) I missed it too, reading after the fact is probably better for my blood pressure. See you soon and sleep tight!

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. @ kympossible, well consider that if you shut down the site, Enty won't be able to send you any support to pay for Enty Jr's braces and to get his eyes uncrossed. That shit ain't cheap. So be patient and give him some time and once he pays for all the other kids he has with posters here, you'll get your check.

    Now, about the photos: OMG, Bindi is gorgeous. I wonder how old she is now?

    Eva's wearing Spanx. Her Lays potato chip belly isn't showing! (She does commercials for their new flavors.)

    Angela Bassett looks gorgeous.

    Hilaria's an opportunist. I can't believe Alec fell for it.

  65. So...the court ordered the two of you to make a verbal agreement that enty would help you and your child once his anonymous blog took off?


    California courts do child support a little differently I guess.

  66. Dia, I've missed it too!! I have no idea what the hell is going on here but it's inneresting!

    Wait; ya'll lemme get the popcorn and watch the show!

  67. Nope
    No court. We did it the old fashioned talking shit out of our asses way. Wanting to be civil, focused on our child, wanting the best for all of us. It was touching. I almost spent that night with him. Almost. And thank God I didn't. Because, in the end, it meant nothing to him.

  68. @ kym - How are you even sure the kid is Enty's? Was it born weighing 30 lbs and smelling of bacon? Were its first words, "Cheese burger"?

    If so, that's more accurate than a DNA test.

  69. And so now we have advanced to the third party stage, in the battle for child support. I don't want any revenues, shares, or profits. I want my child's needs to be met to the degree he is able to meet them. And every time this site gets another thousand hits, I wonder why any of that isn't available to help support his child.

  70. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I'd definitely like to hear more. If Kym's on the level, she deserves to be heard. If she's not, well, liars and/or nut cases always trip themselves up eventually. Basically, it's a win/win for CDAN readers either way :)

    Except, of course, for those of us here who might not want to learn, for a FACT, that this site is mostly bullshit, and that we are creeps and suckers for being so into it all.

    It takes all kinds, as they say...

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Kym, if, it's true, and that's a big, fat IF, for crying out loud, have some dignity, even if you are anonymous!

    Don't air your dirty laundry here.
    Don't tell the world that you had a kid with a louse.
    Don't expose your child to ridicule.

    You posted this above:

    I would out you, but that would just make it harder for the Process Servers to track you down.

    That intimates that you know how and where to find him. So have him served and garnish his wages.

    However, I think you're full of shit. Nice try. :)

  73. The biggest BI might just be about the person who writes all the rest of it.. And as previously mentioned, my dad is well connected. I don't care as much about money as I do integrity and you having the balls to point that 'poison pen' you love so much right back at yourself. Or just man up and help pay a few bills. It really isn't that hard. And might garner such words as, "responsible", "ethical", and "grown up".

  74. Maybe its James Van Der Beek being his douchey self after his BI reveal! Never underestimate the FOREHEAD(or in his case the SIXHEAD)

  75. First you said, "...your court ordered child support..."

    Then you said, "...with the verbal agreement that he would help support..."

    Then, "...in the battle for child support..."


    The court ordered support
    You had a verbal agreement for support
    You are going to court because he reneged on your verbal agreement
    He won't pay on the court ordered support which you are currently in the process of trying to have awarded.


  76. All in all, enty is very lucky to have had a fling with you. Between his outings with your well connected father and your late night pillow talk, he has warehoused enough stories to keep this blog pretty darn successful for what, 6+ years? I'm especially impressed that the 2 of you had the foresight to discuss blind items that hadn't even occurred so that enty could write about them when they were relevant.

  77. kymposssible site:crazydaysandnights.net

    Copy and paste to search Kympossible posts.

    She started out guessing blinds very occasionally (which is odd seeing as how she already apparently knew them) then in April 2011 she post bombed the whole site over the radio show debacle (kinda like today same post copied into every thread). About a year later, lost her shit about a Republican anti - abortion pop up ad. Then a couple of links to the "newspaper story" about enty's real identity. Now this. ,

    Strange when no one will jump on her "enty is a fraud" bandwagon, suddenly she's the poor, penniless mother of enty's child who just wants a share of his profits so she can feed her child (apparently her well connected industry father has declined to help out). She just wants everyone to know that the "real" enty is a bad, bad man. Strange that she would want to jeopardize enty's blog since he needs a part of the proceeds to pay their court ordered verbal agreement so she can feed enty's love child.

    Call me jaded, but I call complete and stinking bullshit.

    "Reckless defamation of someone's character is never kosher.... "

    Riiiight...I guess unless it's you doing the defaming.

  78. Someone here who has a Twatter, tweet at EL and key him know he's got a ex-Whatever here ranting & raving in the comments section of Blimd item #6 and Random Photos Part Three.

    Because this is all so logical.

    But really, tweet him. It's hilarious. Spread the yuks out.

    If he bans you, maybe we'd lend that some credence. You yelling about the proprietor of a blog owing you child support ALL night long is logical. What?

  79. Who else is waiting for the 'kympossible on a mobile' fake account to pop up?!?!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Hahaha RCB! Happy Wednesday :)

  81. Holy shit this is a whole nother level of crazy. Call Maury or Det. Dragon.

    And I was starting to think KymP was Enty, along with BProfane & Just curious.

  82. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I think KymP's intention was to fake a plant story in the comments, hope that everyone suddenly started to believe her and come to her side, and then reveal that it was all bullshit- proving her initial point that we are all losers of sub-par intelligence that will believe anything some random person put on the internet.

    When we didnt bite,she went silent.

    Just a guess.

  83. Hahahahaha!!!! I love this site!! But seriously, Kympossible sounds like your stories don't add up sweetie but just to help out Enty Jr. get his college fund started I'll keep coming back everyday to read the totally fake and made up blinds, you do need Enty to make money after all! Anything to help a needy child of course!

  84. Oy. Kympossible is one crazy beyotch. Got a deadbeat ex? Take him to court, stupid! Got proof of, oh, I don't know, ANYTHING you're spouting? Go nutes, lay it out! This was fun, but I'm going to ignore her until the end of time now because she's not worth more.

  85. worth the read. bahahaha

  86. Ohwhat a great start to my day

  87. This shit is awesome....

  88. Damn it! I take a couple weeks off from this site and everything gets all exciting again

  89. @corkdork
    That was more or less my reaction too, except I think it's all a performance art piece on the nature of gossip culture by one Mr. James Franco!! mystery solved!

  90. OMG - This was awesome! KymPossible needs to come back! I need to hear the rest of the story....how she met Enty, what he's like in bed (she said he pleased physically, that could be good) and if he speaks better than he writes!

    Come back, KP, come back!

  91. I agree, silly girl. I want to hear more, true or not ;)

  92. I agree, silly girl. I want to hear more, true or not ;)

  93. Hmmm, I always pegged Enty for a guy who would use protection.

  94. Who let the nutter out of the nut house again?

  95. Bindi looks pretty bad-ass.

    Angela Bassett: gorgeous.
