Monday, March 18, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Kendra Wilkinson just can't resist the lure of the pole, even in a playground.
Lindsay Lohan arriving to court and getting
glitter bombed by her friend.
Orlando Bloom shows off his new ride.
A first appearance of Amber Rose since she had her baby.
Selena Gomez at the Lakers game.
Also there were Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev.
Shia LaBeouf eats his shirt.
A very rough looking Zac Efron.


  1. LiLO is going to rehab for 90 days + 18 months of counciling.

    1. I posted this in the original Lilo thread - but it seems appropriate here as well, since they are bonus Random Photos (from me to you my CDaN friends)

      I said that I would and I did ya'll!
      I represented out there today! And no I did not do the glitter bombing...

      But here's the view from the courthouse doors out to the waiting limo.
      Respresenting for my peeps.
      Hanging with the professionals.

      I had my toddler with me (who was having a blast smiling and waving at all the camera guys) - so I didn't push forward to the front.
      But, there might be some news reports we can catch glimpses, as we were right by Entertainment Tonight, Access, ABC, and FOX for those segments.

      Either way - we did it!

    2. @xander- I really thought you glitter bombed her! Lol

    3. I love the shirt, Xander! Thanks for representing and keeping us updated!!!

    4. I want that shirt!! How awesome is that?!

    5. Xander, you rock!!! Love the shirt too :) :)

    6. Xander, I too am in dire need of that shirt

    7. click my profile, then on there's a webpage link...
      (hopefully that's cool)

      Done in the name of love and appreciation for ya'll...

  2. Damn. Zach, I don't mind the scruff but what's up with the chin? I think we should see other people for a while.

    1. Really? For awhile I was embarrassed about finding him hot since he was such a pretty boy. But now? God damn I aint gonna lie anymore...

  3. Okay, I usually won't say anything about a woman's post-pregnancy body but I just can't help myself with Amber Rose here...hon, you are (or are trying to be) a celebrity, so please for your own sake wear flattering clothes that emphasize your best features and at this point, your post-baby thighs do not fall into that category.

  4. She keeps getting the easy way out. I hope she uses this to her full advantage and gets better.

  5. Julianne Hough is clearly mourning the end of her fairytale romance with Seacrest.


  6. Deep Thoughts with Kendra Wilkinson.

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    what in the hell is Amber Rose wearing.

  8. Between "A list head case" and "the lure of the pole", I've got two new phrases to work into my everyday conversation - thanks, Enty!

  9. I kept expecting Lindsay to vomit or pass out on the table. Maybe she's finally hit rock bottom. She looked more like shit than usual.

  10. Is Kendra drunk?

    Amber Rose, whoever she is, needs to rethink post-partum apparel.

    Julianne H & Nina D, same shoes?

    Gah, Shia looks like my little brother.

  11. Looks like Amber Rose forgot to put her pants on!

  12. A very rough looking Zac Efron? what planet are you living on, Enty?

  13. ^ he is rough looking.
    are you missing the "i want to puke" look on his face?

  14. @Dewie - ITA. LiLo looked like she had stayed up all night and didn't have time to shower before court.

  15. Amber rose forgot her pants, must be suffering from new mom sleep deprivation.

    LILO and her glitter make Ke$ha look pristine! And lastly Kendra- you can take the oh outta the mansion but you can't .. Yes! Keeping it classy at the kiddie park.

  16. It does look like Nina and Julainne are wearing the same booties.

    Selena Gomez is so pixie cute!

    Shia has a good body but his face is another story altogether.

    And for the record Gavin Doyle called to possibly testify against Liho is not her assistant. He's just a NYC party boy who is friends with her. Big article in the times about him.

    Can't wait to see when Liho has to check into rehab.Sadly she's done 90 days before (at The Ford Center) but she's relapsed over and over. They should have court ordered her family to stay away from her. That may be her only hope.

  17. While AR's ittle dress might not be flattering, it can be hard to find anything to wear right after having a kid. She opted for cool and comfy and as long as she's not on her way to meet the queen, she gets a pass.

  18. Kendra does what I do. I tried to find a door way or corners of my desk to massage my traps. It works awesome and feels soooooo good.

    Selema is so cute. I hope she's a nice person...and stays that way, which she won't if she stays popular.

  19. My 4 year old daughter just saw the picture of Amber Rose and said "hey there's a boy wearing a dress!" and looked at the picture of Zac Efron, and said "hey I'm cool, I'm wearing shades! I'm a butt toot!"
    My daughter is wise beyond her years. lol

    1. Doubt your daughter will ever get the chance to date a guy even half as attractive as him. Yeah I said it!!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Amber rose- tie dye is cute on little kids, not on big women. Cover up those thighs please!

  21. selena is adorable.

    no, julianne & nina d. aren't wearing the same shoes...nina is in the isabel marant dicker booties...not sure what julianne is wearing. must say tho, she's wearing the end of her contract well. looks great.

  22. Ew, Shia. Put it away.

  23. Don't even know who Amber Rose is? Oh well.

    Zack is still yummy!

  24. Selena will be the next Meg Ryan. She is just too adorable. Where is the new Nora Ephron who will write her breakout film role? Nancy Meyers is still around.

  25. And here I was thinking Lohan sneezed some coke residue...

  26. What is the point of glitter bombing anyone anyway? They should have thrown coke instead and watch her get down on her knees to sniff it all up.

  27. Anonymous2:09 PM

    @Xander love the shirt! Thanks for representing the burrito whores! I'm surprised she took the deal, no way 90 days will be enough to clean her up, it may get her out of the public eye long enough for people to forget about her though and that's a positive.

  28. @Xander

    That's so funny! Thanks for posting pics!

  29. Hey Amber! Glad to see you out and about. I see your doing good on the baby weight. But girl that dress is not the buisness. Not because of your legs but that dress is

  30. Photos of people at Lakers games always remind me how boring LA is. It's not so much the town as the people. You have an endless sea of activities and you choose to hang out in an arena full of tools watching a sport few people actually care about?

  31. Re: Nina Dobrov at the Laker game....

    I've no idea who Nina Dobrov is, but I found hilarity in the fact that she tried to get a photo with Jack and he refused. Classic.

  32. I am a loser and was home by myself Saturday night. Did anyone else see Celebrity Wife Swap with Kendra and Kate Gosselin? Kendra came off as a spoiled brat and Kate, well she wasn't that offensive although she is obvious type A/super high strung.

  33. @Xander, you are funny for going. No way could I have dealt with that crap. Did you see Lilo walk in? She got off so easy yet again. Enablers abound in her life apparently. Her outfit was hideous too.

  34. Love it @Xander! Thanks for taking one for the team!

  35. Nice ride, Orlando!

    @Xander, you did great and love the shirt!

  36. Audi has taken BMW's place as the #1 douche car.

  37. its nice to see someone look like they have actually just had a baby. amber looks fantastic!

  38. I posted way late in the Lilo thread, so it has to be said again, you rock Xander!

  39. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Zac remind me of Ryan Seacrest in that pic.

  40. Yay, Xander! From what I can tell, your baby looks like a cutie pie (and you're not too bad yourself :-) --thanks for taking one for the team!

  41. Glitter makes any court appearance fabulous! (Thank you, Karmen!)

  42. Anonymous7:34 PM

    That's the Irish Guy from TMZ in the photo with "Zander". Perhaps?.........

  43. yes - that was the "Irish Guy from TMZ".
    Peter - very nice guy.

    Gotta get my toddler and wife to sleep now - more info later.

  44. So we women have to hide our bodies lest we offend some random spiteful stranger on the net? Fuck that.

  45. I think its great Amber Rose is keeping it real. She always wears revealing outfits and just because she had a baby that is not going to stop her. Goes to prove that most celebs who have their babys and then say they lost the weight in "two weeks" are liars.

    BTW nice ride Orlando!
