Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Strange idea of the day. Bring back all of the former James Bond stars and make some ensemble Bond movie. I doubt Pierce Brosnan would be down with it, but you never know.
Padma hugs it out with Susan Sarandon at an event for a cause Padma is passionate about.
Tom Hardy is starring in a movie about rescue dogs. Surprisingly they are not all from Paris Hilton's house.
Fearing they would be the next victim of a Taylor Swift song, an entire audience stayed at home.
The Zooey talking about New Girl. When does she become the, "Hey, I have lived here a few years now, maybe we should change the name of the show," girl.
William Shatner and his wife in matching hats.
Meanwhile his new Priceline buddy Kaley Cuoco looks amazing.
At the same event were Ice-T and Coco. I think Ice is saying how many people Coco has cheated with this week.
Rarely seen on a red carpet, Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen.


  1. Love Ted and didn't know she was his wifey!!! So cute!!! Same with William Shatner.
    Kaley looks so pretty!!!

  2. Dayum, Kaley! You look hot!

    Pierce Brosnan. *sigh* He's given me the sighs ever since I watched him on Remington Steele as a kid. Such a freaking hottie.

    Mr. Disco is a good man. He emailed me 4 different shots of Tom Hardy and that dog. Tom Hardy should be in the pics more often.

    I think Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson are an adorable couple.

  3. Tom Hardy and the cute puppy! <3<3<3

  4. Yay Ted Danson. I love Kaley Cuoco. She's so cute.
    Tom Hardy is looking good. I'm over Coco, though.

  5. Haha at the Swifty jibe.

    I watched a couple of episodes of The New Girl - it's actually pretty cute, reminds me a bit of B* in 23 (RIP).

    Kaley looks lovely and Coco... needs more fabric.

    Ted & Mary are still together. :)

  6. Ted are Mary are still together, yes! I know someone who worked on CSI and says he's so nice and very very funny.

  7. Always thought Coco was a tramp and Ice-T her pimp...

  8. Ted Danson = silver fox on CSI.

  9. That puppy is gorgeous! I want him/her. And I wouldn't say no to Tom Hardy either.

  10. @SYLVIA. How dare you diss my Coco and Ice T.


  11. Agree @discoflux about Pierce Brosnan. Have watched him since Remington Steele also lol. That man is all that and a bag of chips. He is one of my freebies.

    Love the jab at Swifty! I am a country fan and I just can't with her. She makes my ears bleed.

    William Shatner and his wife are adorable.

    Love Ice-T and Coco.

    Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen always seem so happy together.

  12. anyone else think Padma looks like Octomom in that photo?

    1. That is one of the most awkward hugs, I've ever seen. Yes she does look like Octomom...lol

  13. Mmmmm Tom Hardy. Cute pup too.

  14. Holy crap. I thought that was Octomom hugging Susan.

  15. Didn't they kind of do that already with Casino Royale--with a bunch of people playing Bond? It's been years since I've seen that movie so I may have forgotten the premise. I just remember David Niven mostly.

  16. Omg Tom Hardy & pup! I'll take one of each please.

    Shatner looks like the old guy from Jurassic Park.

    Omg Kaley! Girl you look good.

  17. So many of my favorite things in one post!

    Pierce Brosnan-Thomas Crown Affair is by FAR my fave movie

    Tom Hardy


    Tom Hardy holding said puppy=hotness overload

    And Ice T and CoCo.

    I think she is crazy about him and vice versa, I don't care what sort of recent rumors are going around. If they don't make it, no one will!

  18. LMAO on the Taylor Swift caption, Enty! I hear she's exploring lesbianism, cos guys are afraid to get near her HAHAHAHAHA

  19. @car54. I haven't seen that in years, either. As I recall it, they were all pretending to be James Bond, while David Niven was the real James Bond. Other than that, I remember one of the fakes was James Bond's daughter with Mata Hari. *g*

    #PierceStillHasIt. OMG, such a crush on him back in the Remington Steele days (and I had two Laura Holt hats,) and during James Bond. And.....*checking watch* Tuesday at 1:57.

    #NakedMoleRat. *biting tongue* *sitting on hands* *not feeding troll*

  20. Holy s*, nunaurbiz, she better hope not. A friend of mine once said "Lesma is the worst!" We were silly tipsy and I asked her wth is lesma. Lesbian drama, two crazy b*s, when they break up, it's 50 shades of bitter. I almost peed myself laughing (she'd broken up with her girlfriend the week before and it was NOT pretty).

  21. Ted Danson ROCKS on CSI. I was ready to give up that show, but holy shit- he AND Elisabeth Shue are fantastic.

  22. I can't goddamn stand Padma. I hatehatehate what she did to Top Chef this season. And every season, but especially this season. I could rant for days about what a hoax she is.

  23. I'm over Zooey and her quirkiness. It got old fast.

    With Coco and IceT, I suspect that he gets off on seeing his wife with other men, or at least hearing the tales. And yes, I peg them as the blind.

  24. I love Ted and Mary! One of my fave couples for sure!

    I'm an a**hole. I refuse to watch the rescue dog movie because ill probably cry the whole time, but here I sit catching an epi of the K klan in Miami. Aaaaaaaahhhh!

    Susan's face reads: "get this woman away from me!"

  25. Ima bet Ice T don't care how many dudes that ho is with, as long as she gives him his cut of the money.

  26. A movie about rescue dogs, starring Tom Hardy: YAYESS!

  27. That puppy looks like he would bite a pap!

  28. I agree about Padma and how she ruined Top Chef this season. As my partner said, "Who told Padma that she was allowed to speak this season?"

  29. purrrr... Remington Steele... I even wanted a convertible Rabbit when I was a teenager and the show was on. I was outraged! when he lost out on getting Bond back then because of the contract negotiations with the series. The reruns are on TVLand or sumsuch and they're kinda... painfully bad but sentimental too. Oh geez, never watch reruns of shows you loved when you were a kid. Remember Manimal and Isis? *cringe*

  30. I HATE what happened with Kristen! Padma couldn't stand that someone who was in -her- territory could possibly be better than her in every aspect (cooking, modeling, actually being a decent fucking human being) so they kicked her off. When everyone threatened to boycott Top Chef/Padma and Tom, they backpedaled and apologized profusely, while making sure Tom set her up for success to return to the finale. I like Brooke, and I like Kristen. I think however that Brooke worked way harder than Kristen to get to the finale, and should have won. Kristen never should have been kicked off, but she had integrity and that'll help her career for life. She didn't need to come back after skating by in the much easier last chance kitchen. Again, I like them both and think they're both equally talented, but this season just proves what a hoax Padma (and Tom, and Top Chef) are. Why the hell is Padma allowed a say in the judging?! I was a cook/chef for 7 years, and even after my first year I knew more about cooking than she does now. She never has any original thoughts, and just goes by what other people say. She wouldn't know how to cook her way out of a microwaved popcorn challenge with her and a 5 year old.

  31. Svetlana, I completely agree with you about Padma. It's hard to say whether Kristen or Brooke should have won--for the first time in a long time, I really liked BOTH finalists--but I know for a fact that Padma is just window dressing on that show and that she should either accept that role and keep her mouth shut, or get off the show (and I'd prefer the latter). She said the stupidest things this season, and acted as if her palate was oh so refined. In truth, I bet she spits out every bite she can and doesn't take bites at all if she can avoid it. I loathe her. On the other hand, I love love love Gail Simmons. I'd like more of her and none of Padma.

  32. I like Gail too! I can't stand Tom either. He always flip flops-to the point where people can now point it out before he even says it. For example, someone made a burger this season. Tom said 'it's just a burger, why not try a little harder?' and the cheftestant said something along the lines of 'well, I thought if I over complicated it, you'd say 'why not just make a damn good burger?'' Last season Greyson was my fave, they ragged on her for making a slider or something, when the other two teams had a meatball and some easy Asian dish. They called her out on it again, and she said 'you're gonna give me flack for _____ (can't remember) but not a meatball or some Asian food?' The whole thing just seems so staged and ridiculous. I liked this season's finalists too, and I like Sheldon. I didn't really like Josh as he seemed really one-dimensional with his skills. However, at the beginning of the season he wasn't allowed to talk to his heavily pregnant wife-yet Stephan was allowed to talk to his sick mother? Then as the finale was coming up, Josh was suddenly allowed contact with her?! WTF pick one or the other! Either they're allowed contact with close family, or none at all. This whole thing is a hoax.

    That being said, it would be cool to meet/eat at the restaurants of Greyson, Sheldon, Brooke and Kristen. Aside from the fact that I am Canadian and have known a few chefs on Top Chef Canada, I think the whole premise of ours is a lot better and less scripted seeming. The winners are always predictable and not the best in my mind, but the drama is a lot less of the show compared to the food. I don't like our 'Tom' but overall there are way less team challenges, and it seems like you get to see more of the individuality with the chefs.

  33. Team challenges are the worst. They only exist to give great chefs the boot and stir up "controversy."

  34. They are the worst @Mooshki! I understand teamwork to a point, but they're in a competition...how is that possible?!

  35. I know it's fake but I covet Zooey's hair

  36. I've got a bit of gossip for all you stoners that love Pierce Brosnan. Mr Brosnan is quite the smoker himself. He's also a very nice, humble man that is even better looking in person. His wife is a lucky lady, indeed.

  37. Puuuuuuuupy!!! I want one!

    Zooey looks like someone else in that photo. Why does her face keep morphing?

    Hi Kaley - I thought I suspected your user name, but I could be wrong.

  38. Kaley! You look fabulous!!!

    My dream is to hang out in Sunny California with the cast of BBT and a giant Penny-sized glass of wine! This is my super nerd make-a-wish request!

  39. I'm going to jump in and defend Padma because nobody can make a face and say, "All I taste is salt," like she can. Last Chance Kitchen sucks. Kristen got packed off when she clearly did not deserve to go and we got to see Brooke shine for most of the season, and then Kristen came back and won. My emotions were so toyed with! *sob*

    Zooey's hair is fake? Srsly?

    Wow, Kaley looks amazing.

  40. Padma is the reason I stopped watching Top Chef! And Tom is an ass too!

    Tom Hardy!! Yummy!
