Monday, March 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Jessica Simpson does an appearance to support her clothing line with
Maxwell and Ashlee Simpson.
Anna Kendrick on the set of a music video.
Alicia Keys and her husband.
Kiefer Sutherland takes out a woman to dinner. He looks good.
Not looking as good is Lindsay Lohan after a night partying.
Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber take their kids to the beach.
Adrienne Maloof in lingerie. Sorry.
MJ and GG from Shahs Of Sunset were there too.


  1. Apparently this is going to be my question of the day, but what the hell is Keifer wearing? Is that a hooded t-shirt with a vest over it?

    My twelve-year old oversized Old Navy men's t-shirt is starting to look like the height of fashion.

    1. Thin, long sleeved, hooded tees are super hot now. The vest with it...? But, he's Kiefer, and I'd go anywhere he wanted.

  2. Love that look on lil' Maxwell's face. God, please help me!

    A Taco Bell lingerie party? Well, looks like they invited the right hos.

  3. Chestica's hairline looks weird here.

    Oh, Adrienne. I liked her so much during the first season. What happened?

    I think Kiefer and Liev are hot.

  4. LiLo will never learn. She will kill someone one day. How is she even allowed to jet off to Brazil?

    Maxwell reminds me of Children of the Damned. (Sorry if I offend anyone. I don't like to snark on kids.)

  5. Oh, Jessica, please don't let Asslee do your daughter's hair.

    You mean "Alicia Keys and her merkin?"

    An apology ain't gonna cut it, Enty. You're going to have to pay for my medical bills now that you've blinded me.

  6. RHOBH finale followed by Part 1 of the reunion tonight!!! So excited!!

    1. You're not alone!!

    2. VIP, I have my vino ready.

    3. Anonymous2:37 PM

      So glad im not alone! No one else in my life understands!!
      I literally adjusted nap times, so I could adjust bed time a little earlier so I will actually have time to watch it, after it records :-)
      2 year old didnt notice!

      I've stopped apologizing for my love of the show :-)

      Long night for hubby :-D

      Poor husband tonight.

    4. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Can't wait I have it set to record I'll be home 30 mins late. Already told the hubby I'm picking up food, no cooking tonight!
      Hopefully Enty will give us a post to sound off on tomorrow so we don't annoy the non watchers!

    5. @katydid If he doesn't put up a RHOBH post by 7am PST tomorrow, why don't we reconvene here so as not to annoy non-watchers? I'll kick it off at 7am; we'll see if it takes off!

    6. Our marital agreement is for only 1 hour of RHOBH per week. This double episode conflicts with The Following.... Issues:)

  7. GG, MJ and Maloof in lingerie in the same post?! Are you trying to kill us?! (And not in a good way)

  8. I think little Maxwell is darling!

  9. my eyes! my eyes!

  10. No amount of bleach is going to scrub my brain of the Maloof. Argh!!!!!

  11. Super excited for RHBV!!
    And ugh, Liho partying! and some useless trash at a Taco Bell party. Why bother?

  12. Looks like Adrienne softened her face with fillers or something.

  13. That is the best outfit she could but on that baby?
    Put some color on that baby. Looks like she dipped her in tea. She has a cute clothing line, I was expecting more.

    1. I know - I've never seen Maxwell in any colors besides neural colors. Rachel Zoe's son Skylar wears the same drab color all the time, too.

  14. I think Jessica looks really pretty and also healthy this pregnancy and Maxwell is an absolute doll.

    Liev Schreiber and Keifer Sutherland yum.

  15. I live inthe southand Belk is a mostly southern region store..I thought Jessica had a lineat Macys?? Does she not have it anymore or can she do one at both places?

  16. I love Anna Kendrick! And ewwww Enty I need to go bleach my brain after seeing that pic of Adrienne!

  17. I hope you're focusing on my malibu skinny jeans, Jessica.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I honestly can't stand how adorable Maxwell is. She's. good size too, like my daughter.

    Kiefer does look good!

  20. Maxwell is thinking.."my Mommy is a designer and she dressed me in this crap?"

    Hey, Real Housewives' fans Andy Cohen tweeted that Laurie is coming back to the OC.

  21. Thank you, thank you all for mentioning the RHWOBH was on tonight! I forgot in my life haze, but I bought some wine today so I'm all set to sit back and watch.

  22. Anonymous3:36 PM

    @Laura, thanks for your comments on my 99%'s spring fashion blog.

    I was inspried by GOOP's ridiculous prices to find some great Spring and Summer picks all under $200. Most are less.

    If you click on my profile its under my blogs there's also a pinterest link at the end of the blog with about 75 pieces to look at if anyones interested.

  23. Wish we could live blog it!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Jess looks ten times better this pregnancy. Much healthier!

    Keifers dates bracelet is annoying. I hate tacky " brand " accessories - if it's Chanel , cool .. I just don't want to advertise for free. I hate sunglasses like that too. I have a pair of Prada aviators to die for but I would never wear them if there was a visible " Prada " on the sides.

    Every time I see Swizz Beats my first thought is " douuuuuuuucccchhhhheee "

  27. Ugh, LV and Coach are the worst, Alicia. Yesterday I saw a women wearing flats with the Coach "C" all over them. I had no idea they made those, but they shouldn't, they're fug.

  28. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Swiss ruined Alicia

    Adrienne *barfs*

    Maxwell is beautiful

  29. I am so happy I am reading earlier than usual tonight, or I would have missed the housewives action! Cannot wait for tonight, also not cooking, and sequestering myself in the bedroom so I am not disturbed...since I am already shaken by that shot of Adrienne in her skivvies. I wonder if the matching hair tinsel is in place?

  30. Watching RHOBH now, and it is EPIC!!!! See you all here at 7am PST tomorrow if there's no RHOBH thread!!

  31. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I'm 30 mins behind but so far holy shit what a meltdown festival! I would of kicked that wooden ass looking bitch out! I feel bad all the ladies are making it about them Lisa is such a classy broad.

  32. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiifaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  33. totally thought one of those Shah ladies was Beyonce llllllllllllllllllllllooooooooollllllllllllllll

  34. I will be all over RH when The Hubs and the bambino get their asses in bed. (I am the house night owl.) My wine is ready.

    Sidenote: I've been watching Fashion Star since I am the mother of a toddler and basically have no life on Friday nights. I really quite love it. Love Jessica and dare I say it, Nicole

  35. Yes we get it Swiss Beat(s)? and Alicia you were endorsed by Reebok. The two of them are so ugh...

    Anyway, baby Maxwell is a cutie

  36. Ha! Andy is piiiiiiissed!

  37. Watching WWHL now, I wish Kyle was not the guest.

  38. i read that as, "skanks of sunset". better i think.

  39. Fuck. Do we really need to wait until 7 a.m. to discuss RHBH? Dying...... And it takes a lot to get me to watch 2 hours of TV straight. I even had to rewind shit to make sure I caught it. (Wondering what my life would be like sans DVR....)

    Can we at least talk about how they look? Did Lisa have work done? She looks weird. Kim looks old. Yolanda looks fabulous. And I really want the Oriental rug that is sprawled out beneath the couches.

    Enty, I totally propose live open posts on RH finale and reunion days.

  40. I have never in my life watched a Real Housewives episode. They all seem like a bunch of rich and/or trashy hos and I couldn't care less about them.

  41. Pandora is soooooo fugggggg. I think Adrienne had to go to the party as part of her contract. Kinda rude not to speak to the host.

  42. *****It's RHOBH time!!!!*****

  43. Adrienne coming to Lisa's party, leaving without saying anything to Lisa, then saying "I can't believe she didn't come over to me!" Um, you were at Lisa's house? Who expects the hostess of a large party to seek out every new person that walks in the door?! It works the other way around. So glad she's gone!!!

  44. OMG, VIP, agree totally. Buuuuuuut, Lisa could have been the bigger person and gone over to say hello.

    These bitches take grudge-holding to a whole other level. The argument between Kim and Kyle at Lisa's party was SO uncomfortable. I get the feeling that Kim is very Lindsay Lohan-esque in that it's everybody else's fault that she abused substances.

    Can somebody please clarify the "lawsuit". The posters on TWOP claim that Brandi was never really sued. I'm tres confused.

    1. @Susan From what I understand from the reunion in regards to the lawsuit:
      Apparently Brandi is friends with someone that used to work for Adrienne. Adrienne thought that this person was the source of the damaging (and true) information that Brandi has on Adrienne. So Adrienne's lawyers sent a letter to the former employee (who is also Brandi's friend), put Brandi's lawyers name in the letter as well, and demanded that all parties come in for a conference, and if they did not show up for said conference, further legal action would be taken against them (meaning you will get sued if you don't come meet with us). So Brandi had to spend $10K on this "meeting" to avoid further legal action to be taken. This allows Adrienne to say that she never sued Brandi, while also making sure that Brandi racked up legal fees in order to prevent this lawsuit that Adrienne never even filed. And Adrienne wonders why people hate her?!

  45. I agree about Kim and Kyle's argument. Kim was out of line about Brandi accusing her of being an addict when she is an addict!

    I think it was not a lawsuit but a Cease and Disist (or some such) letter. Brandi claims it cost her 10 grand in legal fees. My favorite of the season was Yolanda which surprised me.

  46. My husband walked in the room and said oh it's "The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick" proud:)

    1. Mine too!! He's had to endure the Monday night takeover of the big TV and he's getting an A+.

  47. Love Yolanda. Adrienne has become such a dissapointment. When she started on the show she seemed about all the BS - now she stirs it w her own finger. I think Lisa is really pretty looks great for her age - obv had work done but I can't quite pin point it ( beyond the standard BH Botox and filler cocktail)

  48. Above all the BS (not about).

  49. @Susan--Exactly what you just said! They hold grudges like gaaaah! Kim and Brandi have made up since that time Brandi said she uses meth (though she WAS drinking or doing some substance, so she wasn't all that far off), they got along in Paris, and Kim still brings it up a couple years later?! "Brandi really hurt me..." Jesus, GET OVER IT!

    And the whole surrogate thing with Adrienne--Brandi apologized, said she regretted saying it, yet fucking Faye Reznick and everyone else won't let it go. Yes, Brandi hurt her blah blah blah, but it's done!

    1. @Jolene re: Kim/Brandi/Kyle
      My take on things is that Kim is "over it" in her interactions with Brandi. They have moved past it. But Kim still brings it up with Kyle because Kyle never acknowledged Kim's feelings about what happened, didn't back her up (in Kim's eyes), and Kyle still diminishes Kim's feelings about it whenever she brings it up. Kim still can't moved past it because Kyle still won't acknowledge it. They have such a weird dynamic!

  50. Thanks for starting this RH discussion VIP!

    I liked Adrienne the first season too, she did seem above all the BS, but then her true colors started to slowly seep through, the amount of hypocrisy this woman commits on a daily basis is astounding. Does she forget this is all being recorded? I could not believe the gall she had in showing up, not even addressing the hosts, and then saying it was THEIR FAULT?! are you kidding me? I yelled at my tv when she said that...

  51. Kyle looked like a petulant child during the reunion. When is part 2?

  52. I also don't know if they will let Kim see how she and Kyle can get under each other's skin so well..and it does create some dramatic moments. When you grow up a child actress and are constantly pretending to be someone else, it must be hard to figure out who you really are...maybe that's why all these child starts have so many identity issues and decide to get lost in drugs and alcohol? jmo

  53. I love Yolanda too! The look on Kyle's face when Lisa said she believed Yolanda over Kyle? Priceless!!!

    Also, Dr. V's analysis of Kyle on WWHL was very astute: since she was a child star, she is now an "adult child" (I think that's what Dr V called her), and she is so used to people pleasing, that she goes out of her way to not pick sides in a conflict. But by not picking sides, she creates more conflict

  54. I didn't see WWHL! :( but agree with Dr V's analysis haha

  55. I love Lisa, but whoever styled her for the reunion needs to be fired.

  56. Woo thanks @vip for this! I only caught the reunion need to rewatch the ep later, but I loved that Lisa called Kyle out abt her wanting that $$ and that being a big reason for her supporting who she does. The letter Brandi got was the exact same thing that Camille got last season. And I hope they call Camille out abt that in part 2. But vip explained the whole friend/ex employee thing was the one who originally got the letter. I wish Brandi clarified that earlier so it wasnt so confusing but her point was the same she needed to spend $$ for the threat of a lawsuit. Adrienne just needs to go. She started showing her crazy w pandoras bachelor imo.

    1. @Onyx OMG, Adrienne with the Bachelorette party last year! What was that?! Dumbest reason ever to be mad at someone! A family friend offers up his hotel to Lisa's daughter, and Adrienne is mad that Lisa didn't ask Adrienne to host it?! 1) Since when does the bride's mother pick the venue?! She doesn't. Lisa wouldn't have had input anyway. And 2) If Adrienne had wanted it at the Palms, she could have offered! I still get worked up over that fight. It's like, seriously?!

    2. @vip, like something's off abt her IMO. It's like I could see her initial reaction being annoyed they weren't staying there, but then you think abt it, and realize how stupid you're being and move on. Adrienne acted like it was this giant betrayal. And she did that with everything...

      Plus remember all those terrible stories she was putting out abt Paul hitting her and abusing the kids and shit? I still think she was the one who broke his nose first season, his story abt breaking it while playing with his kids seemed shady.

      Also, this is bugging me, but her older kid is like 3 years did he not notice his mom wasnt pregnant or did she do the beyonce? I thought he might have been surrogate too tho because I honestly can't see adrienne and paul having sex.

  57. Hope Andy asks about Adrienne filing the false battery stories about Paul and how her supporters at Lisa & Ken's party feel about the crocodile tears now.

    1. katie, Adrienne did not show up and is officially off the show.

    2. You misunderstand. I want Andy to ask Kyle, Camille and whoever else comforted Adrienne at Lisa's party.

    3. katie, sorry! Yes, that would be a great question. Paul is supposed to appear on tape. Maybe Andy asked him?

  58. On the finale when they were hovering over Adrienne, their weaves were showing. Enty's gal pal Jennifer Gimenez stood out from the crowd with that beautiful emerald dress and dark hair. Wonder if they will ever let her speak?

  59. I just popped in to say I wish I was caught up so I could join in.

  60. OT but holy shit Tmz's saying Kordells divorcing Portia and doesn't deserve a dime because she's an able bodied adult. They just filmed the reunion fri. I wonder wtf happened!

  61. @Katie, Adrienne will never be called out because she bailed on the reunion. She's such a coward.

    1. I want Andy to ask Kyle, etc about the fake tears at Lisa's party.

      And Lisa should have sent a fugly flower arrangement to the vodka launch.

    2. @Katie LOL at fugly flower arrangement! Now you have me picturing a cascade of flowers spilling out from a giant oversized plastic horse's hoof (as in the Maloof Hoof)!!!!

  62. Yolanda once again showed that she's a nasty, ignorant bigot. And a liar. I don't usually trust most of what Kyle & Kim say, but it was obvious they were telling the truth about what Yolanda said about Lisa.

    Kyle's jealousy of that shrink on WWHL was so funny. She had to pull out that "look how flexible I am!" again to try to get attention, and it failed miserably. Sorry, Kyle, Andy has a younger, prettier famewhore to fawn over.

  63. Thanks for kicking this off VIP! The worst of the night was Adrienne bringing her poisonous energy into Lisa's party. The way the coven gathered around her was so creepy. And how many little digs could Kyle throw at Lisa? Saying that since they've been married 30 years, ken and Lisa "might as well" renew their vows, her crocodile tears for Adrienne during the vows, saying they didnt know it was a vow renewal, saying "what, is it valentines day or something? " about the clearly vow renewal inspired decor...she is not your friend, Lisa!
    The MCFR should have been kicked out the second she started in on Lisa, in her own home. That would have been fantastic...

    1. @EGB ITA with everything you said! It's so disturbing to watch these women falling all over themselves to get in Adrienne's good graces. "Who in this world is Adrienne Maloof?"

      And Kyle needs to get over her Jillousy. Fast. I'm sure she and her sister, the former child stars, went on this show expecting to be the breakout stars, and they're not. The breakout stars are Lisa (spinoff and DWTS), and now Brandi (NY Times best selling book). Kyle needs to make peace with that, and focus on building herself up, not trying to tear the others down

  64. Thanks for the thread guys. No one at my house likes the show but me and they hate it when I yell at the TV. When the hell did Faye Resnick become a regular. She's so fug and has the audacity to tell Brandi she could never be a lady? Faye sold out her murdered best friend for a quick buck and a playboy spread and now is being holier than thou! And does anyone else think maybe Kyle is using Faye to say the things she wants to say but can't bring herself to?

  65. I just wanted them to pan on Klye on WWHL when the Dr. was getting complements on her hair!! I know that burned her up! Andy was giving Nikki more attention than Kyle too.

    I thought that it was an interesting point about Kyle Nd hubby staying in Adrienne's and Paul's good graces or the money.

  66. Please please don't let Faye be new Houswife!!!!

  67. I loathe Faye even more now. She's such a trash bag!
    Kyle and her are BFF's? Well, that's speaks volumes IMO, about Kyle's real character. She treats her sister so poorly and really comes off as a relative of Parasite.

  68. Such jillousy! Although I do think there was some truth to what Kyle said about Yolanda, who I normally love. There is clearly something off about her with the my husband is my king persona, and she does like to be morally superior (I was the one knocking on Kim's door to see if she was okay), but I think Kyle exaggerated and Lisa wants nothing to do with her.
    Kim's little girl Easter dress and baby talking love for turtles is disturbing. The doc on WWHL totally calling the Richards girls out on their former child star-ness was spot on. Don't kill me for it, but I actually liked Nikki Hilton as the guest bartender, she seemed appropriately embarrassed of Aunt Kyle.
    And I have said this before, but does anyone remember that in the Paris halcyon days, Kyle was interviewed everywhere? She popped up in every true Hollywood-esque interview she could to give insider dish. She is the worst.

  69. My favorite part of last night was coming home to my manly husband watching RHBH on his own. I, of course, made him rewind it so I could watch it with him. I swear he likes it so much because Yolanda repeatedly talks about her husband as a "king".

    And yeah, anyone who makes up such horrible things about an ex like abuse should not be fawned over. Obviously they didn't know about it by the time at the party, and I'm wondering if all of that is now the reason they all kind of turned on her at the reunion, saying stuff like how they didn't agree with how she handled the Brandi drama.

    And totally think she announced everything on Lisa and Ken's party night on purpose.

    BTW, really hope I age like Lisa. And my husband was making fun of me because of how I was reacting to their vows. I thought it was so sweet! Love them...

  70. Ashley, I teared up. They were really sweet.

  71. I think Lisa deliberately lied when she said she believed Yolanda over Kyle. I think she did it on purpose to demonstrate to Kyle both how you stand by a friend, and what it feels like when a friend doesn't stand by you.

  72. But, of course, Kyle is too dense to get the message.

  73. @Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas,
    I agree... Adrienne should have let that whole Vegas/Pandora issue die. I saw the same side of her when Kim got her nose job and Adrienne stated about 15 times how her nose job was good but Paul could have done a better job. Who says that? Get over yourself and your husband.

    I used to really love Kyle but now I just can't stand her. She doesn't get what Lisa is trying to tell her about their friendship... no, it's never gonna be the same cause Lisa realized you aren't a true friend. Plain and simple.

    I do agree with what Lisa said about Kyle being friends with people to advance Mauricio's real estate deals. I think Kyle knows it is true too, just from her very defensive reaction.

    Faye is just utterly disgusting. Do you think she even knows how much of a hypocrite she is? Why on Earth would MCFR (love the acronym) think she is personally able to identify a "lady" with her background? What is up with Camille being Team MCFR this year? Annoys the crap out of me, especially since Camille named her MCFR!

    I love Lisa, Brandi, and Yolanda. Team LBY!!!!

    VIP, thanks for opening up this thread for RHOBH. Brilliant idea!

  74. @Ashley,
    I was crying during their vow renewal as well. They are such an adorable couple and you can genuinely tell they truly love each other. I thought it was cute that Lisa didn't want all the attention. Ken is such a great hubby... "I will obey you." Should be every man's words to live by. Haha

  75. Lisa looked so beautiful during the season. I'm kind of annoyed that she obviously nipped and tucked her face in some manner for the reunion.

    You guys really believe Kyle re: Yolanda talking smack on Lisa? I don't know. I don't see it. I remember Yolanda saying that she didn't understand why Lisa kept bringing up Kim during their cooking class during the actual epi.

    These women are such models of decorum for their daughters. (Eyeroll.)

    Yolanda better shoulda known better than to get involved with two drama queen sisters. In retrospect, I would regret opening my mouth about it. It's such a lose-lose situation. At the end of the day, Kim and Kyle's wacked out relationship will carry on because blood is thicker than water. Talk about two broads who need counseling stat.

    That reunion was SO tense. I can't wait for them to bring out the menfolk. I wonder if Marissa is going to make an appearance.

    1. @Susan I don't believe Kyle either. When Kyle and Kim went shopping with Yolanda in Paris, they showed Yolanda saying some version of what Kyle was trying to sell. I think that Kyle was trying to augment and spin what Yolanda had already said on camera

  76. @elisacg, I think Faye's a fame whore that wants to be on the show so bad she doesn't care if she's the villain, she like thinks she's smart so tried to be a Kristin Cavalari or the original Camille but wayyyyy over did it. She's been silent ever since Chanel purse-gate.

    And @egb, yup! Kyle was everywhere! She def thought the "Hilton" connection would make her the star. Even kim was kinda like that the first season. The hair flipping and splits she does is hilariously desperate of her. They're huge fame whores too, I remember looking into their mom and it was kinda crazy.

    And @susan, I think it was a mix, I think Yolanda said something and prob meant it as a pep talk, maybe something's came off harsh but I do think Kyle exaggerated the extent of it at the show.

    And wtf does Kim take that makes her slur like that?

  77. @Susan. I hope they do bring on Marissa. Her backtracking with Brandi and Yolanda was so funny to watch. Yolanda really tried to make her own up to what she had said the night before.

  78. So I just read their blogs on Bravo (such a great morning to be going in to work late), and I think Mooshki was on to something. Yolanda says that Kyle twisted her words, and took them out of context, which tells me she did say some version of this.
    Funniest thing about this season is that Taylor came off as well as she did! She is smarter than we thought, or someone is giving her really good advice!

  79. I agree that Kyle definitely exaggerated what Yolanda said. I just think Yolanda isn't as above it all as she pretends to be. She loves to make judgements about people.

    EGB, I think Taylor got some PR advice. I think the "alcoholism" was purely devised to give her a storyline so she wouldn't get kicked off the show. I don't think it would've worked, except that the show had to delete a tone of Adrienne footage thanks to the threat of lawsuits, so they had to use whatever they could scrap together. I'm not saying that Taylor isn't a bit of a lush, but she played it up.

  80. I'm disappointed in Marissa. I thought she was another straight-shooting blabbermouth like Brandi, but her trying to cover her ass changed my mind about her. And she really doesn't get that she's crossing the line with what she says about her hubby. When she talks about wanting to bang other guys, it doesn't come off as funny.

  81. Exactly right about Marissa. She was so sure that her 'I'm just like a guy when I talk about sex' personality was going to come off as sassy and straight shootin', and instead came off as harsh and unappreciative of her darling husband. There was nothing innocent in showing off the text that Brandi sent her except to solidify which side she was on. I hope she comes on part two because I would love to see her in the ht seat.

  82. I'm with all of you about Marissa. She had such promise, and then her other face came out to play. Her describing what when down at Adrienne's party to Brandi, which was so far from what actually transpired, tells you everything you need to know about her. Oh, and of course she threw in another "If there was someone tall, dark, and handsome here I would have sex with him right now" joke just for good measure. Oy. Maybe seeing herself on TV will lead to an epiphany?

  83. Am I the only one who loathes Brandi and think Lisa's extremely fake?

  84. I don't know about here at CDaN, but there are plenty of people on other sites who agree with you, PuggleWug.

  85. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I'm soooo late to the thread I got slammed this morning at work and all I could think was nooooo I have to be on CDaN!!
    Agree Lisa 's party was a train wreck. I thought she was very classy and everyone else (MCFR the worst offender) were acting like brats.
    They should of entitled that episode "What about Me???"

    Marisa was busted, Yolanda was right about Adrienne but pretty pushy, Kyle and Kim bore me with their same old shit And Brandi should of let the thing with Marisa go until they could talk on their own.

    Adrienne looked like she was on something. I think I gave myself a headache from the eye rolls.

    Their vows were sweet.
    Max their sons girlfriend had some crazy hair, I was looking to see who the fuck that was!

    Reunion was good. Kyle is toast. This season really bit her in the butt. Taylor's delusional and I agree Lisa looked different but not in a good way.

    I did like Taylor's gold dress at Lisa's party though.

  86. Pugglewug - I don't necessarily love Brandi at all. She seems exhausting.

    I really don't love any Housewife. I can safely say I watch this shit from a trash TV pedestal laughing at and judging from afar. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

    At the end of the day, I really don't think any of these girls are "friends." Kyle and Lisa were probably the only true set of friends before and outside the show, but being on the show is what tore them apart. And the moral of the story is....

  87. You would be surprised about friendships. They all text each other frequently. Brandi, Lisa, Jenn & Yolanda are friends. Marisa also, to some extent. I do think Lisa is feeling hurt that no one has supported her on DWTS except for Brandi & Jenn. No mentions anywhere. Nothing. And everyone hates Faye.

    1. @Enty Yay!! I felt such empathy for Lisa after everyone turned on her in Season 2. So glad Brandi is there to always have her back and be a vocal supporter (and vice-versa. We all saw the only castmember to turn up at Brandi's book launch)!

    2. ent lawyer, if you don't send them an I "heart" Enty t shirt , I am going to have to cash in my 401k and do it myself:)

      Many beautiful colors and the fundraiser is on until March 31. How pretty July 4 readers pix will be.

    3. Oh wow glad to see you comment @enty! I wonder why Yolanda hasn't supported Lisa? I bet on top of any friendship issues I'm sure some of the others haven't said anything out of jealousy they're not the ones dancing.

      Ps that adrienne blind a year ago helped fill in a lot of gaps this season...thanks :)

  88. @ Enty - LOL! I thought Kyle and TMC Faye Resnick were joined at the hip.

    I'm so pissed! My DVR recorded the Reunion but only recorded 20 minutes of the season finale. I've got it set to record again today.
    I saw enough to know that if I were Lisa I would have grabbed TMC Faye Resnick by her weave and kicked her not so bony ass to the curb. She gets to insult Lisa AND drink her champagne? WTF??

    I don't understand why Kim is still on the show. She brings NOTHING to the table. I need to call up WWHL one night and ask Andy that question and let him hem and haw on live TV.

    And does anyone else think maybe Kyle is using Faye to say the things she wants to say but can't bring herself to?

    @ Cory - EVERYONE thinks that !!!!

    And yes, Lisa did do something to her face. She looked very different at the reunion.

  89. Enty!!! It's been forever since you ventured into CommentLand! Thanks for the inside scoop!

  90. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Thanks Enty!! I had to do a double take! I swear you have the best RHWBH fans on this blog. Good to see you here please pop in here more often!

  91. Onyx, Yolanda is too busy taking care of her "King" and name-dropping Barbra Streisand to support anyone.

  92. @ Onyx - wait, what Adrienne blind a year ago? Can you refresh my memory?

  93. I don't think people realize just how sick Yolanda is from Lyme disease. It really affects what she does and going places and might be a reason why she does not come back in the future.

    1. Yolanda has tweeted that she is going to watch Pinky on DWTS or good luck or something.

  94. Oh no, I hope she is feeling better! I would miss her if she did not come back as well.

  95. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I really grew to love Yolanda this season. Sending positive thoughts her way.
    I can't remember who said it on one of our HW posts maybe @ethorne but when she pretended to be Yolanda talking to Brandi about LeAnn Rimes, "Is this the whore that stole your husband?" I hear that every time I see her. That line was genius! Sorry I can't remember who said it but I laugh every time I think of it.

    Best to Yolanda.

  96. EL, so you are going to DWTS? Will you wave to us:)

  97. I'm disappointed in Brandi and Lisa for being friends with an ignorant bigot.

  98. I'm not going. I think my Tweet got misinterpreted. I said I had tickets to a show Jenn is doing on Thursday. She has rehearsal today which is why she is not going to DWTS tonight. She skipped it for DWTS yesterday. I can't go to DWTS. The chairs and people are jammed too close together.

  99. ent lawyer, well, bring Jen a burrito from us..and a T shirt ..

  100. Awe I love Yolanda I hope she gets better it would be a shame if she didn't return, @katy I remember that comment in a thread too!!!! It was brilliant, has anyone had trouble reading Taylor's brav blog? I went to lunch and had the first page up and everytime I've tried to click it, it redirects me.

  101. Primadiva, maybe the direct links will work for you?

    page 1
    page 2
    page 3
    page 4
    page 5
    page 6

  102. Brilliant @Agent! Enty please please please buy your RHOBH posse I heart Enty t-shirts. They will look adorable and it's for a good cause

  103. @mooshki thanks!!!! Those worked :)

  104. Yes Enty, do. I'm heading there right now to buy mine!

  105. @Sunny Does the I heart shirts come in V neck? I don't see them!

    1. Updating links here...
      New Shirts as requested...

      The CDaN community has had a situation with one of our own this week. I'm making clicky links for all the readers who might miss the story in all the posts from last week:
      Click here for the original story of IDoTheRobot’s nephew Ben.
      Click here for the follow up regarding T-Shirts and donations.
      Click here to order shirts.

      (make sure you turn the "Content Filter" on the left to "Off" to see or order "Ass to Ass" or "Burrito Whore".
      Thanks to everyone who has turned this into a positive heart warming community here at CDaN this week!

  106. I sent an em to xander re v necks.

  107. Thanks, Agent! I was searching for Xander's email address but you took care of it - thanks! Just for future reference, is it

    I specifically asked for the I heart Enty tees in crew neck to cover my old lady chest when I run! I think the V neck will be more flattering for you other Chickadees :)
    (P.S I will return to WWF soon. It's been a crazy couple of days)

  108. Sunny, that's it !

  109. Stupid work has kept me busy for the past few hours, can't believe I missed you Enty! Love when you chime in! And Yolanda is supportive of Lisa via her twitter account. I think those other housewives are just jealous, you know Kyle is thinking "why didnt they pick me? I am so flexible!" Her dances would have had so many hair twirls, fish faces and splits!

  110. @ VIP - thanks for the link!

    Well, I just watched the final season ep and now I'm CONVINCED that Kim is dead weight. She went on and on about Brandi hurting her feelings and couldn't/refused to understand what Kyle was trying to say. Ugh. I'm to the point where I'd actually prefer TMC Faye Resnick to her and her babbling about her hurt feelings and turtles. She's never left childhood. Please, Escape to Witch Mountain... and STAY THERE.

    Adrienne shows up to Lisa's party, and talks about how much her kids want her at home? What an attention whore. She just went there to suck the life out of that party. I'm glad she failed. And I find it hard to believe she's devastated. She treated Paul like dirt for the past two seasons and now she wants us to believe she's hurt by the split? She could hardly stand his touch on camera. Please, bitch.

    Was anyone puzzled at why the usually well put together Lisa was wearing a shapeless black dress and NO BRA? Her bewbs were sagging a bit and that "gown" wasn't flattering. At all. Where was her usual pink?

  111. @ Enty - It's fun when you pop in. Wish you would do it more often. :)

  112. I want an I<3 Enty shirt, but want it in a v-neck...where?????

  113. OMG. I love it that Enty commented. Dying....

  114. Umm I just got to watch the ep and had to come back and say Adrienne's hair looked a hot mess when she came to Lisa's party. And hahah @mango I completely agree abt Kim. And I cannot believe she actually thinks Kyle and Brandi "destroyed her life"..umm how abt taking responsibility for your own actions? And then she follows it up that it almost killed her? Again, what?

  115. Rec'd em from Xander. The v neck I heart Enty will be available shortly at I'll check in the am, east coast here:)

  116. I'm late on this because of family stuff. Haven't read all comments yet....

    Faye looked like she had a dead animal stapled to her crown.

    Marissa did not handle getting caught in her lie very gracefully.

    Um, Taylor? Linda Thompson was married to D Foster for 14 years, not twenty. Math. But your hyperbole always sounds better to you.

    And speaking of Linda Thompson. She was with Elvis & Bruce Jenner. Hmmmmm.

    I didn't hate Taylor at the reunion but it sure looked like Kyle did. As for the Richards' sisters, they can go eat a bag o' dicks. They're just repugnant to me. Was this Kim's first reunion? I feel like it is. Bad showing. She came off as desperate and delusional.

  117. Kim had her own very special reunion episode last year - a one-on-one with Andy. Because if she had been in the same room with Brandi, she probably would have relapsed, because Brandi is the cause of all of her problems.

    Linda Thompson also raised the great philanthropist and humanitarian, Brody Jenner.
