Monday, March 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Muhammad Ali looks just as scared of Jennifer Lopez as we are.
Ben Affleck hangs out with his son.
Beyonce and Blue Ivy snapped in Brooklyn.
Britney Spears and her boyfriend go all Britney/Justin with their matching outfits.
Courtney Cox heads out to dinner.
Chris Martin eating junk food.
And David Beckham goes boom.
Drew Barrymore appears to be saying, "Look at me now yo."
Diane Kruger tries to hide while grocery shopping.
I wonder how often Anne Hathaway smiles.
Heidi Klum helps her daughter with gymnastics.
Isabella Cruise shows off her new hair color. Has she always had the cross tattoos?
Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann hit the beach.
Angelina Jolie in Rwanda.
Josh Hopkins leaves a restaurant where he had dinner with Courteney Cox.


  1. Refreshing seeing pics of Leslie mann

  2. Not Josh Hopkins that is Brian Van Holt her other co-star.

  3. Maybe Chris Martin picked up trash.

    Britney was in Vegas this weekend the same time I was - sad I didn't see her in the wild.

    1. Are you helping him think of an excuse so he won't get beat up when he gets home?

  4. Oh come on! Okay, fine, I'll ask it.

    Drew, what the hell is up with those pants? Seriously, I dress like crap 90% of the time, how can you not have something better to wear than that?

    Isabella, those are not the Co$ approved version of the cross. And call your mother.

  5. I don't think that's Josh Hopkins. That looks like Brian Van Holt to me. Same cast, just one door over from DimeEyesVille.

  6. @lizjaxe I owe you a Coke.

  7. I love Chris Martin more than ever now. HAHAHAHAHAHA on Goopy!

    1. So how does Goop expect us to follow her diet advice when her own husband doesn't follow it.

    2. So how does Goop expect us to follow her diet advice when her own husband doesn't follow it.

    3. So how does Goop expect us to follow her diet advice when her own husband doesn't follow it.

  8. Britney does not look well.

    Isabella Cruise is cute.

    I think it's hilarious that Chris Martin is constantly papped eating chips. Goopy must be losing her sh*t over it.

    Casper looks really creepy with hair.

    Ben Affleck's kid looks like Chris Farley! I have to go watch Tommy Boy now!

  9. @Comma Chaser I love Cougar Town. I have actually talked to Josh on the phone.

  10. I like Britney's bag - is it Marc Jacobs?

  11. Samuel is SO cute! Looks like a happy boy, unlike Blue Ivy.

    Poor Britney, I've worried about her since the break-up.

    1. I wonder if Isabella's dad will be able to talk to her anymore. No, wait, Co$ makes exceptions for him. Lucky guy. *side eye*

  12. What is Casper doing to poor Muhammad Ali to give him that surprised look on his face?

  13. Diane has on a t-shirt & flats!? WTF? She must have the flu. And of course it looks good. Sigh.

  14. Casper Smart, you may have fooled everyone else but now I know your real identity FerretMan!

    He can dig a tunnel to the nearest adult video store in under five minutes.

  15. Affleck bebe is soooooo cute. Love leslie mann and judd.. remember princess diaries anne that everyone loved?

  16. @Amber, that was the first thing I thought, too! The way he's holding it, Goop will say, oh, he was picking up trash, can't you tell?

    Drew's pants aren't very attractive, but she's looking good!

    Diane K doesn't appear to get the concept of laying low.

  17. I wonder if BI got any genes at all from her dad?

  18. Wow all those Afleck/Garner chirrens got her dimples. Must be a strong gene.

    Poor Muhammed Ali. It must be hard for him to be out. He has Parkingsons or some other degenerative disease correct? And there are allegations that his present wife is making him do these meet and greets for the money. He should be enjoying his golden years because he's not even aware of where he is, I have heard.

    Aww..I think Drew looks good in those pants.

    You BET Goop is upset that Chris is eating crisps.

    1. This is at his charity event every year, Muhammed Ali's Celebrity Fight Night, in Vegas. Every yr, a pretty big deal, lots of celebs.

    2. He also comes to the Homecoming Football game at UofL every year and made an appearance at the Sugar Bowl in NOLA when UofL went for the first time.

  19. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Much love to Mr. Ali.

    I love Isabella Cruise's hair color.

    While I thought Leslie Mann was funny in the 40 Year Old Virgin, I generally find her annoying.

    Blue Ivy is rather unfortunate looking. Yes I went there.

    Good for Chris Martin. Enjoy those chips!

  20. And for the record I think Isabella Cruise looks really good there. Looks like she lost some weight and her hair looks good short.

  21. Britney clearly dressed her "boyfriend" up today. I'm cringing all over.

  22. Isabella could possibly explain that her tattoo isn't of a cross. Or, like many people at that age, she is questioning the "religion" her family has brought her up in. As for her "mother", I have always thought the Cruise kids were not Nicole's idea and I don't think she was ever a motherly influence in their lives. CO$ rules or not, if she really cared for them, she would have fought tooth and nail for access. And if her kids loved her, they would have pestered Tom to let them see Nicole. And as far as we know, that never happened.

  23. @lizjae Cool. My wife and I are big fans of the show. Hopkins seems like a nice guy in the two or three interviews I've seen him in.

  24. @Comma Chaser He does. They all seem pretty laid back. I also have 2 penny can's signed of the cast. Won a Cougar Town shirt and 2 bottles of wine from random contest's they have on twitter.

  25. RE: That Ali/JLo pic -- where is Casper's other hand?!

  26. Jacq, Bella's boyfriend went to Seaorg but was releases after 3 months.

    Where's Shelly?

  27. Is that Beyonce's version of holding her child? The kid is just hanging there.

  28. I think it's wrong to take pics with someone who is in the condition Ali is in. Just doesn't seem right.

    1. I agree, that pic gave me the sads and it had nothing to do with JLo and that boy who holds her purse

  29. Way to go Chris Martin!! Knowing how publicity conscious the Goopster is, it would be so passive aggressive of him if he's carrying that bag of chips as a big ol F-U to Gwenyth. But so cool at the same time cuz it shows he's not down with her bullsh*t.

  30. Having met Muhammed Ali at a gala they have at the Ali Center in Louisville. I can say that even though Parkinson's disease has destroyed his body that his brain is still very sharp. Both he and his wife always try and attend as well as his children when able. He has a wicked sense of humor and he loves to meet and talk to people. His wife is fiercely protective of him and is always right beside him and when she sees him starting to tire out then she will call and end to his night. He grumbles about it also as many saw but she won't have him collapse. There was a rumor put out in a tabloid that she was exploiting him that was supposed to have came from one of the brothers but he came out in both print and on tv blasting them saying it was a lie as have the children.

    Ben Affleck's little boy is so adorable and looks so very happy.

    Blue Ivy looks like she is being carried like a sack of potatoes.

    Isabella Cruise looks both happy and at peace with herself. Same with any picture I have ever seen of her brother Connor. Tom Cruise may be many things but I do believe he does love his children.

    I so respect Angelina Jolie. She takes her role as an ambassador seriously and not just a mouth piece. She actually visits these places and sees the conditions and the people and not just some report some person wrote up.

  31. Wonder if Beyonce is sporting a clip on bun. Wouldn't it be funny if it was dangling from a clip while she smiles like her sh!t don't stink.

  32. That Affleck baby is super cute.

  33. If you do not watch Cougar Town give it a chance! I think it is better on TBS by the way and hope it has found a long term home

    Picking up trash or eating the chips = good p.r. for the Goop.."see I let Chris eat what he wants or Chris just can't walk past litter He MUST pick it up we are green"

  34. @Comma Chaser @lizjae
    Small world! I talked to Josh on the Penny Can phone, too! I also went to the Viewing Party they had on their set and met Josh in person. He was terrific. Actually, a friend of mine worked with him on another show and says he's a really chill down-to-earth guy.

    Bill Lawrence is fantastic, too.

  35. @Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors
    I'm jealous much. Didn't go to any viewing party's. I love the show. And tiny eyes is super sexy.

  36. Ben's son is ADORABLE!!!!! Love happy babies!

  37. For the Cougar Town lovers Season 5 was just picked up. 13 episodes for 2014.

  38. I'm pretty sure Diane Kruger's looking at the produce aisle from under that hat...

  39. Ali is reminding me of the last time I saw my grandpa before he passed away. :( He looks so frail. I really hope his wife is keeping a good eye on him at these events.

    I swear the Affleck kids are the happiest celeb kids. You rarely see any of them without a smile. It's so nice to see.

    It seems the Carter genes are strong in Blu Ivy. That poor girl. I really do hope she grows out of it.

    Chris Martin I officially like you. Those chips are pretty much the same thing as a big ol' FU to Gwen & her air eating ways. Hopefully next time you can include the kids in your chip eating adventures.

    Angie might not be the sanest person on the planet but you do have to give her points for her charity work. It's why I've always liked her. If it were JUST for publicity she'd have stopped long ago.

  40. I think Jennifer Lopez looks gorgeous in that pic.

    That's probably the 5th picture I've seen of Beyonce holding Blue Ivy like that...kind of weird to hold a baby/toddler that way. Blue's boots look really heavy and bulky, too.

  41. Come on now you guys. Goop did say that she only follows that extreme low carb, no gluten diet just for a few weeks a couple times a year. LOL

  42. @lizjaxe Thanks for the heads-up!

  43. If BeYonCe had mommy time like she says she does she would know how to handle her own child.

  44. Wow, Beyonce's kid is BIG for just over 1 year old...

    I wonder what the longest stretch is that Jennifer Lopez has ever been single??

    1. Exactly what I was thinking! Looks like a 2-3 year old. Are we sure it's not It's JZ's with another baby mama? No 15-month old has feet that big. Well, maybe Shaq's.

  45. 1. Casper looks creepy as hell to me for some reason. Always has.

    2. Affleck baby is adorable, but I wish some of his genes were in there somewhere because dude is HOT. Better with age.

  46. Britney belongs w Casper.....

    I think Ali was reacting to Casper being J Lo's date.

  47. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Affleck bought out the big guns. adorable lil Sam. those garner genes are strong
    still... Jennifer= mellie from scandal

    jlo doesn't DO single

    no taming a brit. the martin does what he wants

  48. Drew's pants look like the frosting with funfetti. Which would be super cute if she was 9, but that's pretty typical for Drew.

    I didn't think Chris Martin actually lived with Goop and he seems like such a controlling ass (ohhhhh, I suddenly see why they liked each other) I don't see why everyone is surprised that he's eating junk food while Goop is indulging her orthorexia.

  49. Lizjaxe and Little Miss, officially jealous of both of you! It's the silliest show, and I love the writing.
    Ben and Jensen kids are adorable and Samuel looks just like the girls, I just want to take bites out of those cheeks.
    Greenmountaingal, nice to see you here, it's been a minute!

    1. Awww thank you! I was out of town for a bit due to a family illness, so I wasn't on CDAN as much as usual. But I'm back and ready to snark again :)

  50. I agree Rocket Queen...BI looks huge for just being over a year old.

  51. ummmmmmmm no one gonna comment on how Blue Ivy looks like at LEAST like a 2 year old not 14 month OLD?????????????????

    1. You didn't know?? We are a part of a soap opera, next time you see her she will be 5

  52. I was coming in here to say the same stuff about BIC looking very grown here. My daughter is 2 and she's the same size.

    1. Amen Chop Chop. Not everyone has tiny, petite babies. My kid is 7 months old and looks like a tall 12 month old! LEAVE BLUE ALONE!

  53. We need a photo caption contest for the Muhammad Ali pic.

  54. I bet Grandma Affleck is swabbing her grandson's cheek as we speak.

  55. Something's up with Blue Ivy's size.

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing - something is fishy...I bet they lied about her birthdate or something...who knows with Beyonce & Jay-Z.

    2. Maybe just like the pregnancy the baby is fake and that's a 2-3 yr old illegitimate child of Joe Camel or Beyonce's dad.

  56. I bet Grandma Affleck is swabbing her grandson's cheek as we speak.

  57. THAT's blue ivy??? look at the difference in size.
    blue ivy, DOB: 1/9/12
    samual affleck, DOB: 2/27/12

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Thanks Di Butler and Lisa for the clarification on Ali. Hence my use of the word allegations. Glad he's still involved in his charity.

  59. I've never had me no young'uns but I thought BIC looked not just tall but just a lot older and now that she's compared to Samuel she looks very physically advanced. And Beyonce looks like someone who's never held a child in her life!

  60. Was thinking same thing. BI looks like a 3y/o. Nearly same age as the affleck baby, weird the size difference. Drew just had her baby and looks fit and happy-good for her! Casper...I can't find words.

  61. Omg cute little Sam Affleck! As for little Miss Carter... um... looks just like her Dad...

  62. Diane is looking for the large cucumbers.

  63. @SingBlue, HAHAHAHA! Oh my, I had just about forgotten that blind!

  64. I know that I’m the CDAN conspiracy theory queen, but I don’t think that’s Blue Ivy. Enty misidentifies people all the time. Cougar Town guys, hello? This is probably one of her nieces or something from Jay’s side of the family or friend’s kid. She’s supposedly in Brooklyn, right? Bey isn’t bringing Blue Ivy out like that. I’m actually saying that there is no conspiracy on Bey’s part…for this instance only!

  65. Blue does look old, but I have friends whose 3 year old is taller and much wider than my 4 year old. Some kids are just bigger
