Monday, March 25, 2013

Prince Harry Is Coming back To The US

It turns out that Prince Harry is willing to give the US one more shot. After discovering why what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and making sure you shame your friends who bring cameras to parties there, it was 50/50 whether Harry would ever come back to the US. It turns out though he is willing to come, but is planning on skipping Vegas this time and instead, heading to Atlantic City. Well, Jersey. So, if you are going to Jersey and visiting Sandy Hook victims at the shore, you might as well go to AC. Harry is also planning on spending time in Colorado where he will attend the Warrior games, which surprisingly enough are not a tribute to the 1970's movie which everyone should see at least once in their life, especially if they think that NYC is one big Lion King exhibit.


  1. Harry come out and plaaaay.

  2. Prince Hot Ginge is visiting Colorado, where coincidentally, pot is legal

  3. This ought to be fun. I really should schedule some time in AC - support the recovery efforts and all that....

  4. The Warriors, wow you took me back Enty. NYC in it's pre-Guiliani days, what fun, LOL.

  5. He's just trying to help the recovery efforts, has nothing to do with parties I'm sure....Bwahahahaha!

  6. When will Harry be coming to Atlantic City? Later this month they are having the eXXXotica Expo at one of the Trump Casinos. I think one night there will be an awards show of some sort. I bet he will be attending to get a close up look at his favorite Porn and Cam whores.

    Or maybe he heard how wonderful the dungeon is for the BDSM crowd. I think the broad I saw in the stocks getting beat with a riding crop was using performance enhancing drugs. Welts on her ass that would make you cringe, yet I didn't see a single tear. She had to pop an oxy or something beforehand.

    P.S. The Jersey Shore does have a Sandy Hook, but it is a nude beach, not the location of a mental patient's last stand. The only victims there are the people that wandered too far down into the gay section and saw things they can't unsee.

  7. YES! I live 5 mins away from AC!!! :D

  8. Haha! Count.. I've been to the EXXotica Expo! It was kind of lame actually.. but I did get to meet Ron Paul!

  9. EXXXotica* of course!

  10. LMAMOOOO! Ron Jeremy*** OMG get this girl some coffee!!

  11. Lol lalaland! Politicians/pornstars...I get those confused all the time too.

  12. I'd rather meet Ron Paul than Ron Jeremy. All I heard when Jeremy was in the hospital is how he's always trying to get other people to pay for meals.

  13. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I also love this picture of him checking out the hot blonde. He looks like he's just about to sneak up behind her, grab her ass and say "Gotcha!"

  14. Yeah that girl in the blue bikini has a rockin' body!

    Lalaland....I laughed my ass off thinking there was a porn star named after the politician. I heard the Hedgehog was an okay nice guy though.

  15. Harry's going to AC????? I'm so there. I'll try to take of pic of him...with his clothes on of course.

  16. Its amazing how appealing both he and his bro are. Mb he comes with girlriend this time?

  17. YES YES YES!!!!!!
    I live in Colorado, honey. Come get me out of the snow and make me your princess!!!!

  18. Uh, Sandy Hook and Hurricane Sandy are different tragedies. That aside, I'm happy to show the Prince my favorite NYC dive bars should he make his way here. Dive bar folks know to keep their mouths shut!

  19. Let's hope Prince Harry doesn't have to fight his way back to Coney Island!

    I LOVE that movie!

  20. I am seriously calling up my girlfriends and having girls week out. Time to go bleach my hair playboy blonde!

  21. Atlantic City was the Las Vegas of 1920. Too bad it's not 1920 anymore.

  22. I laughed so hard at the thought of meeting Ron Paul at an eXXXpo! Bill Clinton I could imagine -- expect, even -- but Ron Paul? Hilarious! He'd probably stay on message and not pay attention to the pr0n everywhere.

    Then again, it would explain why the Libertarians like him so much...

  23. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I don't know why but that girl in the blue bikini her hip to shoulder ratio is really bothering me. I suppose his physique is a bit boyish and maybe if her hips were more feminine she be more sexy. Don't get me wrong she pulled a bikini off better than I could at this point but just an observation

  24. Anonymous7:31 PM

    ^^typos abound, but I think u get my drift .......
