Thursday, March 28, 2013

Patti Stanger's Fiance Accused Of Domestic Violence

In the new issue of The Enquirer, they have an article that states that Patti Stanger's fiancee has been accused of domestic violence in the past and had a restraining order issued against him. back in 2007, David Krause was ordered to stay away from his then fiancee and her daughter. She accused him of being emotionally unstable and being abusive. He is also accused of not paying all of the child support he owes or should be paying. I wonder if Patti knew about all of this. It was one time back in 2007, but, you just never know. I did think it was interesting that Patti admitted that she broke all of her own club's rules when she started dating this guy and that if she had been a customer would have been kicked out. Does that mean her rules don't work?


  1. I know nothing about this woman, what are her rules?

    He looks like a much older Elijah Wood.

    1. @Lotta 2 drinks max on dates, and no sex before monogamy!

  2. I dislike Patti but some of her rules are some of my personal rules:

    Dont sleep with the guy until you get commitment or at least until you have been dating for 3 months. (I didnt follow this rule with Mr. Borg and we are still together 3 years later)

    He should pay for the first date. (Afterwards, I go dutch.)

    Dont be available everytime the guy calls or wants to go out (in the beginning).

    Dont drink on dates.

    My rule always bring money for you to get home after a date. Dont let the guy bring you home. He could be a pyscho and now he knows where you live.

  3. So she got sloshed and put out? Lol

    Daily Amanda Tweet FYE...
    @AmandaBynes: It doesn't matter what you think about yourself. All that matters is what your lover thinks of you

    1. Ugh I hate the word 'lover'.

      And that is ridiculous. "I think I'm great, but my lover thinks I'm an asshole & that's the opinion that matters."

  4. Do as I say, not as I do?

  5. @VIP--I was watching a couple old episodes of Matchmaker on Bravo last night, and Patti said to the girls "No sex without...what?" Answer of course is "monogamy." And one of the girls shouts out "CONDOMS!" Hahahahaha. She of course slept with the guy on their first date...

    1. @Jolene I remember that one!! For anyone that's been watching this season, the ex-NFLer and the Playboy Radio host (Bambi) got engaged over Christmas!!

    2. @VIP I think they are adorable together. That's the only ep I have seen where the people had real chemistry and you could tell it wa going to develop into an actual relationship.

  6. @ Jolene Jolene - OMG ROTLMAO. That was so funny. I wish I saw that.

  7. @ Jolene Jolene - OMG ROTLMAO. That was so funny. I wish I saw that.

  8. I saw WTFL when he was on with Patty. They seem happy, he's kinda creepy though.

  9. Two drink max on dates? Wow. My fiance and I each had a glass of wine before going to dinner, shared a bottle of wine, then had a glass of dessert wine each after dinner. It was spread out over 3+ hours, if that makes it better.

  10. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Her dating strategies and attitudes are outdated, but I like her as a person

  11. I don't see this lasting, I think she's like infatuated with him and its kinda creepy. Almost like she was so excited to actually get someone she's like in a fantasy and they're interactions seem so high school crush ish? Hard to explain lol.

  12. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Why on earth would you go to someone for matchmaking advice when they're in their mid-40's and haven't been able to figure out a match for themselves? And then when they do the guy is a creeper, nice. Sign me right up. Not to mention, let's be real: 3 months is a long-ass time to ask an adult to go without sex for a relationship that may or may not be any good. No need to blow the guy in the cab to your first date but after 4 or 5 dates, in this day of texting and facetiming and everything else that facilitates conversations in absentia? No way.

  13. He sort of looks neanderthal-ish

  14. How old is she?
    She looks like she's had a lot of cosmetic work done.

  15. More of her rules: men like long hair, so get extensions. Men like big boobs, so wear a push up bra. Become a perfect Stepford Wife type woman in the hopes of snaring money through a man. She sells herself as being empowering, but it's all superficial...she consistently reinforces negative stereotypes of women playing pretty princess to get a rich man.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      @europium: no rule about how men don't like piles of artificial bs? Guess that's why she's middle-aged and single

  16. I wouldn't take any dating advice from her either. Like Empress said she's never been married what the hell does she know about helping others do it? Like getting sex advice from a Catholic priest.

  17. He has a very odd voice.

  18. @Empress of Socks: Exactly! If she and her relationship are the result of following her rules, even with breaking a couple, then who on earth would take advice from her?

  19. Eek what is wrong with his face? And what did she do to her face?

    I will admit that I like her show. It's very entertaining. Also, my husband met her assistant Dustin (the guy with the crazy hair) and said he was super nice and friendly. They even took a picture together. Cute!

  20. Her fiancé looks like a troll. He has domestic abuse written all over him - he has the same look as the Sham Wow guy!

    My fiancé and I ended up in bed our first date after three shots of Jameson and two ciders. One of the best nights of my life. He was my good friend for a year and a half before we ever hooked up though and was a regular at my coffee shop so we literally hung out almost every day anyway. The sexual tension was off the charts! We've been together two years now.

  21. I still don't understand how the Enquirer is a reliable news source. Don't they print stories about how Oprah is an alien and George Clooney is secretly a woman?

  22. The only dating rules I've ever seen really work are "He's Just Not That Into You." That book nailed it, 100%. Anyone who's in a bullshit relationship with a guy who is NOT into you will hate this book--I know I did when I first read it. Then I showed it to a friend who was in the same situation, and she got furious--because it was so true for her as well.

    Mr. Figgy never gave me a doubt from day 1. But we also broke most of Patti Stanger's rules! ;-)

  23. Patti is OBSESSED with the idea that men only like women with straight hair and no redheads. Who's gonna break the news to Christina Hendricks?

    And she's had a shitload of plastic surgery.

  24. Since she's such a bitch, she probably can't get anybody else and has to settle. Doesn't look good t be a single matchmaker, she must be desperate becuz he's not attractive at all!

  25. I've watched her show on and off for years and I think she can be really mean to the girls who come in. "You look like a poodle!" or a "hooker", etc. And Patti screams at people too much, although sometimes they do deserve it, like that female millionaire who ran out on the silver fox because he was too old. (I'm sure anyone who watches will remember her. She was no prize but wanted really hot young guys and passed up in a really cruel way, a hot older man.)

  26. OMG...his face, HIS FACE!!!!

  27. Dayum! Ol' boy needs to get a restraining order against that ugly stick that beat the fuck out of his face!

  28. The Enquirer gets it right sometimes.

    First of all if this guy has a criminal record and a restraining order issued against him is a matter of public record so anyone can get that information esp in LA, they make it easy.

    The Enquirer were reporting about Michael Jackson's drug issues for years and people and esp his fans were vilifying the Enquirer accusing them of lying and guess what, they were dead on. When the police found a frigging pharmacy worth of drugs in his house let alone the gallons of stuff that killed him, NE was vindicated.

  29. You know the spot between the eyes and the nose where a unibrow will sometimes grow? Well, on his face, it looks like there's a vacuum behind that spot, and it's sucking in his entire face like a black hole!

    Patti Stanger's show is terrible. I used to watch it, but it made me angry, like "bad mood all day" angry. She's a mean-spirited person, depressing, and offers nothing of value. Also, her lips are the same color as her skin, ewwww!

  30. She us a strange person who is strange looking. I dint get her appeal. Havent seen her show

    1. And im a redhead, and i, my mom and my sister all married, so idk wheres shes going with that little nugget.

  31. It seems like we have a lot of new commenters here with a great point of view - MEL I am looking at you. Winning!!!

  32. @Aunt Liddy..I'm a redhead too and I had no issues getting married although the Opster is color blind. But this reminds me of a joke.

    Two guys are talking and the first one asks the second, "Hey, ever slept with a blonde?"

    And the 2nd guys says, "Sure".

    First guy says, "How about a brunette? Ever slept with a brunette?" And Guy #2 says, "Of course".

    Guy #1 says, Well, have you have slept with a redhead?"

    Guy #2 says, "NOT A WINK!"

    (Take THAT blonde jokes)

  33. That is one weird looking dude.

  34. @ Sherry. Thank you!! I rarely post but I was so traumatized by that ugly ass mug I had to! Also wanted to say to Xander, and Agent for keeping everyone up-to-date, what you're doing for Robot is awesome and I can't wait to get my NNIM shirt!

  35. Yeah, her rules are absolutely ridiculous. I think people were questioning her success rate and Bravo decided to show people finding love.

  36. Nothing to say except that I am also a ginger & we rock so suck it Patti.

  37. I look at that photo and keep hearing the theme from The Adams Family.

  38. you gotta take what you can get

  39. holy crap.. his face looks like a scary ass halloween mask! that mug would give me nightmares! and hers isn't much better

  40. I actually went in a group to meet Janis Spindel (another book-writing matchmaker) as a favor to a friend. If you bought her book and brought it to the meeting with 10 women, then the consultation in a coffee shop in NYC would be free. She also dinged the curly-haired women, and she implied it was because they looked too Jewish (!!). She dinged me because I have a masters degree. "Men would be intimidated by you." WTF? All of these matchmakers are full of crap.

  41. @Mango - Shauna! She was so EWW. Did that guy ever show up again for anyone else? I quit watching the show -- gave up cable -- so I don't know.

    @Angelina - You know, I'm not so sure that the master's thing ISN'T intimidating. I'm pretty cute, and I've been doing online dating for FOUR years, and I have yet to get even ONE date. Other women in an online dating support group that I'm in keep telling me to take out the part about my MSW in my profile. I refuse to dumb myself down, though. So I'm at my mother's house on CDAN on a Saturday night. ;-)

  42. I think they are a cute couple

  43. I think they are a cute couple
