Friday, March 29, 2013

Omarosa Says Celebrity Apprentice Has Lots Of Fake Parts

Surprising probably no one, Omarosa has risked the wrath of Donald Trump and his nest of hair to declare that parts of Celebrity Apprentice are manufactured to make it more interesting. Yesterday, Omarosa was on Access Hollywood and said that many of the story lines are manufactured and that producers control almost every aspect of the show. The other day I had a reality tv discussion with someone and only the competition shows are really reality, and you can't even include Survivor in that because there is editing to make people look worse or fit them into a mold for better storytelling. Something like Dancing With The Stars is real, in the sense that people are doing a real activity.


  1. In other news the sky is blue

  2. In other news, water is wet. Grass is green.

  3. The pope is Catholic....

  4. Starting with Trump

  5. Does that mean...omg! Does this mean all the Bachelor/ette shows aren't real?

  6. This is as shocking as the Lohag's a hot mess story.

  7. Well, i just dont want to live anymore, lol

  8. Can scripted television be brought back now?

  9. I don't know if you heard, but the Scottish government recently approved a new wind farm which Donald Trump had opposed because it was near a golf course he owns. Atlantic Monthly writer James Fallows posted a photo of the front page of the Daily Record there with a story about the dispute that included one of the great headlines of all time: "There Will Be Hell Toupee".

  10. Lotta: I had to share: one of my English mates posted it this morning, causing me snort coffee. That's painful! But what a great way to start the morning! =)

  11. Well no shit. In the last episode, the woman who was fired (I have no idea who she is, some model/host) was wearing a pageant gown and tiara but when they showed her leaving the building, her clothes and hair were completely different & then when they showed her in the car, she was wearing the pageant gown and tiara again

    1. Adam Carolla said that they filmed the walking out of the building scene for everyone beforehand. Since I heard that I've looked at what people are wearing and most of the time it seems they try and match it, but not everyone I guess, lol.

  12. Captain Obvious! Does that mean Omarosa is not as evil as they made her out to be?

    The Amazing Race is the only one I watch. I really hope that it's real (well mostly real). My dream is to travel the world but prob not on a TV show doing dumb stunts. I do love Phil and his eyebrow, though!

  13. @Henriette - PLEASE YES!

  14. I wonder if this means that Omarosa doesn't mind being cast as the biggest bitch on any reality show ever. I would never allow anyone to make me out to be such a lowlife

  15. Can we get a Words Trump Will Use To Insult Omarosa pool going? I'll take 2 squares for Pig and Loser. Those seem to be his go-to move

    And I gotta throw in a:
    Omarosa, you in danger girl

    1. Ooh @Sunny-I'll throw in a lowlife & raise you a liar.

  16. The fakest thing on "Celebrity Apprentice" is calling Omarosa a celebrity.

  17.'re fired.

  18. I still haven't recovered from parts of Storage Wars being fake. This is very disappointing.

    Trump must not pick his golf courses very well. The one he owns in Palm Beach County is LITERALLY next door to the county jail, which is around 10-12 stories tall - towers over the golf course and if the prisoners can look through those narrow windows they can totally see people playing golf. He did surround the golf course with huge palm trees (not sure of the variety but they're really tall) and makes driving down that area really gorgeous. They just line the streets.

    1. @SusanB - Storage Wars is fake? No way!!! I love Barry. Say it ain't so! Seriously, that must be why Barry always spends $4000 for the lamest locker to find some spectacular thing in the back.

      House Hunters International is fake too, right?

  19. Count me as another who prays for the return of scripted TV. I enjoy Iron Chef but even I know that these chefs aren't just then finding out what the secret ingredient is.

    Wouldn't it be funny as hell to see Lohag on The Apprentice? Okay THEN I would watch.

    1. They're given a few different potential secret ingredients (because they clearly need to make shopping lists, etc) but done find out what was chosen until the show starts.

  20. House Hunters is fake?! Nooooo!!! I loved that show!!

    1. I know! I was so disappointed when I read about that, but it made sense and answered some questions I had wondered about, like, what happens if people don't find a house they want? Do they scrap the whole show? So, I wasn't completely surprised to read that the people have already found and purchased their home. It's a requirement to be on the show. Then a local realtor finds two other properties for them to fake look at. The way you can tell is the house that's empty is the one they're buying. The others usually still have stuff in them because they are real houses for sale that haven't sold yet. The latest season though, they are addressing this because sometimes all the houses are empty, probably now a requirement. What is amazing to me is all of these regular people who are actually acting. "Which one should we buy, honey?"

  21. Anonymous9:19 AM

    so does she

  22. I thought we all already knew this? There's a reason reality shows have "Writer" credits.

    Fun Fact: Friend of mine (small contracting business owner) has a regular client who's a multi-millionaire. This guy goes to Vegas regularly. A few years back, he gets tapped on the street to be on... Pawn Stars. They handed him an antique gun, gave him a back story, desired sell amount and lowest amount he could accept (b/c he and his wife "really needed the money"). Then they sent him in to the store to talk to Rick. I still like Pawn Stars, though, for all the history they add about an object. Love the experts they bring in, like the dude from the Clark County History Museum.

  23. Aw man! Pawn Stars?! I love that show.

    Grumble grumble hiss.

  24. I read a couple of articles about how House Hunters was faked. I don't watch the domestic show but I like catching HH International because I love checking out the living spaces in other countries.

  25. Hey guys! Did you hear???


  26. Watch the credits because they have a team of script writers. Just like the rest...fake.

  27. A friend is on CA right now, but isn't the type to dish on the Donald, so no stories to tell except that Dennis Rodman is a very nice guy. But I already knew that b/c my sister used to work for him.

  28. From what Ive heard, Donald Trump is even more egotistical and self centered than you imagined.

  29. even the competition shows are fake-ish. the judges comments are often designed to kneecap the guys they want to be voted off.

  30. Wipeout is ..."real" :)

  31. ya know, all of those daytime soap opera writers had to go somewhere...
