Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Will Say Anything To Get You To Notice Her

Nicole Scherzinger gave an interview to The Independent. Wait. Hold one one second. The Independent? They wanted an interview with Nicole Scherzinger? OK, who over there wanted to sleep with her? In the interview, Nicole thinks she would have a better career if she was "more slutty." Yep, she said it. Shen then went on to show every Pussycat Dolls video and why they run in constant rotation on Disney. I'm not sure how slutty equals success. At this point I would normally write a joke such as , "Yes look how it helped ____________'s career," but that is tougher to do when you are calling someone a slut. Only Dan Aykroyd ever got away with calling a woman a slut. Why, as a woman would you want to be one? Is their a difference between slut and slutty? Is that your career goal? So, if Nicole ever has kids, is she going to tell her daughter, "Oh honey, you really need to be more slutty iof you want to get ahead in this world."


  1. Why is she in my gran-gran's dining room?

  2. GemTwist--lol! I thought it was a house i had saved on Zillow! Mine all look like that!

  3. Maybe I'm just high, but the styling in this pic is slaying me. Someone pulled the end chair out of the way *deliberately* so you could see how 'fancy' the table is set. The crooked cheap candles! The vacuum marks in the carpet! I just can't stop staring at it!

    1. Gem, haha I was thinking it looks like some girl playing dress up in her granny's fancy church coat while spending the weekend at her granny and grand daddy's house.

  4. Right? It just screams Boogie Nights! Including the outfit!

    And who is this person?

    1. Those boots will haunt me for at least a few hours.

    2. @Gem-those boots are killing my soul.

  5. The crooked candle - lavender, no less - is the cherry on top.

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    She supposedly slept with Jimmy Iovine, that wasn't slutty enough?

    Nicole had dreams of being like Beyonce, using her girl group to launch into superstardom. But Nicole didn't have the work ethic or approachability of Bey. She also had subpar material that didn't catch on with radio.

    Nicole has enough talent to be a big pop star, but it just didn't happen.

  7. Lavender...Christ.

  8. KNOW if they pulled those curtains back, you would see an above-ground pool and a broken tram-am-poline in the backyard.
    Seriously, if it were a nice house, they'd show you the damn view, right?

  9. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Oh, and that photo screams Z-list blaxploitation movie circa 1974. No way someone truly fabulous would be caught dead posing like that.

  10. She isn't successful because she's a head case that burned bridges with David Foster right out of the gate, then Simon Cowell. If a pretty girl with a great voice who's had that much exposure can't be better than the sum of the Pussy Cat Dolls? She's looney tunes. Slutty can't fix crazy, dear.

  11. Libby, I bet the neighbor is scratching his balls in his own living room approximately 10 yards away. There's probably a nice chain link fence though, to keep his backyard pit bull operation out of your hair.

  12. LOL I was staring at this pic forever.. Couldn't take my eyes off of it! Glad I'm not the only one! Also couldn't help but notice that one of the chandelier lights is out too haha This pic is priceless!

    1. I was trying to hold comments about that damn crooked chandelier in. I am LOSING IT over this picture!!!

  13. The wrap around curtains are my favorite part.

    This bitch has always been slutty and now she's saying she should've been slutty? Lolololol

  14. And its that a stain on the carpet between her legs?? I think it looks too dark to be a shadow?

    1. OMG, what if she piddled a little?!

  15. Is their a difference between slut and slutty?

    Yes, there is. One is an adjective involving a resemblance, not necessarily having an entirely identical quality. Many redheads are fiery. Very few are actually on fire.

    That said, there's a genuine and ugly misogyny in calling any woman a "slut." Guess what? There's nothing wrong with liking sex. There's nothing wrong with liking sex a lot, and there's nothing wrong with liking a lot of sex. This is as true in women as it is in men. If you ever use the word "slut," you might as well start calling black men "niggers" and Jews, "kikes."

    Just don't ever do it.

    1. Judging someone by the way they look is wrong. But did you know you control the way you behave? You can actually not put your penis or vagina on or in things.

      By the way, people call men whores and sluts all the time. Now, if you only see those as names to be applied only to women. I guess that's your misconception.

  16. The wrap around curtains that aren't even a consistent "fabric."

    The only thing that makes me think this wasn't done in a double-wide is the fact that the a/c vent is in the ceiling.

  17. I dig your input, Jonathan Andrew Sheen. That was a great summation.

  18. GemTwist---I so wish we could smoke a doob & look at Zillow together, at least. You have me ROLLING right now!

    1. Libby- i fucking love to get high & judge people on Zillow!! I got the app for that exact reason!

    2. @GemTwist y'all have me CRYING laughing reading these comments!!!!

  19. Anonymous7:56 AM

    And one of the curtain panels is darker than the others. This photo is all kinds of ratchet. Looking like Friday Foster's step cousin, Saturday Simply-No Taste.

  20. Am I the only male who finds her about as sexy as a toilet brush ?

  21. It IS true, though. The formal dining room IS usually the only pristine room in America's houses.

    You have to wonder what the rest of that house looks like--This was the most glamorous in the whole place.

  22. More slutty? I'm sorry she's so insecure and doesn't have actual talent that she thinks she needs to be slutty in order to get ahead. Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand, Kelly Clarkson, Aretha Franklin, etc...they didn't have to "act slutty" in order to get ahead. I'm sorry Nicole...but what's going to happen when you're not young anymore? Slutty won't work.

  23. Is it too early to nominate Post of the Day?

  24. @JASheen No, it's actually pretty simple to identify a slut. She will sleep with anyone indiscriminantly and has no morals or standards and basically nothing to offer aside from their body. At least most of the Hwood bimbos do it to get ahead, but that still doesn't make it respectable. It has nothing to do with liking sex. I like sex and I have as much of it as possible WITH MY MAN. See the difference?

    So, in summary, Nicole S. is a slut and judging by her success, not a very good one.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      @cee Kay: thank you! There IS something wrong with being a slut. It's tacky, trashy and in poor taste, and, btw, does NOT equate to just a woman who like sex.

  25. The first time I saw her I thought she was I can't look at her.

  26. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Cee Kay: the biggest problem with your argument is that it doesn't seem to account for men who sleep around. What would you call them?

    Names like slut and whore are largely misogynist in that they aren't often used for and against men. Men sow their oats. Women spread their legs. It is, without saying, a double standard.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      @layna day: dirt ball, douche, man-slut, man whore, pig, go ahead and go to any post where Gerard butler is mentioned, you will find a plethora of delightful adjectives to describe a man who partakes in this behavior. Just because someone says its tacky in reference to a woman doesn't also mean its not tacky in reference to a man. A slut is someone who gets drunk at a party and is all hands, man or woman, or the person who never leaves a bar alone, regardless of who they may go home with, or the person that uses their body to get ahead at work. None of these things are gender-exclusive

  27. GemTwist--The 'Bird's Eye' and 'Street View' features are invaluable at sniffing out a Zillow-disguised former crackhouse/dog-fighting operation, eh?

    When my BF and I were looking at houses, we found this one with a half-dismantled 'bar' in the basement, with several freshly-painted rooms down there, and---A tiny 4x4x4 'room'/chamber that had a padlocked door with several air-holes drilled in it.


    1. @Libby. gotta market to everyone, I guess. I heard there were like 300 active serial killers in the US. They need a roof over their heads too!

  28. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Gemtwist and Libby, you are killing me! The lavendar candles and burnt out bulb are the best!

    I also can't take my eyes off the belt/pouch thing in the front of the coat, is it a furry panty? A belt made to look like one?

    I don't know. But great, now I will have "furry panty" in my vocabulary.
    Thanks pussycat....

  29. @Layna Day - Bravo!!!! (or is it Brava?) Glad someone else notices the double standard!

  30. This pic is positively musical....."I'm gonna pop some tags/only got $20 in my pocket/I'm I'm I'm hunting/looking for a come up/this is fucking awesome"

    1. YEEESSS!! (I yelled that like a gladiator. In my head.)

  31. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I do get what she's saying. It's a fine line though. It's got to be I'm a virgin, and I'm thinking about being slutty. Like Britney, Beyonce, umm, mind's not quite one yet, hang on.... different direction: Remember when Christina did Genie in a Bottle, then turned to Drrrrty later on? When it was full on slutty, it's well for lack of a better word, dirty. When it's innocence, or talent, tinged with the thought of sexiness, strongly hinted at, put there, but then put back away, then it's ok. Tina Turner's legs and short dresses? Sexy, but then back to a smart, strong, intelligent person. That's the way to play it, in my opinion. She doesn't dress like that all the time too.

  32. LOL--GemTwist. Seriously.

  33. I only judge people by their dining room furniture, not sexual habits. Except this one boy at work. I called him a slut because he slept w/3 girls in one weekend. I mean, come on. He agreed with me.

  34. Hahaha...GemTwist...I knew I wasn't the only one. The coat alone screams Thrift Shop.

  35. All the porn stars in the next room just want to get back to work already.

  36. but...hasn't she always dressed slutty? i don't get it

  37. @Layna: shout it, sistah!!!

    This picture is all kinds of awesome, isn't it? LOLOL The comments are the only thing that improves this pic. I hope I can get 'furry pants' out of my head. :D

  38. Loving all the photo comments. Actually, this looks like a house they would have filmed a porno in the early 80's. It's simly trashtastic!

  39. But what about that awful fur coat??? Is this the opposite of PETAs "I'd rather go naked..." campaign?

  40. You know, I would never have thought to check out the room and/or notice all those little details, but now that y'all mentioned it, I can see exactly what you mean. *shakes head*

    Also, if you need a word to describe someone who sleeps around a whole lot, how about "promiscuous"? It gets the point across without being a value judgment (yes, I know, it's usually women who are labeled that way, but it can certainly apply to men as well). Unless, of course, a value judgment is necessary for whatever reason, in which case I'm not sure what would work in lieu of "slut" (which I've also heard used to describe men as well as women). Suggestions, anyone?

    1. Then people will bitch about promiscuous shaming. People want to behave badly but never get called out for it. Just ask Chris Brown. Don't judge me for the things I do or the way I behave. No accountability for our own actions.

  41. Libby and GemkTwist, ya'll are fucking killing me!!!! Bwaahahahahaha

  42. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I agree that the words should not be gender exclusive. No argument there. Rather, it's the perception around the words that cause us to think of women when we hear them.

    It says more to our warped frames of mind as a society than it does about the words themselves.

  43. Anonymous9:25 AM

    For example: why is an arrogant man called a name that is commonly identified with women's hygiene? That has always bothered me.

    I just say someone is 'on the loose' and overly arrogant people are jerks. Simple enough and gender neutral.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      @layna day: because a douche is generally somewhat unpleasant and has been found to be bad for the vag you use it on? Much like a douchey man? That's what I'm going with anyway because it makes me smile

  44. who gives a fuck who fucks who, get a life and stop slut shaming.

    it's especially super fucking awesome coming from other women.

    *slow clap*

    Can you imagine if we went around Virgin Shaming? Sounds pretty ridiculous right? Same concept. Judging a woman for what she does with her body as a consenting adult.

  45. It looks like a low budget production of The Price Is Right. Or she just looks like a typical suburban Atlantic City housewife trying to woo the plumber.

    I'm going to print this out and tape it to my fridge so whenever I go for a snack I throw up instead. Bikini season is around the corner! thanks Enty!

    Now I have to go call the police to report my future mother in laws stolen candles.

  46. Are we certain that is Nicole, or is it just a really old (hideous) picture? Recent pics of her do not have hair that badly highlighted, nor has she been that tan. She's been spending a lot of time in the UK with Lewis Hamilton...not exactly the tanning capital of the world.

  47. No, she is plenty slutty. But so is everyone else. Good way to stand out and be noticed.

  48. OMG, I am CRACKING UP over these posts!

    I almost passed this one by because I don't give a rat's ass about her - as far as I'm concerned Scherzinger is Skankinese for Desperate Wannabee Slag.

    That photo.... PRICELESS. Does she have no self awareness at all??

  49. I just love how the picture is crooked like all the one's I take.

    "My career would have been better if I were more slutty" said the naked woman with a fur coat barely covering her bits.

    I don't care who or how many people she sleeps with, I just find that statement kind of ironic and funny with the picture.

  50. Anonymous10:33 AM

    No, slut shaming is different because its brought on by disgusting behavior. If you go about tossing herpes around like some disgusting Easter bunny you are a slut and should be shamed, same thing if you pursue someone in a relationship or cause detriment to your children by bringing home a new slam piece every weekend. Those things are slutty and someone should feel bad about themselves for partaking in terrible behavior. If you like to have safe sex and don't feel the need to tell the world about it on Facebook and act like a responsible adult then carry on.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      And my previous comment was @jax, but I'm bad at internetting apparently

    2. Completely agree with everything you said.

  51. @ GemTwist - Please tell your gran-gran to Lysol the table if Nicole and the guy who took the photos did what I think they did on it. :(

    1. I'm never speaking to gran gran again, frankly. Not after this.

    2. @GemTwist - I LOL'd uncontrollably at work at never speaking to gran gran again. Which would have been embarassing enough without being in a stall in the bathroom at the time.

  52. I really liked her, I thought she was gorgeous and talented. I don't know what she did or didn't do to have her career go down the drain, but I hope hair commercials pay well.

    The decor comments are hilarious

  53. Anonymous11:21 AM

    @Empress of Socks: I like your interpretation! I may have to use it myself. :-D

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I just wanted to add my favorite word in lieu of 'slut' is 'trollop'.

  56. What a photo! At first I was wondering why Enty was posting about porn star Tera Patrick (who is actually pretty awesome) but then I realized it was Nicole Sherzinger.

  57. If men could get attention in the same manner women can the demand for size 14 come fuck me pumps would turn the economy around. And slut shaming would end forever.

  58. Anonymous1:45 PM

    holy shit look at that pic LMFAO!!!!!!!

    she has no IT factor what soever
    so bland

  59. The Pussycat Dolls dressed and danced in a very slutty manner in their videos so I have no idea what she is talking about when she complains she wasn't slutty enough. Also, I don't understand why people are being accused of slut-shaming Nicole when *she* is the one who says she wants to be extra super slutty. And finally, that picture is probably old because it doesn't look like her at all, it looks more like one of those tacky women on the "Real Housewives of..." (any version) who think that fur coats and big diamonds make them classy (they don't).

  60. This is such typical famewhoring. "Oh, I would be more famous, but my morals are too pure. I'm not like those other hobags, etc..."

    Okay, Sweetie. That's why you're not famous. It's definitely not because you're only marginally talented and nothing turns people off more than a blatant famewhore.
