Friday, March 15, 2013

Nicki Minaj Has A Crazy Week On American Idol

If this was any other season or any other judge, I would just pass off what Nicki Minaj said last night to hyperbole. I know, big word. Saw it in a newspaper the other day and decided to give it a whirl. Don't worry, I have not lost my ability to say baby mama. On Wednesday, Nicki was late to a live taping of American Idol by 13 minutes. I say taping because here on the west coast we don't see it live. We have to wait three hours to see Ryan Seacrest's carefully coiffed hair. Last night, Nicki's favorite contestant was eliminated which prompted her to threaten to quit the show. I think she meant it and if she was on a show like The Voice she probably would. Nicki does not need American Idol's money and it would not shock me to see her be late again or leave early or cause some kind of other drama on the show.


  1. Looking at her picture is making me hungray for waffles with buttermilk syrup.

  2. ^LOL
    She's ridiculous. That dude deserved to go. He was all over the map.

  3. Didn't see the show, and won't see the show...
    But honey, its a business, and you just turned up late - i know it was apparently traffic, but why aren't you in studio 1-2hr pre-show to get ready???
    I think it was some sort of PR stunt on her side.

  4. Replies
    1. @Izzie I think that's what Nicki is wearing on the show next week!! LOL

  5. Even Nicki and Mariah so call feud couldn't get me to watch this downhill of a show.

  6. Yep, his time had come. That said, with its weird 10 boys 10 girls lineup, lots of much more talented and interesting people gone, Nicki is, at least, trying to inject some fun into the show. Mariah is definitely the end cushion on that sectional sofa, and is as interesting as one.

  7. I hate people who agree to a job and then break all the rules. U dont show up late, asshole, and u dont threaten to quit because things dont go ur way. Quit and let someone else make a living. Pet peeve of mine- dont agree to job u r not gonna do.

  8. She is ten pounds if crazy in a five pound bucket.

  9. Do us all a favor and quit so there can be a panel of people who have actually been in the business for longer than what 2-3 years? Her ego is ridiculous.

  10. Excellent description Gypsy.

  11. Holy cow! That picture makes her look like Steven Tyler with a tan

  12. Her waffle tirade made me hungry and all I had in the house was cereal. I was doubly annoyed by her.

    I love Mariah but she's not bringing much to the show. Keith is really showing up and delivering - nicely. Props to him.

  13. I don't watch the show, but would ANY viewers really miss her?

  14. Agreed mikey, Keith is a class act.

  15. Weird, I always thought 'Hyperbole' was your middle name, Enty? ;)

  16. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I couldn't believe that she wouldn't shut up about the waffle syrup thing. Her voice was great, what Mariah said was great, it was about the singing, the soul, the technique, the performance, not the goddamn waffles and syrup you stoner!

  17. Anonymous12:47 PM

    its over for that show

  18. I sooooo wanted waffles after her long monologue. I thought it was weird she wad late too. I don't even live near CA, but I know traffic in LA is a nightmare. How hard is it to leave early? I also thought they got hair and makeup done there, prior to being in camera. Nikki is immature and makes no fucking sense, but at least she is a bit entertaining, which is something this show lacks.

  19. ROFLMAO Gypsy!!! Spot on!

  20. Nikki is no pro if she shows up late and then threatens to quit because she didn't like the will of the people. Her favorites were the weird, outre personalities, not the good singing voices. I couldn't believe how many good singers didn't make the cut.

    Kieth is doing a good job, seems to really think about this as a job and tries to be helpful and honest.

    Mariah doesn't want to hurt any feelings, I see her as the "Paula"in the group.

    Randy is a parody of himself with all his little buffoon catch words.
    If you think a singer is "pitchy", tell them they were a half note sharp or flat and actually help them!

    I had trouble watching the auditions, and the talent they ultimately chose is not the best they could have done. I agree this show is on it's last leg.

  21. This is the first time I have started to watch American Idol and only because of Keith. Too bad Blake Shelton is still on the Voice, Keith would be perfect on there.

    Nicki is weird and I do not think she would be missed too much. Thank goodness I DVR the show and can fast forward when she goes on a tirade.

  22. They hired her because they knew she was developmentally stunted and would not function well in a complicated social milieu. And she's done just what they wanted.

  23. I guess the producers of AI never heard Nicki talk during interviews prior to them hiring her. They should have. They would have known she was a whole lot of crazy and not one bit classy.

  24. Let her quit, then. She shouldn't have ever been a judge anyway. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  25. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Much ado about nothing .......

  26. actually, she said "if you leave I'M leavin", before they knew curtis was the one going home. nt quite the same thing.

    she's always saying some combo of "i wanna eat you", "you are my marshmallow", and "i wanna have your baby". so we use her nasal voice and say, "i wanna have your marshmallow baby, and then i wanna eat it". she certainly has an opinion on everything.

    did you like it when she started going off on someone, and keith sniffed her coke cup?

  27. AI is a show about celebrities fighting. Occasionally, they'll have some random person sing a song.

  28. Sounds like a PR stunt to me for a show that most people are tuning out of this year, mostly due to the horrible judging panel (Keith excluded).
