Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My One Bachelor Post A Season - **Spoilers**

Yeah, you might want to stop reading if you were not glued to your television last night for the finale of The Bachelor or have not watched it on your DVR. Just scroll right past this mess and read the blind item reveal about MV. Did you go looking? That was terrible of me wasn't it? At this point it should be pretty obvious who it is right? This is how much I don't like watching The Bachelor. I would rather write about MV or trying to pick which juicy blind I will reveal when I hit 20K followers. I am really leaning towards The Director's Wife.

Anyway, so last night I watched The Bachelor. Here is the recap. The guy was single and is still single because no one ever gets married. They fall instantly in love and during the intervening months, the guy who was on the show, whether it be The Bachelor or Bachelorette starts loving all the female attention he is getting from the show and is not as faithful as he should have been or would have been if the producers let them be together. There will be a few headlines and there already have been because Sean Lowe has been cheating with Emily Maynard who is desperate to hang on to fame. This woman Catherine got the final rose and I have to say that she did not exactly show the fake glee I have grown used to on the show so maybe it will last. Naaaah. See those crazy kids on Bachelor pad real soon.


  1. I don't know, I think they have the potential to make it. Sean could be the first Bachelor to actually get married! Plus they committed to having the wedding on TV. I think ABC will force them to do it now regardless of their feelings :)

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I agree VIP. Sounds ridiculous but I think these two might be for real.

  3. Don't waste the 20k reveal on the director's wife. We already know it's Gretchen Mol. Reveal Coke Mom!

  4. By saying that it should be pretty obvious who MV is by now, does that mean it's Britney, since there have been recent claims that she doesn't do all her own singing? Or is it a hint toward JLo, since he makes a comment about her not having any real talent whenever he posts anything about her?

  5. @Cathy, I really think it's JLo. I think that Enty likes Britney or at least feels sorry for her whereas he didn't have much respect for MV.

  6. I joined Twitter the other night while buzzed & 10 minutes later I did something to lock me out & now I can't access my account. Oh well, I only joined to do my part for the big reveal.

  7. where's the MV reveal? not sure what he is referring to.. can someone help?

    1. It was a joke. There is no MV reveal.

  8. Just chiming in to say that if it's gonna be a vote: Coke Mom reveal, please!!

  9. I watched the last 6 minutes of this show and my boyfriend and I were all sorts of "People watch this?!"

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  11. I agree with JLo as MV. Enty, do Coke Mom for 20K!!!

  12. I agree with JLo as MV. Enty, do Coke Mom for 20K!!!

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  14. Yeah Enty EVERYONE knows the Director's Wife is Gretchen Mol, that would be a disappointing reveal.

    I don't think MV is JLo because JLo "voice" is not really good. I think it has to be someone who we *think* is a good singer. But other than that, I dunno.

  15. First Bachelor season I've missed in a long time. My hubs and I like to watch and laugh at the inanity of it all.

  16. But Sean is the "most sincere bachelor in Bachelor history"! I am going on record saying these two will last.

  17. Not for nothing, but this pic of him totally creeps me out.

  18. MV = J Lo
    Director's Wife = Gretchen Mol
    Coke Mom = Debra Messing

  19. Have you all seen the show Burning Love on E? It is a spoof of the Bachelor, and it's pretty funny.

    1. Yes yes yes, season 1 is good, paying on E! Now but Season 2, a bachelorette version is amazing online right now with: Jerry O'Connell, Paul Sheer, Michael Cera, Adam Brody, Adam Scott, nick kroll, rob huebel, Martin starr, the hot Ryan Hansen it's so good.

  20. I don't think it can be Britney because of The Mickey Mouse Club. Why would Disney have bothered? Free Britney!!!

  21. He looks like Noah about to deliver the morning briefing to Pirate King Archer.

  22. That boy ain't got no eyebrows!

  23. That's the dude on the Bachelor? Jeez, he looks like he could be Ron Howard's brother. Or son. You know what I mean. Not hot at all. I thought the guys on there were supposed to be Prince Charming, sweep-me-off-my-feet types?

    Wow, I would looooove a Coke Mom or MV reveal! Those blinds have been kicking around a long time and we all have our guesses. Mine? Like a lot of others, Messing and JLow. And Gretchen Mol for The Director's Wife, which is sad because she was hailed as "The Next Big Thing" and that just didn't happen for her. I re-watched 3:10 to Yuma on cable recently and DAMN she was lovely. I think she's finally divorcing her dead weight of a husband

  24. Wait, not only do we know it's Gretchen Mol, but didn't Enty ALREADY TELL US it was Gretchen Mol?

  25. Anonymous12:07 PM

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  26. Anonymous12:09 PM

    he looks devilish. Like hes part of the evil duggar army clan

  27. I think JLo is MV, but also Madonna or Louise Ciccone has 13 letters in her name, has moniker, has child/children, is divorsed, is American etc. Her voice sounded different during her Frozen days and then she went back to the pop/disco. I would not be surprised, if MV was her

  28. If JLo is MV than that's really sad. JLo's voice is terrible, which means that the girl who sang for JLo had a terrible voice. Same with Brit Brit.

    From reading the BV...it's supposed to be someone who will never put out another album ever again because the voice died.

    I don't think it's Madonna (who took voice lessons for Evita)...I don't think it's Brit Brit and I certainly don't think it's JLo. Besides, JLo's speaking and singing voice are the same.

  29. I always figured Madonna sounded different for Frozen because she did a lot of voice lessons for Evita - that was a pretty serious stretch for her and she supposedly went all-in with the vocal training.

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  31. Sean is full of it. He loves the attention and fame. He picked the girl who has the emotional capacity of a twelve year old and will worship him no matter how much he cheats on her. He'll keep talking about a "wedding special" until ABC makes him do it, then he'll call off the wedding and get another season of The Bachelor, all the while sleeping w/ Emily.

  32. @ Staple611 - If Enty revealed it, I missed it.


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  34. Britney for the following reasons:

    1. original item describes MV as being everywhere...including commercials. discluded were Pink, Beyonce, and Mandy Moore. In 2001, Britney did a Pepsi commerical with Pink and Beyonce.

    2. enty describes MV as "taking off" and on award shows, radio, television. Although JLo's singing career was taking off at this time, she had been in several successful movies so she would have been on tv doing promos for movies prior to this time.

    3. enty does not describe MV as anything other than singer. JLo had been around for years prior as a dancer and successful actress. Plus, why would JLo risk her entire career by pulling a MilliVanilli?

    4. in 2006, enty describes MV as giving personal in depth interview, which Britney did in late 2006.

    5. although enty says he is friends with Britney, he also says she reads his blog. Perhaps he was receiving flack from her camp for giving away too much and had to deflect. If all the clues are pointing more and more to Britney, why not eliminate her if he is so fond of her?

    6. yes, Britney was on disney at young age, but maybe she didn't have a strong enough voice for hit records but she had the look and they felt they could create a star.

    I could see JLo doing this but her singing voice is so much like her speaking voice. I definitely think she has "help" with her songs, but I don't think she completely uses someone else.

    I think if it is Britney, it could explain much of her breakdown as that kind of secret could really cause a lot of emotional distress.

  35. Ok, I have to change my answer. After reading JLo posts on this site and Britney posts, it is clear that enty has such hatred for JLo and makes many negative comments about her career. There are some subtle negative remarks about Britney's singing, but not nearly as many. Enty even said that after Selena, everything went down hill for JLo, which is the exact same time her singing career took off. I remember watching an interview JLo gave while making Selena and she said she got such a rush from being on stage and "singing" in front of the crowd. I could see her wanting a singing career after that. I still feel her voice is used on her songs though.

  36. I have a guilty conscience. I think Britney is a nice person and wouldn't put the blame on her if she was MV because I highly doubt she would have been able to concoct such a devious plan at the age she was when it began. JLo, on the other hand....
