Wednesday, March 27, 2013

MTV Movie Trailers Are Better Than The Show Will Be

Rebel Wilson is hilarious. Rebel Wilson is one of my favorite comedians. She is probably doomed when she hosts the MTV Movie Awards because it is never about the host or how funny they are. I am glad she is getting a chance to show her stuff in the trailers she has made with Channing Tatum. In the latest one, she convinces Channing to put his hand down her bra.


  1. I follow her on twitter and she's hilarious. Also, I love her in Pitch Perfect.

  2. I think Tatum is a lunk head but put him next to a Jonah or Rebel he is comedy gold.

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I love her, but that really wasn't funny. Too bad, because she's hilarious.

  4. Jay-Z's must have made them a sweet deal since the show is taking place at "his" Barclay's center in Brooklyn.

  5. That lucky bitch! I ain't mad tho get it rebel. I would have done the same thing

  6. I didn't think it was that funny either. Haven't seen any of her work (save for the little bit in Bridesmaids) but heard she was great.

  7. I didn't realize that she was in Ghost Rider until the other night when hethorne was watching. (Eye roll at his movie choices)

  8. That was awesome! I thought it was really cute, and he's good sport. I don't know who either of them are, but it was a cute video clip!

  9. Can't see the video but I love Rebel Wilson too.

  10. Her expressions in this are freaking priceless - I was rolling.

  11. I think she is just adorable.
