Monday, March 11, 2013

More Duggars On The Way

Whenever I see a headline about the Duggar family and more kids, I always hope they are talking about one of their kids having more kids. That is the case here. Josh and Anna Duggar are expecting their third child. I remember when they were expecting their first that Anna had said she was not going to have as many as her mother-in-law and that the couple were going to have a much smaller family. Anna is 24 and this is baby number three. I wonder at what point the whole going to have a much smaller family thing is going to kick in.


  1. Anything is "much smaller" compared to her in-laws, but I don't side-eye a third child at age 24 so much. My mom had her third and final child at 28 when most women in my family didn't even start until their 30s. There's also something to be said for having the kids closer together.

  2. The saving grace for this family, for me, is they try to be a sustainable as possible on their home farm. They are a super hard working family who hasn't taken for granted their small time fame. They are one of the few reality families I like and hope stays "normal", or their brand if normal. :)

  3. This is what happens when you believe that sex is only allowed to be enjoyed if you're trying to procreate.

  4. Who do these arrogant breeders think they are? They should be banned from civilization.

  5. These "quiver full" of kids evangelists are really disturbing to me.

  6. smash, agree. OT: loved your etsy shop!

    1. Thanks agent! It needs some work :) but thank you for like it!

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Hey, as long as they can pay their own bills and aren't on welfare, more power to them.

  8. yes, grandpa jimbob was quoted as saying this was a great "start", to their family. (yikes)

  9. I can't with this family. Just can't. Being Mom Jr is not an easy job and hello with saying women don't need an education? FYVM.

  10. If these women had an education, they wouldn't choose to have that many children. I do give them props for supporting themselves, which is more than I can say for around 50% of mothers in NYC, but lets be real, a life with so many children is not only detrimental to your own life, but to theirs as well, since the older ones (who didn't choose this) are forced to take care of the younger ones.

  11. if they believed in condoms & birth control.

    and that's all i'm saying...

  12. ITA Smash. This family does not bother me in the least. I don't care what their religious beliefs are or any of that, I'm impressed they aren't on welfare and I like lots of other things they do. They buy used everything 99% of the time, they recycle everything, and it's one of the few reality shows without made-up drama every 2 seconds.
    Almost everyone in my family from grandparents back had 8 kids or more. It seemed to be super common in the olden days of no birth-control. If that's the way these people want to live, more power to em.

    1. Thank you Jessica! Sound adult minds. As long as they are all happy, healthy and living off their own money. My mom had 4 kids by 24 and was living off of welfare.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @ Jessica - agreed!

  13. These people just need to take the Octo kids and call it a day.

  14. I just hope that she doesn't feel pressure from her husband and/or mother-in-law....

  15. Well, they DO seem to be at least spacing them out better than Ma and Pa Duggar...

    And they don't really bother me, either. I thought the Jubilee-funeral stuff was tacky as hell and seemed to be done for attention, and I think having that many kids is a bit wacky (along with some of their beliefs), but I can think of far worse family situations. TEHO, I guess.

  16. Anonymous10:23 AM

    they raising a child army to take over. Its the apocolypse

  17. Yah i dont like them or what they are doin to all those kids ..., just give it a few years and we all will read stories about incest, force child labor and all sorts of horrible things . If birth control is against their beliefs i understand but they can pull out or take natural herbs to decrease ovulation. I am telling you this IS a cult.

  18. It's their business, I guess. If you can support having a passel of kids, by all means, have at it. The thing that bothers me about the Duggars is having been raised a Mormon, I know members are encouraged to pop out as many kids as possible, whether they can care for them or not. After all, it's easier to indoctrinate someone from birth.

    I lived in Salt Lake City and you can't go into most public places without seeing dozens of screaming, ill-behaved, ill-supervised kids running around. I love kids, especially when they're well-behaved, but I don't want to be put in the position of having to babysit every time I need to run to the store. You know, to make sure the kid doesn't run behind a car in the parking lot or tip over something and kill itself.

  19. They won't have as many because Josh doesn't have the government healthcare plan to fall back on like Daddy Dugger does.. He was a Senator or Congressman for a term--one of those, I forget--so he has the "Government Healthcare for life for free plan"--so yeah, they do rely on the taxpayers for some stuff...

    1. @Lurker Girl Thank you! And wasn't there an episode about them getting donations from their church? Or was that another bunch of super-breeders?

  20. I chose to be childless due to the planet being over populated. However that was MY choice and they are certainly welcomed to theirs. Seems like they are all loved and cared for as opposed to Octomom's.

  21. BTW those kids are adorable in that picture!

  22. They did say they werent goingvto have HUGE family, but now idk. She already has miscarriage btwn baby one and two, so there isnt much birth control. This is all these people know- its how they grew up. I just wonder why none of the girls have been snapped up. There are about 5 of them, like 24 down to 18. These girls can do it all!!! Pop a car on a lift, oil job, change tires, renovate houses- install tile, flooring, sheetrock- make own soap, cook for 90 people at the drop of a hat, play violin and piano, sing, sew, knit, computer literate- iif I was a guy, id be dying to marry one of these young women!!!! He wouldnt hv to do much, and, she wld always be excellent helper!

  23. The Duggars are weird, but this bunch look like a cute family, however, they really should paint their house (assuming that's their house). Gotta keep up on that maintenance!

  24. As long as the children aren't abused, I don't care. Bug I will say that if you choose yo have twenty kids, that was your decision and you should be changing the diapers and wiping the tushies. Putting that on your other kids, is bullshit. They did not get to decide if mom and dad should keep "trying" but they get a crapload of responsibility.

    The little girl that is sick. Her parents were on a religious mission/vacation because I basically saw them travelling to stare at the less fortunate. She had to go to the hospital and it was the older daughters in the hospital, who give the medicines, sing and rock the child.

    Chores are one thing, it happens with families of four or more kids, one person can't do everything. That burden gets delegated to the other kids.

  25. Can't they get some if the kids to paint their house?

  26. I think the older Duggar's are nuts,and it's extremely unfair to the older children to have to take care of the younger ones while Mom and Dad try to go for a world record in breeding. But at least they pay for all of them without sucking the taxpayers dry unlike that idiot Octomom. Octo's litter wold be a lot better off if they were adopted by the Duggars.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. @ LurkerGirl - What???? Are you kidding me? Off to Google...

  29. I can't help it, I like the Duggars, even though I am their worst nightmare and they would disapprove of me in so many ways.

    So the older kids have to help raise the younger ones? Big deal. Better than that being a neglected singleton whose parents are working all the time and hardly ever seeing them. Or having alcoholic parents. Or parents parents who cheat and get divorced and force the kids to shuttle back and forth at the parent's convenience.

    Every kid has something to deal with--the Duggars' lives are far better than many of the alternatives.

    No, don't like their fear of education, but hey, overall...I still like and respect them.

  30. @Lurker girl, I think Jim Bob ran for office but don't think he won...?

  31. I don't think he DID win, IIRC. Let us know what you find, figgy.

  32. Whoops, I meant Mango with the Googling.

    But I agree with what you said, figgy. How do we know that the older ones don't like helping out? I sure did. I helped raise my brother because I WANTED to. I know some people have had to do that and resent their parents/siblings for it, but not all of us do. Just a thought.

  33. Lurker Girl was right -

    He is a former state legislator who served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002.

    One thing that fucking pisses me off to no end is the free health care for life that Senate and House members receive. They have absolutely no incentive to give a flying fuck about health care for the citizens of the United States. Take away this golden handshake and they might get off their FUCKING ASSES and get to work. Argh! This is infuriating.

  34. The Duggars pay cash for everything and get discounts. They buy used. They teach all their children life skills. That's not their house. They went to an abandoned house and the whole family took pictures. They are amazing people who are very selfless. They are better than most of the celebutards we make fun of everyday.

  35. I am just perplexed at how much weight he's gained. The whole family is stick thin, and these look chunkier. I'm not picking on them, I know people will say it's shallow, they look healthy, blah, blah, but he does look a lot heavier than when they got married.
    All that being said, the insurance thing is a stupid argument. Once you have family coverage it doesn't matter how many kids you have on it, and if you meet your deductible, you've met it for the year. Their family is probably way covered, since they are 'celebrities' and all.

  36. I had 2 children at 23 and if not having to have a hysterectomy due to cancer of my left over 24 I would have more. When I remarried I was lucky enough to get a "bonus child" as my husband had custody of his daughter and I raised her from the age of 4. She is as much my daughter as one of my own children. Her mother called my kids hers and I call my "step" daughter mine.

  37. I agree with Alma. If you choose to have 20 kids, it is YOUR job to take care of them. It doesn't matter if the older kids are cool with doing it, it isn't their job. They never signed up to raise their siblings.

    I believe the kids have to schedule mom and dad time. This is disgusting. This is one of the main reasons I loathe the parents. Don't fucking have 20 kids if you have to "schedule them in" so they can talk to you about their day. Whenever I see those two, I instantly want to change the channel. They bug the piss out of me.

  38. Eh, I knew about this months ago. Nitwit friends on Josh's Instagram let it slip.

    BTW I highly recommend reading Josh's Instagram. His deep thoughts and derpy fans are pretty entertaining.

  39. @Sillygirl

    Yeah, Joshie is a chunky monkey now. But you wouldn't be perplexed if you saw his IG which is dedicated to burgers and sweet tea.

  40. The mom's hoohah basically fell out.. There's something to be said for stopping at a 3 or 4. Jeez

  41. My first thought when I read this is that Anna must have really been impressed with the Baby Breeder booth at her high school career fair. Then I remembered that she was home schooled and was probably taught that a good wife bears her husband many children. Let's not be niave, Jim and Michelle are not soley supporting thier family from real estate just like Josh is not soley supporting his family from owning a used car lot. (Could someone explain to me how someone with not college is qualified to run a used car lot?) If it wasn't for what these people are making off the show, they all would qualify for welfare. I think it's grossly unfair to the older Dugger children to spent their teen/young adult years caring for their younger siblings. The Dugger girls need to be encouraged to attend college and plan for a career. There is a life beyond being a breeder.

  42. From what i have seen, annas family is even more religious than duggars, and much more serious about it. They are not much fun to be with it seems. And some of her older sibs wear reg clothes and dont have Too many kids.
