Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Miley Cyrus Wears Her Engagement Ring Again

Trying to disguise these photos as some type of party, Miley Cyrus does not do a very good acting job as to the real reason she posted the photos. She would like everyone to know she still has the engagement ring she got from Liam Hemsworth and displays it front and center. I can see the conversation now at her place telling the person to make sure they get the ring and that nothing else is important. Will they get back together? Probably. For a while and then they will split again. Miley is apparently willing to forgive Liam for anything.


  1. Fame whore. Yawn...

  2. I swear, I get her and Justin Bieber mixed up sometimes. I hope Liam doesn't make the same mistake in the dark.

  3. Sweet that she's wearing a Trace Cyrus hoodie.

    1. Best comment of the morning!!! Too funny :)

  4. I can't judge...I was this dumb when I was her age. And kept repeating it over and over again.

    1. I'm with Teri, we've all been there.

    2. Yah same here, the first time i fell in love i was blind.

  5. Is that her O face?

  6. looks like instagrams from a jr high slumber party. she's just a sad little kid.

  7. She's trying to shame him back to her - totally a 19 year old move. Throwing the engagement ring out there in the public eye, applying the pressure full throttle. She'll regret this in 10 years :-(. Desperado to the max. You don't need him, Miley - you're Hannah freakin' Montana!!

  8. Damn it! Mitchellaneous beat me to it!

  9. At least she's admitting she's a donkey.

  10. WHY would she want to get married at this point??

  11. I thought read somewhere that he bought a "bachlor pad" in Australia during his recent visit. If so, that doesn't seem to bode well for Miley.

  12. Whatever- miley, no one cares.

  13. Has anyone on CDAN mentioned her super nasty new tattoo? I know it's Da Vinci's anatomical heart, but why why why would she get that tattooed on her forearm? I saw this elsewhere, but someone said it looked like a pair of saggy balls. I can't stop seeing that image!!

  14. She's a fool if she's still with him.

    Ha! It does look like a pair of saggy balls. Terrible. Thanks for sharing, @Sunny!

  15. You're welcome Curly hair slacker :) I saw your sweet hello to me the other day (albeit a couple days later). Thanks! I've been a little more in yo face here in comments because my little guys are sick so we're stuck at home a bit more (God forbid we are patient Zero out and about)

    I really hope those 2 don't get married. I know some couples who marry young do last, but I got married at 20 and even though we're still great friends, we felt suffocated and split up after being together for 8 yrs (HS sweethearts). Most people at 19 or 20 years old have a lot of growing up/living to do

  16. She looks ridiculous in these photos. They are a ridiculous couple.

  17. Oh thanks for that Sunny! Yep she's in love with Liam and I cannot blame her. Maybe she thinks she can let him get it out of his system and, hey she did it too just not in public view right? Tit for tat.

  18. @Sunny, Hahahaha! It does look like saggy balls!!

    I know some of you worry about Taylor Swift but I think the one with the real issues is Miley. Why would you stick around with a guy who so publicly humiliated you? Shes young and rich with many other options I'm sure. And I'm starting to think Liam did it on purpose to get away from her but she's not taking the hint.

  19. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Poor girl. She's still a little girl at heart with that middle school mentality. So many young women her age are like that. They just want to get married, but they have no idea how a marriage works.

  20. @Sunny, someone mentioned it the other day in the blind about about the reality list star who likes pot and threesomes, suggested Kat Von D and her guy since she was bragging about the tat. Now that you brought the saggy balls into that already disgusting mind image, I must find some pepto!! :b

  21. But why is she wearing her brother's hoodie? ;)

  22. @Lola - I read that too.

    At this point, I have so many questions about them and I wish Liam or his family would give us a hint or what's really going on! I've also been visiting Miley's twitter every few days to try to suss things out but she's playing the 'everything is fine' card. Obviously not though or she wouldn't have taken these photos. What a desperate move. She could have just stepped out with her ring on since she gets papped all the time. Anyway, why is Liam being so quiet? Did he really sleep with JJ? If he did, why wasn't there any discretion? Are they really still engaged? I need to know!

  23. Maybe I'm the one being naive, but I just can't see Miley being into threesomes. Not sharing Liam with another girl, not doing another guy. Nope, not seeing it. Possibly her with another girl, but I CAN see her FREAKING THE HELL OUT if Liam so much as touched the other girl or vice versa.

  24. Ewwww, @Sunny. That tattoo IS nasty! What the?

  25. Am I the only one wondering if Ellen Degeneres is pissed Miley stole her hairdo? Actually, her and the Beibs both. I'd call em out for it. Lol. But, this ring thing, is so childish. She's a goob.

  26. I don't think she is mature enough to be married just yet.

  27. @sunny omg it does look like saggy balls. Ewwww! Im an artist too and love Da Vinci's work but that does just not look good as a tattoo.

    I have been a long time reader but rarely comment so wanted to take this opportunity to be a bit wierd and ive a shoutout to some of my dfave commentators- frufa, libby, goheels, feral tart, lucas and sunny you guys are some of my favs. :) Im in Australia so very rarely get on here to comment at a good time before the thread moves on so you probably wont even see this. But hello everyone!


  28. @Aradia
    Balls balls balls
    Thank you so much, and hello to you! I'm typically a late night reader (except for the last couple of days) so at least we'll know we aren't talking to ourselves if we comment long after everyone else has packed it in :)

  29. so damn corney
