Thursday, March 21, 2013

Michelle Shocked Says She Was Misunderstood

After seeing the bottom drop out of her concert tour and her future hope of getting any gigs, Michelle Shocked is trying to make amends for what she said last week at a concert when she said "God hates f*gs." I'm not sure how anyone could misunderstand that statement that was witnessed by several hundred people. Michelle though say what she meant was that some people hate them, but she is not one of them even though she told the audience exactly that. It is tough to overcome that kind of very short, very angry statement and turn it into something else. She says her words were actually her prediction of what would happen and that she loves the LGBT community.


  1. Oooh, nobody likes a back-peddler. Have the courage of your convictions, bigot!!!

  2. These bigots are all the same kind of coward. They like to talk tough until people threaten their livelihood in some way and then they tuck their tail between their legs so fast and so tightly that it sucks away what little oxygen they have left going to their brains.

  3. Her comments were outrageous, but I can't help think that they came from a place of self-hatred, for which I pity her.

  4. So, I guess we won't have to expend any more energy trying to remember who the hell she is, huh? Good night, Irene - you're done. Call Michael Richards if you need some ideas on where to go from here.

  5. Ha! Reap what you sow small minded ass! Loved seeing everyone cancel her appearances... That shit will not be tolerated.

  6. Self hating lesbian much? Oh sorry she's "cured". Too bad she's still mentally ill.

  7. Replies
    1. @Agent-That's awesome

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Thanks for the link Agent!

    3. Hahha@Agent, thank you for the beauty of that! I am home with a nasty flare and needed a good laugh. :)

    4. @Agent

      Thanks for that! Those people from WBC are disgusting.

  8. Agent, I love that rainbow house - I want, I want!

  9. She's coming across as sn idiot. Go away.

  10. And she wasnt MISunderstood, she was UNDERstood.

  11. P.S. - I'm taking this as a sign that society is advancing - thirty or even twenty years ago, her statement wouldn't have causes this kind of a backlash, I'd wager. I'm proud that we're standing up for each other's rights!

  12. Fru, are you impressed with my linking? It took me 9 minutes, LOL. Now the "kids" in my life want me to learn tiny urls.The stress of being forced into the 21st century:)

  13. Agent, I'm super-impressed! You are way ahead of me! I'm still trying to figure out the twitter!

    1. I need a pinterest tutorial. Or pinterest for dummies. This stuff is hard!

  14. Agree 100% with Cathy and AuntJess.
    Sadly, we can be our own worst enemies. Sometimes.

  15. um....what's a tiny url?

  16. A website that takes a long URL and shortens it into a "tinyurl"

  17. She's full of herself if she this she can backpedal outta this one.... Witnessed by hundreds of people.

    So it's a prediction is what she is saying...oh and that she likes LGBT .... If she liked them so much why would she predict that?
    I don't know who this was, but I hope to never hear from them again.

  18. TinyURL is also the name of the website that does it:

    1. Zeeky, you are a sweetheart. SusanB, Fru and myself are always looking for 21st century=social media "assists".

    2. @Agent**It You probably won't read this since so much time has passed, but...

      I see what you did there (with social media "assists"). Ha-ha!

      Where's Shelly? ;-)

  19. I'd never heard of her before the rant. Any performer who thinks she can get away with homophobic rants in San Francisco is out of her mind. Save that rubbish for the WBC congregation.

    And I don't care if it comes from a place of self-hatred. It's still hate speech.

    1. @Jamie2

      I had never heard of her either, and I hope to never hear from her again...

  20. Bye bye, Michelle! Enjoy working at McDonalds.

  21. Who said what? Oh some jackass said something for attention. It wasn't clever and backfired. Back to yawning.

  22. if anyone is successful at tinyurl- please let me know, I would like to conquer the tiniest of urls, I need educating.

  23. (There are several websites that do tiny urls...)

    You know all of the times I get my panties in a twist because people yell, "BIGOT! BIGOT!" way too easily?

    Yeah...this isn't one of them.

    And for the life of me, I can't remember who she is (maybe I never knew).

  24. Get this woman on a reality TV contest show. Human ticking time bombs are TV gold.

  25. I guess she realized that churches just don't pay for performances.

    Sadly I think Michelle has some bit of mental illness and needs medication. And this is what happens when the church tells someone they can cure them of their homosexuality. It's not something that can (or should)be cured.

    But to echo Frufra, nice that we just don't tolerate bigotry like we used to. Cut into their money making methods and that'll larn'em!

  26. I can do tiny urls, but I can't figure out how to make things clicky here.

  27. Everyone is "misunderstood" when they realize they are losing money for their unpopular opinions.

  28. @AKM, three magic words: HTML Link Code. Type that into Google or any search engine.

    See the box titled HTML Link Syntax

    Copy the string into your message. Paste the web address between the quotation marks where it says url, replacing url. Type what the link will be called in place of the words 'link text'. Hit the preview button to see if it worked.

    Sure I could memorize that code, but all my brain cells are in use remembering rock & roll trivia. So I let Google remember it for me. Good luck.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. So i'm still not exactly sure who she is, but she seems to be a one hit wonder maybe? So why do we care what she says?

  31. My mother told me about that house yesterday! Thanks for the link Agent so I could see it. It's beautiful. Everything about it.

    And good work on the clicky link. I used to know HTML code but after baby I feel like I'm dumber than ever. Thanks to above for tutorial again. One day ill get it. One day.

  32. @AKM & anyone else that wants to know how to make links clickable. I found this website, it's super easy to understand -
    Blogger Tips and Tricks
    How to make a clickable link

  33. Don't know who she is - but thrilled she got called out on it.

    And try for URL shortening guys. You can put a button on your browser that one-clicks it for you, see what URLs you have shortened before, see how many times people clicked through on your link, and share it to twitter, Facebook, or copy/paste it easily anywhere.

    (hoping that link works - typing one handed with my left one on the iPad makes for a rough go typing it in manually.)

  34. I'm sure now that no one wants her and her bigotry on their stage, she was most certainly, "misunderstood". Frankly, I read the transcript and think she's off her rocker. She did not made sense, but the "God hates fags" statement was put out there and that's a statement everyone understands. I agree with Margaret Cho that essentially, saying something like that is giving other bigots and crazies a license to kill gays.

  35. I don't even make sense.

  36. Don't really care.

  37. I am still SO sad about this. I loved her and her mix of rock and bluegrass in the 1990s. Saw her in concert and she was SO cool.

    ...but even then she'd tell the audience that she had been homeless for awhile. And there were other hints at mental illness. And pretty sure she had been a lesbian. Well, still is, in her heart I'd think, as no, homosexuality can't be cured, tho she could be bisexual.

  38. i live in san francisco...she is a cowardly, idiotic, twitch....

    really, most people here (from the gay comm i know) are not avengeful but more feeling sorry that she is asuch a hateful twat

  39. Go away and get some therapy for your self loathing Michelle. Apparently she had previously been in a same sex relationship and then found God..sigh..

  40. I'm so sick of this shit. Just accept that some people don't like gays and move on. Threatening to take away someone's livelihood because you don't like what they say is very low.

    Of course Michelle could have gone about this another way, but I've seen it happen before. A friend of mine doesn't support gay marriage or adoption, you'd think he was calling for infanticide the way some people rail at him. Never mind that he's gay himself––that just makes him the gay equivalent of an Uncle Tom.

  41. And don't give me any of that "OMG but it's HATE SPEECH" crap. Hate speech is free speech. Unless Michelle was threatening someone or endangering the crowd, she has a right to say what she wants.

  42. @e...

    She absolutely has a right to say whatever she wants and I would argue, in her defense, against anyone who would say otherwise.

    But with the right of free speech comes responsibility for the speech you engage in, and, as in her case, the right of people to respond, disfavorably, to that free speech.

    As a public figure who makes a living appealing to a mass market audience, she (unfortunately for her) faces public backlash and a monetary penalty for her views. People and companies are penalized all of the time for controversial or extreme views (for instance, I don't patronize Dominoe's Pizza because I don't want my money going to a cause I vehemently disagree with...and I know it is owned by someone else now).

    People erroneously confuse the right to free speech with the right to free speech without any consequences and that's just not the way free speech works.

    She has the right to say whatever she wants. I have the right to disagree with her and to spend my dollars elsewhere.

  43. Here's her rant.

    I love CDAN for the readers more than anything. Most of you are compassionate and kind. I go to this site everyday to be reminded of the humanity in this world.

  44. She sounds like a psycho and a half on that recording. Clearly something has gone wrong with her mind. The "Exorcist/Satan quoting the bible in Spanish" part is pure psychotic word salad. What a nutjob.

  45. She is trash who was nothing but a 3rd rate Sinead O'Connor 20-some years ago.

  46. She sound like a loon. And I swear that song is being sung to a melody from a Jimmy Buffet song.

  47. @cornflowebluezz, thank you.

    Where's Shelly ?

  48. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Has she looked in the mirror lately? Because I'm pretty sure that's what a lesbian looks like. No offense to lesbians, I just think she's making a self hate speech.
