Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Michelle Shocked Goes On Anti-Gay Rant During Show - In San Francisco

If Michelle Shocked was looking for a way to get noticed, she sure did it on Sunday night. At a concert at Yoshi's in San Francisco, the singer who has not had a hit in about 20 years had an entire crowd walk out after she dared them to and after she said, "You can go on Twitter and say ‘Michelle Shocked says God hates f**s.’”During her first set of the night, everything went fine, but that second set she also added that she lives in fear the world will end if gays are allowed to marry. No apology was forthcoming yesterday from Michelle. I don't think she should expect to be invited back to a San Francisco venue anytime soon.


  1. This makes me both sad -- because a leader of the grrrl movement of the 90s has such misguided views -- and kinda happy -- because it's nice that the grrrl scene has a wide diversity of views. To be clear, I don't agree with Michelle Shocked. I'm horrified by her views, but I kinda like that everyone doesn't walk the same political line.

  2. I always assumed she was gay!

    1. I thought she was gay as well! Nothing wrong with that.

  3. I thought she was a lesbian?

  4. In San Fran, too ! Yeesh

  5. Methinks she doth protest too much.....

  6. Huh? Isn't she gay? She looks masculine. Who is she anyway?

  7. It's not news for her. She started out as not wanting to define herself sexually but seeing herself as subversive. Then she got "born again" in the mid-90's and since then has made a number of anti-homosexuality statements.

  8. Maybe she's joining Westboro Baptist Church

  9. God is love. People like to invoke God's name as a kind of shield, behind which they hide their own prejudices.

  10. Time to start playing the megachurches, b/c everyone else is canceling on her.


  11. @crila - she's nobody now.

  12. I thought she was LGBT, too.

    FWIW, I can't name a single song she's ever done.

  13. I have no idea who she is.

  14. I remember her Short Sharp Shocked album (or something of that ilk) back in the early 90s. At that time I really thought she was gay. She came on the scene around the same time as Tracy Chapman.

    Man, it's so stupid when people spend so much energy on hate.

  15. Many thoughts on this, first...SO sad if this is true. Michelle was one of my favorite performers in the 1990s, went to see her at that theater (what's the name?) in Chicago right around the corner from the Belmont El Stop. Listened to her CDs till they were worn out. She was fantastic. Second, the audience was primarily lesbians, and I'd just assumed she was gay too until I heard she married a man. And third...really? Why? Would she do that?

  16. What a hateful twunt! Perhaps she was doing it to be relevant? I dunno...she sucks.

  17. Ugh. Just...ugh.

  18. Sounds like a lot of self-loathing which couldn't be contained...

  19. Her audience was primarily lesbians and folk fans in the late 80s. In the early 90s I went to see her at a venue and had passes to say hi. She was a complete whack job. The word then was she was mental. She had some mental issues. She was gay, then got married to a man, then was "gay" again..Years later I heard tell of some kind of religious extremism.

    The show was bizarre, also. It was the 90s. Everyone came to see her do her folk trademark stuff, but she busted into some kind of satirical disco homage.


  20. I remember her name, but I can't remember a single noteworthy thing she did. Is she a singer? Weird.....Way to go SF crowd for walking out.

  21. @ Figgy - The Vic?

  22. She did an in-store performance at the record store where I used to work. In the middle of it, she asked the group, "Did all of you just get off work or something? Because you are the most boring crowd that I have ever played in front of." A few people left, and some others went to the venue where she was playing that night and demanded a refund.

  23. I have no idea who this even is.....

  24. Cant ANYONE keep their opinions to themselves??!!

  25. I think Ms. Shocked finally found her nth degree.

  26. I am shocked that I never heard of her.

    OT- Dayyyumm Amber!

  27. Her lack of relevancy now spans two centuries.

  28. All 3 people at her show were seen leaving in a huff!

  29. whi is this person? a boo to her. I live in fear of this kind of stupidity reaching out to the masses

  30. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I remember her from the 90's I thought she was a lesbian too. Sounds like she's either lost it or is just dumb and hateful. My guess would be the first based on the other stories on this thread. She needs to stay off a microphone and work on herself.
    I would of left and demanded a refund.

  31. She did this at a place called Yoshi's, which is..not known for its conservative values, shall we say. The engineer cut her mike, the lighting guy shut her stage lights off, and that was the end of THAT-and they gave refunds. She had 3 other shows to play in various venues around here, and not only has Yoshi's said she will never darken their door again, everyone else has told her not to bother showing up, because she would not be performing there.

  32. Dead careers tell no tales. I haven't heard that name in this century. The one song I thought she did back in the day turned out to be a 4 Non Blondes song called What's Up. Remind me why she got famous in the first place?

  33. Sounds like the perfect girlfriend for Victoria Jackson.

  34. @Scratchy, wow, I'd forgotten about Ms "I didn't learn how to vote until I was 44, but that gives me the right to call anyone not a Tea Party member stupid" Jackson. I loved her on SNL, coming out w/that BS line about how Glee was sickening and saying that Akin was right, rape pregnancies are awesome. GAH.

  35. Kudos for speaking her mind in the line of fire.

  36. @just curious, I thought you were Mr Militant Tolerance. Is it only Tolerance for Me But Not For Thee you advocate?

    1. I'm not mister anything,I'm just curious.

  37. You can't be "LGBT", that's an acronym for a large inclusive group. Pick one.

    Good for her, she used her free speech right to proclaim her opinion and get press. Yawn.

  38. Isn't Michelle Shocked supposedly a paranoid schizophrenic? Religious fanaticism is a common symptom as the disease progresses.

    1. Hanwi, Religious fanaticism as it relates to paranoid schizophrenia is a very interesting subject. Not an expert at all, but I have been reading a book about that very topic.

  39. FS, be nice and get over yourself. We use "LGBT" all the time in Safe Zone, thanks. I don't need ally lessons from you.

  40. No Michelle, God does not hate f@gs. He hates closed-minded bigots who pervert his words in order to bash others.

  41. I think her one big song was Anchorage, which I really like. Disappointing.

    If she really is mentally ill, I hope she can get treatment and have a successful recovery.

    1. I really liked that song.... It got a lot of play (way back when) on an Americana Country Music station that I still listen to.

  42. Yes, her one hit was that awful song "Anchored down in Anchorage." It was basically her singing a letter that she got from a friend.
    Maybe she should go on tour with Victoria Jackson? These folks give Christianity a bad name.

  43. I'd always assumed she was gay, too. I haven't followed her career but this intolerance surprises me.

  44. I thought she was a lesbian.Sounds like she does have some mental issues and it's tragic she's not getting help for them. And Frufra I say it all the time: People use religious dogma to hide behind their prejudice. Apparently she has some deep self loathing going on within her. Very sad.

    On a good note, I'm glad that the people at Yoshi's were not tolerant of her hate speech.

  45. Yoshi's is a pretty cool club and they were mortified by the hate spewing out of her mouth. They are offering full refunds for anyone who attended that show. I always thought Michelle Shocked was gay,not that I even thought about her in last 9+ years. If she is so adverse and full of hate,then why the hell is she booking shows here in the 1st place? I'm guessing it's for the money(greed),in which case she should do her job and keep her hateful,ignorant,antagonistic rants to herself.

  46. I give her about 1/100th of a pass... only because it sounds like she's quite mentally ill. Schizophrenia and all its buddies play hell on a person's mind.

    If she doesn't have any mental illness, that's a different story. Gay isn't a choice, and it's not a plot to subvert nice people's children and/or ruin society.

  47. I read locally that she did this at Yoshi's exactly because it is in SF, if she is only crazy then she is crazy like a fox, as she is now getting the press she was looking for.

  48. She "was" a lesbian for awhile, then she got "born again" and now she hates gay people.

    I think she's probably just crazy.

  49. No idea who she is but never ceases to amaze me how a "good Christian" can be OK with hating an entire group of people and not recognize that isn't "good Christian" behavior as Christ hating anyone.

    Of course is he is a "born again" that kind of contradiction is always the norm as born agains are like new born babies. None of the maturity or experience to handle their new found faith and a bizarre need to scream it and sell it to everyone. Its like a desperate need to justify their decision and eliminate their doubts.

  50. Fiona Apple, Michelle Shocked, Morrissey -- it's like the 90s D-list has decided to leap out of the coffins at the same time and attack humanity!

  51. I also was a big fan of Michelle's music in the 90s. I went to a concert with my GF and also my future wife (two different people) and I think we were the only hetro people in the audience (Except Bill Russell who was also there.) I am very surprised and kind of sad. I wonder if she is having some personal issues because this is a 180 degree turn from who she used to be.
