Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Michael Vick Book Tour Canceled

Due to numerous threats received by Michael Vick and the publisher of his new book, Michael Vick has canceled several of his book signing events. Apparently people are ticked off about the whole dog fighting thing and how Michael has a new dog that can easily be trained into a killer and is used by the military for that purpose. The threats were made to Michael and his family and the retailers who sell the book and the publisher. Not to the dog though. Apparently his purchase of the dog has really set people off. I never think threats of violence or violence is a good thing, but I am glad Michael is not going to get to profit as much off the dogs he killed.


Izzie said...

Someone's spiking the water, I swear. More crazy every day.

Sugar said...

Oh here go hell come...

Anonymous said...

The man served his time. He went to jail over dog fighting and how many other celebs are circumventing the legal system like its a joke? I'm not trying to trivialize dog fighting but this is a culture that slaughters animals en masse, but Michael Vick is made out to be this evil person. Give me a freaking break and let the man get on w his life.

HolidayinCambodia said...

So, he won't be at B&N in Exton.

Sorry, folks.

MBK said...

Good. He's disgusting.

VIPblonde said...

Aw, poor baby. He can invite Chris Brown to his pity party

Unknown said...

agree with hag.

we should start to talk about all the issues (fur, meat consumption, etc) and how to do it correctly (or not to do it), instead of just demonizing ONE person.

Melissa said...

Srsly? The man strangled and drowned animals by his own hand. He has never shown remorse. Sure he "did his time," but he's definitely not rehabilitated. And now he seems likely to reoffend. Thanks, but just like people have the right to boycott Chris Brown even though he did his time (kinda sorta maybe), we can also boycott an unrepentant animal killer.

Anonymous said...

That's the thing though- Chris Brown is an asshole. Not only does he flagrantly do drugs, but he beat a woman within an inch of her life. He did not go to jail. He barely served probation. But we send Michael Vick to serve 2 years in jail for dog fighting, which he served, and we're still treating him like the evil guy who doesn't deserve to get on with his life. That energy should be spent on piss ants like The Difficult Brown

g.strathmore said...

I agree with TECruz in so far as I wish this could turn into a larger discussion about how we treat animals as a culture.


I do not feel sorry for him at all. Just like I do not feel sorry for child molesters who have "done their time" and are now out living in society.

VIPblonde said...

Hopefully they donate all the unsold books to be used as litter paper in animal shelters :)

Anonymous said...

Boycott away Melissa! I'm not getting in line to buy any Michael Vick books anytime soon. But this guy is outright demonized for murdering animals in a culture that glorifies murdering animals (check out our meat consumption rates v other countries, our slaughterhouse conditions, or our huge hunting culture!). That is flat out wrong to me when public personas that in my view have done far more atrocious things but get excuses made for them at each turn.

And not that it matters, but I am a vegetarian bc the slaughterhouse practices in this country make me sick. Boycotting is a great way to change institutional attitudes- not demonizing a guy who lost 2 years of his life for dog fighting.

DewieTheBear said...

I do not feel a whit of sympathy for him. The man attached electrodes to the ear of a dog and threw the dog into a pool as punishment for "underperforming." Slammed another into the ground until it was dead for the same reason.

Yes, he did his time, and he was rewarded by the NFL handsomely (again!) upon his return. However, none of that takes away from what he did, and people have a right to hold what he did against him for as long as they see fit.

Nellie said...

Rapists rarely get two years! Neither do pedos. What the hell?

Anonymous said...

How do any of us know if Vick is unrepentant? Really, can any of us read his mind?

I have no problem with those who wish to boycott him, but threatening to kill the man doesn't accomplish one thing. And to bring his family into is awful.

But going after one person because he's a celeb that you didn't like anyway instead of dealing with the issue at large is what seems to be happening. That's a waste of time, energy, and resources. IMO.

Fight the good fight. But do so in a smart way that makes real impact. This scene will be forgotten in a few days.

Chris said...

Americans care more about animals than all the veterans and children that slept out on the street last night. Misplaced priorities of a bankrupt society.

Melissa said...

LOL! Much like the Chris Brown fans that crawl outta the woodwork whenever he hits the blog, here are the Michael Vick fans out to defend.

Sherry R. said...

In retrospect I'm sure he'll come to realize that the timing just wasn't right for a little story about his life.

wwax said...

Oh he can get on with his life. He just shouldn't have a freaking dog in his life. Can anyone really honestly believe a guy that can just kill a dog and torture dogs in cold blood would make a good dog owner? How about when he pulled all the teeth from the female dogs with pilers before strapping them to raping benches to be bred? Sure lets give that guy a dog he'll be a model dog owner. I think the threats are a great idea, if for one second we can make him feel the fear those dogs felt, then I'll feel he's "served his time".

Unknown said...

I agree hag, Lindsay Lohan's behavior could kill people and she will kill someone with her drunk or stoned driving.

I like animals as much as the next person and abusing animals is wrong but there is a part of the animal lover community that irks me because they put animals over humans and this trend to treating animals like humans is not healthy to the animals themselves nor their owners IMO. Rover doesn't care if he has a Burberry doggie sweater on. And he probably doesn't need a damn sweater since he was born with a fur coat. Watch any of the animal expert shows and that is one of the biggest mistakes of pet owners. Treating the dog like a human and not a dog.

How does threatening violence to this man or his family make animal lovers superior? No it makes them as abusive as they claim their target is and worse because his family has done nothing wrong.

These people want to peacefully protest or boycott, go to town. But to threaten violence, so hypocritical. That is the same issue I have with PETA.

Anonymous said...

But that's the thing- they don't even care about animals really!

Unknown said...

Its so funny this man served time in jail, but people talk about him like he didn't serve time. You would of think he raped children or murdered people. I feel like it has to do with him being black. Let's be honest if Michael vick or even Chris brown were white men, they would be totally be forgiven bye the media. You have fashion designers kill animal for there fur, but people don't care. Because its for fashion. People can be so hypocritical.

GatorGirl said...

Why can't he just do the right thing and not have a dog?I don't care if his kids want one let them play with friends dogs somewhere else. He's pure evil and nothing will change my mind. Didn't y'all see the HBO special about the surviving dogs? They will never be the same

Anonymous said...

@wwax: so you're OK with Vick's innocent children being threatened in this scenario? Because that's what your comment is suggesting.

GatorGirl said...


SusanB said...

I don't see how the people that threatened him are any better than he is. His crimes were horrible but we need to have an even higher level of outrage for those who hurt other people. People who hurt animals are despicable but Chris Brown (who seems to me to be much, much worse a person) would have people lining up in glee to get HIS autograph on his autobiography. I totally agree with all the above who point out we treat animals with more respect than some humans. And no, I'm NOT a Michael Vick fan. Can't stand him personally or professionally. But at least he did everything required of him per the criminal charge.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I'm just mad no one calls him Ron Mexico anymore. But, I do think its wrong Enty keeps labeling this specific breed of dog as a could-be killer or some sort of vicious breed.

g.strathmore said...

@Melissa, I agree. It amazes me how many Chris Brown trolls there are, but it REALLY amazes me how many Michael Vick trolls there are. There are good and compassionate human beings who are suffering injustices all around the planet, but people come out of the wood work to defend Michael Vick. Talk about a bankrupt society.

GatorGirl said...

Exactly. And I plan on holding it against him forever

Anonymous said...

It's hilarious that both sides of the argument are claiming that we live in a bankrupt society. Dare I say it? It's RICH.

JaneBond462 said...

@HolidayinCambodia - I am totally crushed that I won't be able to see him in Exton . . . NOT.

I think it is horrible that any fool thinks this POS is worth a death threat. Now, getting a beatdown and being locked in a room with 6 pit bulls that hadn't been fed for three days? I'm all for THAT.

Unknown said...

Agreed wholeheartedly.. And there is evidence of the same and/or worse offenses being overlooked by those white men..paint everyone with the same brush and then we can talk..not to mention most of the people complaining would go out of their way to help a dog on the street and just as quickly bypass a needy person on the street or go to a rodeo and not bat an eye at the treatment of the animals there because it is an accepted "all-american past time"..i choose not to condone his behavior, and not to vilify the man..

H888FUL said...

And there's the race card, right on time! Thanks Tabitha. PS I am a racist and am perfectly open and fine about it, and it's in large part due to your race's constant failure in every aspect of life and refusal to take responsibility for your actions. Oh and the fact that evil whiteys are forced to subsidize your lazy, savage, stupid asses and you still cannot bother to act like human beings. Why not go back to Africa where there is no racism if it's so damn bad here where literally EVERYTHING is handed to you? But then where would you get your welfare?

Anonymous said...

I'm really not a Michael Vick fan- I just think the virulence with which everyone seems to talk about him reflects more on who we are than who he is, bc a) people who do much worse to other humans get a pass and b) torturing/murdering animals is totally condoned in our culture anyway- even if it isn't as grotesque and isolated an incident as the Vick case. This type of blatant twisted thinking pisses me off is all, which is why I got all preachy

Chris said...

Anyone who eats meat and is still criticizing Michael Vick is a major hypocrite. Look up how those pigs, cows, and chicken are treated before they make it to your grocery store.

Pink_Palace said...

i was in Barnes and Noble the other day and took a pic of the poster for the Michael Vick signing. It stated to not bring anything for him to sign - EXCEPT the book! i just kind of laughed...

Not owning a dog should have been a condition upon his release - if they didn't add that clause - then they should have added one that stated Vick could not own any dog that had a reputation for being overly aggressive. Granted, chihuahuas could be added to that list - but still...legal system screwed up there...

Michael Vick was an incredible QB, back in the day and so much fun (for me @ least) to watch but he is an even BIGGER idiot and complete famewhore!

Would we even be talking about him if he hadn't purchased this military dog and written a book? His football career is a non-subject now. I don't think anyone should be threatened but I wouldn't put it past Vick to release that "news" to the press to get even more attention...if Khloe breaks up w/Lamar, she and Vick should get together...he would be perfect for that family! (Yeah, I think he has a wife now - but he'd dump her for more fame I bet!)

msgirl said...

Wow this shit is getting ugly!

I hate that the Malinois is getting a bad rap here - they are WONDERFUL dogs!

Vick has never ever come out and stated he is recognizant of abuse to animals, he hasn't even said he's sorry. Animal abuse is linked to violence and non-empathy in the brain. Therefore YES animal abuse really raises my hackles. Just like human injustice to others, etc. Except I feel it more for animals and children because they are innocent and powerless and that's why people who abuse them are dangerous IMO.

However, jeez, to promote violence against this guy is really just as bad. Well one could talk about it, that's a feeling and should be expressed, and actions are different than words. SO if someone here says they'd like him to be locked in a room with starving fighting dogs, I've got no problem. If they did it, that would be different.

I'm not too fond of the man, and no I don't think he should have a dog. He does't have the mentality to realize a dog is another conscious being that can be loved. At least not that I've seen.

H888FUL said...

Yep you're damned right I would help an animal over a black, at least the animal would be grateful. You people continually bite the hands that literally feed you and you wonder why there's "racism"?

Gayeld said...

Anybody missing a sock?

On topic. I think it's gross negligence on someone's part to allow Michael Vick to ever own a dog again and I wouldn't cross the street to piss on him if he were on fire (of course, I wouldn't do that for most of my family either.) But I do agree that it is way out of line to threaten his family like that. I sure as hell hope no one is holding me responsible for my bio father's actions or those of children.

The publishers are idiots if they expected anything else.

MadLyb said...

He wrote a book? WTF?

Chris said...


Vick has never ever come out and stated he is recognizant of abuse to animals, he hasn't even said he's sorry.

You are wrong. Michael Vick has been very involved in working with The Humane Society on dog fighting. Why are you even commenting on this subject when it's clear that you are uninformed on it?

Melissa said...

No mind reading needed - Ted used to report on the things Vick was overhead saying after he was released from prison. He laughed about it all. He's defo not repentant.

H888FUL said...

Why do certain breeds of dog get bad reps? Because BLACK PEOPLE own them, and train them to be vicious. Malinois, Pit Bulls, Staffordshire terriers, etc. And instead of placing the blame on the BLACK OWNERS, we blame the innocent animals. But isn't that how modern day America works? Blacks are literally untouchable in society, nothing is ever their fault, it's ALWAYS racism. You can be damn sure that nobody gives a shit about all the whites who have been raped, robbed and murdered at the hands of these violent monsters (Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom are one good example) so why would anyone care about innocent animals? Keep blaming whitey, keep calling those who speak the truth "racists" and one day you'll get what you deserve at their hands.

Jennifer H. said...

Yeah, it's a lot more than just dog fighting. He tortured and murdered dogs. He fed them ground glass to make them meaner, hung them, and shot them. That speaks to his character whether he's done his time or not. If he doesn't like being judged, he can go away. Otherwise, if you are a celebrity who has done vile things (like Chris Brown), then yeah, people will judge. Why shouldn't they?

CantHaveMyPurse said...

I am no Vick fan, and do not think he ought to own any dogs (just like pedos cannot give out Halloween candy, live near schools, etc), but I don't believe his life, or his family's lives should be threatened.

He did terrible things, and I will never forgive him for them, and nor will I buy his books, but I will never threaten his life, as repulsive as I find him. I work with animal rescue and try to keep at-risk animals from abuse or euthanasia. That seems more productive than striking out at Vick, as much as it would please me to do so.....

Unknown said...

You are probably some old crusty white man that leaves with his nasty ass mom, in her basement and on your spare time watch porn with kids in it. Dumbass redneck.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Let me just state up front that I can't stand anyone, such as Michael Vick, who tortures animals, and I don't think very highly of businesses who use him as a spokesman or publishers thinking they can make a quick buck. Everyone is perfectly within their rights to boycott him and any businesses connected to him; it's peaceful and it hits them in the pocketbook, which is usually the most effective way to get at them. Making threats, especially ones directed as his family? Not OK. It's one thing to not care if someone gets their ass kicked, or even to get some degree of satisfaction out of it, but encouraging violence, particularly against people who had nothing to do with the original wrong (e.g., his family) is wrong, end of argument. Yes, it could be said he has it coming, but remember: you don't treat people a particular way because of what they are; you do it because of the kind of person you are, so don't lower yourself to that level.

As for Vick doing more time than, say, Chris Brown: why does it have to be an either/or situation? Why can't anyone who abuses anyone else, human or animal, be locked up? In some ways, I think of abusing animals in a similar light as abusing children--they're all dependent on the rest of us to take good care of them and look after them (yes, dogs & cats can survive and go feral, but it's really not much of a life...), so hurting them is as much an abuse of trust as it is a physical assault. (Mind you, I don't necessarily see animals as better than people--although there are those for whom I'd make an exception--but they are sentient beings, after all, and shouldn't be mistreated.)

Yes, he did his time and did what was legally required of him; that doesn't mean I have to like him, or support anything he does, but I would never make threats towards him or his family--making threats might make some people feel better, but it's not going to change what happened in the past.

Melissa said...

...well, that escalated quickly. Your ignorant racist beliefs are not welcome here. Go away.

Melissa said...

Lots of us make sure we select meat that has been humanely raised and killed. I'm pretty sure Michael Vick didn't humanely raise or kill any of hisfighting dogs.

Anonymous said...


Izzie said...

@Tabitha, ignore it and it goes back under its bridge.

I have zero respect for this POS, but threatening him and his family is way out of line. For some reason, people think throw death threats around like it's a random insult that holds no weight. Imagine how the kids must feel knowing their father's life has been threatened. He's an a*hole, yeah, but they don't deserve that.

msgirl said...

Chris, if that's the case, thanks I stand corrected and I'm glad to hear it. No need to get snitty!

Gayeld said...

Yeah, or the Presa Canario. Oh no, wait, those people were white. Oops.

Pip said...

Many do their time, but it never takes away from the torture endured by their hands. He is a piece of shit. Lower than shit, a parasite you would find in animal shit. Only now is he involved in the Humane Society. Trying to save face. He would be still be fighting dogs if he didn't get caught. Death threats are a bit much, but you reap what you sow. He shouldn't have tortured animals.

cricket said...

Hope this keeps him from making any money on his book. I hate that this dick had a multi million dollar job in the NFL waiting when he got out of jail. It would not bother me at all if Michael Vick and Chris Brown managed to run into each other head on at a very high rate of speed in their fancy cars. They are both evil POS and the world would be better off without them.

figgy said...

Wake me up when the headline is "Michael Vick mauled to death by a pack of dogs and left to die in a rat-infested alley."

AngieEatACheeseburger said...

He makes me sick and so do his supporters. People will never forget what he has done...never!

AngieEatACheeseburger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
g.strathmore said...

He's only helping the Humane Society to try to redeem his image. Like Charlie Sheen donating money last year to some sick person to make it seem like he's not a complete self-indulgent bacchus.

It is also ridiculous to think that everyone who despises him is white. There are plenty black, brown, yellow, red, et cetera people out there who think he's disgusting. And I'm one of them.

Anonymous said...

@chris: I suspect you've never seen how American livestock is raised. If you've never set foot in a livestock raising facility please don't say the animals are poorly treated as you are incorrect.

GemTwist said...

@hag way to generalize. You know what we all care about? Why are ppl so offended that an animal abuser isn't adored just because he spent time in jail?

annabella said...

don't these people who make these death threats understand the irony?

GemTwist said...

@empress - WRONG

SusanB said...

Do not assume that those of us who don't want MV dead support him. Far from it. We despise what he did. But it's case closed now. All we can do is watch him and make sure it doesn't happen again. And so far there hasn't been any evidence of that. You want to boycott him and everything he's associated with, go for it. I boycott him as well. But I don't see where wishing violence on him will resolve the situation. If you threaten him with violence, you are no better than he is. Don't kid yourself that you ARE a better person.

GemTwist said...

I want to know who the fuck sold him that dog. From what I know Malinois breeding is pretty regulated, compared to, say, PIT BULL BREEDERS, and I can't believe anyone let their $1000 puppy go to a convicted animal abuser.

GemTwist said...

@empress - I'm sorry, but you can't be serious. Google will open your eyes right up.

Anonymous said...

@gemtwist: no one has to adore Vick- I sure as hell don't- but to have a mob issue death threats over a dog fighting incident that happened years ago and that he already served a pretty harsh punishment for? Epitome of sensational hypocritical bullshit

Anonymous said...

^a much better version of what I've been trying to say

jax said...

Vegetarian Vick apologists...LOL..my head hurts.

Anonymous said...

I was at a feed lot yesterday, please don't tell me what I see in the industry I work in. I don't need google because what is shown there is horrific propaganda typically put forth by animal rights activists. Watching a PETA video will turn my stomach but I know the truth behind those videos and that is that 95% of those are foreign facilities or are misleading footage such as photos of convalescent pens. That is why I asked Chris if he/she had ever actually been to an American facility. Have you?

Slap-n-Tickle said...

Cosign, wwax. Vick should never know a moment's peace. Anyone who can torture an animal does not deserve forgiveness. Should his children be threatened? No, of course not. But he brought all of this on himself.

Everyone who feels he's done his time and should be allowed to move on, great. You go ahead and feel that. I feel he's an evil douchebag who should be treated the same as he treated his dogs.

GemTwist said...

Uh, yeah. More than I'd care to. I currently own a pony we pulled off a meat truck and he was a nightmare to fix up. I can see how you can hold that opinion though, since you work in the industry.

GemTwist said...

@hag of course, the threats are so stupid. But some people, like me, are just offended by his face. My best friend has a cousin who raped a prostitute 20 years ago and he's still being punished for it. Guess what? His face offends me too. Certain crimes, I don't give a shit what sort of punishment you served. That someone has done such disgusting things...I can't get it out of my head, ever.

Ol Cranky said...

@GemTwist: when you read this story about the breeder Vick bought his Mali from, you'll understand why he sold the dog to Vick

Athenstraveler03 said...

Those of you who are defending Vick have serious mental problems. And those of you who say he's repentant are delusional. He took innocent, helpless animals and brutalized them. Do you own an animal? Imagine them being electrocuted, beaten, strapped to a table and allowed to be raped by numerous dogs, hung, punched, killed. Michael Vick didn't make a simple one-time mistake. He did this over a long period of time. It takes a very sick mind to repeatedly torture animals, AND LAUGH WHILE DOING IT. Why do you think it's a marker for socio/psychopaths???? You really think a slap on the wrist (because that's what it was) is going to fix what is wrong with him? Don't be naive - he's not sorry for doing what he did, he's sorry he got caught. I don't condone people threatening his family and children at all. But as far as he's concerned, I would spit in his face if I saw him. And I certainly wouldn't shed a tear if he died. Good riddance to bad garbage - no matter what the color of their skin.

ellehpee said...

I could care less about Michael Vick and everyone's perception of him, but please, stop with the sensational comments about the breed of dog he has.

Belgians are fantastic dogs - don't demonize the breed because you hate Michael Vick.

I have a German Shepherd, a breed also used in law enforcement. His biggest crime has been licking my bare feet too often.

auntliddy said...

Cruelity to animals unforgivable. He isnt sorry he did it, just sorry he got caught. Indint care what happens to his self.

auntliddy said...

If he wld treat animals so cruelly, how might he treat a human some day? He's still not sorry. I wldnt threaten him, but i dont care about him. And lets not compare him to any other offender-are we really competing to see who's worse?! He's awful.

auntliddy said...

Im sure u have more concern for the children than he does.

Anonymous said...

The United States doesn't have horse feed lots, that pony would've been from a private owner who wouldn't have had to deal with the regulation that actual producers do.

JSierra said...

Let's not forget that the media is also probably getting paid to run "forgiving" stories about Vick. I doubt that the staff of these mags and media outlets love this fellow and have totally forgotten what he has done. Then again, they make their livings off of scamming/lying/pr so I guess I wouldn't doubt if most of them actually liked and were in cahoots with him.

astrogirl said...

"He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
-- Immanuel Kant

Margaux said...

I'm not an advocate of violence - but against people like that ... well I wouldn't be sad if something were to happen to him - he is the worst type of person. People like him should not be allowed to have pets or profit from celebrity. Actually, why isn't he in gaol? He should be in gaol.

Erik said...

I know he paid his debt to society, but he disgusts me. And he should have that dog taken away too.

Margaux said...

Oh he did go to gaol? Well good - he still shouldn't be allowed to own pets, that should be a lifetime ban.

ecua said...

Oh, how I would LOVE to wake up to this headline!!!

Anonymous said...

He did this to himself. Redemption is not always quick and easy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

As far as I'm concerned, there is a special place in hell for animal and child abusers. What Vick did to those dogs is inexcusable, and while I don't agree at all with the death threats, I also don't feel sorry for him. You reap what you sow...

MadBlackChica said...

Y'all are crazy. Wtf does he have to do to show true remorse?! I can understand disgust at CB, who hasn't shown half the remorse this man has. He did his time, community service and much more to spread awareness. So what if it had to take him being caught. Most ppl view the "getting caught" as a saving grace in most personal circumstances. I won't kill a man over a dog. Damn.

__-__=__ said...

Athenstraveler03 - well said. It's a shame Vick was allowed to reproduce.

Nothanksdarlin said...

Sugar, ha, yes. This. And I'm outta this post

elspeth said...

Thanks, Ol Cranky, for the link. It's sickening, wherever you look in this whole situation, the 'players' suck.

TroyElle said...

It is disturbing to hear that Michael Vick has allegedly been threatened with violence. I hope this is not true, but I guess it must be if Vick’s spokesman says so. "It is disturbing that a few extremists would threaten Vick's family and store employees," said Vick's spokesman. How did we go from violence to death threats in the headline? It seems more likely that his publisher and Mr. Vick came to the conclusion that they did not want to deal with any protest while on a promotional tour to sell books = public relations nightmare for Vick and financial loss for publisher and Vick. (a publisher actually paid Vick to write this story?)

But I also believe it is equally troublesome to learn that Vick is trying to make a buck over his "redemption" from dog fighting and the brutal murders of his dogs. After jail, he worked hard to play football again in the NFL, and now makes a lot of money…..good for him. He is moving on in his life.

Is Vick's outlook the same? It is hard to change from what you grew up with, and the way you grew up. I hope he has become a better person. But regardless, I think the public lashings he receives serve as a reminder to him that what he did was wrong. Not only was he involved in dog fighting as entertainment and to make money. He brutally killed dogs when they were no longer of value to him in dog fighting. This to me does not compare to those of us who choose to eat meat for sustenance from a slaughterhouse or livestock facility.

But mostly, with this book, Michael Vick appears to once again use the dogs he owned, brutalized and murdered to make money. And that is the reason I would sympathize with anyone planning to protest at a Vick book signing.

elspeth said...

I've agreed w/a number of commenters re this post, but TroyElle nailed it for me. Expressed what i feel much better than i can.

Really, when things have calmed down, been judged and adjudicated, you shouldn't take it upon yourself to start/threaten physical violence. Peaceful, continual protests and constant boycotts? Go for it!

I won't even go in a store that sells his book much less buy it from any venue. Personally, i have no idea what his present mental state is with respect to the care of dogs and any other animals under human control. I can ignore and boycott anything he does -- Including never watching a football game after he returned to the NFL.

There are some things in this life that you can never 'make up for', and animal abuse is one of them IMO. And, yes, I feel guilty for even commenting on this post.

Sunnyhorse said...

So we've got KKK dude in this comment thread, and I just ran across an anti-Semite in another -- Enty, why aren't you moderating these comments?

italiangal56 said...

I don't feel sorry for him or his family. I'm worried about the dog!

Lelaina Pierce said...

Yeah...well said, TroyElle.


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