Sunday, March 31, 2013

Michael Lohan Gets Involved In Lindsay Lohan Brazil Trip

Michael Lohan has decided to insert himself into Lindsay Lohan's life again. Let me stop right there. Michael has Lindsay's phone number and can text her or call her or do whatever he does. Leave rant filled voice mails at 3am or some kind of get rich quick scheme thing he wants her to invest in, he can get a hold of her. So, when Michael decides to write an open letter to the man who books Lindsay's appearances and is the son of Lindsay's lawyer, it is just Michael's way of trying to get some publicity for himself. In the letter he says that if anything happens to Lindsay while she is in Brazil that Michael is going to personally blame the guy. You know, because he is the one making Lindsay guzzle vodka like water and explore the undersides of tables at bars. If Michael really did care what happened to Lindsay, then he should talk to her directly. Go down there and keep her from partying too hard. To me, when he does things like this, he is just putting stuff out there so hopefully he can get an interview request and a paycheck at the expense of his daughter.


  1. Why is one of her bewbs missing in that pic?

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    @ethorne I read that as Biebs! Bewbs, nice tits, I'm getting confused, no coffee yet.

    Michael Lohan is disgusting, they're all gross, the whole family. Do feel for Ali though.

  3. @ethorne: It's not missing; the dress isn't on properly, so she's got one boob falling out, and the other one is sort of squished down beneath the underbust seam. Damn, girl, can't you even get dressed by yourself any more? *sigh* I hope she gets it together, but it's not looking good...

  4. Michael is a loathesome human. If he wants to help lindsay, he shld leave her the hell alone.

  5. He didn't just write his open letter on TMZ or Radar this time - he went to Huffington Post - one of the most visited and trafficked sites on the web. Attention seeking much, Mikey?

  6. i don't get how she just doesn't get tired of it all

  7. this whole family is so transparent, that how anyone could believe what they say anymore is either naive or delusional.

  8. Her goodies look weird but compared to usual , she looks flawless!

  9. Should your boob even be able to swing under your armpit while upright. What exactly are those John's paying for?

    1. She has had flat saggy pancake boobies for quite a few years now. Don't remember if I already commented this but anyway: Let's say she did pay for the jewelry she is accused of stealing on Charlie Fiend's show. Why is she buying luxuries like that when she has so much debt?

  10. SIDE BOOB.

    /peter griffin

  11. I thought she was Dina at first. Not a compliment when she's your MOTHER.

  12. Holy side boob Batman!

  13. She looks a hot mess! One boob falling down and the other trying to sneak out the side. The only good thing I can say for her is that I like her sandals.

  14. Lindsay is an adult....hard to believe, but true. She is well past the age of majority so there isn't a heck of a lot her parents can do to make her stop her downward spiral. What they can and will do frequently is enable her behavior by making up stupid excuses for everything that happens, or give interviews to what ever gossip blog or entertainment show gives them the platform to do so. And on the cusp of her heading to court mandated rehab (which she thinks she doesn't need so it isn't going to have much success) her dad once again gives his daughter a pass by placing the blame for all her bad behavior on the guy who books her appearances. Way to go Michael.

    1. Very well articulated. Good insight. I like this sight mostly because usually it teaches me more about human nature. And comments like yours are appreciated.

    2. Site of course.

  15. I'd like for him to help her find her bra. She obviously lost it.

  16. Good Lord these people are horrid.

  17. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Enty said it all. He's just trying to get a check to catch up with all that back child support. Plus,it's in south america and all, Michael Lohan and South American countries go together like peanut butter and jelly.

  18. Michael is a total leech like DINA. Now you know why they were together in the first place. Remember she slept and produced chirrens with him first. Ugh!

  19. I hate the Blohans but I think I hate that guy the MOST
