Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Matt Lauer Blames NBC For Ann Curry Mess

Matt Lauer gave an interview to The Daily Beast and basically blamed NBC for the way the Ann Curry debacle happened. According to Matt it had nothing to do with Matt and that he, being the noble guy he is offered to resign. If he offered to resign, NBC would have jumped all over that in a second, especially if they didn't have to pay him. Matt is trying to do what he can to save his job and get back fans, but ticking off your bosses while you face a May deadline is probably not the best move. It also makes you look like a whiner.

“I don’t think the show and the network handled the transition well," Lauer tells Kurtz. "You don’t have to be Einstein to know that. It clearly did not help us. We were seen as a family, and we didn't handle a family matter well.”

Umm, you kicked her out of the house Matt and now want the world to think it was your parents who kicked her out. Nope. It was you. You wanted Natalie Morales in your house and decided to kick out Ann and when she cried you made it seem like it was not your idea at all.


  1. It isn't solely his fault. The whole thing was awful, I felt so bad for Ann. I prefer drunk Hoda and Kathie anyways.

  2. I sent this article to Enty, but I'm sure he had already seen it.

    Seriously, he claims he OFFERED to resign, but they said--'Oh No, Matt Lauer, you're the BEST EVER at this job--EVER!!!!'
    Swear to god. Read the article. SO fake, SO trying to re-write what we already know. Hilarious, desperate.

    Also talks at length how LAUER HIMSELF is responsible for the direction of the show being all puff pieces. smfh

  3. I mean that Lauer seems pleased & happy that the show is all crap now. He thinks he's making a good show.

    1. @libby, that's the worst part, he really believes its a good show!

  4. Who's the big bad wolf and little red hiding hood in the photo?

    Anyways, what a terrible thing to say about your current employer to a public source! Lol I hope this pisses them off and they give him that much deserved boot.

  5. He needs to go...

  6. What a whiny, weaselly wanker!

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Ol' Matt sees the writing on the wall and is trying to save his own job. Too bad he wasn't that considerate when it came to Ann. What a jerk. I would say fire him, but being stuck on NBC with it abysmal ratings would be worse punishment.

  8. Hes dancing as fast as he can, brcause he isnt used to being unliked!! It has to be fixed so the love can flow his way again ! He's about as sincere as a $3 bill. Time yo go.

  9. I swear I can see Al Roker trying hard not to sneer at Matt.

    Btw, was watching a couple minutes of today this morning and thinking how good Al looks, he is aging well and keeping the weight off. A friend used to live in his building in NYC and said he is unfailingly nice and friendly.

  10. If I was the betting type, I'd wager that Mr Lauer is the sort of guy who is mean to wait staff and baristas and and valets (and everyone else he works with).

    Matt, that's right, I think you're a big meanie butt head!

  11. @figgy, glad to hear Al is nice, I really like him.

    I haven't watched this show in years, whenever I've tried it just disgust me to see Matt Lauer, he's so fake!!! I'm sure he's not the only one to blame for the Anne situation but I would not doubt it was his idea!

  12. Lauer is trash. I stopped watching this years ago. Just can't stand him.

  13. He offered to resign- translation -"Its me or her."

  14. Meanwhile, Andrea Peyser, in today's NY Post, rips Matt a new one.


  15. Here's hoping he continues to get the ratings he deserves.

  16. Cant stand him. Too bad we cant send Brian Williams over to put a Honey Bri-Bri arse kicking on this smug jerkoff.

  17. In this screenshot it looks like Smarmypants Lauer is truly enjoying watching Curry break down. He has NPD, at the very least. No empathy for others. What a tool.

  18. He's so full of shit! And this show sucks too. Yodelay got the translation right.

  19. Matt Lauer is a scumbag. Can't stand him. Liar.

  20. Sounds to me like Matt has a bad case of selective memory.

    He had a side deal he was spinning to bring back Katie and use her to gently push Ann back to the news desk (where Katie would take the blame for being the reason Ann was demoted from host--not Matt) then after they got things stabilized, both Matt and Katie would dance off to their future syndicated talk shows to make Oprah-esque wealth.

    Big Fail.

    If his future at Today wasn't already in the toilet, this interview put him there. And Ann doesn't need to say a word. He's doing it to himself.

  21. I don't see that Matt is going to survive much longer at that show. they'll give him some kind of other deal to do 'special reports' or something. but I think that the writing is on the wall and that this goodwill tour won't work. it seems that people just don't like him.

    I don't watch much tv and couldn't care less, but that's my thought. they might even bring ann curry back.

  22. Anonymous12:11 PM

    its so phony. i dont want anymore

  23. Anonymous12:12 PM

    its so phony. i dont want anymore

  24. We all know he's a liar. I love that people are coming up to him on the street and yelling at him.

  25. If it helps, I go past the Today Show every once in a while and the crowds have been sparse, especially compared to what they were. Tourists forgoing guaranteed celebrity sightings means things are really bad.

  26. I CANNOT read the name Natalie Morales w/out thinking about "WHO'S NATALIE?"

  27. I just watched Matt's interview with Gerard Butler about his new movie. When you look that smarmy next to Butler you are seriously smarmy.
