Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Massive Celebrity Hack

If you ever wanted to know what the Social Security Number of Beyonce or Jay-Z was, then today is your lucky day. A group of hackers posted lost of sensitive personal information including SSN and credit cards and mortgages and salaries and even bank information. It shows you that nothing is safe. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton were also victims, but not as much of their information could be retrieved to show. Other celebrities "doxxed" include Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson and Ashton Kutcher. Judging by that last group of celebrities, the hackers have not looked up from their computers since the early part of this century.


  1. What kind of two-bit hackers don't even release any naked pictures?! Amateurs

  2. Whoa @VIP, look at the names up there & think about what you're asking!

  3. Was it B. Profane?

  4. Whoever did this needs to go to prison.

  5. Maybe the hackers were going after celebrities they don't like (who likes Ashton or Mel or Paris?)

  6. What exactly is the point of doing something like this though? The only way to have the bragging rights is if you want some felonies...

  7. @Jamie2, I laughed out loud here at work. Good job!

  8. I get that they blurred out the SSN and other important info on the celebs but did anyone notice on the screen cap for Kim, her date of birth was blurred out too?

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I don't get the rationale for doing this, either. Unless someone is trying to show that the rich and powerful can be f*cked with. In which case, point made.

  10. Lotta, it shows how vulnerable banking info is. These are the rich folk, who are supposed to have the best security.

    1. @Agent, I suppose you're right about Hilary and Biden. The eery thing to me is the message the hackers left to the LAPD chief Charlie Beck about Christopher Dorner "not being backed into a corner."

  11. Agree with consensis, i dont get the point. And even tho they r famous, we all know what a pain in the ass it is to replace all this paperwork. Wait! It helps the economy!! Requires many assistants to run all these errands!!! Putting america back to work, lol

  12. If hackers were using their "skills" to find evidence to track or save the world from sex traffickers, hostage- takers, narcoterrorists and violent criminals, then fine. Go at it. But actions such as these prove only that they are jealous and malicious, and yeah, haven't really left middle school emotionally. Childish, immature and destructive behavior.

  13. Lol@Jamie2!

    I don't feel too bad for them, they have the money to make sure this is taken care of and nobody is going to steal their identities. I feel bad for the regular people that have their information stolen and are stuck with massive bills and bad credit for years. I'm sure this is a headache for these celebrities but they have "people" to make it go away.

  14. I want Gibson jacuzzi pictures.

  15. Hollywoodlife.com calling it a hoax

  16. This illustrates failure of the banking industry in the US. Why aren't any of these lying bankers in jail, FFS?!?!?!?! They were jailed in Iceland and their economy recovered. They were jailed in Ecuador and their economy recovered. All this information was online. This is probably why Biden, Clinton didn't have much to share. They probably do most of their banking the old fashioned way. Less credit cards, less information available. No online bank account, no information to release. No debit card, you are safer. No ATM use, safer. And can you even imagine the corruption at LAPD? There's a huge expose' there for sure.

    This doesn't effect any of these people. As said above, they have "people" to make all this go away.

    Why would they black-out KK's bday??

    1. Equation :) the site that started this has her dob, etc. http://exposed.su/ .

    2. Oh, thanks Agent! But I still can't access. Says it is current unreachable. I'm in a third world country so maybe when I return to the US. So spill! What is her birthdate? I can't see why that would be a big secret for this prize pig.

  17. Yeah...I'm thinking that of all the people you could hack, the First Lady and Vice President are probably not the smartest choices unless you really WANT to see if the Secret Service can track you down.

  18. You would black out a birthday because it is the second part of most ID verifications. I just got done filling out FAFSA forms to go back to school (yee-hah! So much for jobs in state government being secure) and everything uses a combination of SSN and B-date.

    1. Congrats!! I went back to school this semester, too. What are you going for?

    2. @Brooke - I'm going for a second Bachelor's, in accounting this time. My plan is to take the CPA exam so I can go from needed someone to provide a job for me to being my own boss.

    3. *needing. Damn phone.

    4. Just reading 'FAFSA' sent a chill down my spine.

  19. @lucas- all the other screen caps included the date of birth for everyone else, only the screen cap for Kim had the DOB blurred out. I saw the screen caps on buzz feed. I'm just curious.

    1. @rcb Have you seen Child's Play? PMK got a hold of that spell, and switched bodies with Kim years ago so she could live out her dreams of fame. Everything clicks now, doesn't it? The reason Kim is the favorite daughter? The reason PMK won't sleep in the same room as Bruce? They had to black out the birthday because sometimes PMK forgets and writes her own bday instead of Kim's

  20. KK's dob is on the site: http://exposed.su/

  21. @Lotta...

    Your avi is adorable!

  22. Haha @Jamie2 I was gonna ask the same thing.

  23. LOL @Jamie2!

    This really scares me. If these hackers can do this, what else can they do? Move some money here, erase this... *eyes grow bigger*

    Wait, Mr Hacker can you erase my student loan debt. That would make my life a lot easier. Ok thanks!

  24. even Michelle Obamma info were hacked!

  25. LOL Jamie 2.

    Interestingly computer security is of course, huge and YET most companies and people as well do not think they can have their security breached. They literally have to have an actual incident before they take ANY precautions. Truly right this moment, all joking aside on B.Profane, every single one of us is at risk of anyone finding anything on our home computers. I have minimal home security software.

  26. Kim's bday is listed as 10/21/1980.

  27. I called Beyonce. I ain't even mad that bitch didn't answer

  28. I wonder if they know Beyonce's true age, now that they have her soc sec #.

  29. @Crila16 - YES! Oh, if only CZJ had been hacked...

  30. beyonce DOB: 09/04/1981.

  31. IMO, it looks like their credit bureaus were hacked. USA folks, you are entitled to a free CBR once a year from each of the 3 bureaus. It won't include fico score. We should be concerned about ourselves on this matter.


  32. Thanks Izzie! We usually don't hear about hacks. They happen everywhere every day. You DON'T want to know. And nobody is held responsible for that either! These guys are proving a point. It should be truly illegal to collect, much less disseminate, private personal information. None of it should be online anywhere. Furthermore, corporations are SELLING our personal private information. How can that possibly be legal!!!

  33. @rejectedcarebear - your just curious? So YOUR the one that's been causing trouble here lately. ;)

    1. @Jason blue eyes- hahahaha that was perfect.

    2. Oh jason, you know I'm just a tad bit curious..

  34. @ Jamie2 - OMG that was BRILL. He did warn us, lol!

  35. Maybe Beyonce paid the hackers off to prove her DOB. What they should have found out is what is Blue Ivy's birthdate along with CZJ.

  36. Anonymous12:18 PM

    MANNNN my job blocked the site or something its not coming up

  37. Anonymous12:22 PM

    heyyyy thank god for a smart phone.. this is SCANDALOUS smh
    such an invasion of privacy *clicks link*

  38. So...are their bdays real?

    I feel like Kim is still lying about her bday.

    What would be more scandalous is if they hacked into their doctors' offices and found out what they had.

  39. @Agent**IT it was Equifax that was hacked. The information was all from credit reports.

    Very surprised this didn't happen earlier as the credit reporting agencies are hardly secure. A disgruntled agency employee might be the source of this as well.

    Its a very good idea to check your credit report once a year. I once found my (clean) credit mixed up with someone else living nearby with the same last name - reporting agency mistake. Took me weeks to get it straightened out.

  40. Sorry but I'm not outraged by this. Does it suck for them? Yes, definitely. But no more so than the thousands of average Joes that it happens to every year. I can't tell you how many times I've been notified a company that my personal info may have been accessed by some breach on their end (shoe store, cell phone provider, my alma mater to name a few). And your credit report still carries huge weight even though they've been consistently shown to contain errors.

    It's no accountability on the providers side and an uphill battle to try to get any of it fixed. Now that it's happened to some politcos maybe consumer protections will finally be taken seriously.

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