Monday, March 18, 2013

Lunch With... Jennifer Gimenez

The first in what might be a very irregular series of meals with people and then writing about it here.

As it usually does, the impetus came from my dad. “What happened to Jenn? How come you don’t talk anymore? I miss seeing her.” he said. I tried to explain to him that there had been a misunderstanding.  I had tried to tell her something in Spanish one night about bacon and it came out horribly wrong.  Never discuss pieces of meat in a language unfamiliar to you. Just sayin’. I had been thinking of talking to her because I had been watching her on Real Housewives-Beverly Hills and figured if I was hanging out with her, I might get invited to Mohammed’s house and see if he had a million or so he had left in the corner of the house. I figure every guest got something like that. No?

So, with an all you can eat buffet fortifying my courage, I sent her a little message just to see how things were going and it was like no time had passed and all pork product conversation had been long forgotten. The thing about Jenn is that she is exactly like you have seen her in all of her television appearances. Amazingly, unfailingly, sweet. Way nicer than any person in Hollywood should be considering what she has been through. I have never met anyone who has even spoken to her for five seconds who was not convinced that they were the only person that mattered right that second. Try that with most celebrities in Hollywood and you will be ignored or treated like a gnat at Honey Boo Boo’s house.

When we were texting, I got the idea in my head that she would be the first in a very irregular series of Lunch With… because it sounded like fun and I am always looking for a good excuse to eat as many meals as I can. In this case, Lunch With… didn’t happen because there were no days we could make it work because it is really tough for me to get out of my office chair once I finally work my way down into it in the mornings and her weekends were full. So, it actually turned into Dinner With… A very long dinner. Four hours worth of dinner. Did I tell you I like to eat?

We met at one of our favorite spots. I’m not going to tell you the name, but for those of you who live out here, it is in West Hollywood and you feel like you have been transported into the 1970’s basement of your creepy neighbor, but with decent food in a place so loud that if you hear a story about Taylor Armstrong it might be left up to you to fill in the blanks.  Stories are way much more fun that way. “Horses?” “Ohhh, courses. Well sure, that makes much more sense, but I liked it the other way much better because I was wondering how that would work, but yeah, anyway.”

Some disclosures as I get into this. I get a lot of Real Housewives gossip and blinds, but none that I have published has ever come from Jenn. I have had Celebrity Rehab gossip and blinds in the past and none of that has come from Jenn either.  I say these things because trust and confidentiality are important to her. As part of her job as a counselor, she learns a lot and hears a lot and I don’t ever want some person who is seeking help for their addictions to hesitate in going to Jenn for fear she will spill their secrets. She doesn’t.  Do I know some truly spectacular things about Real Housewives? Things that keep me awake at night because they are so spectacular? Yeah, but none from Jenn. This piece might seem Kneepadian in nature, but, anyone who is willing to suffer through my eating and dining habits for four hours gets some love. Then again, I don’t think there are very many people I would want to dine with for four hours, so maybe this Lunch With…thing won’t happen very often.

I have always told Jenn she should write a book. Yes, celebrities always have books, but this one would actually be good. As I ordered five appetizers for myself, Jenn told me that she is in the process of finally writing her book and it was going well, but was very hard emotionally because it was opening all of the wounds from the past. The wounds which saw her go from being the youngest person ever on the cover of Elle to supermodel and making out with Johnny Depp in the movie Blow to spending nine months in rehab after everything came crashing down. Her best friends from those days before getting sober are still in her life and still are her support team. Names like Cameron Diaz and yes, Brandi Glanville too.  She loves them all. She never has any bad words for anyone in her life. I know what you are saying. Gossip can only be fun if there is bad. Many times I would agree with you, but it is the stories she has and the people she interacted with through the years that make me beg her everyday to finish the book. She promises it will be finished soon. In the meantime, the steady stream of people stopping by our table to all say hi to her continues. It is always the same. They want to thank her for helping them to get sober or being an inspiration in their lives. This is a woman who was at the very top and had it all taken away and somehow managed to pull herself out of it all and make a life for herself. It must have been overwhelming and the people that stop to thank her tell her that she has given them hope that they can make it too. No one wanted autographs or photos, they just wanted to thank her. So, while they were busy thanking her, I might have helped myself to the few remaining pieces of food she had managed to get on her plate.

Jenn started talking about movies then. She loves being an actress. She is a really good actress. You don’t get scenes opposite Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise unless you can act. You just don’t. She has started working her way back into movies and is loving it and wants everyone to know about Chastity Bites and Birthday Cake. It is acting that helped her on Celebrity Rehab. For those of you who watched it, there was one particular season where one of the celebrities really gave Jenn a hard time and was physically abusing her. It got to be so bad that she was going to quit. It was exhausting, mentally and physically and it was just too hard. One of the producers suggested that instead of feeling everything as Jenn, she should do what she does best. Act. Be the counselor but as an actress and think of it as a part and think of the physical abuse she was receiving as something that would happen if she was in a role. When thought of in those terms, it became much easier for her to finish the rest of the season.

The past two years, Jenn has found her way into a handful of Real Housewives-Beverly Hills episodes with her best friend, Brandi Glanville. The two have been through absolutely everything together and have always looked out for one another and being on the show together has just made that bond stronger. I’m hoping Jenn gets an expanded role next season so more people can get to see her and ultimately give her a bigger platform for helping others.

As we finished dinner, there were just a handful of patrons left in the place. The waitress had given up on us an hour earlier and when we stepped outside it was pouring rain. It never rains here, but when it does, it rains hard. As the valet came up to Jenn and got her ticket for her car, they spoke in Spanish for several minutes with buckets of rain coming down on them and she hugged the man and gave him her phone number. It turns out that his daughter was having issues with substance abuse and Jenn had told the man to call and she would do her best to help or find her a place where his daughter could get help.  One great way to start Lunch With…


  1. Wow. Sounds like the old Enty! YAY!!

  2. I really liked Jenn on Celebrity Rehab. However, I thought the other people on the show treated her like sh*t. It bothered me when I was watching it. I don't think she should have stayed in that situation.

  3. I can't believe I read all of that.

    1. @FSP - I know what you mean. At least he owns up to having his kneepads on.

    2. @Lucas - I think you mean she.

    3. No, I think Lucas is right.

    4. @FSP, seriously.

  4. I do like Jenn. I like her waaaay better than Dr. Drew. She seems like she wants to help. Plus when she was on RHOBH, I liked how she saw that Kim was in trouble and made her way to Kim to speak to her off camera while Kim was hiding in the bathroom.

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    So happy to hear Jenn is as sweet in real life as she appears to be on the reality shows! I remember that season of CR and remember admiring Jenn's inner strength in handling such an awful situation. Can't wait to read her book!

  6. I got the opportunity to speak with her at a BBQ and you are absolutely right. She makes you feel like you are her best friend within 5 minutes. She is also extremely honed in to you and immediately knew I was in a bad place-not with drugs but in my marriage. She is very perceptive and has a heart of gold. Awesome first Meal Enty!! :)

    1. Overit, hope you will be meal #2:)?

  7. Um...who? I have never heard of her. And I'm a celebrity gossip ho.

  8. I know I'm a jerk for this but I always wonder ... Does she still ever drink or is she 100% non-alcohol. I'm always looking at her glass on those shows and going ... Water or wine????

    1. Post-rehab sober means just that: sober. 100% If someone goes to rehab for cocaine addiction and still gets their drink on after they complete the program, that's a relapse. One thing leads to another and for addicts especially, that's a slippery slope. I really like her and fully support what she does, and I'd believe that she is in full recovery. (And I've never seen Enty write such a glowing piece about anyone before!) Now, if we could just find one person who saw them on their date, we'd have the answer to the biggest blind there is!!

  9. I'm glad to see that she's a sweetheart, and it's refreshing to get a positive account of a celeb! Thank you, Enty. :)

  10. It's nice to hear about someone worthy who came back from the edge and made a good life.
    You have a good friend there Enty!

  11. CDAN hasn't had a feature like this in awhile! Love it! Thanks Enty.

  12. What an amazing woman, God bless her and I know that karma will give her so much success for all the blessings she has bestowed upon so many!

  13. She seems nice but I would hope for the opposite, that she doesn't get further sucked into the Real Housewives vortex. No good comes of being heavily involved in those shows.

  14. Who was the person abusing her on CR?

    1. The abuser was the late Steven Adler from Guns N Roses. It was actually on Sober House where Jenn called him out on his continued using.

    2. @New Life - Steven Adler isn't dead. Yet. Mike Starr from Alice in Chains was on Celebrity Rehab/Sober House and then passed away.

  15. So Enty, does this mean you get the gig as bartender on Watch what happens ?

  16. Loved this departure from gossip. It was a loving tribute to a friend. Honestly I have never heard of her though. Glad she's out there helping people. Lemme give her my #!

  17. I bet she/he bought her a burrito.
    Sherry, you need to start reading Enty's Twitter:) He/she has been begging her to meet her/him:)

  18. All snark aside, it is a nice piece. And maybe a step toward Enty coming out? You can only hang w/ celebs in public for so long before you get papped.

    Also, she is beautiful and I loved her on Celebrity Rehab.

  19. This does sound a lot like the old Enty. Yay!

  20. We just watched "Blow" this weekend. she is getting back to her really pretty self:)

  21. Enty is back! you can kneepad all you want because she does come across as a sweetheart. I like her and Brandi on RHoBH.

  22. @figgy I'm with you. I don't know who this is either.

  23. Can you set up lunch with Mark Heller next? That would be divine.

  24. I had no idea she was an actress.

    Ummm. Can you please give us the RH blinds that keep you up at night?

  25. @ Agent - Ha!

    I didn't realize that Jennifer had modeled but I agree that she needs to stay away from the Real Housewives vortex if she wants to maintain her CR cred.

  26. I have no idea who this lady is but I know a woman that sounds just like her, so if Jenn is anything like my friend she's the best! And I'm looking forward to more "dinner with"-articles.

    Also, confession - I JUST realized why you people call it kneepads!!! Haha! I've wondered for the past 6 months!

  27. For the love of god, don't get buddy-buddy with Brandi. I cannot stand the woman.

  28. That was a really wonderful piece and I hope to see more. As far as Jennifer goes, it takes more than just a kind heart to deal with people living through their addiction nightmares. It is a very special talent and she actually sounds gifted.More like a vocation not just a paycheck. So very nice to meet you Jennifer. Any friend of enty is a friend of mine

  29. I was just thinking yesterday that enty hasn't mentioned the parents lately and now this.

    thanks ent.

    saw her on celebrity rehab. thats quite a difficult job she had.

    I think she's gorgeous naturally and should lay off the lip and cheek fillers. but, maybe thats just me.

  30. Great read! Thanks Enty!!

  31. puggle, she's Brandi's BFF.

  32. Sorry Agent, I'm not following your comment. Who's been begging to meet whom?

  33. Sherry,enty begging to meet Jennifer for a burrito on twitter.

  34. Got it Agent. Thanks.

  35. this was awesome

  36. ok, seriously tl; clue who this jennifer person is, but how cute are you enty!

  37. I effing love her- she even tweeted me back when I tweeted her!

  38. I effing love her- she even tweeted me back when I tweeted her!

  39. YAY for old-school Enty! Loved this.

  40. I loved Jenn on Celebrity Rehab and thought for the most part, she cared more for the celebs than Dr. Drew. I knew when I saw her as one of Brandi's friends last year at Brandi's party, that I was going to like Brandi, because I felt Jenn was solid. I hope her movie career takes off, and that we see lots of her on RHofBH. Brandi's going to need all the support she can get against that butt-ugly ass-biter Faye Resnick.

  41. Anonymous5:02 PM

    anyone want to give a recap? and also explain who she is?

  42. Nice change from the usual Enty, she's a nice person too

  43. I really respected her on CR, and from her first appearance on the housewives she came across as a supportive, real friend to Brandi. Cool to read that she is as genuine as she seems, looking forward to more like this, Enty!


  45. Thank you Enty. Love you, love Jennifer, love Brandi. ANd it's nice to have a blog post that reminds me of CDaN of old.

  46. It's nice to have that gut feeling about her confirmed. She rang a dim bell on RHOBH but I never bothered to figure out where I knew her from. Nice to have the connections made.
    Have to say that her concern for Kim came across as genuine, not as manufactured for the camera. Addiction is really incomprehensible to people without it... And one person - even a stranger - can be the difference between sobriety and relapse.
    Love love love this post Enty!

  47. @New Life and Attitude - Steven Adler is still alive. He's worked with Slash a few times, and he's supposedly clean. I believe it simply because Slash has said in the past that he loves Steven, but he wouldn't work with him unless he was clean.
