Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lindsey Vonn & Tiger Woods Are Dating

Hey guess what? Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn are dating. Yeah, we couldn't guess that from his visits to see her and sending his jet to pick her up and their vacation on his yacht. To justify their salaries though, publicists for the couple confirmed the pair are dating. There is no word yet on when Gloria Allred will have her first press conference to bring forward women say Tiger is cheating with. You know it will happen. It is just a matter of time until Tiger slips. I love how at the same time they admit they are a couple there are official photos of the couple released too. Oh, with Nike logo front and center.


  1. Yeah, this'll end well.

  2. The new Nike dream team?!

  3. Enty "To justify their salaries" LOVED THAT!!! Nobody out there has offered that perspective.

  4. Why girl, why?? I don't get it.

  5. We'll be reading about her chasing him down with a ski pole, instead of a golf club, when he cheats. And he will cheat again, no doubt about it.

    1. She's still on those crutches. I see her wobbling around after him throwing one of those heehee

  6. I'm a Tiger fan from way back. Dude screwed the pooch bigtime with his marriage and from all we can tell he appears to have recognized he was wrong and moved on. He is playing great golf right now, which I think is a reflection of finding some peace and happiness in his personal life. Cut him a break - everyone talks about how sad it was that Michael Jackson's father was so demanding and pushed him but you have to remember Tiger's father had him on the Tonight Show when he was three. It isn't that different.

    FWIW I hope it does work out - they appear to be two damaged people (seriously, her life has been crazy too) who found each other and are trying to carve a little happiness out for themselves. And if it goes to shit you can all tease me endlessly about it.

    1. I'm loving this story.I thinking its funny that Vonn trashed Tiger for his infidelities when the scandal broke.Now he's fucking that broke legged heffa.
      Black dick does that to white women.

    2. Lucas, thanks for posting this. I wish more people would show a little compassion before posting. I personally think some posters take their personal experiences out on certain people. Because of you I think a few tempered their comments because of you. Just curious, just wow. You used to say some potent stuff, now, not so much.

  7. What was that blind recently about a celeb appearing on a cover that we wouldn't expect him/her on? Is this it?

    1. @Staple- this isn't a magazine cover though, just a press release. It would definitely be weird if they ran to People and gave an interview but nothing like that so far.

      I think the consensus is Shape magazine with Beyonce on the cover for that blind you're talking about.

  8. @Lucas - I don't know a ton about her life, what sort of crazy things happened to her?

  9. Lucas, you are right, of course. I guess I'll back off and give these two lovebirds a chance to find happiness together. Tiger's dad was a real piece of work - I'd forgotten about that.

    But I'll still give you a hard time if they end in disaster, ok :-)??

    1. @Frufra - deal. :)

    2. Von's dad was a drug dealer!!!
      That's how he was able to pay for Vonn's ski lessons. His wife left his ass when he went to prison.

    3. @Just curious - her father is an attorney with a large law firm.

    4. Is this her step father or bio?
      I could've sworn her father was busted for dope. He sent Vonn to an expensive ski academy and maintain an extravagant lifestyle for a minute.

      But if I'm wrong,my bad.

  10. Savannah Guthrie just called them a power couple. That phrase always cracks me up. POWER COUPLE!!!

  11. I just don't see the appeal. I know he's loaded, but I do not find him the slightest bit attractive. Maybe he's gifted in other areas...

  12. I just don't see the appeal. I know he's loaded, but I do not find him the slightest bit attractive. Maybe he's gifted in other areas...

  13. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Is this to improve his image as a one-woman man? Or is it to tarnish her image for being with a sleaze bag?

  14. @Jayjay - Typical child prodigy stuff. Lots of personal sacrifice but also her marriage to her ex-husband caused problems with her father, whom she was estranged from for year. There's a pretty good article about it here.

  15. I don't care as long as he keeps playing good golf. I have this strong desire to see someone beat Nicholas' and Snead's records, and he's the only one in this generation who has a shot at it.

  16. @Lucas - Thanks for the info! I would watch the Olympics, but I would only pay attention half of the time. It looks like I missed a lot of her back story, maybe you're right about two damaged people finding each other. Hope the best for them.

  17. @Topper - Right? Rory McIlroy doesn't seem to have the mental toughness to hold it together, even though he is a phenomenal player when his head's in the right place. But he's also young and probably won't start playing his best golf until he's closer to 30.

  18. She looks like Brooke Mueller.

  19. I like them together. Athletes always fit well with other athletes, because they can understand the lifestyle and training time. I figure they will both cheat on each other while on tour, which hopefully they have discussed and agree to.

  20. Oh, please. It's not love - it's marketing!

  21. I bet some serious fucking goes down when they get nekkid.

  22. just curious, it also gives you STDs. Check out the CDC statistics by race. There's a reason people say "Once you go black we don't want you back"...because you're diseased and ruined. But I understand your anger about black men and white women, if I was a black woman I'd be pretty pissed at being the race that nobody wants. I'll never understand how any white woman could allow a savage ape to touch them but whatever...there's a sucker born every minute.

  23. @Lotta, I guess it doesn't say it here, but I think I read somewhere else that they are on US this week.

  24. All I know is (short of a major religious conversion) once a cheater, always a cheater. I don't know enough about her history to comment on her, though.

  25. {Sits back with a bag of popcorn}

    1. I'm with Izzie. Where's Dragon so there can be some intentional comedy with this

  26. *climbs on to couch next to Izzie and grabs handful*

  27. Room on the couch for one more?

  28. Well - she knows what she's getting into, to be fair. All of America (and probably beyond, especially Sweden) knows what she's getting into. If you go in fully aware, you make your own grown up decisions. Much like Rhianna with . . . AHEM . . . Chris Brown.

    1. Hmm, what does Chris Brown have to do with this? This is what annoys people. I'm surprised you didn't include Michael Vick. I love how you choose to vilify him, why not include Arnold Schwarzenegger or Newt Gingrich?

  29. Anyone need a drink with their popcorn?

  30. She's a cute lady. That's all I got here. Good luck to em.

  31. You make his dick sound infected

  32. Tiger refuses to be defined by skin tone. Tiger coined the word "Cablinasian" to describe his own ethnicity. The word is a combination of the words caucasian, black, Indian (as in Native American) and Asian. Woods' family heritage includes all of those races and ethnicities.

    1. I'm all about the whole " it's not what you call me but its what I answer to" but at the same time Perception is stronger than reality.

      Tiger is black.

      When Martha Burke says that years ago,tiger would only get into the Augusta club as if he was part of servitude.

      Or when tiger's ex caddie,Steve Williams, said he wanted to shove it up his (tiger) black asshole.

      They're alluding to TIger's Blackness.

      Tiger is the first black golfer to win the Masters.
      His staunchest defenders are black not white or Asian.

      Go find some of those early NIke commercials were TIger looks into the camera and talks about not being able to play on certain golf courses.

      Whitefolks treated Tiger like he was black when his infidelities were exposed as opposed to Letterman.
      Tiger is just as black as Obama.

  33. Anyone want some parmesan cheese & chili powder for their popcorn?

  34. She knows what she's getting into! And I don't doubt for a second he'll cheat on her. He can't help himself.

  35. How about we see him not as black, or as white, or as Cablinasian. How about we see him for his character traits -- the most prominent being his inability to stay faithful in a relationship?

    1. Whitefolks aren't colorblind when black folks piss them off.

    2. As long as people keep framing things in terms of race, racial stereotyping will continue to exist. It self-perpetuates. Get past it and judge no one for the color of their skin, but for the content of their character.

    3. Seachica, love that reference.

    4. Seachica, would love to if the red meat enty tosses out was equal. Check the verbage on certain postings: Josh Brolin/Matthew Fox/Lane Garrison compared to Chris Brown. Lil Wayne compared to Brett Michaels/various rockers who make babies w/o being married. Behavior of minorities if scrutinized while others behavior is justified & explained.

  36. Swirls, mydear. Get used to the 21st century. Self identity based on skin tone has changed for the better. The common color is green. Or gold, if you invested wisely.

  37. Also, that whole Burke...boycotting the Augustus issue was bullshit. Nothing but a bunch of Rich white women with too much time on their hands.

  38. Ha! I read that as "Calrissian" and imagined him walking around in Cloud City while looking really good in a cape.

  39. Haha@Zeeky!

    I'll take parmesan, chili powder, and a vodka martini with olive, no onion over here! Hey, it's lunchtime somewhere! :)

  40. I just notice LIndsey has a wide face . Prolly the reason why she keeps her hair long. Nice canvas for Tiger to spill his seed on;-)

  41. Anonymous11:50 AM

    what a cute couple, said noone

  42. And like millions of Americans, Vonn can't help poking fun at Woods' staged event. When a member of her Vonn-tourage tells her that Woods gave a few friends hugs after ending his statement, she cracks, "They're like, 'Yeah, you're awesome, you go have that sex.' " The room breaks into a laugh. Then she describes a skit she would want to perform if asked to host Saturday Night Live: picture Vonn at Woods' podium, blue backdrop and all. "There's something you don't know about me," Vonn says in a faux solemn, apologetic voice. "Tiger, you're like my idol, and I too have a sex problem." More laughter. "That would be freaking funny."

  43. The above was from Time.com on Feb. 19, 2010... Turned that white girl out.
    Emmitt Till is looking down smiling.

  44. No sympathy for her when he cheats on her and her heart gets broken. The entire world knows what a player Tiger is...and this chick is walking into it with her eyes wide open.

  45. I just pulled some brownies out of the oven to go w/the popcorn...is there another couch we can haul over?

  46. Fuck it, I'm having a Wisers with that popcorn. Fam can make their own damn dinner.

  47. I think the numbers that shall not be named took his/her bigoted ass on home after dropping that bullshit on us. It was way less entertaining than I'd expected

  48. @Nothanks, right? It was like watching the seal waiting for the Lilo trial to start.... ah, well, good company!

  49. @Robin-I would love a brownie. @Nothanks-Right? I think they're the same person. Cancels each other out.

  50. Lol it probably is. All those strippers n corner girls.

  51. (Pushes everyone over to get the corner seat) I brought the wine and cheese & crackers!

  52. He's a piece of shit

  53. I will say this, get over it. I'm going to FINALLY get this off my chest. I think Elin knew he was cheating, a mate knows. He is the first to become a billion dollar athlete, who considered known womanizers like Derek Jeter & Michael Jordan. Golfers are like any other professional athlete, they have groupies. Elin knew what she was getting herself into, she was a former model turned nanny for another professional golfer.Does anyone not remember John Daly? I feel bad for what she went through, but she pulled some Debbie Reynolds stuff when she went for publicity at the height of the scandal (pumping gas & grocery shopping while out with kids). It's been 3 years, let it go. People love Mick Jagger, & he's done far worse.

  54. A match made in heaven so it's all good. The million dollar question now is "which one will cheat first"? My guess is on her and if people knew her past and the reason behind her divorce, you would side on that too.

  55. Hoes in Love. Coming soon to a tabloid near you.

  56. offtopic: I have a a question for our residet troll here at CDAN 888. I thought the nazi salute was 88 (heil hitler). Im I wrong or is there are meaning to the 3rd 8?

  57. @correy agree with you. she played it out smartly and got a ton of money. I also think she must have known and accepted it.

  58. @rexruther lol!
