Monday, March 18, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Is Flying Private

Somehow Lindsay Lohan convinced someone to let her use a private jet to fly from New York to Los Angeles. The person must know they will never see any money for the use of the plane, so I hope we discover who the owner of the plane is and then see how many times Lindsay has to be with them to make up for the cost. On Saturday, L:indsay was supposed to fly to LA and didn't. She wanted to party instead. Yesterday she was supposed to leave at 6p New York time, but blew that off for the last possible flight. She made that flight, but then got off because apparently the plane was leaking fuel. It did make it to LA. So, Lindsay found someone to loan her a private plane and is scheduled to arrive around 730am, LA time which is an hour before her hearing is set. Lindsay is flying on the private jet with two people, but not her mom. Earlier she had planned on flying solo, but since someone is paying for the private jet decided to bring people with her so they could party.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please tell me she will be led away in cuffs today! Any chance of that?

  3. No I'm not praying for a plane crash, with four surviors none of which are named Lohan(cant forget the pilot and co pilot)...(fingers and toes crossed)

  4. Is it easier for her to carry her "stuff" on a private plane rather than a regular plane?

  5. TMZ says she's flying with Gavin, the ex-assistant who is a big witness in the case against her.

    He'll change his story now and the charges will be dropped or something like that.


  6. Damnitalltohell!! I forgot to stock up on popcorn and Raisinets!!

  7. Such a drama queen. Her plane is landing an hour before she's due in court? Does she even have an attorney (besides Heller)?

  8. Really, though...scheduled to land an hour before she is set to appear in court...that speaks volumes about how she regards the whole thing, doesn't it? Anyone who travels knows delays happen all the the airports, on the road. What a twunt!

  9. I just don't understand men. Why on earth would you want to sleep with a woman, even if she is famous, knowing how many other men she's been with and knowing the rumors of STDs. Is the penis that stupid? If you want to pay for a woman, there are plenty of much more attractive women available for hire who also make sure they don't carry STDs. This just baffles me. Can some of you guys out there explain this to me?

    1. SusanB - Not a guy but yes, pretty sure the penis is that stupid.

    2. @SusanB and Math - not all the penises are that stupid, fwiw.

  10. SusanB...I'm not a guy, nor have I ever played-for-pay, but I would assume, if the rumors are remotely true, that Lindsay is probably willing to do...things...others aren't willing to do. Also, as shady as it is, her *celebrity factor* probably has something to do with it. Ick. I need to take another bath.

  11. Came to say what Jamie2 said - Drama Queen.

  12. I think anyone into whatever passes for conventional sex is not the person or persons paying her bills. Keep remembering the shackle rings on her wrists. Probably using farm animals.

  13. She tweeted "Thanks Mr. Pink for the private jet" a little while ago. She'll just have to give the owners a few bj's and tweet about Mr. Pink a few more times to pay them back.
    No big deal in her world.

  14. She'll have that gross look when she shows up to court. The kind of look that says "I've been up all night, but I put makeup on so you can't tell, right?"

  15. How does this trick do it....I wouldn't loan her my roller skates...

    1. I spit out my coffee reading this. Hilarious. +5 infinity

  16. This just in plane crash in Indy...could it be...

  17. Has the identity of Mr. Pink been made? A character in the movie Tarantino's Bastards, not related to Quentin, but if you were into word games... Where is Quentin Tarantino these days? Really makes my skin crawl.

    1. @Lisa Mr Pink = what someone here dubbed the "Arab Milkshake Man" (props to whoever invented the nickname!!)

  18. Susan B, I wonder the same thing, wouldn't it be like sticking the penis in an oozing sewer. I imagine something the consistency of corn syrup but a yellowish brown just dripping out (sorry for the imagery, but I do! ;-P), so how could any guy want to slide it in there?

    And I'm apparently terribly lacking in imagination, but I'll admit that I can't even come up with ideas about what it is she's "willing to do" that would make the brownish yellow corn syrupy ooze worth braving.

    1. Cheesy Vaginal Discharge

    2. Gross...still funny. I was eating an omlette!! :p

  19. Anonymous6:53 AM

    No mr pink is from reservior dogs. Steve Buscemi. He is a new yorker

  20. Mr. Pink who loaned her the use of a jet is an energy drink

  21. @Sunny @Lola Team Goop Unite!

  22. I'm with collen, I bet a zillion bucks that Gavin is going to change his story and she will get out scot free.

  23. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Steve has been with his wife for 28 years and at 54 she looks hella better than lohan. Quinten probably has better taste..and I bet lohans feet are skanky and dirty

  24. Figgy you've ruined this and the next 30 breakfasts...I hope you're happy:/

  25. Maybe she will turn up in court loaded. (Please, please, please) and they will toss her in jail just for being stupid.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Replies
    1. @Colleen- omg she's such a fuck up. Watch her try to have them land the damn thing on top of the courthouse. I wouldn't put that past her spoiled behavior.

    2. Thanks for linking, Colleen
      That self-centered idiot makes my head hurt. So was this stunt basically publicity for Mr Punk energy drink to the tune of 50 grand (the cost of the private jet)? I've got my fingers curled into forehead flickin position...I may have to meet that fool at Van Nuys myself

    3. Oops Mr Pink. Imma phone typin

    4. @Lotta - LOL! I was thinking the EXACT same thing!! Knowing her she'll probably ask them to do that!!

  28. Wow...look at her face. She looks like a 40 yr old woman. My 45 yr old co-worker looks better than Lindsay. How can she not look at her face in the mirror and in pics and not look like cr@p.

    This girl is such a F-up. She needs jail time, if only to get her act together and to reflect on a clear mind...not a drugged out one.

    Also...she needs a facial.

  29. @figgy - thank you for that mental image. I can't unsee that!

  30. @LottaColada - hahahaha now that's ALL I can imagine.

  31. Do you think her assistant is willing to go to jail over her? Because I think they had either 20 or 30 other witnesses who saw her driving, so if he says it was him, he's going down for perjury.

  32. The conspiracy theorist in me wanted Mr. Pink to be owned by that Millions of Milkshakes dude who is BFF's with the Kartrashians, but it looks like it's owned by a Chinese billionaire? Anyone have the scoop on Mr. Pink? La Google tells me that Mr. Pink paid MJ's kids a cool million to promote their drinks at a red carpet last year.

  33. Thanks for the link, Colleen. To the readers in LA, stay off her route to the courthouse - lord knows what kind of driving she's going to do trying to get there in time. I'm praying to the gossip gods that she realizes halfway through that she's already late, and she goes on an OJ-style race for freedom.

    Hey, Libby, can't you just picture her in the car racing to get to court, shouting out "I'M LINDSAY LOHAN - MOVE THIS TRAFFIC!"

    1. That would be hilarious if she goes on an OJ-style car chase! ;-)

  34. I agree with Meanie, she clearly does not take this seriously at all.

    This whole situation is a total shit!show!

  35. Hey! I came a bit late to the LiLo party today. But so did LiLo!!

  36. She is flying with a witness for the prosecution?! Won't that get this guy thrown into jail for contempt of court or something? And her for tampering with a witness?

  37. I'm trying to go on TMZ but, it's down!! What's the latest?

  38. Diana - TMZ isn't updated yet, but I'm sure within a few minutes, they'll have their live feed up.

  39. Is this going to be the thread for Lohan watch, or will Enty be creating a new one?

  40. (Since I'm a lame duck at work this week, I plan to watch it as much as possible)

  41. TMZ says she's been diverted to land at LAX, which is closer to the courthouse and may help her make it on time. Live feed is here:

    Linday's Trial Begins...

  42. Hahahaha, officially late!

  43. 50k is the cost of a private jet for that route. tmz.

  44. She could've avoided all this drama by taking one of the three damn flights she was supposed to be on, starting on Saturday night. I have a conspiracy theory that she got off the other plane to ensure she'd be on the private jet with the assistant in order to bribe him to change his story.

    Damn it, I was going to go to the gym at lunchtime today, but now I feel compelled to stay at my desk and watch the live feed with you fine people.

  45. Such flagrant disregard shows she STILL doesn't take this seriously. A mockery of all the laws in this country.

  46. Damn, I sleep in & miss everything!

    Ew at first I thought Mr. Pink was a euphemism.

    @Reese-I see the what you're doing. Trying to get someone to say it....

    1. @ethorne - should we wait and see how long everyone will be able to resist mentioning it??

    2. @ethorne Good morning! The irony is not lost on us that the girl who loves ass to ass got a ride from Mr Pink :)

    3. @Frufra-I was shocked at everyone's restraint.

      @VIP-Mornin! We can always count on you!

  47. Ahem! I was trying to be delicate...but Figgy blew delicacy all the way to hell and gone. LOL

  48. Am awaiting her arrival via TMZ 'live' stream...

  49. Okay, someone let me in on the ass-to-ass joke! I'm a loooong time lurker, but got so busy at work in Jan-Feb, that I missed out on a lot of reading the comments. I'm at work, so if it's similar to a Lemon Party, I can't Google it.

  50. Patience is a virtue. And a necessity any time LiLo has a court appearance

  51. so, what happens if she doesn't show? contempt of court? bench warrant issued?

  52. Colleen, google it when you get home. It's not something that can be described in a work environment.

  53. Colleen, it involves a double ended sex toy. I'll let you divine the rest from there.

  54. Seachica, thanks. The only thing I can think of is Requiem for a Dream. Is it related to that?

    1. Yes @Colleen- I believe that's where it originated.

  55. Discoflux - OH. Yup. Thanks!

  56. @ Colleen - maybe google the movie Requiem for a Dream (is that the right title, y'all?). Apparently ass to ass is depicted there - two girls, one dildo, two bungholes. Perhaps as delicately as I can phrase it. It's a running joke here, started by libby, I think. The girls in Requiem for a Dream did ass to ass for drug money - their low point, I think. We're all sure it's in the ballpark of what Lilo's CV consists of these days.

  57. Does anyone know if they allow TV cameras in the courtroom?

  58. Hohan is officially 21 minutes late!

  59. hahaha thanks everyone. I think ass to ass is a pretty spot on way to describe LiLo & White Oprah.

  60. TMZ says Heller drive away in his Hummer, what gives???

  61. Oh, PLEASE let the judge have canceled the proceedings and issued a warrant for her arrest!!!

  62. I propose we all change our avi's to one of Lohan's best! Here's mine.

  63. Oh and Michael Lohan is in the house! Press conference after court?? I say yes.

  64. 25 minutes late! How long will the judge decide to wait before issuing the warrant?

  65. She's 25 mins late. I wish we could see the interior of the courthouse, where the judge must be fuming.

  66. Also, I'm glad I didn't read figgy's comment while I was eating.

  67. LOL! I thought the caption read LiLo is a Flying Pirate!!!

    With that pic, why not? HeHe!!

  68. I mean here it is.

  69. Wonder if Xander Doyle is at the courthouse?!?! I sure hope so!

  70. @curly- haha I forgot about that! I hope he took a huge banner

  71. 30 minutes late and counting....

  72. As you wish, Sugar.

  73. 31 minutes late and counting. Did I hear, "Lindsay? In a helicopter?"

  74. 31 minutes late. A helicopter is circling overhead -- they're speculating it may be LiHo.

  75. the judge has go to do somthing this time. otherwise its all a joke.

  76. 30 minutes late? Damn, if that was you and me, we'd be having a bench warrant out on our asses.

    Btw, my friend is going out for popcorn and Raisinets. I'll be set to go in 15 minutes! :D

  77. Time to setup that Kickstarter account to fund her prison stay. We can't let the state of California plead poverty as an excuse for letting her walk. Don't worry Cal, we got this one.

  78. 33 Minutes late. This is starting off better than I hoped for.

  79. OFFS! A helicopter?! This trick is unfreakingbelievable if that's true.

  80. I guess it's ixnay on the helicopter. Black SUV driving up now.

  81. I heart you guys...

  82. Did she have time to change???

  83. If it was her in the helicopter, then Lotta wins for most awesome joke prediction of the day.

  84. @Colleen lol I wish, i think she is in a black SUV

  85. 40 minutes late. Still no sign of her.

  86. Omg all the Lilo Avis are Freaking Me Out Man!

  87. LOL I love that we all went a completely different route with our fave LiLo pics

    1. The cactus holds a special place in my heart.

  88. @LottaColada I love your avatar! "Chucky with Boobs"

  89. @Charley- the massive boobs era was my favorite.

    We are nearing the 45 min mark

  90. Introducing my LiLo avatar. I miss the red hair.

    43 mins and counting...

  91. emeyekay..lilo avi..

  92. @Mooshki's new avi is my fav!

    I'm not gonna change mine - just squint and pretend it's her.

  93. 48 mins. I think she's here- in an Escalade.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. 48 minutes and here she is!!!

  96. Well, look who showed up

  97. She's here!! 48mins 23 seconds late. White dress, Oversized shades. -That's all for now-

  98. @Agent - I forgot about that one! I'll change mine ASAP

    Is LL wearing something strapless?!

  99. 48 minutes late, and she is here. wearing virginal white. Hahahahaha

    And are those white jeans, or light blue jeans? Or pants that look like jeans? Not exactly appropriate for court.

  100. omg, i'm enjoying this a lttle to much

  101. @seachica- I prefer angelic white

  102. 48 min late and she is wearing white, still not in the court house yet, what will happen??? I have to shower soon, boo!

  103. It was hard to see the whole outfit, but was white.

  104. But more importantly, was the bodyguard hot or not? I couldn't tell. . . .

  105. "As Lindsay walked into the courthouse, someone threw what appeared to be yellow powder at her."

    I totally missed that!

  106. TMZ says someone may have thrown yellow powder at her on the way in? Feed was blurry for me, did anyone catch that?

  107. Usually LiHo dresses conservatively for her court appearances. Apparently her new "lawyer" isn't even smart enough to tell her to dress to help her court case.

  108. "As Lindsay walked into the courthouse, someone threw what appeared to be yellow powder at her."

    What the hell was that? Did she hire someone to try to get the courthouse shut down for an anthrax scare? With her in all white, it looked like a damned wedding!

  109. Omg EmEyeKay Omg! You win!

  110. I NEED to see what goes on inside! Someone on the feed said it was gold flakes.

  111. gold. someone threw gold powder/flakes at her. looks like the stuff i put on the st pat's cookies. can be eaten.

  112. Eek! That's horrifying! Poor Liz is spinning around yet again!

  113. I thought someone shook a Coke (hee hee) can and sprayed it, but nobody even flinched. Huh

    Em - she's baaaack!! I still adore that avi

  114. emeyekay, thank you !!!!!

  115. So now just a pic of the seal of CA courthouse wall. Maybe no coverage in the room? That would be a bummer for ALL OF US!

  116. Yellow powder? That's not the color powder she's used to seeing.

  117. I can't believe I am RIVETED by this, crap this morning is going to be complete waste!

  118. Gold glitter for luck I guess.

  119. They're going to have live coverage inside, they just may have to wait for the judge's okay?

  120. @Opie - they show the seal until the trial actually starts. That's at least how it worked last time. Right now she is being processed (security and such), and conferring with her lawyer. We'll get live coverage soon.

  121. TMZ's heading leads me to believe that there will be coverage inside "The Trial Begins... [LIVE}"... I can't believe I'm putting so much time towards this. But hey, I'm entertained and enjoying everybody's company.

  122. Even more reason to dislike her - she just wasted 48 minutes of MY time!

  123. ha, my excuse for watching is that I am doing our taxes. Diversion and a Serendipity cold hot chocolate are required.

  124. Just saw on TMZ a picture of the glitter thrown at her. Those pants look like they're sheer from the groin down. Maybe it's just the lighting.

  125. I really hope it was our very own @Xander Doyle who showered her with glitter

  126. FWIW, my fave Lilo pic is the one of her tripping on the set of Liz and Dick. I'm not sure I know how to make an avi pic, so I just wanted to get that out there. The look on her face in that one is solid gold. Plus, she's wearing a funny hat.

    1. This one: (scroll down a bit for greatness)

  127. Thank you all *takes bow*

    for the record, I didn't create it, I found it online around the time she signed up to do Liz & Dick and everyone was freaking out about it.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. LAX is worse than Van Nuys IMO because it's such a beast.

    I went to the Mr Pinks Drinks website and sent them a message that I wouldn't buy their drinks while they continued their association with her (not that I would anyway but they don't need to know that).

    Free FSP's willy!

  130. lotta,me too! We may need to Free Xander.

  131. Am I irrationally excited about this? Probably.

  132. @Frufra, I like that one, too!

  133. It looks like her outfit is sheer both on the top and bottom. Quite the courtroom ensemble.

  134. Holy crap, this thread blew up! Time to catch up!

  135. Re: the TMZ picture of her with the glitter - anyone notice the little smirk on her face?


  137. It is sheer top and bottom, interesting choice.

  138. Yep Colleen I noticed the smirk, she loves it all!

  139. @ Frufra - I want the next photo in which she's prone and eating concrete.

  140. Grrr, I can't get it to load. Saw a pic though & she looks like my Gram wearing her Easter finest.

  141. LOL @Amber.

    We're all a little too excited :)

  142. TMZ has put up a video of the glitter incident but you can't really see who did it! He or She was wearing dark green, @Xander was that you?

  143. @ Mango - I"m not too proud to admit I've looked at the series from that shot, and I think she managed to remain upright, believe it or not. Sister is a survivor, like Keith Richards or a cockroach.

  144. What is up with that smirk? Did she get someone to toss glitter?

  145. Gahhh I'm running out of snacks! Start the trial already!

  146. It was actually glitter. Ke$ha, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  147. @ Frufa - Dang! I ask for so little in life. Can't I at least have that??

    I showed my b/f some photos of Lilo (he's not a gossip whore) and he said, "What happened to her?!?" lol. He didn't believe me when I said she was only 26.

  148. @LottaColada, thanks for telling us this thread was still going!

    I can't watch the trial at work, so I have to rely on all my friendly CDANers for the blow-by-blow account.

    Lindsay wishes there was blow, anyhow.

  149. Frufra, I made an avatar-sized cutout of that picture for you. Just click on your own name to get to your profile, and in the top right corner is a button to click to edit it and add the pic.

  150. Anonymous9:51 AM

    her ass needs to be locked the fuck up!

  151. Someone ask the judge to hold up for a minute while I get a cup of coffee. Thanks!

  152. Gah, that's an ugly outfit. Definitely *not* appropriate for court.

    If she stayed on her commercial flight, she would have had plenty of time to change into something better. I'm guessing Mr. Pink had this outfit on the private jet for *cough* entertaining. After all, LiHo left her luggage on the commercial flight.

  153. CHEESE AND RICE what is taking sooo long?!

  154. So her Dad is there along with the lawyers he wants to represent her?

  155. Starting to think that the revolution will NOT be televised :(

  156. In case you haven't refreshed...

    "9:50 AM PT -- How many sheriff's deputies does it take for Lindsay Lohan to go pee? Six ... at least that's how many just escorted her to the bathroom."

  157. Snert. From Gawker:

    Commenter 1:
    The owner just got the jet back. Turns out she cut off the wings.
    Commenter 2:
    They're already on Craigslist, listed by someone named "Dina".

  158. SIX people to pee?! They're not messing around.

  159. I think I'm going to celebrate with Lindsay Lohan shots! Who's with me! (Redheaded Slut + splash of Coke )

  160. Radar: 9:35 a.m. PT: The District Attorney and Lindsay’s attorney Mark Heller are now in Judge Dabney’s chambers. Lindsay is sitting at the counsel table, and her eyes are red. Prosecutor Terry White look ‘livid.’

  161. They should order a breathalyzer, just for shits 'n' giggles.

  162. @KPeony- ill drink to that!

  163. Maybe the deputies just wanted to get their pictures taken?

    Jet ride be damned, I hope Gavin sells her down the river.


  164. Camera moved again! Or there was a mini-quake.

  165. Should we make bets on the outcome?

  166. Thanks guys for the updates jealous I can't watch the feed with you, but this has been awesome start to my Monday. All your pics are amazing.

  167. It's the judge that I want looking livid. I hope his book throwing arm is in great shape today.

  168. Who believes she actually went to the bathroom just to "pee?"

  169. @Onyx- your avi looks like Lilo is getting pumped from behind by that guy, I love it!

  170. I just want to thank everybody for NOT using the Lindsay Lohan gondola hooha shot for their new avi.

    (secretly wishing someone WOULD use the gondola hooha shot so we have yet another reason to laugh at her)

  171. Head on to at least there is SOME activity there (mumbling and coughing), rather than the still image at TMZ. People in the room were just reminded to turn off all cell phones. --I'm getting bored.

  172. What's the sitch? I'm bored. Geez, does she really have to take an ass to ass break mid-trial?! Get it together, girl!
