Monday, March 18, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Is Flying Private

Somehow Lindsay Lohan convinced someone to let her use a private jet to fly from New York to Los Angeles. The person must know they will never see any money for the use of the plane, so I hope we discover who the owner of the plane is and then see how many times Lindsay has to be with them to make up for the cost. On Saturday, L:indsay was supposed to fly to LA and didn't. She wanted to party instead. Yesterday she was supposed to leave at 6p New York time, but blew that off for the last possible flight. She made that flight, but then got off because apparently the plane was leaking fuel. It did make it to LA. So, Lindsay found someone to loan her a private plane and is scheduled to arrive around 730am, LA time which is an hour before her hearing is set. Lindsay is flying on the private jet with two people, but not her mom. Earlier she had planned on flying solo, but since someone is paying for the private jet decided to bring people with her so they could party.


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Laura said...

And where is Dina?

sifichick said...

All the after stuff is pretty entertaining. Especially Michael telling Heller to stop trying to make money & a name for himself. In Michael's world only he & Dina are allowed to do that.

Mango said...

If I smoked, I'd go have a cigarette now.

EmEyeKay said...

Thanks all, that was fun!

Still wish I'd have gotten to see her in handcuffs though. *sigh* There's still time...

Agent**It said...

I am curious , does she get to choose which facility and do the taxpayers have to pay ?

EmEyeKay said...

@Agent, I'm sure she has to pay for it herself. Otherwise, she wouldn't get to choose.

Anonymous said...

the bitch aint going to make it 18 months probation. Lets be real

EmEyeKay said...

TMZ has good video of her getting pissed at Heller.

Jamie2 said...

I guess this won't be a popular opinion here, but I felt a tiny bit sorry for her when I saw her in court. Also, I thought she looked a lot better than she has in a while; maybe she's been cutting back on the substances. She actually looked like a 26-y-o.

Look, she's an addict and terrified of 90 days without her "treats," not to mention the whole withdrawal process. 90 days is a good sentence. She'll be well over the withdrawal and will have time to notice that she looks a lot better and younger when she's clean.

I'm glad she's getting psychotherapy. I just wish there had been a condition that she couldn't have family visits when she was in lock-down. 3 months away from everything toxic would be good for this woman.

Meanie Rhysie said...

@Jamie2. I totally agree with you. I think she's probably terrified at the thought of being in any facility w/o her drugs/alcohol. I said earlier that I hope she gets something from this, but I'm not holding my breath.

Btw, I'm a recovered drug addict saying this.

Colleen said...

I got up from my desk for a second while Irish Guy was talking to Rose and missed Heller's conference/Michael yelling at him. Boo!

Jamie2 said...

@Amber, EmEyeKay:

Apparently the prisoner pays for at least some of it. (Most people couldn't possibly afford even 30 days in rehab). I'll bet the state pays most of it and has great negotiating power with the rehabs. It still winds up cheaper for the state than sending them to prison.

In LiLo's case, I'm sure she'll select a luxury rehab and pay for it herself. As long as it's lock-down, who cares?

KS said...

For anyone who is curious, Lindsay offenses:

May 2007 - arrested for DUI
July 2007 - arrested for DUI 10 days after leaving rehab. This was the coke in the pocket of the jeans arrest too.
November 2007 convicted and sentenced to 1 day in jail, 10 days community service and 3 years probation. Serves 84 minutes in jail
January 2008 - steals $11K fur coat from woman at a club.
June 2009 - steals $400K worth of jewels from Elle shoot.
May 2010 - arrest warrant issued because Lindsay was partying in Cannes and did not appear at court.
June 2010 - SCRAM device goes off and issued warrant for her arrest.
July 2010 - Sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab. Serves two weeks.
August 2010 - Leaves rehab after 23 days.
September 2010 - Fails drug test
October 2010 - Ordered to spend 90 days in rehab.
February 2011 - Steals necklace from jewelry store. Sentenced to 120 days in jail; 360 hours of community service and 120 hours of morgue duty. Served jail time as house arrest during which time she failed alcohol test.
October 2011 - sentenced to jail unless she did 16 hours of community service immediately.
November 2011 - Sentenced to 30 days in county jail. Serves less than 2 days.

Sherry said...

Let's see if this time helps. Here's a compilation of her past sentences and rehabs:

She's spent 250 days in five rehab facilities since January 2007, including one long court-ordered stint after a failed drug test.

The actress has appeared in court at least 20 times before four Los Angeles judges who have now found her in violation of probation six times and sentenced her to a total of nine months in jail.

Lohan has spent about two weeks behind bars in six trips to the Los Angeles County jail, served 35 days under house arrest and worked about 67 days of community service at the county morgue.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

I said that I would and I did ya-ll!
I represented out there today! And no I did not do the glitter bombing...

But here's the view from the courthouse doors out to the waiting limo.
Respresenting for my peeps.
Hanging with the professionals.

I had my toddler with me (who was having a blast smiling and waving at all the camera guys) - so I didn't push forward to the front.
But, there might be some news reports we can catch glimpses, as we were right by Entertainment Tonight, Access, ABC, and FOX for those segments.

Either way - we did it!

Jamie2 said...

@Amber: "It'll be interesting to see what her face looks like when she has no access to Botox in detox."

She's mid-20s. She doesn't need Botox. The procedures she's had (mainly cheek and lip fillers and cheek implants) made her look older, not younger.

It will be interesting to see what her face looks like after 90 days clean & sober. Much better, is my guess.

Jamie2 said...

@Mikey: I wish there was a way to condense that into 140 characters and sent it to @lindsaylohan.

Sunny said...

Xander - NO WAY!!!!!! You are definitely a man of his word!!!! Do you have any additional comments about her ridiculous outfit, etc?

Mama June said...

@Xander, omg you are the best! Good job today! :) my day has been made.

Agent**It said...

Xander, love it ! We had guessed that you threw the glitter and might need to be bailed out. Love the shirt !

Mango said...

@ Xander - it looks as if your wee one is averting her face just like a real stah!

Oh, love the t-shirt! ;)

Laura said...

That is amazing @Xander!! Give us some fun scoop on the street!

Xander Simon Dyle said...

Hi Everyone!
You were all there with me in my heart. Next time LA CDaNers know that I really do follow up on things, so more can join me!

I am back home with a very tired little one on my lap, so will type more later thisafternoon.
It was a madhouse at times. I personally think she looks rough. Lots of reporters out there are way older than her, but looked way younger.

I saw and heard on the guard's radio when they called up 3 extra guards from downstairs for her potty break. They rolled their eyes.

Let me know if there are any more man (and daughter) on the street questions or experiences I had there, and I will answer as best I can.

Seachica said...

I sat through several hours of waiting. Walked away for lunch -- missed the plea deal going down. Walked away again for a meeting -- missed the press conference. Grrr.

Seachica said...

Thanks for representing, Xander!

LottaColada said...

@Xander, were you there for the press conference?

ethorne said...

@Xander-high five! I wanna know what she smelled like the most: vodka, Mentos, spray tan, stale poon, or desperation?

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

@xander you are amazing and I just saw those shirts online the other day lol!

Is there a clip of Michael yelling at Heller because I can't find it :/

smash said...

Xander your a champ!

mooshki said...

Awesome, Xander!

EGB said...

I just had the time to read through this entire thread and this is why I love you guys so much! The Avis, the play by play, the glitter! Xander! Thanks to all who participated, it was hysterical!

delete account said...

436 comments? Damn!
Enty needs to start a new blog called "Crazy Lies, Crazy Hoes" and devote it solely to Lilo!!

mooshki said...

That useless piece of shit was driving drunk when she crashed the porsche.

mooshki said...

Not that we didn't already know that, but why the hell wasn't she arrested for drunk driving?

kelgela2 said...

Oh my God. I missed it. I was on my chromebook the whole time I was in class waiting for this ho. I go home, forget about her and take a nice long nap and I come back and shit gets real...

Xander...if you ask your daughter how old Lilo is, what would she say?

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Should we start placing bets that the glitterbomber ends up with more jailtime than Lindsay?

Xander, fantastic work! I don't have any specific questions, but can't wait to read anything you might have to add!

kelgela2 said...

BTW Is there a site where I can watch the WHOLE thing? TMZ only has bits and pieces.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

LOL! I will say that the paps were actually super cool and respectful all around...
I actually have met and run into a few of them before in my work, so they were super looking out for my daughter, and making sure we were in a good spot and safe.

(Side note - PS to everyone, those of you who know me know that I've taken most of my location jobs out of the loop for the moment that I have this wonderful child that I can spend time with at home during the day. But she is still used to going on "location with daddy", since she was a tiny one! So, it's kind of just a normal fun adventure with daddy for her).

I will have more info if people check back - but in general, Lindsay just looked tired, and worn out. Physically and emotionally.
She wasn't like a person who knew they were going to court, so took a shower, went to bed early, had a good night sleep type of look.
I'm telling you that all the "reporters" there (especially the female reporters) looked amazing in comparison, and looked like they knew they were showing up to report, so took showers, slept all night, etc. There was just such a drastic compare/contrast in person.

Her one lawyer, I SCHWEAR, looked about the same size as my toddler - and like I could have picked him up in one hand and carried him around just like my daughter! It was unbelievable to me. I'm used to actors being shorter/thinner than they look on TV - but this one was seriously like a hobbit.

I know that the "glitter bomb" was from some girls who seemed to be about Lindsay's age - and they looked to be kind of actress/model/club girls.
So, I think that was meant as a "funny compliment" thing to her.

That's my post for now, gotta go.

Colleen said...

Thank you so much for the on-the-scene info, Xander!

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