Monday, March 18, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Is Flying Private

Somehow Lindsay Lohan convinced someone to let her use a private jet to fly from New York to Los Angeles. The person must know they will never see any money for the use of the plane, so I hope we discover who the owner of the plane is and then see how many times Lindsay has to be with them to make up for the cost. On Saturday, L:indsay was supposed to fly to LA and didn't. She wanted to party instead. Yesterday she was supposed to leave at 6p New York time, but blew that off for the last possible flight. She made that flight, but then got off because apparently the plane was leaking fuel. It did make it to LA. So, Lindsay found someone to loan her a private plane and is scheduled to arrive around 730am, LA time which is an hour before her hearing is set. Lindsay is flying on the private jet with two people, but not her mom. Earlier she had planned on flying solo, but since someone is paying for the private jet decided to bring people with her so they could party.


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Mango said...

I wish they'd get on with it. I don't have all day for the judge to give her a slap on the wrist.

Agent**It said...

If you are bored, Enty did a fun post:

kelgela2 said...

Ugh. Damn this internet at college.
I'm gonna miss it. Im gonna have to read through all these comments for the live feed.

Frufra said...

Mooshki, you are beyond sweet - thank you! I am trying to install it, but, first world problem here, I'm on my iPad, as my house is being painted today and my office and desktop computer are tarped right now. I'll use it ASAP, I swear.

mynerva said...

In my best Monty Python Impression.....


Seachica said...

Anyone have an idea of what is going on? This much of a delay makes me suspect plea deal...

Izzie said...

Was that Lilo just now whispering (on the Radar link)? Sounded husky and tired.

Colleen said...

I'm also thinking plea deal, which would make me sad.

Izzie said...

Radar link courtesy of @Charlie - random sounds in the courtroom instead of staring at the shield. Also in flash, sorry fellow iPadders. :/

Meanie Rhysie said...

I would think getting ass-to-assed would make one tired. ;)

Agent**It said...

"Paul Wallin, a partner at Wallin & Klarich, said Lohan's attorney, Mark Heller, has asked one of the firm's attorneys, David Wohl, to help represent the actress at trial March 18." LA Times, maybe new attorneys are trying for a postponement? Is that even possible?

KPeony said...

I see a box of tissues on the Radar feed! Hopefully we'll get to see her cry her eyes out

Frufra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said...

@Agent - I hope not. The judge already gave her the option to find competent representation, and she declined.

Sugar said...

Come on already! TMZ got nothing yet! I'm very close to not caring anymore.

LottaColada said...

in other news TMZ added a story that Lindsey Vonn & Tiger Woods have confirmed they are together.

Amber said...

She is starting to cut into my lunch. I'm starving.

Pink Picklegoo said...

I'm just tuning in, nice to see I didn't miss much and I'm loving all the updated Avis!

LottaColada said...

@Sugar- I think I'm already there, damn you Blohan! Damn you to hell

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Radar says Lindsay's eyes look red. Don't they ALWAYS look red? I assume semen stings?

Mango said...

@ Lotta - Lindsey Vonn must live in a cave and not watch/read the news. Does she not know what a piece of work Tiger is?? I get the bimbos looking for the main chance trying to latch on to him, but she's a beautiful, professional athlete. She could have ANYBODY.

Mango said...

@ Jason - LOL! You'd think she'd be well used to it by now...

LottaColada said...

10:42 AM PT -- FYI, we're still waiting for the case to be called. Sit tight.

EmEyeKay said...

I'm tired of sitting!!!

Agent**It said...

Mango, they have been in SoFla along with Michael Jordan and his very pretty fiancee. What a privileged life their success has provided them. My neighbor does catering for yachts:)

LottaColada said...

My feelings right about now

Amber said...

I give. I need to heat up my food. Bitch.

Izzie said...

You know she's in tears wailing to the judge about her PTSD from the dolphin encounter.

Charley said...

WTF was that sound!? It sounded like a bewildered elephant sneezing. Did anyone else hear it or am I going insane from waiting.

Ms Cool said...

Please don't make a deal, please don't make a deal, please don't make a deal... repeat.

kelgela2 said...

Ms Cool...I'm anxiously awaiting the no plea deal. I'm in class praying.

VIPblonde said...

I'm bored! I'm so bored!!

Amber said...


Agent**It said...

I keep thinking of Flip Wilson ("Here come the judge")

Amber said...

11:04 AM PT -- It appears Lindsay has struck a plea deal with prosecutors, which is shocking because up until now ... Lindsay has REFUSED to accept any punishment.

Our clue ... Mark Heller's co-counsel just grabbed a "plea form" from a desk and took it into chambers with him.

Agent**It said...

Amber, great sleuthing !!!!!!!!!!!

msgirl said...

She accepted a plea deal!!!

Gayeld said...

Damn, it looks like she may have struck a plea bargain.

Colleen said...

UGH. How disappointing.

mooshki said...

What a waste of a morning. For all of us.

Charley said...

11:04 AM PT -- It appears Lindsay has struck a plea deal with prosecutors, which is shocking because up until now ... Lindsay has REFUSED to accept any punishment.

Show your face already!

LottaColada said...

This blows.... Literally.

Gayeld said...

*crossing fingers* Six months of rehab. Six months of rehab. Six months....

Amber said...

So I'm sure it's a stay at a "rehab" facility where she gets free roam and passes to get out for bullshit excuses, and more community service.

Meanie Rhysie said...

It's not a surprise, though. She showed up late: I don't think she had much of a choice. Too bad for us. :/

I've enjoyed the snarking and the Raisinets were awesome! =)

Agent**It said...

Well, I got the taxes done, made a meatloaf and did the laundry.

Jeneral said...

I blame the prosecutor. Why would he accept a plea?!!!

Gayeld said...

@Izzie. *snicker*

@Agent. Great, now I'm going to have Geraldine stuck in my head all day.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I know cocktease and lindsay lohan don't belong in the same sentence considering her being an ass to ass kind of girl, but she's a fucking cocktease when it comes to this shit!! I fall for it every time too. What's the plea deal?

Colleen said...

If the assistant, Gavin, recanted his statement, would that force the DA's hand in having do a plea bargain?

Mango said...

Why Agent, you industrious little soul!

Do you have a good meatloaf recipe? My b/f was working in India for the past month and he doesn't want anything spicy or exotic right now.

msgirl said...

She should be arrested for just showing up late to court!

Amber said...

Ugh. Now we're going to have to see her looking all smug with her creepy Rocky Dennis face.


O'Really said...

I don't understand why the court is so willing to give this repeat offender a plea deal. Anyone else, and I mean anyone, would be in jail right fucking now.

Sherry said...

I totally missed the stream here! am I too late to join the AVI party? sorry it's sloppy but it was the best I could do in a rush.

Jamie2 said...

She'll still have to appear to make the plea, right? I swear, if the judge gives her less than 90 days in lock-down rehab, I'll shoot my computer.

katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherry said...

Testing the new AVI...Anyone know what plea she accepted? Why do I feel like she'll get to stay home and party?

Meanie Rhysie said...

lmao! @ the Rocky Dennis reference.

Agent**It said...

Mango, Any basic recipe but I split it into 2/3 and 1/3. Pound your fist into the 2/3 part to create a little canal, stuff it with fresh uncooked mushrooms and fresh cheese and then cover it up with the remaining 1/3 of the loaf. The mushrooms steam inside and the gravy that comes out is wonderful. I put it on a rack in a ninja oven because there is so much juice. bet Lilo gets steak and lobster tonight. Sigh..........

Mango said...

Gah! Whose ugly mug was that in front of the camera???

Anonymous said...

throw her ass in jail judge!

Charley said...

Ugh she'll probably get away with a slap on the wrist and I have wasted too much time on this. I enjoyed the comments, laterz!

mooshki said...

Ha, that's a good one, Sherry!

Izzie said...

Somebody's flirting with a bailiff....

Mango said...

@ Agent - Steak and lobster and she ain't payin' for it, either!

She really does have a talent for finding suckers to pick up the tab.

Jacq said...

That's a lot of ass to ass!

Sherry said...

Mango: I use Alton Brown's recipe (and I don't eat meat, just make it got my family). It's easy and tasty according to my mother in law and husband.

mooshki said...

The only think keeping me going is knowing that she can't get house arrest because she doesn't have a house. This had better either be for jail, or lockdown rehab.

Ms Cool said...

This chick.

Agent**It said...

Somebody needs 'tussin.

Gayeld said...

"Judges can reject plea agreements according to their own reasoning..."

Wouldn't that be entertaining.

Sugar said...

Welp, its been real folks!! Thank you my little Foofie Foofies for playing my Lilo avi game!!

Laura said...

That Judge would be a hero if he rejected the plea!

Colleen said...

I just read DListed's comment on the glitter bombing and Michael K cracks me up again: "I used to think that everything is prettier when you throw a little glitter on it, but I was wrong. All that glitters is not gold."

Jamie2 said...


Izzie said...

YOU GUYS! Online now!

Laura said...

She looks like s*it!

msgirl said...

Oh I never thought of the judge rejecting the plea, yes please, this is really making me sick.

mooshki said...

90 days of rehab. Bitch.

SusanB said...

Does that girl EVER wash her hair?

Izzie said...

Terms of offer:

90 days at locked rehab facility, 30 days of community labor, 18 months psychotherapy

90 days not allowed to leave even w/permission slip

Laura said...

And she can't leave.

Jamie2 said...

90 days locked rehab! My computer lives to fight another day.

30 days comm service



mooshki said...

Wow, she looks PISSED. Along with looking totally fucked up.

VIPblonde said...

It's happening!!!!! The Great Pumpkin has risen!!!

Colleen said...

She looks godawful.

But it looks like we're going to get another mug shot if she has to be booked by the city of Santa Monica, right?

LottaColada said...

What's happening? Tell me!!!

Laura said...

No jail.

Laura said...

No jail.

VIPblonde said...

Bitch looks like she was rode hard and put away ass-first

Karen said...

90 days is nothing, but I'll take it! Hooray!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

90 days in rehab. 30 days community service - 18 MONTHS of psychotherapy councilling.

msgirl said...

Thank god I can now continue on with my day. She got off easy.

Laura said...

She can't claim neglagent cansol, I like this judge.

Charley said...

Penal code SEX? Really Your Honor?

Agent**It said...

90 day locked rehab. 18 mos psychotherapy, restitution 150k?? I think that is what I heard.So far.

mooshki said...

It's obvious what happened - she actually got a competent lawyer who explained to her that she was fucked if she didn't take the plea. Nice dis on the other guy by the judge: "Now that you have someone who understands the law, you agree to this plea?"

VIPblonde said...

Is the rest of the courtroom getting high off her fumes? Sheesh!

Amber said...

It'll be interesting to see what her face looks like when she has no access to Botox in detox.

mooshki said...

$150 dollars, not $150k, lol! The judge knows what she can afford! $240 restitution. (For the driver, presumably.)

Laura said...

5 days in jail for probation violation.

Colleen said...

Anyone notice that she keeps looking at the other lawyer for advice but Heller keeps talking over him?

Charley said...

IF I am not wrong: 5 days in jail, fine of $150, $240 fine, $30 fee, 30 days community labor (may be done in NY).

Izzie said...

Sentence suspended.

Count 3, five days in jail. Fine $150 plus penalty assessments, $240 (per count) restitution fine, $230 assessment fee.

30 days community labor, may be done in NY. Hopefully find something related to court system there. (HA.)


"We will be interfacing my law firm..."


B said...

Could she purse her lips any more?

Agent**It said...

Her Dad got her the attorney, I think.

mooshki said...

Wait, did he just say she has to stay out of bars and get drug & alcohol tested for the rest of her probation?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

This judge is really giving it to her.

mooshki said...

Laura, they already said those 5 days would be rolled into the rehab.

VIPblonde said...

Countdown to Arab Millshake Man getting "ass to ass" classified as community labor...

Charley said...

18 months psychological counselling.

Meanie Rhysie said...

She majorly phuqued up not showing up on time. LOL

If you all think this isn't a big deal: think again. She'll likely get psych meds in rehab: but the doctors there will be the ones to prescribe them. She won't be able to waltz in there with her personal pharmacy. Chick is gonna be in a world of hurt when she can't take what she wants/needs to take. I truly hope she gets something out of it, but I'm not holding my breath.

Amber said...

Why is he trying to argue for reduced psychotherapy when she NEEDS psychotherapy?!

mooshki said...

Scumbag! He's trying to get her 18 months of probation backdated to 2 months ago. Because we all know she's followed the terms of the probation for those 2 months. Not!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

She looks pissed.

Amber said...

@Mooshki - I thought I heard that, too, but I'm not sure because it was quick.

sifichick said...


Laura said...

She will get 2 months credit for counseling. Whatever.

sifichick said...

@Mooshki They were talking about therapy. Not her probation.

Izzie said...

Not to drive with any "measurable" drug or alcohol content in your system.


She will get credit for the time she's already done.

90 day residential treatment, locked facility, no day passes.

Judge signs.

Submit to booking and releasing in Santa Monica within the next 7 days.

(assistant is on the phone: Hello, Arab Air?)

Prosecution requests proof of enrollment, 45 day compliance date. Judge says she doesn't have to present for compliance date as long as she's in compliance. (Not in compliance, you have to be there.)

45 day date is May 2 for proof of enrollment in program, progress report on counseling, proof of enrollment and progress report on community labor.

Lawyer says community labor can't be done while in rehab, judge agrees.

Lilo drunkenly accepts.

Someone's phone rings.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I think she looks panicky and sick.

Charley said...

She sure does look ill.

Izzie said...

Probation reinstated, 180 days in county jail, suspended.

Comply with T&C of court orders.

Lilo boozily accepts.

Judge tells her to stay out of trouble.

Offers suggestion:

DON'T DRIVE. You're in New York. Don't drive. It's not a condition of your probation.

Charley said...

Judge: "A suggestion, don't drive."
Lindsay: *Slight laugh*

mooshki said...

"This is it." LOL! Yeah, where have we heard that before?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Her flesh is green colored.

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mooshki said...

My god, she needs to fire this guy.

mooshki said...

Hahahaha! "I'm not giving her a pass on anything she might have done that I haven't heard about yet."

Izzie said...

You need to understand there's 180 days suspended from one case, there's 6 months max on the 2WA case - this is it - you violate your probation, we won't have any discussion on future probations.


Ms Lohan was arrested on the assault charge which appears to be "not well founded" and his buddies aren't going to prosecute. His a* is talking.

Judge is all NO, let me tell you how this works.

Colleen said...

She just whispered to Heller, "Don't say anything else."

Oh man.

mooshki said...

LMAO!!! She can get searched at any time.

EmEyeKay said...

Is that kind of search and seizure even legal? Isn't that against basic rights?

Colleen said...

WOW. She gave up her right to search & seizure?!

Mango said...

Damn I gave up and went off to get something to eat and the fun started.


Agent**It said...

Is the 90 day lockdown rehab paid for by the state ?

Amber said...

omg I just realized Heller looks like Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker's Dracula

Charley said...

Heller is speaking again and she looks pissed, turning to the other guy.

Izzie said...

I did forget one item and that was the search & seizure that was being requested that is not normally but is part of this form.

Search & seizure any time of day or night without probable cause or reason!


EXPUNGEMENT of prior charges?! Holy s*.

mooshki said...

Did he just use the word "expunged?" LMAO, I think GoodLawyer just rolled his eyes.

Mango said...

She looks like death and her attorney looks like Dracula. Dracula with a Brooklyn accent, FFS.

mooshki said...

DAYUM that weave is ratty!

Izzie said...

She will have a clean record.

Holy s* snacks. This b*.

She just said thank you to her lawyer.

EmEyeKay said...

Wow, she does NOT like that NY attorney!

Charley said...

And we're done, for now. They have left the room. LOL @Mango @Amber !

Mango said...

@ Amber - Jinx re the Dracula!

mooshki said...

EmEyeKay, it's only illegal if you haven't been convicted of a crime. It's the same as it would be if she were in jail.

mooshki said...

She's only having "count 1" expunged - I don't know which crime that refers too; there are so many.

Izzie said...

I got a parking ticket back in 1998. It was on my record (even though I paid the ticket). My crime? Got to the meter 10 minutes late.

I just can't with this b. Just can't.

mooshki said...

Ooh, it's TMZ's Irish guy!

Charley said...

Lindsay kisses Brooklyn Drac goodbye and leaves in the Escalade.

SusanB said...

So what happens now? Does she go into rehab today or does she get a long weekend to drug up before she goes in?

B said...

"Lindsay, with this plea deal are you accepting the fact that you may have a substance abuse problem?" lol

EmEyeKay said...

@Mooshki, thanks - I have no idea of these things.

I love that she was telling her attorney to "stop it, just stop it" or whatever. Even she knows he's a douche.

Mango said...

Wow, Michael Lohan doesn't wear a mesh shirt in court. What a surprise.

Gayeld said...

Michael Lohan just ignored the press. Is he terminally ill or something?

mooshki said...

SusanB, I think she has the 45 days until the compliance hearing to check in. But I don't know for sure.

Colleen said...

@Gayeld - Probably because he can get more money selling his statements to one outlet.

Laura said...

Goddamit Rose help me? Translating for the TMZ guy.

Jamie2 said...

@Agent: Interesting question. I have a friend who went to rehab (an expensive place in Minnesota)on his own tab, and half the patients there were convicted drug users who'd accepted rehab in lieu of prison. They didn't pay for it; the state did.

Maybe the state makes you pay if you have the means.

Laura said...

Goddamit Rose help me? Translating for the TMZ guy.

Agent**It said...

SusanB, I thought I heard 7 days to check in . But i have bad ears.

B said...

I need some Dramamine w/ this TMZ camera work.

Amber said...

@Jamie - Hazelden? Good place.

@Mango - LOL :)

mooshki said...

Agent**It, that seems like it would be reasonable. I missed that part.

Mango said...

Jason was right. She looked GREEN. I mean she looks rough pretty much all the time these days but she looked particularly green around the gills. I wonder if she tied one on last night celebrating St. Patrick's Day? She probably couldn't resist. Stay in the night before a court date? Pffffffft!

mooshki said...

GAH!!!!! Where did the weasel come from?!

Mango said...

LMAO, he's too short to clear the mics!

Charley said...

Heller speaks.

Agent**It said...

Mooshki, I know for sure I heard the TMZ dude use the fuck word live, haha. Made me laugh.

Amber said...

Excuse me, could somebody please get Mr. Heller a crate to stand on? We can't see him.

mooshki said...

OMG, Michael drama!

Mango said...

Someone get a couple of telephone books for him to stand on!

Laura said...

This guy KILLS me!

Amber said...

It's nice to see he borrowed his dad's suit for the occasion.

mooshki said...

What a fucking joke this guy is.

Mango said...

I can HEAR someone speaking, but I don't see anyone...

Charley said...

Omg, those microphones are swallowing him! Michael waiting in the wings.

"She will be able to move through life with a clean record."

Say what?

Amber said...

Wait...she's not going to have a clean record, she's just going to be done with that set of legal problems and probation, right?

Mango said...

Lindsay will be a YOOT with a completely clean record...

Laura said...

Why oes she get a clean record?

mooshki said...

Hahahaha, Mango!

I sure hope this expunging only holds if she doesn't break her probation again, because there's no chance in hell of that happening.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

"I'm confident you won't see Lindsay Lohan in courts anytime soon."


mooshki said...

You know, this guy is wrong. I definitely heard the judge say that only one count would be expunged. MORON.

Hahahahaha, you can always count on Michael to entertain!

Charley said...

I wanna know why you're still up there! Go home, you've done enough damage! - Michael.


Amber said...

How is 90 days lockdown rehab validation of sobriety?!

Michael Lohan threatening Heller! bahahahahhaa

Laura said...

OMG! The drama!

Amber said...

Oh, Michael! You tell'em, diva!

Agent**It said...

What an ass her father is.

mooshki said...

Duh, we all know they were trying to bribe her assistant to change his story.

Laura said...

Is Michael sounding more normal after the lawyer? I think he is.

Mango said...

Michael Lohan: "So MR HELLER can stop using Lindsay to make money and make a name for himself."

Hello Pot!!

mooshki said...

You only sent one guy, TMZ? Harvey is CHEAP!

OMG, this is priceless. Go back to Michael, Irish guy!!!

Laura said...

Yep micheal hired new lawyer.

Charley said...

Wow there are like 5 reporters listening to that lady speak right now. I fee bad for her, whoever she is.

Mango said...

I wish Dina was at the mic, making an inebriated statement, hair askew. It would make the waiting worthwhile. *sigh*

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Michael told Mark Heller to go away and, "Stop making a name and money off her," which MICHAEL DID IN FRONT OF PRESS CAMERAS. The press is now making fun of Micheal (awesome.)

Laura said...

Poor Irish guy, where is Rose!

Agent**It said...

I think there's going to be a TV Dr connection, Drew or Phil . I'm making that up, no facts behind it.

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