Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Cuts Deal - Michael Goes Michael On Her Lawyer

By the time noon rolled around yesterday, the long awaited Lindsay Lohan trial amounted to a quiet Lindsay Lohan uttering a few pleas of no contest and her latest installment of jail and rehab drawing to a close. After months of not agreeing to any deals and saying she did not want any deals, Lindsay agreed to 90 days in rehab, 18 months of therapy and 30 days of community service. She told friends later that she did so because she hates jail and is scared of it. I don't think anyone loves jail, but Lindsay would have served the time alone, separated from the general population to keep her safe. She would have also served way less than the 90 days she will have to serve in rehab. No early release there. Lindsay's probation was also extended two years which means she needs to be good until 2015. Yeah, I will see it when I believe it. As for Michael? He was giving a press conference after court because, well, yeah, he would have sex with a group of cameras if he could possibly make a future buck out of it. When he saw Lindsay's attorney he went roidal and started chasing him. He then came back to the cameras and said that Lindsay's lawyer is being investigate fro witness tampering by the Santa Monica District Attorney. So, he sucks as a lawyer and face jail. Nice.


  1. I'm still unsure as to why rehab would be even on the table for the crime she's being convicted of ?

  2. Bwahahahahaha!!! MeshMan chasing the Hobbit atorney!

    Seriously. You can't make this shit up! It's the saga that keeps giving and giving...much like LL's STD's.

    1. Lol @Reese- Was MeshMan wearing his Fannypack of Doom?

  3. attorney* Off to make more coffee...

  4. I was wondering about that too (at first), CamColty.

    I believe it's because they found a water bottle (in the crashed car) that had alcohol in it. When the police interviewed Lindsay at the hospital, they said she smelled of alcohol, yet for some reason, didn't test her.

    And that is probably one of the reasons she lied about being the driver (the other, she wasn't supposed to be driving - that's why a car/driver was following behind).

  5. please, please no more Lindsay...please

  6. I wonder, too, why she wasn't tested. I really am starting to wonder if she and her mother have dirt on people high up. She keeps skating away fairly unscathed...as far as the law is concerned.

  7. Steal jewelry and go to rehab? Lie to the police and go to rehab? This slore is single-handedly outwitting our justice system.

  8. @Meanie Reese - I've had times when I've thought something like that... but in reality its that she's famous, which means a ton of press, which means everything the prosecution and police does is under a microscope. The cops probably took a look at Lindsay, remembered the history of her not really being punished, and thought "Not worth it."

    Not to mention the amount of money the tax payers of LA are wasting on these trials that go no where. Also, someone in a previous Lindsay post talked about the overcrowding issue in California prisons and how they are under orders to release prisoners that they don't think are a danger to society. This whole situation sucks, it's not fair to the "regular" people that do these same crimes and spend time in jail, but it's a reality. I would love to know how much of the tax payers money has been spent on Lindsay's run-ins with the law.

  9. Where is the rest of her biological family?

  10. @Ms Cool - Hiding in shame?

  11. Ugh. So sick of hearing about her. In happier news the Veronica Mars Kickstarter is now over 3.67 million.

  12. Yes, instead of Where's Shelley?, should we be asking Where's Ali?

    1. @seachica - I've been wondering the same thing. What the hell did they do with Ali?

      So sad.

  13. This family has no shame...

  14. This bitch. All morning waiting for court to start and the second I give up, they start rolling with it. It had fun with everyone who live blogged, you guys rule!

  15. @Meanie Reese - Match, set, point. :)

  16. why was michael lohan even there? i thought lindsay and he were not speaking. and he shos up with his lawyer? for what? the whole thing is weird.

  17. Gah, Reese, bring back Nellie Olsen!!

  18. Anonymous6:42 AM

    In sadder sadder sadder news, the Victoria Mars kickstarter is up to 3.67 million and people won't even give a penny to help the homeless or cancer sufferers or the underpaid and underemployed. If we could raise money for education, job growth, and medical research from people like they can for some damn movie we would have a much better economy. Oh, God forgive me, some actor needs to make 4 million dollars on a movie to blow on coke and hookers while children go to school hungry and cannot afford medical care. The problem with our county is the fact we FUCKING OVERPAY ATHLETES AND MOVIE STARS while the poor starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I know. It hurts to think about. I find that tea, a nap and some cute cat videos can stop you from over dosing on frustration and impotent rage.

    2. @Kimberly - ITA. All the money we waste on fighting each other (aka politics and lobbyists) would have fed and clothed and educated and healed American ten fold. Our priorities are totally wack.

      I'm still happy for Kristen Bell and crew. But I totally get your point!

    3. dia , register as an Independent. It fucks with the system:)

  19. Anonymous6:42 AM

    In sadder sadder sadder news, the Victoria Mars kickstarter is up to 3.67 million and people won't even give a penny to help the homeless or cancer sufferers or the underpaid and underemployed. If we could raise money for education, job growth, and medical research from people like they can for some damn movie we would have a much better economy. Oh, God forgive me, some actor needs to make 4 million dollars on a movie to blow on coke and hookers while children go to school hungry and cannot afford medical care. The problem with our county is the fact we FUCKING OVERPAY ATHLETES AND MOVIE STARS while the poor starve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. @Izzie and @Meanie Reese, YES. At least Nellie Oleson was a CLASSY bitch. Not Klassy. Shit, LiLo isn't even good enough to be Klassy.

  21. Better she should be in rehab for 90 days, then jail for 30. Girl needs help.

  22. Rehab??? Yeah...she needs rehab, but she needs jail. No one likes jail, but if I did what Lindsay did...I'd be locked up. Would the judge let me off too if I said "but I don't like jail"? Oh...ok...then you don't have to go.

    Please...the coddling that this girl is getting. If she hates jail so much, then stop doing stuff that will land you in jail.

    I hate these liberal judges, especially the ones in California.

  23. If I remember correctly, there was some discussion yesterday about who pays for her rehab and all that. This article has some info on that: Lindsay Lohan's Sentence: What a "Locked" Facility Really Means

  24. This wasn't a drug related charge, why the fuck does she get rehab?

  25. I rather appreciated Keifer Sutherland who, after breaking the law with an OUI, pled guilty, served the month or so in jail, and got on with his life. I don't admire his behavior in drinking and driving, just to be clear -- and I'm sorry he didn't seem to get help for his drinking -- but he didn't waste his time or ours trying to maneuver a way out of the consequences.

    1. Well, meg, he knows exactly who and what he is. Kind if sad actually.

  26. If LiLo had even a teaspoonful of brains, she'd get a restraining order to keep that moron father of hers from getting anywhere near her. But then she apparently doesn't have even a teaspoonful of brains.

  27. Kimberly you have a very valid point.

    Not shaming any CDAN's, because I am willing to bet, many do give any way they can.

    Seachica very good question. No Ali sighting really adds fire to that blind about the older sister/younger sister :(

  28. Lindsay looked terrible yesterday. Worse than usual. I am hoping she's at rock bottom and this locked-down rehab really can be the start of a new phase of her life, but it doesn't start immediately, does it?

    Colleen - I wanted to read the article but the hyperlink wasn't working.

  29. Anonymous7:46 AM

    @joella. Sorry but knowing how many of the kids I teach go hungry..I think they need $$$, not Kristen Bell

  30. When does this "lockdown" rehab start?

    I think it would be in her best interest to go as soon as possible, the longer she waits the more likely it is that she will get in trouble. She does not think like a rational person so I'm sure she will wait until the very last minute, whenever that is.

  31. so my local radio station did a thing today saying that in court yesterday, everytime lindsay's lawyer would open his mouth, lindsay would yell at him to shut up. also said she was yelling random stuff (?)

  32. @ljsmed... I think she has 7 days to report to rehab.

    @me I watched it on TMZ and she didn't yell. She did ask him questions under her breath that I couldn't quite make out.

  33. Not that I'm trying to defend her. LOL.

  34. @caralw, thanks for that. i was wondering why no one else was talking about it! and wondered how long she had to repor to rehab as well.

  35. Since that Your Turn, has Seaward posted? If you're reading Seaward, you've been in my thoughts. I hope things are getting better.

    1. yes, seaward has posted.

    2. Omg, rexruther, thank you so much! I've lurked a bit, but have been trying to keep myself busy outside of the internet. I've almost done a 180, I feel much better than I did that day, and a lot of that has to do with the care people showed in that post. It helped so much reading everyone's kindness.
      Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, and thank you to everyone who helped me in that post :) I love you all!

  36. And IDoTheRobot - I hope you check in today. I read what you posted and my heart goes out to you, your sister and baby Ben. Please give us an update if and when you can. Hugs.

  37. Thanks Colleen! I'm glad locked down means what I thought but I really hoped she'd have to report immediately. Having a window of time between court and forty-five days to get there means... Well I could see her going overboard to avoid it, is all.

  38. Kimberley you are 100% right. But people have their priorities all screwed up, what do you expect? Steubenville is a good example of that.

  39. @Kimberly - I understand EXACTLY what you're saying and totally agree.

  40. For what it's worth, I gave to both the Veronica Mars Kickstarter AND I donate to several charities throughout the year, including Autism Speaks, Red Cross, The National Brain Cancer Society, etc. Some people *do* have their priorities out of whack, but I don't see any harm in donating to any cause I feel strongly about - and I do. :)

    That said, I think we should be paying, say, our teachers more & movie stars and athletes less.

  41. JAIL would be the best "rehab" for this stupid cunt. I hate that word, but some people deserve it.

    She violates EVERY probation, yet they keep giving her more. WHY?!

  42. Local food banks, lots of former middle class folks are in need.

    Another helpful thing is to take your money out of USA large banking systems and use your local credit unions. For your own protection. Unless you are very wealthy in which case I don't give a crap:)

    I predict Dr.Drew and/or Dr. Phil will get her into a rehab of "their" choice, which will be gratis. Where's the help for women being released from prisons on drug related charges? They can't get their records expunged and will continue to have problems getting employed because of it.

  43. Courtroom cameras caught Lohan pilfering items:

    Hide the silver

  44. @lazyday, hahaha, that was great!

    @seaward, glad to see you!

  45. Lindsay went to da club after her hearing. That's our girl!

  46. Anonymous11:26 AM

    this bitch is not going to make it thru two years probabtion

  47. For Lotta & anyone else who missed it yesterday, TMZ has video of Mesh Shirt Lohan yelling at Mark Heller:


  48. According to the story in the link she can choose where she goes like Promises..That's a cake walk my friends.

  49. Maybe The Cracken would get released in a few days due to overcrowding if she went to jail? I also think she could get drugs or anything else she wanted while she was in there. Maybe rehab was the only way to get her off the streets for an extended period of time? Whatever. B*tch should have been taken there immediately from the courthouse.

  50. I have nothing to add regarding this trollop that hasn't already been said by you all ;) But if anyone is looking to support any charities please look into your local groups trying to help our veterans. So many are in need. You can contact your local Veterans Affairs office or hospital for ways to help or donate. I know many are looking for basic things, socks, paper, pens and books to name a few. Thanks!

  51. Seaward, i am glad you checked in. I've said this before, but your Avi is one of my favorites. It reminds me of the beach and makes me happy to look at. And IDoTheRobot checked in on her thread this morning and said they were taking baby Ben off of life support and that her sister is a mess about it, naturally. I am keeping her family in my prayers, and I am usually not a praying person. Heartbreaking.

    1. Thanks, EGB :) It was the first picture I tried to take on this phone & I moved the phone too soon. I couldn't believe how pretty it turned out, considering it would've just been a photo of an old rusty bridge.
      (Thanks also for the update on Robot)

      IDoTheRobot, if you see this, please know my heart, love, and thoughts are with you and your family.

  52. I am sad for idotherobot, here's a link if you wish to assist:


  53. IDoTheRobot: If you're reading this, I'm so very sorry, honey. Sending you and you family tight cyber hugs and love.

  54. IDoTheRobot, my heart goes out to your sister, yourself & baby Ben. So sorry the time difference & work meant I was too late to post yesterday. Thinking of you & hope that you & your sister are getting real world support as well.

  55. Idotherobot my heart is with little Ben and your family. Let us know what the burrito whores can do for you.

    Thanks for the link Agent!

  56. Despite Michael being a sucky dad, he's trying to compensate for it and he's trying to protect his daughter....if its for money she should stop being the circus she is and no one would cash in on her...whatever she needs to just die, I hate her
