Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lil' Wayne Gets Out Of The Hospital

Lil Wayne not only got out of ICU yesterday, six days after being admitted following seizures, he managed to get himself out of the hospital completely. You go from ICU to your living room the same day? Crazy. Six days ago everyone thought Lil Wayne was going to die. Now he is probably back home thinking about more sizzurp. I hope the guy goes to rehab. He can afford a year in rehab with the amount of recordings he has stockpiled. If he had died, he has enough unheard music that his family could release a record a year for 20 years and not go through all of his stuff. I don't know how he manages to find the time to spend with his kids, party, guest star with other artists and record as much as he does for himself. Oh yeah, sizzurp.


  1. He is just so hideous I can't.

    1. No kidding. My momma and I were speaking about his "last rites" on Friday. She had no clue who he was (thank goodness or else I'd be concerned) and I pulled up his picture.

      She said, "he's hideous! He looks like a gremlin! Please don't tell me he has children! Who would breed with him?" I said, "whores mother. Whores. Oh, gold diggers too." She made me put the picture away as she was grossed out.

    2. LMAO!!!!!!
      Thanks for starting my morning off with the best laugh I've had so far all year!

  2. What the hell is "sizzurp"?

  3. Isn't it a cocktail of like cough syrup with codeine and grape juice and pop or something ? Something juvenile like whip its

  4. This is probably a stupid question, but I've never been to rehab, so I'm wondering what kind of program do you put someone in that's addicted to "sizzurp"?

    1. Opiate withdrawal. Codeine is an ope.

  5. I remember when I was like 13ish I was in love with his music, it's not good or anything bit I dunno I really liked it. He has a lot of dedication to what he does. I hope this is a wake up call for him as the last few times haven't been. He has children and he's still fairly young, fingers crossed he mellows a little, it's not like he's an old English rocker who can take all the drugs he wants and live forever

  6. @jayjay, a drug is a drug is a drug. Rehab treats them all the same: as an addiction.

  7. I'm a recovered addict and had never heard of 'sizzurp' or 'purple drank' until I started reading CDAN, so I have no clue. I suppose I could ask one of my nephews but I'm afraid they'll be worried that Auntie is using again and I sure don't want that...especially something called sizzurp or purple drank. LOL

  8. I think someone said sizzurp originated down south not to long ago. It's a fairly recent concoction so don't feel bad if you've never heard of it.

  9. Someone gave the recipe in another thread. It's codeine cough syrup, sprite and grape Jolly Ranchers, I believe.

    Also, nasty.

  10. According to Urban Dictionary:

    The original formula:

    Promethazine w/Codeine syrup
    Any fruit flavored soda
    A jolly rancher

    Put it all in a styrofoam cup and enjoy. The codeine is mainly responsible for the euphoria felt after drinking sizzurp. Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, and extreme drowsiness. If it doesn't have promethazine, it ain't real sizzurp.

    DXM is not a component of sizzurp, although it may produce vaguely similar effects to the above recipe in doses ranging from 150 - 250 mg.
    I drank a deuce (2 oz.) of sizzurp and got straight folded.
    buy sizzurp mugs & shirts

    1. Thank you Detective Meanie Reese! You are on it today!

  11. Sounds dreadful!!! Gackkkk!!!

  12. @EmEyeKay - Thanks, I had a feeling that was the case. I never watched Rehab with Dr. Drew so I didn't really know if they separated the drug addicts from the alcoholics.

    1. You're welcome, @jayjay. There are so many clean and sober people in my life, I hear all about it!

  13. Sizzurp would be an opiate addiction, but he'd be treated for other addictions as well. There's no way you get to the point of OD'ing on sizzurp and that's your only drug of choice.

  14. It would also likely require behavioral therapy.

  15. It originated here, but it has been around for a while. He is basically addicted to codeine cough syrup.

    1. If I remember correctly it is codeine and promethazine and Sprite.

  16. Promethazine kinda acts like a benzo when combined with opiate based drugs.

  17. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Ok, Codeine, Vicodan, oxycodeine, etc all make me throw my toenails up. How can someone get addicted to that shit? Nothing worse than puking your lungs out after surgery.

  18. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Even codeine cough syrup makes me nauseated...I guess my body hates opates.

  19. I don;t know how you can drink it, 1 teaspoonful when I have bronchitis and I out, I can only imagine what sucking down a bottle of it mixed with juice would do to me.

    Oh wait, no apparently it will give me seizures and put me in the ICU.

    I love that he said he was going to lay low until he has his full strength back. He needs to be laying low in rehab.

  20. Two words apply to addict and drug of choice: dis-gusting!!!!

  21. He's a misogynist and he blatantly promotes violence against women in his lyrics, I have zero respect for him. He dug his own grave, jump in it and be done. Agree with Enty.

    1. Thank you Agent! My sentiments exactly!! So many people would love to have a healthy body and look what he did with his. He's wasting good oxygen right now.

  22. I love how his friend said it was because he works too hard. Um sure. Seizures are exhaustion related? Asshat

  23. Hopefully this scared him straight and he will stop abusing codeine since this was such a close call and he almost died.

  24. I hope he's feeling a Lil' better today.

  25. Love this pic! :-P How does Enty always find the best pix of all our favorite celebs at their proudest moments? I'd make that my avi if I didnt have a great avi already!

  26. The promethazine in the syrup is commonly used as an anti-nausea medication. It also works on a part of your brain that suppresses the need to cough or vomit. And, it is also used as an anxiety medication to help calm someone down.

    I've had the cough syrup before. My doctor gave me sample bottles of it and forgot to tell me how much to take. So I drank a whole bottle thinking it was a single dosage. Needless to say, I was high as a freaking kite.

  27. Oh, Dear God he's so ugly. A 1/2 step up from Flavor Flav. Still though.....

  28. Anonymous11:30 AM

    my spidey senses are telling me he left that hospital because of the TMZ leaks. They got the money to probably be able to treat him from a undisclosed location....

  29. I'm no fan but he was cute in an interview with Katie Couric. He needs to stick with weed.

    1. Oh I agree! No one OD's on herb. You what I have to do to get some codeine cough syrup from my doctor? Be on my deathbed! Why do I have a feeling it's a bit easier for a big time rap star...

  30. Somebody on Kid Kraddick yesterday called him one of the best rappers of the last 20 years! I wanted to call in and ask if they had just recovered their hearing or something. Pussymonster is the only thing by him I can even remotely stand. Only cause it reminds me of Real Talk by R Kelly. And get off the purple drank ya dummy!

  31. Kimberly, I am with you. I am a one- pill max patient, no matter what surgery I have had- knee, shoulder, achilles, 11lb babies (and I'm small), and root canals. If I take more than one pill / one does, I'm puking and feel so sick, I'd rather have the surgery pain. Guess that just proves how different people's body chemistries are, you know? And why some are predisposed to addiction.

  32. He needs to chill
