Monday, March 11, 2013

Kristin Cavallari Says She Doesn't Do Drugs - Co-Stars Were Bribed To Say She Did

In a new interview with E!, Kristin Cavallari says that she does not do drugs. She also said she never did drugs. What about the bazillion reports that always said she did drugs or was using drugs? She claims in the interview that her Hills co-stars were bribed by producers to say that she was using drugs during the show and to the media and to their friends. Uh huh. So, Kristin was fine with that? She says she knew it was just about the ratings. She is so full of crap. It is a great try and PR people should file this one away, but there were too many reports and too many people that saw her using drugs.



Anonymous said...

All those witnesses were bribed! It's a conspiracy! Delusional and paranoid, wonder where that came from?

VIPblonde said...

Ya, I saw that there was a half-hour E! News special about Kristin after the Kardashians last night. My first thought was "Why?" I didn't watch, because who cares? To paraphrase Yolanda Foster, who in this world is Kristin Cavallari? LOL

Pookie said...

this doesn't sound like a pr ploy...actually, quite the contrary, it sounds like something a pr person would never, ever allow her to even mention. what it *does*sound like is an act of desperation. the typical, 'no one is paying attn to me and i hate not being relevant, so what can i say that'll get picked up by the tabs?' mentality of so many reality 'stars'.

Amber said...

I am 99% positive she's lying. One of my very good friends worked on the show.

Pink Picklegoo said...

Girl Bye. She is so ridiculous. I'm thinking all those drugs got to her head.

Anonymous said...

Why is E wasting 30 minutes on this girl? Her 15 minutes have been up for 3 years. There is (and never has been) anything interesting about her whatsoever.

ethorne said...

This trick just gave Lilo her next excuse.

Moonmaid said...

I'm sorry, but who really gives a flying fuck about this girl? That show was years ago, correct? Why doesn't she try doing something useful with her life, instead of denying drug rumors, which every sane person knows is the hallmark of an addict?

libby said...

Jenn, Moonmaid:

Mama June said...

She probably got the special b/c she is buddies with Giuliana, who is responsible for setting her up with Jay Cutler.

*bangs head against desk for knowing such useless info*

carolinec said...

does she really think people still care or even remember her/this?

g.strathmore said...

She looks like a horse in that photo.

Anonymous said...

I love that you know this! Incredibly awesome and horrifying at the same time. I'm kind of jealous.

Uhhhh... said...

Wasn't there a blind about someone on the red carpet wearing a low-cut shirt and got like a meth burn on her cleavage, and she was the main guess based on the red carpet pics that day?

Pink_Palace said...

@curlyhairslacker, thank u! That explains E! But what about People?!?

crila16 said...

I don't really care. This girl is so way 5 years ago.

mooshki said...

That's funny - a couple of years ago, she said that she released the reports that she was doing drugs to get publicity for the show. Way to stay consistent.

Anonymous said...

Bitch please. She's probably not getting called back for any work and think that's the reason, the drug rumors. No bitch its cause your wack.

Kloie said...

So I guess that E! is where hot messes go for some PR? First Leanne Rimes, now this trick?

Anonymous said...

If I was engaged/married/humpin /hittin dat shit to Smokin Jay (

Id do drugs too.

Just sayin.

JSierra said...

The only reason I pay any attention to this girl is for a glimpse of her adorable baybay

hollywood dime said...

I guess I was bribed that night I was sitting next to her at a party at Philippe on melrose and she and Brody did bumps of cocaine off the back of her hand. Bitch please!

Sherry said...

Haha @Hollywood Dime. I have no idea who this trick is but I even I think she's lying.

Mango said...

Trick is so generic I wouldn't recognize her if I bumped into her bony ass in Whole Foods.

Brooke Wheeler said...

I remember the blind about the new mom who did cocaine while holding her new baby. All the while she was telling media that she lost the baby weight breastfeeding. Had to have been her. My heart breaks for that poor child.

Señior Seamhead said...


jaariel said...

She's looking very Brooke Mueller in that shot of her. She lost her baby weight in like 8 days & was skinnier than ever. This trick is def riding the white line express.


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