Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kitten Video From A Reader


  1. Ok, who's the reader who owns sweet little Sundance? Are you going to identify yourself :-)? You are clearly deeply in love with this little guy.

  2. Or girl. I assume it's a male because it reminds me of my little scamp, Oliver.

  3. I love your kitten - beautiful markings. I got my 2 amazing cats off the street in my old neighbor. One of them definitely has the same crazy kitty "let's get the play on the road here" intense stare that Sundance has!

    So cool that your kitty returns things to you. My cats only bring me something after they have killed it (:. Pretty soon you should be able to get your cat to bring in the mail and paper (lol).

  4. Cuuuuuuuuttteee!!!

  5. It's me. She's a girl. She had a brother named Butch, but we could only adopt her. She's got beautiful markings and a great personality. Believe it or not, I'm not a cat person, but finally caved to my teenager who HAD to have her. You see who she really belongs to, tho. :)

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    That's so cute!... my baby boy kittaaayy plays fetch with me too but ONLY with my scrunchies....I will throw them across the room and he will play with it for a minute or two and bring it back to me and want me to throw again. He also tries to pull them out of my hair with his teeth sometime before the sun comes up EVERY morning. Little sh*t..but I love him. I also find anywhere from 2 to 10 scrunchies under his favorite chair every now and again...he's obsessed with my scrunchies :)

    1. Wahoowifey: Love that story.

    2. Sweet story, thank you for sharing! my kitty used to do the same thing w my hair ties..and ear plugs....I'd wake up in the morning with ear plugs, scrunchies, ribbons covering my bed. and her

  7. Ahh Lisa she is a beautiful Torite!

    I so needed this right now, lets just say dealing with my crazy ass family.. this was a nice break!

    Kittie treats all around gang!

  8. My dog isn't half as good and she's a retriever! I'm not a cat person, but Sundance is pretty neat.

  9. I think I know whose body my shih tzu Sookie got switched with. You have an amazing cat and I am extremely jealous. Unfortunately my husband is really allergic ( I tried to be slick and sneak a cat in while he was at work. As soon as he walked in the door he turned red and started sneezing and stuff). This just makes me want a cat even more.

  10. My cats used to play fetch with me when they were kittens, but stopped when they became adults {sniff}. I miss their kitten days.

  11. Kitteh!! =^..^=

    Sundance is a gorgeous little stinkerbelle! My bestie has a kitty who used to play fetch, but nothing like Miss Sundance here. Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

  12. What a cute little tortie! She's adorable <3

  13. Thanks for the video Lisa! She's so cute! It reminded me of a kitten I had who used to hide under tables and jump out when I walked by.

  14. @Lisa - WOW! Thanks for sharing that video...and I absolutely loved your message at the end. We adopted our little one Ninja as well. Sundance is so amazing. I can tell you spend so much time with her. She must be so lucky to have a mum like you! I'm so envious of all the things Sundance can do. Did you have to train her how to fetch? I had no idea cats could do that. I'll try to train my little one but she gets bored of her toys so easily!

  15. Aw, what a cutiepie! She reminds me a bit of my Jezebel, who's also a tortie, and who also used to play a lot more when she was much younger...she'll be 17 in May, and I think she's getting more than a little senile, which makes me sad. :-( And yes, she was also adopted from a shelter, which told me they had a hard time getting torties adopted because people thought they were ugly...WTF?!?

    Our kittycats...they drive us crazy, but we love the little boogers!

  16. Freaking awesome Lisa! My buddy is almost 12 but he's still got some kitten in him. Gets pissed if I don't big spoon him every night. Must be cuddled!

  17. Aw...what a sweetie!

    Fun fact: Torties and calicos are almost exclusively females because of a phenomena called x inactivation where one of the 2 x chromosomes "turns off" results in the color of the other appearing. It is the randomness of the gene inactivation that causes the color effect.

  18. Nom, nom, nom!

    I have 2 shelter cats. One is asleep in her heated cat bed (the one with her head in my nephew's shoe in my avi --she loves the smell of the feet of the people she loves best). The other is next to me right now, purring up a storm.

  19. thanks for all the kind words. :) @Misspeg86 Sundance brought me a mouse one day and that's just how it started. We just play over and over. I'd stretch out my hand, palm up, and wait... telling her to give me her mouse. Finally she figured it out. Lots of praise to her and exclamations of 'no way!' to my husband! What floors me is that we won't be able to find her mouse and you can ask her, 'where's your mouse?' and 9 times out of 10 she'll take you wherever it is. I've searched the whole house over and then ask her and she'd go up to my son's bedroom and look under the way. Yep. It's always where she takes you. I don't look for it anymore, I just ask, 'where's your mouse?' Under the couch, under the stove. She remembers. What cracks me up the most is when I'm laying in bed sound asleep and suddenly a mouse is dropped into my hand at 4 in the morning. Purrrr. Again, thanks for the kind words and for sharing all your stories. :) I've never been in love with an animal before but I think she's gotten to me.

    1. @Lisa - Thanks for taking the time to type that out. That is so cool. Ninja has 2 toy mice that look like Sundance's so I'll give it a go and see what happens. I'll be lucky if it works. Sundance definitely seems gifted with of course lots of love and patience from a wonderful mum!

  20. Awesome paw markings on that tortie!

  21. I miss kittehs! Hubby and daughter are both allergic. I love them so much though. Thanks for sharing!
