Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Khloe Kardashian Accused Of "Emotional Cheating" With The Game

Star Magazine has an article in their new issue that accuses Khloe Kardashian of "emotional cheating" with The Game. Apparently Khloe and The Game are texting non stop at all hours of the day and night and has been telling her that she should leave Lamar (and not John because he was in the first post who Katy was leaving) and start being with The Game. When Lamar accused Khloe of cheating, the report says she did not deny it. The Game has been seeing a lot of Khloe in person too. They disguise it as training and him being a personal trainer to her. You know, because The Game takes time off from his music career to do a little part-time training on the side.


  1. Ah, so that's the ever-present guy she's been cheating with. Makes a lot more sense than Mario Lopez. Get it girl!

  2. So she should leave John and then leave Lamar to be with The Game. Enty what are you smoking this morning; who the hell is John?

  3. My boyfriend's name is John...HEY!

    When he gets up, imma confront him about this Khloe business!

  4. libby, I dare you! I want to see what he says!

    It's like when I tell my fiance that he was a jerk to me in a dream--and then I get to complain to him like it really happened.

  5. John's gonna pissed when he hears.

    Didn't the Game call off his wedding a few months ago?

  6. LOL!!! I was thinking the same thing. Who is John?

  7. Poor Big Foot. She just can't catch a break.

  8. Poor cuckolded John.

  9. My John's a bit older, see, and he's not so internet-hip as to how destructive that family can be.
    I will save him from her, as soon as he gets up. Poor guy.

  10. Now it all makes sense. So THIS is the real reason John Mayer and Katy split. He sure is gonna regret that move once Khloe dumps him :)

  11. @Libby & @Karen- I saw this meme last night and was dying laughing, now we are sitting here talking about dreams. Coincidence?

  12. I thought the Game was married? Not that it would stop him but it would make this story juicier. Khloe getting a smackdown from the wife is all I want to hear about!

  13. @Lotta, last night I dreamed that my best friend and another friend were pregnant. So I made my fiance impregnate me. Because of friendship.

    And then I made a someecard about it and sent it to her. Also because of friendship.

  14. @Karen- bwahaha that's amazing! Did fiance find out about the reason for pregnancy? I wish I had cool dreams like that but I hardly ever remember mine and if I do.

  15. What about Katy and John? Where did that come from? Utter gibberish, Enty.

  16. WTF is The Game? I googled it and got some TV show on BET. This post totally baffles me.

  17. I do that all the time. It's the ONLY way to win at Trivial Pursuit.

  18. @Lotta, the dream was kind of fast-forwarded so I didn't experience it, per se, but I just "knew" or "remembered" that he knew why I was trying to get pregnant and I made him keep doing it with me until it worked. Kinda like I do with my Sims.

  19. the Game does have a personal training/work out thing going on right now. There were pics of some his clients yesterday.

  20. not to be ugly, but 3 men all want khloe. at the same time. can't.

  21. SusanB, the Game is a rapper. There is also a tv show of the same name, though.

  22. Thanks Whitney - I thought for a minute she was cheating with the entire cast of that TV show (although for a Kardashian, would that be a huge surprise?)

  23. Did anyone else read in Jezebel's Dirt Bag column Sun or Mon about the p&$$y sniffing contest they aired on one of those Kartrashian shows? It was appalling just reading the short recap.

    And the general public still supports these asswipes, wondering why girls and boys are so messed up. Smdh.

  24. I know who the Game is, because he is Christina Milan's baby daddy and left her when their baby was an infant...i remember her because she was in the re-make of the formerly geeky Patrick Dempsey's Can't Buy Me Love w/Mariah's babydaddy...

    1. Christina's baby daddy is The Dream.

  25. So inane and nonesensical. And non interesting.

  26. After all we have heard about he really one to talk???

  27. Who is The Game? and why is he a game? Is it Game On for Khloe and Game off for Lamar? bwahhhha back to work I go.

  28. So to recap: Khloe has the affection of Lamar, The Game and John Mayer? Oh definitely leave your husband for Mayer. That would be stoopid.

    And honestly of all the Kartrashians I like Khloe the best. She appears to be more grounded. Well until this thing anyway.

  29. Blind item revealed but I'm not sure if its one of enty's or from blindgossip. Anyway khloe and lamar have been done for quite some time and khloe won't sleep with lamar ever again because she's scared of what she'll catch so now she only sleeps with her side piece which is the game. Not for nothing but what a random pairing. I see kris snapping her whip on this "relationship" in 3,2,1.....

  30. It's rich that HE would accuse her of cheating.

    Lol @ SusanB!

  31. My first thought when I read this headline, "Why would HHH cheat with a Kartrashian?"

  32. Not for nothing @skimpymist but she should probably also be afraid of what she will catch from The Game. These Kartrashians have THE WORST taste. They are so trashy I think it's obvious though that the eligible pool for mates has shrunk to people like rappers and sports stars. People with low standards to begin with. There will be no financiers for these girls ever.

  33. Kim went out with game there are pics of them together back in the day. . Sometimes its ok to go outside the circle

  34. Kim went out with game there are pics of them together back in the day. . Sometimes its ok to go outside the circle

  35. I can see her feeling so giddy about getting attention from his texts...i can't stand these bitches or that SOB Brother of theirs
