Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kelly Osbourne Is Out Of The Hospital

Doctors have discharged Kelly Osbourne from the hospital and at least according to the statement put out by her employers, E!, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Kelly. So, they ruled out epilepsy? I guess they have or Kelly would have shared that with the world right? I am kind of being sarcastic because she does not need to share, but the entire Osbourne family has felt duty bound for those checks to tell tabloids all that ails them so maybe she is just waiting for the right paycheck? The statement says that, "Kelly Osbourne has returned home and has been given a clean bill of health by her doctor... Doctors ran numerous tests and determined that this was most likely a onetime episode of which there are no conclusive results." Just don't let it happen while you are driving. I wonder if it will happen again. Oh yeah, doctors don't know.


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