Monday, March 11, 2013

Kelly Osbourne & Epilepsy

TMZ ran a report over the weekend where a doctor suggested that Kelly Osbourne's seizure could be because she is an epileptic. The doctor has never examined Kelly and just offered that up as a possibility. Even if Kelly does not have epilepsy, the world is going to think she does and maybe that is ok with her. Maybe she has that and maybe she has something else or the seizure was the result of something else she did and epilepsy sounds good right about now. One thing for sure is that there has been no news on her condition since she was admitted to the hospital. She turned that Dancing With The Stars appearance a few years ago into a career and I would hate to see her get sidetracked by something when she has worked hard to move ahead.


  1. It's not Kelly's fault that some doctor she has never met was running his mouth. Of course epilepsy is a POSSIBILITY when someone has a seizure - you don't need to be a doctor to know that!

  2. I hope that she's okay, whatever is wrong with her. I like her.

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Can tweeting or instagraming pictures of yourself in hospital beds please stop? It seems so distateful, does no one have private boundries anymore? I'm sorry she's going through some medical stuff but jeez, lay off the social media!

  4. I still don't understand why this girl is famous other than having a famous father. She's boring, and so is her mother.

    1. U right. They are boring.

    2. Completely agree SusanB! Boring

  5. Epilepsy could certainly explain her seizure....

  6. thank you. Cathy.

    And fuck off Enty for suggesting that Kelly should give us 24/7 updates on her somehow PROVE to all of us that the seizure wasn't caused by something we can JUDGE HER FOR?
    As in
    'Oh, dumb anorexic!' (Anorexia is a mental illness)
    'Oh look, a drug user!' (Addiction is not a joke, and effects most of us in one way or another.)

    Fuck that. It's not my business, I hope she gets better. She has done nothing to bother anyone.

  7. Btw, I just want to remind people wondering WHY Kelly has a career....I will remind you that her job is to be a supporting 'straight-man' type to Joan Rivers. On the same network that uses Chelsea Handler its franchise star.

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Ummm, she turned that Dancing With The Stars appearance in to a career? And it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that in her teenage years she was living on camera on the Osborne Family reality show, or the fact that her Mom and Dad are Ozzy and Sharon Osborne? Really, she's only known just because she was on Dancing With The Stars? They were on MTV constantly, and she was being showered with cash, credit cards, shopping sprees, she was like the pudgy goth version of Paris Hilton, spoiled, pampered, snotty, and turned that in to snarking on other people's fashion choices. Give me a break Enty. Dancing with the Stars.

  9. If anyone here watches Fashion Police, they'd know that she's the first person to make fun of her own poor life choices - the drug issues she had, stupid tattoos that don't even mean anything to her, etc. Honestly, she has become a very poised woman and while you may not agree with her own fashion choices, she is surprisingly spot-on in her assessment of others. And she is actually the kindest of the people on Fashion Police and the only person she really tears into is Christina Aguilera, who called her fat back when she was a teenager.

  10. Yes, Anna--I thought that was odd too.
    maybe THIS 'Enty' is his 13-year old nephew or something. I hope our Entry's not using child labor 'ghosties' for his Enty-burrito-whores (us).

    My comment above Anna's was pertaining to her continuing career---It's really not much, her job.

    1. God Libby, that made me want to get a burrito now and invite the Opster home for sexy times lunch.

  11. Can;t stand this entitled little bitch! Lap-band or gastric bypass?

  12. Perhaps I just have a soft spot in my heart for her after watching her on The Osbournes and seeing her get her shizz together. She's genuinely lovely on Fashion Police. If she has in fact stumbled, I hope she can pick herself up again.

  13. As a life-long Joan Ranger (can't help myself--I've watched her since BIRTH), I just want to give my +1 to the fact that Kelly is SUPER-kind on the show, always making hopeful excuses for a celebrity's bad choices.

  14. Her arm looks fat...

    (That was a joke!)

  15. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I actually think if she got rid of the bad tattos she would be quite pretty. Not in the conventional sense, but she has a absolutely beautiful smile and seems nice.

  16. Wow, seizures might mean epilepsy. That doctor is a fucking genius.

  17. Not a big Kelly fan--altho I did watch her season of DWTS and enjoyed her dancing.

    I hope this is not anything serious--these dr's who have never seen the patient are full of it. If she wants to announce what the problem is when she finds out--fine--but otherwise it's nobody's business.

  18. wow, i didn't read the post as enty slamming or demanding explanations from KO, so i'm not getting the defensive over-reaction in this thread...but that aside, it's not so much kelly or enty as it is tmz and radar, et al brethren. it's a common ploy to drive traffic, saturation and depth across various tabloid platforms and that's it. it isn't the first time we hear from unamed sources or doctors who under a disclaimer of never having treated the person in question, comment.

  19. Last I heard she was still in the hospital undergoing testing. To get tested for seizures I had to have a sleep deprived EEG. That means you have to stay awake for 24 hours with no stimulants like chocolate or caffeine. You can't even catnap. Then they have you lay under a bright light and flash it trying to make you have a seizure. So yes, I can believe she is still in the hospital for testing. Epilepsy is not something that can be diagnosed easily.

  20. In general, I don't like hearing about people's personal medical information, but when people voluntarily share it - like Tweeting pictures of themselves in the hospital - they can't very well complain about an invasion of privacy.

    Reality stars aren't trained professional actors. What they have to sell is themselves. When they've sold themselves, they sell themselves as a package, including the less flattering personal information.

  21. I like her on fashion police.
    But i met her twice, randomly, 10 years ago and she was a bit of a bitch back then.
    Was going to tell her to f**k off, but her bodyguard was the size of a large fridge.

  22. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Well her brother does have MS right. something could really be wrong, genetically. too bad her history casts doubts.
    Crazy her dad is batshit crazy from drugs but physically fine, the rest them dropppin like flies

  23. IMO, the post was just written this way to strongly imply that the seizure was due to drugs.

  24. My brother has a condition where when he doesn't get enough sleep he has a seizure. It's happened a couple times in the last year an a half and the Dr. ruled out seizures. Apparently everyone is capable of having a seizure due to lack of sleep but some of us are more susceptible than others. We bombard our bodies with minimal sleep and exercise and junk food and forget our bodies can be very fragile sometimes.

  25. My brother has a condition where when he doesn't get enough sleep he has a seizure. It's happened a couple times in the last year an a half and the Dr. ruled out seizures. Apparently everyone is capable of having a seizure due to lack of sleep but some of us are more susceptible than others. We bombard our bodies with minimal sleep and exercise and junk food and forget our bodies can be very fragile sometimes.

  26. I never thought I'd say this but I love Kelly (and Giuliana) on Fashion Police. She knows her designers and she's very kind, but tends to jump on a soap box and make speeches quite a bit, but they are usually speeches about positive body image so GO KELLY!

    The seizure was reported to have happened during filming of last week's show, yet I was surprised to see her on the show so I don't know if they continued filming or filmed the next day? She looked great, btw, exceptionally pretty. I was looking for signs and she does look a bit thin, so she might be dieting.

  27. It is really too bad that with all these media outlets needing to fill time and airspace we can't just wait until a celebrity feels ready to reveal the diagnosis rather than speculating endlessly.

  28. I sat with Kelly at an early morning event and she could not have been more engaging and sweet.

  29. After the respect I saw the judges AND the other participants had for her on DWTS I have always liked her. She seems very sweet although vulnerable which may contribute to some thinking she's a beyotch. Nice to hear that others have found her to be sweet. And I hope they get to the root of the problem and that it's nothing serious. Whatever the casr you know Sharon is right by her side. She adores all her children.

  30. I like Kelly, and I hope she doesn't have any serious health problems. I never watched the Osbournes, so I first noticed Kelly on DWTS. I thought she was sweet on that show, and I enjoy watching her on Fashion Police. She knows her fashion stuff, and always has intelligent comments. I wish her well.

  31. Many drugs (prescription & not) can lower the seizure threshold. There are some combinations of commonly abused meds that are known for this... I hope this is not the case (cause I like her!) but its not like she doesn't have a history, money and access. Relapse is quite likely and the excuse that she hasn't appeared to be intoxicated on Fashion Police doesn't mean she isn't dabbling again. You don't have to be abusing heavily to induce a seizure and many druggies can handle themselves well.

  32. She could also be very sick with meningitis or some form of encephalitis that causes seizures. Basically, any kind of fever in the brain or swelling can cause seizures. It's your body's way of responding when something isn't right. And epilepsy is nothing to be ashamed about if she does have it. Plenty of normally functioning people have it and control their seizures with medication.

    Heck, even my dog has epilepsy and we give her meds every day (even though she tries to spit them out and I have to clamp her mouth shut and do that whole "swallow!" command as I stroke her throat). Regardless, I hope Kelly gets the care she needs and isn't worried about how people will perceive her for it if she does. Her health is no one's business but her own.

  33. Agree the post does seem to hint that the seizure was due to drugs. This is not the first time its been hinted that Kelly is off the wagon. I hope not, although I'm sure she can be an entitled byatch, she really has grown on me on FP and I can't help but root for her. Also BTW who would of thought of all the reality shows of their day, The Osbournes would by and large turn out the most normal of them all?? Parents seem to be doing ok and are still married, Jack has his act together despite inevitable bumps as does Kelly, other sister who we don't know has kept it that way... hats off Osbournes, because I cannot think of a single other reality show from that day based on a family that is still intact.

  34. I think my personal offense at judgement of Kelly, is that she's no Lilo. She's not hurting anyone but herself, if she even is.
    That's why i feel like she owes us no explanation. Her every relapse needn't be for our digestion. That's jmo, when it comes to relatively decent celebs who work for their money. Like Kelly.

  35. There could be so many reasons she had a seizure,and prolonged hospitalization isn't uncommon. My best friend had one seizure and they kept her in for a week with tests. Sadly, she developed MS a few years later and Drs felt that it could have been the first sign of something wrong. Kellie's brother has MS. And while they say MS isn't hereditary, there are many times when more than one family member can have it. I hope this isn't what caused hers. My daughter also had a febrile seizure, which is just the body's way of reacting to a high fever.

  36. Anytime someone has a seizure some people think it's epilepsy, but seizure disorder covers a multitude of 'sins' some of which are never fully diagnosed. I know because I've had them since I was 12 for reasons unknown. Basically told, 'we don't know why it's happening, just take the meds if you want them to stop.' So I do, faithfully.
    I hope they figure out why Kelly's having them, but I doubt they do. I wish her a speedy recovery.

  37. I hate calling someone an "epileptic" because they have epilepsy. You wouldn't say "she is a osteoporotic" if there is low bone density or "he is an anemic" if he has low iron. I would however call someone an idiot if they were stupid. Stupid is a defining characteristic.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. The osbournes is the main reason she ever got famous, IMHO ...I never even watch dwts

  40. We have a pool going at the office on how long it takes before the truth (prescription drug overdoes FTW) about her "seizure" comes out.

    I've got weeks 4,5, and 6.
