Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Katy Perry & John Mayer Split - Again

For the second official time and the millionth unofficial time, or as many times as John Mayer cheated on Katy Perry, the pair have split. Apparently it is worthy of a People cover story. It must have been a slow week. I'm not sure what she expected from John Mayer. Was she expecting some guy who would only be interested in her? I guess this means that if Jennifer Aniston is not already married, that John Mayer is now available to be her wedding singer.


  1. They just reported this on the morning news in Cincinnati. Must be a slow news week all around.

  2. She probably got tired of having to do it on rubber sheets

  3. I don't think she expected much from him but fun. Well, there's our answer to the wedding blind, lol.

  4. That K-crapian business in the corner---Did mama PAY them to somehow compare Kim's & Duchess Kate's pregnancies---to even associate them w/ one another?
    smh...You WISH, you skank.

    1. @ Libby

      I was thinking the same thing. How dare the compare those two, Kate is gracious and naturally beautiful. Kim is, well, Kim...

    2. @Libby, seriously. A tale of two pregnancies, my a*.

  5. I wonder what douche bag she will find next.

  6. Why did Kneepads use a Lady GaGa song title for Katy Perry's breakup? GOD. They're so lazy!

  7. @libby - it's like in the cartoons - an angel on one shoulder, a devil on the other. I feel People has made quite the literary juxtaposition with that little blurb :-).

  8. Watch out, Rpatz.

  9. Oh no!!! *feigns shock*

  10. OT:

    Celebitchy has a NY Daily News article, about how the HammDong is causing a lot of work for AMC & the costumers on Mad Men, and they had to ask him to finally wear underwear, because the 60's suits are tight.

    I just had to bring this quote:

    "A quick Google search does show that the actor appears to go commando while not on set. There’s no shortage of images of him strolling down the street looking very healthy."

    Very healthy!

    1. Check Dlisted's headline "Free the Hammaconda"...

  11. I, for one, have not a single complaint about 'very healthy'!! :D

  12. Reese--You said it! haha

    The article also said Hamm 'knows what he's got...'

    I'll say.

  13. Everyone needs more health in their lives.

  14. Here's the NYDN story, with the quote:

    It's kinda cute how discreet they try to be with the 'big, distracting penis' news.

    1. @Libby That's great! "Imagine how distracting that would be on the side of a bus or a building." Hahahaha

  15. But John Mayer said he didn't feel like he was in a celebrity relationship with Katy! If those crazy kids can't make it, none of us will!

    Ok my dramatic monologue is over... for now.

  16. Here here to "very healthy". *raises glass*

    Oh Hammbone, how we love you!!!

    And I still have yet to watch one episode of Mad Men *ducks* I know, I know. Get thee to the Netflix.

    And I have no real comment about Katy P. She needs to take a break from The Menz for awhile. It's one thing to play. It's another to think you're the one who will restrain John Mayer into a serious committed relationship. That boy will never settle down.

  17. @Lotta - we need to find a quiet thread sometime today to discuss PLL! Super annoyed about the finale.

  18. @Cathy- ok! Just tell me where & when.

  19. @Cathy & @Lotta- I'm in.

  20. Maybe the teen mom thread? Is anyone commenting there?

  21. i'm sorry but i do not believe that jennifer aniston asked her ex boyfriend to sing at her wedding. come on now.. sure, its john mayer but thats her EX BOYFRIEND. I dont know of anyone woman who would do that.

  22. Let's let it be up for a full half hour and then if no one has commented, we take our conversation over there! Don't want to spoil for anyone who hasn't seen it yet!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Totally.
    Kate's baby's grandmothers are Diana, PoW; and HM Elizabeth II.

    Kim's baby's grandmothers? Kris Jenner and Kanye's mom.

    Oh, yeah...How could we miss the comparison?

  25. The only thing I can figure, since Katy doesn't appear to be mentally deficient, is that she must think he's extraordinarily good in bed. Can't think of any other reason she'd have been back with him in the first place.

  26. I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!

  27. Nice reveal on the wedding singer blind Enty!

  28. I was in "The Wal-Marts" yesterday and Katy Perry's perfume was in the discount bin for, like, $4.00 I think. So was Shakira's and two of P Diddly's.

    Oh and I saw this (this is for Libby): JLow Mouth Breather It was a big ol' make up display with her and that cat/mouth breathing face she makes.

  29. Yes Mango..Everyone knows that nothing says zexy like parted lips.

    Yawn..So they broke up. News would be if John ever stuck with someone longer than 5 minutes.

  30. good point Enty! He is SOOO singing at Jen's wedding!
