Katie Holmes Wants More Kids
Not only has Katie Holmes been getting naked for ads in the past few months, she also got naked for Allure and told them she wants more kids. Well, she is open to the idea. Then again, she also says she is open to the idea of becoming an attorney. Considering how successful her acting career is as of late, that might be something she should consider. I wonder if she is considering Josh Hartnett or Chris Klein to be the father of said unborn child. Is anyone surprised she has not at least had dinner with Josh Hartnett since she split with Tom Cruise? I wonder if he made some deal not to interact or come into contact with Katie ever again because he never seems to run out of money to travel the world, despite not a lot of acting. If there is no confidentiality agreement, then I am wondering if he really is the father of Suri, because don't you think he would have at least wanted a lunch or dinner with the pair? A reunion with Katie just for old times sake to see how she is doing.