Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kate Upton Crushes Soul Of Teen

Kate Upton was not too busy to make sure she got as much publicity as possible from the 17 year old  teen asking her to be his prom date. Kate was everywhere. Now, very very quietly she has told the teen she is far too busy to actually be his date to the prom. You know, because she can't control her schedule or take a day off with three months notice. That is so lame. It is not like he asked her the day before. Kate is losing a lot of points now. She should have told him before going on television or at least on air. Instead, she made everyone believe she would be going and then crushed him.


  1. Definitely not a surprise. Poor kid. He should as out another super model. I nice one.

  2. IMO using videos to ask out celebrities is lame.

    1. @FSP - totally. Way better to hide in the bushes and wait until they're alone so you can ask in person. You're pretty much guaranteed to get a date that way. Granted, having your first date in court pretty much eliminates you getting even to first base. Although some would say that a little taser action is a small price to pay to kiss a celebrity. Life is all about priorities and the jury is still out on tasers and permanent neurological damage. And that felony.

    2. @Lucas - that's how we did it back in the good old days.

    3. @FSP - ahhh nostalgia. The kids today have no idea how easy they have it.

    4. @Lucas and @FSP You two are a freakin' riot! :-D

  3. If she was going to use it as publicity she should have said yes. This makes her look bad. I think her brains fell down into her t*ts.

  4. Poor form Kate. No one likes a tease. No one!

  5. I doubt seriously he's crushed, IIRC she was really non-committal about it on TV. But if three months isn't enough lead time...my schedule is wide open for September, Kate. Call me? Maybe?

  6. Of course she should/could have gone - it's just one night. Then again, I'm not crazy about people making all sorts of proposals and putting them on You Tube. The kid had to know there was a 50-50 chance she would go.

  7. I think it's ridiculous for people to expect that she go to this kid's prom. The kid made a video, made it on the Today Show (or whichever show it was) and got to talk to a supermodel. That's pretty damn good.

    Celebrities can't say yes to every thing like this. Would she be worse if she had ignored the video completely?

    Also, prom isn't like the Marine Corps ball. It's a high school event and something that a lot of girls look forward to as some magical thing (it's not, but girls tend to idealize it). Can you imagine having to share that night with a supermodel?

    1. Karen, that's exactly what I'd thought too. High school was awkward enough. I can't imagine sharing the stage with a Kate Upton

  8. Poor little 17 YO needs to get over it, this is one of the few instances I ever feel sorry for a celebrity, it was in poor taste for him to ask her the way he did. was he naive enough to really think she would go? Peoples sense of entitlement is rediculous.

  9. Well, I see both sides of this: Upton looks bad if she doesn't go, but it was lame of the kid to ask her publicly. It's manipulative to the ninth degree. I bet Upton won't go because she does not want more people doing this.

  10. I don't blame her one bit. I wouldn't want to go. This whole trend of asking celebrities to stuff is silly.

  11. ITA that she used this for her own image but why is this a thing now? So once the media picks up the story and a celeb who hasn't heard of the proposition gets asked about it, they're expected to oblige? If they say "I'll check my schedule" they come out looking like assholes who won't take a day off.... ex: Mila Kunis.

  12. Upton does not strike me as the brightest bulb in the box. I get the feeling there's a lot of air between her ears.

  13. You mean take a "day off" to go to some stranger's tacky prom? How stupid and presumptuous of him to expect a Sports Illustrated model to go out with him simply because he asks her out in a You Tube video. He needs to get a life and some perspective.

  14. Kids need to stop bothering famous people with this nonsense take your schoolmate or g/f if you actually have one like you're supposed to. And if you're too pathetic to get someone appropriate to go with you either go Aline or stay the hell home.

  15. I don't blame her for not going. If she goes to this kid's prom, she's setting herself up to be asked by every guy to go everywhere. And then people would really bitch at her for saying no ever if she said yes once or twice.

  16. Meanwhile there is probably some really nice girl who wld love to go to the prom with him. Pull your head out of the clouds, be a person, and ask a schoolmate.

  17. Losing points? She just gained a ton in my mind. Celebrities need not be held hostage to would-be fameballs and their youtube requests for dates. She handled it privately, and respectfully, and set a good precedent for not going along with these stunts.

  18. This whole "publicly blackmail a celebrity into accompanying me on a date" thing has gotten out of hand. I'm glad she said no.

  19. Just because you masturbate to a celeb/model's image does not mean she wants to go out with you or should go out with you.

  20. {golf clap}

    This is not a 1980s Patrick Dempsey movie. The Sports Illustrated model is not going to attend his prom, be swept off her feet, and immediately move him into her mansion and make him her manager with a Ferrari.

    A boy can dream, but don't make her out to be a villain for not fulfilling his fap fantasy.

  21. This is ridiculous. Why should she say yes. She is a grown woman and he is a kid in school. To me this whole ask a celeb out on a video thing is scary. The guy could be a major stalker with issues--maybe not in this exact case--but it can happen and here everyone is on the sidelines berating someone for declining.

  22. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Does anyone think the kid actually expected Kate to say yes? There probably was a small part of him that hoped she would, but he probably figured she wouldn't.

    I don't blame her for not going, mind you.

    He wanted 15 seconds of fame for talking to a model. He got what he wanted. No harm done.

    Glad to see that not having a 'real date' still makes one pathetic and demands staying at home. (sarcasm)

  23. Dang, Enty. You realize this kid got famous from asking her out? His two seconds of fame probably landed him an appropriate date.

    I think it was obvious on that morning show that she wsan't going to go. Good thing. It would have been inappropriate given their ages.

  24. I still don't understand her appeal

  25. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Totally agree with the comments from Karen on down.

  26. I don't think this makes Kate look bad. Is she expected to go out with every person who asks her out- privately or publicly? No.

  27. Really? She is the bad guy for saying No to being somewhat black mailed into going to a prom with some teenager?!?!
    Please, let the kid get a dose of reality that dreams don't always come true. This younger generation needs to get over the self entitlement bs.

    *cranky bitch all up in here

  28. Yeah, I'm with you guys that think she shouldn't have to go. That dude had a great thing happen to him. He got to talk to her, he was on all the stations doing interviews. Please. He will always have all that to remember.
    She looks like ScarJo there.

  29. She isn't under any obligation to go with someone she doesn't know and tried to emotionally blackmail her into a date.

  30. If I were Kate, there's no way in hell I'd put myself in some high school gym with horny teenaged boys that you just KNOW have been jerking off to her photos for the past year. No way.

  31. There was no reason at all that this model was obligated to fulfill that high school boy's fantasies. Frankly I think the asking out famous people is getting out of hand and they certainly aren't wrong for manufacturing a reason for not attending. Would you rather she just come out and say, "Sorry I've moved beyond high school and have no desire to be the main event for your prom"? Of course not. She never committed and let him down as nicely as possible. End of story.

  32. Not lame. I wish people would politely decline across the board before this whole 'ask a celeb out' nonsense gets anymore ridiculous.
    Prom is for teens- not a celeb's public image and someone's 15mins (of fame) story.

  33. Good for her. I wouldn't have responded at all.

  34. Yes, this trend is silly.

  35. Oh for the love of god. Why is she obligated to go just because some kid asked her? If she went, every kid everywhere would be asking her to do this shit. The veteran's ball thing was cute. This is just ridiculous. I'm glad she said no.

  36. ITA with those saying she shouldn't be blackmailed into it for fear of bad publicity. I just wish she had handled it better. Her manager should just have said she hasn't seen it, but she gets tons of requests and unfortunately can't respond to each individually.

  37. Why don't these kids spend time & energy on asking out girls from their own school?

  38. I'm really offended by people (looking at you, Enty) shitting on Kate Upton for saying no. When someone hits on a woman who isn't interested, she's immediately put into a no-win situation: If she ignores the request, she's a bitch. If she flat out says no, she's a bitch. If she's nice to him but then says no, she's a bitch for leading him on. So she must say yes in order to protect her reputation?? Ridiculous. Any moderately attractive woman has experienced this; doing it over YouTube and the news just magnifies it but it's the same damn phenomenon.

    Fully, fully agree with the other posters who want this absurd trend to end. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP.

  39. I fully agree with Jessi and saucyjane.

  40. Who cares? Kate Upton is a silly fad. In five years all the teenage boys (what's her fanbase again?) will drool over someone else. It's not like she is a talented celebrity. She can push her tits together and pout. If she could sing or do...anything then i would say they are probably too busy focusing on their craft. If your schtick is ME PRETTY then you better be gracious as hell.

    I think she should have sent him a free limo for that night or a free suit rental or whatever so he can take a bunch of friends. Pretending that you might go is the bitch move. A goodie basket and poster can still be tweeted for attention. She could even present it in her own youtube video. People that would be working at dairy queen if it weren't fot fans should be good to them.

  41. I am getting sick of this practice of asking out some celebrity via social media. Somehow it gets picked up and everyone talks about it. Now the celebrity has to be worried about the implications of saying yes and no. You don't know if it is genuine anymore so who cares? Just a PR stunt. Social blackmail. At this point this practice is played out and I like the celebrity more when they ignore it. Everyone should ignore these invitations.

  42. If a soldier or marine asks? And you ignore it, yes you are a piece of crap. They should have a sense of humor and appreciate their fans. I don't know why everyone acts like these are elite beings too busy consulting NASA. Most of their time is spent at beaches in bikinis. Most celebrities are just vacationing and being interviewed while you are working 9 to 5.

  43. I have different thoughts about this.

    In one part, I think she has done the best refusing the emotional blackmail this guy had made (if you come with me, I'll be the greatest in my school; If you don't come, people will think you are an awful person) never thinking about the bad publicity she could get.

    In the other part, I feel bad because my plans to make a video to ask her for sex if this worked have gone away.

  44. @alma so just because she is a celebrity she is obligated to go out with any soldier that asks her? Seriously?!

    1. No, but don't pretend you might. We all know her schedule isn't that full. She should have gracefully said no right away.

      Post a video. "I am honored that you asked me but will be away on location that day. I have sent you a signed picture of me and my boobies. Kisses!"

      She could have handled it better. Don't be a flaky jerk and just say no politely right away. It will also discourage others from asking if you give a firm No.

      But i know when justin timberlake and mila kunis went to marine dances they almost died! Poor babies. They must feel so blackmailed. I bet they still talk about how traumatic it was.

  45. The marine core ball was one thing, but a high school prom? It's better that she doesn't go and shuts down this whole fad now. Can you imagine if she went how many teens would start asking celebrities to the prom? Plus the girls wouldn't be too happy about her being there either, all of their dates would be focused on Kate and not them. She really couldn't win with this one, I'm glad she said no.

  46. I dont get Kate Upton at all. I can walk down any big city Aussie street and see five just like her.

  47. Oh whatever. She's not obligated to go to the prom with him. I'm sure he's still elated that he got to meet her, etc. He's a high school boy, I'm sure he was just thrilled she acknowledged his existence. (I mean that in the way that if Leonardo DiCaprio had spoken to me personally while I was in high school I would have been on Cloud 9 for years!)

  48. I'm surprised that Enty feels Kate Upton "has lost a lot of points" for not accepting a prom date from an unknown teenager.

    Is this the same Enty that always refers back to the murder of Rebecca Schaeffer by her stalker who was 19 years old whenever an actor is seeking a TRO? Schaeffer's killer was 16 when he started stalking her.

    That said...I don't think this kid is a stalker. I would hope (HA!) that he would have been vetted before getting TV coverage. Wait...was he asking via NBC? My bad.

    And I agree with others that this stupid trend needs to stop NOW.

  49. On a similar note, some kid on YouTube is asking the same favor from Jennifer Lawrence. At least he seems to have a good sense of humor about it. He's cute and funny, I don't see why he can't ask some regular girl at his school to prom instead of a celebrity who he may not even like if they met in person. And I agree with those people who said this kind of thing is silly and celebs don't owe their fans dates. It's not like the fan asked Kate Upton to sign a photo for him because he was dying and she turned him down - that would have been awful of her. This was not. What if he'd asked her to marry him or visit him in a hotel room and sleep with him? Obviously the line has to be drawn somewhere.


  50. I think you guys have it all wrong. Kate's being an absolute insufferable bitch for not going out with a guy who asked her out. She totally should go out with all guys who ask her out.

    Kate, want to go out with me?

  51. Good life lesson learned here.

  52. Why does Upton not going look bad? Granted she probably should have said no right away, but this asking celebs out on Youtube nonsense is just that -- nonsense. It was cute with the Marine and Kunis, but enough is enough. What did this kid expect to happen except a fake date that would have 1000 no touchy-touchy rules enforced by Upton's publicist, and Upton upstaging the regular girls at his school for PR purposes. One of the girls he probably should have asked out instead.

  53. Just because he doesn't mean she has to say yes. I'd have said no well before now though instead of stringing it out.

  54. You know what this whole.let's ask a celebrity to the ball, prom, big dance is getting old and had to end sometime. Can't blame Kate. It would have been very awkward anyway.

  55. @Henriette, +2 for both of your comments. In what entitled world does this kid live that he thinks his precious little video should score a date w/a woman he doesn't know?

  56. I'm sure the kid already has a date, he knew she'd have to decline...unless he's totally clueless and/or braindead.
