Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Justin Timberlake Does His Best Jimmy Fallon


  1. This man is so wasted on Jessica Biel. She has no sense of humor at all. He could have found a better beard, or contract or whatever that relationship is.

  2. I know there are lots of JT haters out there, but I think he's fab. Seriously, is it just me, or does he seem really likable? That BI the other day about the guy no one likes.....I just can't be convinced that this is him. At least Jimmy seems to like him! And five time SNL host....does a dick really get asked back that many times? (Stop it right now, Alec Baldwin haters!!)

  3. also, agree with @Annie Hall.....Jessica Biel? Really? I'd so rather see him with BritBrit. That would be a big fat mess of fun.

  4. I loved how adament Jimmy was that it wasn't a good impression. It was pretty good. :)

  5. I imagine this is how it is when they hang out
