Sunday, March 31, 2013

Justin Bieber's Pickup Lines

Apparently Justin Bieber was flirting with any Victoria's Secret model who would give him the time of day at the fashion show shoot back in November. One of the models, Jourdan Dunn gave an interview this weekend and said that after she accidentally flashed everyone at a rehearsal, Justin came up to her and said, "You're really cute. You have nice t*ts." I guess he thought that line would work with the model, because you know, he is Justin Bieber and who doesn't like an 18 year old going on 12 who wears no shirt and diaper pants. Jourdan said she felt really awkward because he looks like a little boy.


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    What a little pig. Somebody really needs to give him a swirly in the public restrooms at the Port Authority Bus terminal.

  2. That sweet, androgynous look worked for him when he was a youngster, but now that he is getting a bit older, not so much. hehehe...

  3. I would kill for an opportunity to give this little turd one REALLY hard kick in the nuts.

  4. I can hear him grunting in the background of that pic with a full diaper. Ugh.

  5. The comment I see all the time about him is, "the douche is strong with this one"

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I love the part at the end "awkward because he looks like a little boy"! Ha! That's great. Its been a while since I've spent time with 18 year old guys but to my recollection most don't look like 12 year old lesbians in training.

  7. Don't all gentlemen tell ladies they have "nice tits"?

  8. Huh. Go figure. It's works like a charm for me! I jest!! But, really, can you blame him for trying? LOL Gotta work on the technique. And, the wardrobe, too. And, the manners. Oh shit, redo all the way, Justin!

  9. I thought his normal model pickup line was more along the lines of " How would you like to be my beard?"

  10. I bet Count Jerkula could have come up with 10 pick up lines I'd respond better to than this little dweeb's half assed attempt at "shock and awe". Tragic.
    And Happy Easter CDanners! Getting ready for Delores Park in SF. My bonnet is fierce and I can't wait for the Hunky Jesus contest!

    1. Tawdry LOVE your name! Welcome from a fellow Bay Area resident.

  11. I witnessed a guy tell a girl once she had nice areolas. And was shocked she didnt take it as a compliment! Lol. As for twerpboy, maybe his stupid mother can put it in her book.

  12. ...and you wonder why Canada wouldn't want him back...

  13. Lol. He is stupid, and I love it. He's a badass Rico Suave. Mess with him at your peril, people.

    Whew. Felt good to laugh like that. What a maroon. He's just so goddamn dumb.

  14. I think I see an Enty pattern. Yesterday there was a blind about a guy everyone thinks is gay asking out an occasional woman to watch him stick stuff up his butt - then today he has a comment story about the same guy. I guess it would have been too easy to guess yesterday if he had put in additional clue that his posses usually watches/participates also - lit'twist and the rest of pirates.

  15. So...if he didn't look like a little boy (girl) it would NOT be awkward to have someone walk up to you and say that? Weirdo.

  16. If you're referring to the post below this one, Dale, I really doubt one has anything to do with the other. There are lots of closet cases in Hollywood!

  17. Remember that photo of Bieber in the wings stage prop? Where he looked like a massive grey fallen angel (Satan I guess)? The wings were made of guitars, and the photos was from that concert where he made kids wait until 5 minutes before the scheduled end time before he appeared. I've always wondered if he got the idea for that prop from the Victoria's Secret show with the Victoria's Secret angels. Just a weird aside, I know, but still, I keep meaning to ask if anyone else noticed.

  18. I don't know why, but I think of Buzz Lightyear lingerie when I see this photo.

  19. @mistang, me too! But then I have a five year old completely obsessed with the Toy Story movies.

    I would've patted him in the head and laughed at the little boy trying to act manly. How did Selena put up with this idiot for so long?

  20. I'm just slamming Biebs Cee Kay:))
    It's fun!

  21. @Puggle, the truth is they all think it. If it's true.

  22. good for Jourdan now if only even 40 year old men said that about 18 year old women hitting on them, yeah I know never going to happen

  23. I think Selena put up with it because Selena got attention for it. I'm not sure but wasn't there a blind about a tweener breaking up with her boyfriend finally? If her new movie bombs, though, she might get back with him for publicity. Of course I could completely be imagining this cause it just seems like it would be a blind item. Haha! Too many in my head.

  24. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I don't think I could help myself from cracking up if he tried talking to me. I'd probably just start rolling on the floor laughing hysterically.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.


    He's a little freaktard and I wish his bodyguard would let him go and we could watch someone beat the carp outta him.

  27. I think it's sweet. She was probably all embarrassed over accidentally flashing everyone, but then the Biebs came in to reassure her that her tits are indeed nice.

  28. I like to use the term LOG OF FAG to describe Beiber,

  29. Why didn't he just go with, "I'll go down on you for 4 1/2 hours."

  30. Haha. This is too funny. She should have pat him om his widdle haid.

  31. Too bad all your daughters, and some sons, LOVE HIM...
